American Mineralogist, Volume 73, pages 189-199, 1988 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Fn-lNx C. H,lwrHonNn Department of Earth Sciences,University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2, Canada EnNsr A. J. Bunxn Instituut voor Aardwetenschappen,Vrije Universiteite, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam, Netherlands T. Scorr Encrr Mineral SciencesDivision, National Museum of Natural Sciences,Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0M8, Canada Eowlnn S. Gnnw Department of GeologicalSciences, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469, U.S.A. Jorr, D. Gnrcp Mineral SciencesDivision, National Museum of Natural Sciences,Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0M8, Canada JonN L. Juvrson CANMET, 555 Booth Street,Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0G1, Canada Jlcnx Puzrnwtcz Institut ftiLrKristallographie und Petrographie, Universit?it Hannover, Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany ANonnw C. Rospnrs GeologicalSurvey ofCanada, 601 Booth Street,Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0E8, Canada Dllro A. V,lNxo Department of Geology, Georgia StateUniversity, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, U.S.A. Alacranite* orescent,with imperfect cleavageon {100}. Indentation micro- hardnessis 69 kglmm'?(20-g load), and H : 1.5. In transmitted V.I. Popova, V.A. Popov, A. Clark, V.O. Polyakov, S.E. Bori- light the mineral is orange-yellow,biaxial positive, a: 2.39(l), sovskii ( I 986) Alacranite AsrSr-A new mineral. Zapiski Vses. : gray with Mineralog.Obshch., 115, 360-368 (in Russian). t 2.52(2), nonpleochroic. In reflected light, light rose-yellow internal reflection. Reflectance values (nm, Analysis by electron microprobe (average)gave As 67.35, S Ri, Ri) are 400,14.0,13.0;425,14.6,13.2; 450,14.8,13.3; 32.61, sum 99.96 wto/0,yielding the formula AsrrrSror,ideally 475,r 4.8,13.4; 500, 14.5, I 3.3; 525,14.3,r3.I ; 550,I 4.5,I 3.2; AsrSr. There is no visible reaction with HCI or HNOr. In 5M 575,r 4.7,r3.4; 600, 14.8, I 3.5; 625,14.9,13.6;650, I 5.0,I 3.7; KOH, the mineral turns brown; on heating it then disintegrates 675,1 5.0, I 3.8;700, I 5.I, I 3.90/0. into brown-gray flakes and prolonged boiling turns these flakes The name is for the earliest describedoccurrence. Type ma- dark brown. The melting temperaturein air is 350 + 5 .C. terial is at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscow, and X-ray studiesshow the mineral to be monoclinic, spacegroup the Il'menskii PreserveMuseum, Miass. D.A.V. P2/c,a: 9.89(2),b:9.73(2), c : 9.13(1)A, B : tOt.t+(Sf, Z: 2, D*rc: 3.43,D-, 3.43 + 0.03.The strongestlines (29 ": given) are 5.91(90Xlll), 5.11(80X1ll), 4.05(70Xll2), Althupite* 3.2e1(s0x022). 3.064(r 00x3 l 0), 2.9 50(90)(222). (1987) and aluminum phosphates The mineral occurs with realgar and usonite as flattened and P. Piret, M. Deliens Uranyl from Kobokobo. Althupite, AlTh(uoJlGJo,)3o(oHXPo.)J'- prismatic grainsup to 0.5 mm across,serving as cementin sandy (OH)r. l5HrO, a new mineral. Propertiesand crystal structure. gravel in the Uson caldera, Kamchatka. An earlier-described Bull. Min6ral., ll0, 65-72 (in French). occurrenceof the mineral, although it is not as well character- ized, is in the Alacran deposit, Pampa Larga, Chile. There, the The averageof l0 electron microprobe analysesgave AlrOt mineral is associatedwith realgar, orpiment, native As and S, 1.75,ThO, 10.25,UO3 68.22,P'Os 9.86, and HrO (ditrerence) stibnite, pyrite, greigite,arsenopyrite, arsenolamprite, sphalerite, 9.92 wto/o,which compareswell with the calculatedvalues of the and acanthite,within barite-quartz-calciteveins. Crystalsofala- structural formula given above. cranite have pinacoidal prismatic habit, somewhat flattened on X-ray powder-diffraction studies and the structure determi- [100].Major formsare {100},{l l1}, and {l1l}; minor or weak nation on a single crystal show the mineral is triclinic, space parallel forms are {l 10}, {011}, {41l}. Striations to [001] occur sroup PI, a : 10.935(3),b : 18.567(4),c: 13.504(3)A, a : on {100} faces. The remaining faces appear dull or tarnished. 72.64(2),0 : 68.20(2\,t : 84.2r(2), V : 2434(I) A', z : 2. Luster is adamantine,greasy, streak is orange-yellow,fracture is The strongestX-ray diftaction lines (39 given) are I 0. 