per for 109 years Vol. 109 No. 43 socond clau postogo polel ot Mason, Michigan.' P.o. Box 226, Mason, Michigan 4~854 Mason city administrator accepts ~iob tn• ! Holland By HAYDEN PALMER !. /', News Staff Writer paymg a city tax of $15.72 per thousand of state . equalized valuation. 1n the years he has been here this has . living for Mason residents. William L. Bopf, Mason city administrator, today been reduced to $14.96 per thousand. The list of improvements is long. announced his resignation, effective · no later than Some of the more important progressive steps taken December 31. · Under Boprs administration the city has made many include: ·· steps forward with developments that have brought better Bopf has accepted a position as city manager of !See City Administrator, Page A·2) Holland, Michigan, a community of 30,000 in Allegan and Ottawa counties. He said he has accepted the post because "it is a very challenging professional opportunity with an increase in WILLIAM L. BOPF responsibility." - . The Mason official came here in 1966; residents were ; : For commercial vehicles, trailers • New license plates go on sale 'Hail to License plates for all commercial vehicles and trailers ·arc now on sale at the sccre.tary of state's Mason branch Secr.etary of State James H. Hare cautions early .plate the ,. office at the Joy 0. Davis insurance agency, 218 E. Maple ·buyers to make sure they have their vehicle certificates of · street, . title with them wheh applying for plates. "This year," he said, "we are back to the use of the vehicle title in the·· Passenger car plates will go on sale November 15. purchase of all license plates." Oueen' This marks the first full year of compliance with the Owners must also show proof of liability insurance and ·. new license law which sets different dates for commercial and passenger plate sales. have enough money tp pay for their plates. Prepared license plate applications for aU commercial ; CORONATION-·Kris *** and trailers were mailed out to owners of record, 5aid · Rinker and Mil<e Johnson ALL 1969 pia tcs, except those on motor cycles and Hare. He said that nearly 530,000 prepared applications were crowned Mason's passenger cars, will expire on February 28, 1970. were sent out for commercial vehicles and 473,000 for football homecoming royalty Passenger car plates of 1969 will expire on March 31, trailer plates. · 1970. Friday night prior to the During the fiscal year which closed last June 30, Mason·Holt football game. The plates this year are gold and white-white letters commercial vehicles registered in Michigan totaled Placing the crown on Kris is and numerals on a gold background. These are the school 512,500. Trailers of all types numbered more than ' the 1968 football queen, Miss · colors of Oakland university at Rochester, Michigan. 489,000. Patt Clipper. The evening , ·. Plates for 1970 will bear three letters and three included a parade, the : mi~erals instead. of the two letters and four numerals Ath I t• b . f coronation, special marching wluch have been muse for many years. e IC OOS er band performance, the game THE MASON numbers will start with FHH-001 and go . and a dance following. 00 ..·::; p"/ij~got,'r!li'&~~~;~~~"' """ woWd FH)>OO!~p>'''' i .-~' ~. "'''9iOUP1sfOrm rig . :· . Plans have been set in· motion for the formation of a Mason Athletic Booster club. • An organizational meeting for all parents and citizens interested in the betterment of Mason's athletic programs has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 21, at the high school cafeteria beginning at 7:30p.m. · * *"' ACCORDING to Robert Cone, school athletic director, To Cost $118,000 the programs at Mason have grown to. the extent that more persons are needed to help administer and promote ' athletics. "The school feels that it would be a great benefit to County supervisors approve the school system and athletic programs, if more people would become involved in school activities," Cone said. "I am hqping the Booster Club will be willing to take over the promotion of athletic banquets, awards, athletic programs, concessions and possibly the sale of season raises for Ingham employes tickets. The school no longer has the staff or time to A delegation of 80 Ingham county employes was on handle the large number of problems such as theso · hand to hear supervisors unanimously approve an THIS INCREASE is not the only pay raise that · required to make a progressive athletic program work amended paYi 1 schedule for employes represented by the employes can look forward to, for many will take a step properly." · county association Tuesday night. increase on their anniversary employment dates, according * *"' The new salary package will cost the county an to Personnel Chairman Ted W. Fay. PURPOSE of the club will be to support athletics and estimated $118,000. Other changes in the employes' package includes added ·cooperate with coaches and school administrators in · Increases were <granted on a spiraling scale