www.ssoar.info Annual Policy Report 2011 Mayer, Matthias M.; Schneider, Jan; Müller, Andreas Veröffentlichungsversion / Published Version Forschungsbericht / research report Empfohlene Zitierung / Suggested Citation: Mayer, M. M., Schneider, J., & Müller, A. (2012). Annual Policy Report 2011. (Annual Policy Report / Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ)). Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl (FZ); Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) Nationale Kontaktstelle für das Europäische Migrationsnetzwerk (EMN). https://nbn- resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-68281-6 Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Weiterverbreitung - keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Redistribution - no modifications). 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Annual Policy Report 2011 by the German National Contact Point for the European Migration Network (EMN) Co-financed by the European Commission Annual Policy Report 2011 by the German National Contact Point for the European Migration Network (EMN) Federal Office for Migration and Refugees 2012 4 Exekutive Summary 5 Executive Summary The 2011 Policy Report by the German National Act to Combat Forced Marriage and Improve Pro- Contact Point for the European Migration Net- tection of Victims of Forced Marriage and amend work (EMN) provides an overview of the most im- other Residence and Asylum Directives. This portant political discussions and developments in Act allows the issuance of a residence permit for migration, integration and asylum in the Federal youths and adolescents with long-term exceptio- Republic of Germany for the year 2011. The report nal leave to remain if they are enrolled in or have focuses in particular on measures enacted by the successfully completed school and positive integ- Federal Republic of Germany for implementing ration can be reasonably ensured. In addition, the the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum Act is designed to create better protection options and the Stockholm Programme of the European for the victims of forced marriage. Council (a separate report on implementing concrete goals is in the appendix to this report). Act to Improve the Assessment and Recognition of These measures are supplemented by additional Professional Qualifications Obtained Abroad (a.k.a. laws and initiatives by the Federal Government Recognition Act). This Act facilitates the integra- in the areas of migration, integration and asylum. tion of persons with foreign professional qualifi- Furthermore, the report describes the general cations into the labour market, and thereby their structure of the political and legal system of Ger- integration into society. many, and outlines the most important political and institutional changes of 2011. Launching of the European Visa Information System (VIS) as well as enacting the Act to Create a Central Visa Warning File in Germany. These mea- Central migration, integration and asylum debates of sures are intended among other issues to hinder 2011 pertained to the following topics: human trafficking, prevent irregular migration and improve internal security. Lack of skilled workers, decline in labour force potential and facilitation of the immigration of Enacting by the Federal Government to sub- skilled foreign workers. mit a draft bill to implement the EU directive on the conditions for entry and residence for Refugees and asylum, human rights situation in third country citizens pursuing highly qualified Syria, permanent right of residence regulation for employment (a.k.a. EU Blue Card or Guideline for foreigners with exceptional leave to remain as well Highly-qualified Manpower). Following the bill, the as suspension of transfers to Greece. Federal Government enacted additional measures to facilitate the immigration of skilled workers and The Federal Republic of Germany has enacted a num- students from third countries. ber of legal amendments/political initiatives throug- hout 2011; these include the following measures: Act to Implement Residence Directives of the European Union and Amend National Legisla- tion to the EU Visa Code (a.k.a. Second Directive Implementation Act). This Act implements e.g. the EU Repatriation Directive and the EU Employer Sanctions Directive. 6 Table of Contents 7 Table of Contents Executive Summary 5 Abbrevations 12 Figures 14 Tables 14 1 Introduction: Purpose and Methodology 15 2 General Structure of the Political and Legal System in Germany 18 3 General Developments Related to Asylum and Migration 22 4 Legal immigration and Integration 29 5 Illegal Immigration and return 42 6 Border Control 51 7 International Protection and Asylum 56 Unaccompanied Minors and Other Groups in Need of Particular 8 Protection 61 9 Global Approach to Migration 64 Implementation of EU Legislation 67 10 Annex on Commitments in the Europian Pact and Stockholm Programme 71 8 Table of Contents Table of Contents Executive Summary 5 Abbreviations 12 Figures 14 Tables 14 Introduction: Purpose and Methodology 15 1 1.1 Methodology 16 1.2 Terms and Definitions 17 General Structure of the Political and 2 Legal System in Germany 18 2.1 General Structure of the Political System and Institutional Context 18 2.2 General Structure of the Legal System 19 General Developments Related to Asylum 3 and Migration 22 3.1 General Political Developments 22 3.2 Main Policy and/or Legislative Debates 24 3.3 Institutional Developments in the Area Migration, Asylum and Integration 27 Table of Contents 9 Legal immigration and integration 29 4 4.1 Economic migration 29 4.1.1 Background and General Context 29 4.1.2 National Developments 30 4.1.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 31 4.2 Family reunification 32 4.2.1 Background and General Context 32 4.2.2 National Developments 32 4.2.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 33 4.3 Other Legal Migration 34 4.3.1 Background and General Context 34 4.3.2 National Developments 35 4.3.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 36 4.4 Integration 36 4.4.1 Background and General Context 36 4.4.2 National Developments 38 4.4.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 39 4.5 Citizenship and Naturalisation 40 4.5.1 Background and General Context 40 4.5.2 National Developments 41 4.5.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 41 Illegal Immigration and return 42 5 5.1 Illegal Immigration 42 5.1.1 Background and General Context 42 5.1.2 National Developments 43 5.1.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 45 5.2 Return 46 5.2.1 Background and General Context 46 5.2.2 National Developments 47 5.2.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 48 10 Table of Contents 5.3 Actions against human trafficking 49 5.3.1 Background and General Context 49 5.3.2 National Developments 50 5.3.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 50 Border Control 51 6 6.1 Control and Surveillance at External Borders 51 6.1.1 Background and General Context 51 6.1.2 National Developments 51 6.1.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 52 6.2 Cooperation with Respect to Border Control 53 6.2.1 Background and General Context 53 6.2.2 National Developments 53 6.2.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 53 International Protection and Asylum 56 7 7.1 Background and General Context 56 7.2 National Developments 57 7.3 Developments from the EU Perspective 59 Unaccompanied Minors and Other Groups 8 in Need of Particular Protection 61 8.1 Background and General Context 61 8.2 National Developments 63 11 Global Approach to Migration 64 9 9.1 Background and General Context 64 9.2 Developments from the EU Perspective 65 Implementation of EU Legislation 67 10 10.1 Transposition of EU Legislation in 2011 67 10.2 Experiences, debates in the (non-)implementation of EU legislation 69 Annex on Commitments in the European Pact and Stockholm Programme 71 12 Abbreviations Abbreviations AA Federal Foreign Office ABG Automated and Biometrically Supported Border Control AG Rück Return Working Group (IMK Subgroup) ASMK Conference of State Labour and Social Development Ministers AufenthG Residence Act AufenthV Residence Ordinance AVwV General Administrative Ordinance AZR Central Foreigner Registry AZRG Central Foreigner Registry Act BAMF Federal Office for Migration and Refugees BASFI
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