2( I 00)( I 00), conchoidal and very brittle. The mineral is transparent,nonflu- 6.67(40)(r 20), 5.80(5 0X t 2 I ), 5.08(70X200), 4.9| (40)(22t), 4.4r(so)(22r,123),4.07 (40)(140), 3.395(40X300), 3.07 l(40X06 l), * Minerals marked with an asteriskwere approved before pub- 3.000(408), (342,30 l), 2.8 96(50X044, 324). The refined crystal lication by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names structure (R : 0.082 for 4220 reflections) consists of of the International Mineralogical Association. (UOr)3O(OHXPO)J;'- layersthat characterizethe phosphuran- 0003-004x/88/0I 02-0 I 89$02.00 189 190 NEW MINERAL NAMES ylite structure group. Layers are connectedby two joined octa- of iron and chromium - Chromferideand ferchromide.Zapiski hedra around Al, one tri-capped trigonal prism around Th, and Vses.Mineralog. Obshch., 115, 355-360 (in Russian). one pentagonalbipyramid around U. Analysisby electronmicroprobe gave Fe 88.91(88.71-89. 12), Althupite occursas thin, transparentyellow tablets,with max- Cr 11.30(11.06-11.55), Si not observed,sum 100.21(100.18- imum length 0. I mm along {00 I } and flattenedon ( I 00). D^*" = 100.26)wt0/0, yielding a suggestedformula of Fe'rCrorlor, or 3.9(1) and D".k : 3.98 g,/cm3.Optically it is biaxial negative;o Fe, rCror-", where E representsvacancy. : r.620(3),P : r.66r(2),t : r.665(2),2v^" 3t(3)',2v"il.: ": X-ray study shows the mineral to be isometric, spacegroup 34'; pleochroism, X pale yellow, Y and Z darker yellow; disper- Pm3m, a : 2.859(5)A, Z: t, D",": 6.69.The lines(7 given) sion, strongr < v, X = [l00], Z A c = 15. are2.87 (20)Q00), 2.02( I 00XI i 0), 1.656( 1 0X I 1I ), 1.43(80X200), The mineral occurs in a pegmatite with beryl and columbite 1.28(50X120),l. l6(100x21 1), r.0l(70x220). at Kobokobo, Kiku, Zaire. The name alludes to the chemistry. The mineral occurs as small grains (of submicrometer size; Type material is depositedin the Mus6eroyal de I'Afrique central, aggregatesto hundreds of micrometers) in quartz veins within in Tervuren, Belgium. J.D.G. brecciatedamphibolite and schist of the southern Urals. Asso- ciated minerals include native iron, copper, bismuth and gold, Bobfergusonite* ferchromide, graphite, metal carbide (cohenite), halite, sylvite, T.S. Ercit, A.J. Anderson, P. Cern!, F.C. Hawthorne (1986) and Cl-rich scapolite (marialite). Chromferide is opaque, light Bobfergusonite:A new primary phosphatemineral from Cross gray, ferromagnetic,with metallic luster and no cleavage.Mi- Lake, Manitoba. Can. Mineral.,24, 599404. crohardness(100-9 load) is 260 + l0 kglmm'?,with weakly con- cave indentation shape. Reflectancevalues in air are (nm,o/o): -ec Microprobe, Mossbauer spectroscopy,and rcn analysesgave 440,50.4;460,5r.4; 480,50.9; 500,52.6; 520,53.0; 540,55.3; Na,O 6.8, MgO 0.3, CaO 1.2,MnO 31.7,FeO 0.3, ZnO O.l, 560,56.5; 580,56.9; 600,57.9; 620,58.3; 640,59.0; 660,60.0; Alro3 7.5, FerO, 6.9, P,O,45.2, HrO 0.3, total 100.3wt0/0. The 680,60.7;700,60.8; 7 20,61.7 ;'7 40,61.9. semiempirical formula, (Na, orMnorrCa" roE, ro)-(Mn, u, Al, rr- The name is for the chemical composition. Type material is Feoff,MgoorFefir'zlnoo,)*Prr,(O236eOH03,)r2o @asis 24 (O + OH), at the FersmanMineralogical Museum, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, consideredwith crystal-structuredata, gives the ideal formula Moscow.D.A.V. NarMnrFe*3Al(POn)uand Z : 4. Chemically distinct from mem- bers ofthe wyllieite and alluaudite groups. Ellenbergerite* Bobfergusoniteis monoclinic, spacegroup P2r/n, with a : 12.773(2),b: 12.486(2),c: 11.038(2)A, B:97.15". The C. Chopin, R. Klaska, O. Medenbach, D. Dron (1986) Ellen- strongest lines of the X-ray powder pattern (53 given) are bergerite, a new high-pressureMg-Al-(Ti,Zr)-silicate with a 3.054(r 00x4r l ), 2.869(66X 4 | r), 2.712(49)(042), 2. 508(5 3) novel structurebased on face-sharingoctahedra. Contrib. Min- (432,024,4r3),2.082(67)(610,060), and 1.575(43X046,802).The eral. Petrol..92. 316-321. mineral is structurally relatedto both the wyllieite and alluaudite The phengitequartzite layer of the Dora Maira crystallinemas- group of minerals, and all three have very similar powder pat- sif, western Alps, locally contains near-end-member pyrope terns. The structural types can be readily distinguished on the megacrysts,some of which exceed20 cm in diameter. The garnet basis of precessionsingle-crystal (10/)* photographs. contains numerous mineral inclusions, among which ellenber- The mineral occursas abundant anhedral equant crystalsthat gerite makes up to a few modal percent of the megacrysts.El- rangein size from lessthan I mm to 1 cm long. Bobfergusonite lenbergeriteis typically millimeter-sized, anhedral, rarely as prisms is variable in color, ranging from green-brownto red-brown, is up to 10 mm long with a hexagonalcross section. Transparent, nonfluorescent,has a yellow-brown streak and a hardnessof 4, purple to lilac color with a few grains showing a pink or smoky is brittle, shows perfect {010} cleavage,and has a prominent core; vitreous luster, H : 6.5, fracture easy and brittle; D-*, : I I 00] parting.
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