so as to: sick benefits. The extremes of the sick leave are six days obtaining the best athletic program possible, the director ' benefit the employes who had worked for the county the for employes of one year and 18 days annually for 10 said. longest. · · year and over employes. Those attending the organizational meeting will Employes arc also able to accumulate 240 days of sick consider the adoption of a constitution and the election The salary schedule was ·.changed. s9 that a new leave, with the number raised from 65 to 80 days that of officers. employe would receive an automatic $50 raise, six-month employe, $75; one and two-year employes, $100 with the they can be paid for, in the event of retirement. For an rest of the raises going up by $100 to the maximum of six employe to accumulate 240 days of sick leave he or she years and over in service receiving $500. would have to work con'tinuously for 20 years without 3 walk out ISee Supervisors, Page A·21 Supervisors squelch PICTURE PRETTY·- Young Miss Susan Schoen makes a pretty model to displa,y the new license plates. The bottom plate is the new auto plate featuring the three letters along with three numbers. This will be the first bid for moratorium plate to go on sale in November in the Mason office. Ingham county supervisors soundly defeated a ' resolution recognizing the "Moratorium to End the War" October 15, following a walkout by three members of the The weather; just cold board Tuesday evening. Supervisors David C. Hollister, Lansing, and Thomas There is very little to cheer about the weather during Helma, East Lansing, proposed a resolution which would the next five days. It's going to be cold with temperatures averaging 10 degrees below the normal high of 61 and the authorize county employes to participate in the moratorium. Quickly on the heels of the motion was a normal low of 40. It will turn colder the first of next move to t~ble the resolution by Charles P. White, Okemos week and showers are likely the latter part of this week. supervisor. Precipitation probabilities are 30 percent tonight and ' 60 percent on Thursday. Tonight and Thursday will be The move to table was supported with the effect of cloudy and a little warmer. having Hollister, Helma and Grady Porter, Lansing supervisor, walk out of the meeting as a form of protest. ::;;:::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::~ In opposing the move to table Porter indicated that ~ » "people deserve the opportunity to freely discuss all issues ~ ~ brought before the board." ~~1 rA NEW DRESS . .. ' !1il Harold Pletz, East Lansing supervisor; moved the resolution be removed from the table a little later in the meeting indicating that perhaps the board had acted I Your NEWspaper~ hastily and should give the issue consideration. ;!; ·· The Ingham County News cOmes to. you today in a:~! White indicated that it was not the county board's :!: _bright new dress. ;::: ·responsibility to attempt to solve ·the problems of the !;! . Research has shown that. the use of the sans serif.!!; nation nor contradict the position of the President. The ::; Futura type for headlines makes the paper easier to read!:~ resolution was then defeated. *and to fmd stories of interest. :::; l!l T~ere will be further improvements, all designed to!!l! : proVIde readers of the Ingham County News with the best;::: On the Inside • in both information and service. ~! Church Page ....... _.· A·IO Magazine . .. .. • .. .. A-5 . The editor and management of the Ingham County:~: Editorials .........•.• A-4 Obituaries .........•.. A-2 'Ne~. wish to provide a modern u~to-date look by!!!! Farm Page .....•...• , A-14 1 Society ..•••.•..•. A-6-7-8 ;: buildmg on the high traditions in which the newspaper:!:! Features ... ; .. ; ...... A-3 Sports .. -.... ~ ...... B-4-5 FIRST PARKING LOT ·- The newly formed Mason Parking Authority completed its first downtown off·street · :'• was founded, .· . · · :-;: Legals • , ..... ~ ..... - B-8 Teen News •.• ; ... ; ... B-6 parking lot project this week with the paving of a lot just north of the Maple-Park streets inter5ection; The new lot is to .• ·::::~:·:·:·:·:·••••••..··:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·~:·:·:·:·:·:~:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:-:·:·:-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·~~: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••Y~ be lined and lighted in the near future and provide space for 15 to 18 cars. Supervising the paving operation are Mason Classified Ads •••. • 14 TAB . businesSmen Warner Kean (right) and Val DeRosa. I· Adrn inistrator to leave (Continued from Pugu One) _ Construction of a 1iew pollee and fire buildi~g. Maril.yn Ruth. Lan.tis Master street tree planting plan. developed and now The city now is in the middle of a total re-assessment being implemented. · program .. an.d .has .. emrloyed a full .time 'city Services were held on October 9 for Mrs.
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