T H E ELATOR Vol. 26, No.2, February 2012 • HALF-FIGURE OF THE KING: UNRA VELING THE MYSTERIES OF THE EARLIEST SIGLOI OF DARIUS I • A MAGNENTIAN HOARD FROM BRIDGNORTH, SHROPSHIRE~ ENGLAND Visit www.TomCederlind.com .. , air: III ~ III '-' TIBERIUS. E 14-37 AD. Brass Sestertius. o I- ... or call for a complimentary catalog .... i TOM CE DE RLIND NUMISMATICS & ANTIQUITIES PO Box 1963, Dept. C (503) 228-2746 Portland, OR 97207 Fax (503) 228-8130 www.TomCederlind.com/[email protected] Vol. 26, No.2 The delator'" Inside The Celator'" ... February 20 12 Consecutive Issue No. 296 Incorporating Roman Coins alld Culture FEATURES PublisherlEditor Kerry K. WeUerstrom [email protected] 6 Half·Figure of the King: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Earliest Sigloi of Darius I Associate Editors by Wif{iam E. Oaehn Robert L. Black Michael R. Mehalick 27 A Magnentian Hoard from Bridgnorth, Page 6 Shropshire, England For Back Issues From by Antony Wilson 1987 to May 1999 contact: Wayne Sayles [email protected] DEPARTMENTS Art: Parnell Nelson 2 Editor's Nole Coming Next Month Maps & Graphic An: 4 Letters to the Editor Page 27 Kenny Grady 34 Art and the Market P.O. Box 10607 ,fi)rofilc5 in l1umill"matics Lancaster, PA 17605 Tel/fax: 717-656-8557 35 Art and the Market (Office Hours: Noon to 6PM) For FedEx & UPS deliveries: 36 Coming Events Kerry K. Wetterslrom 87 Apricot Ave 41 AN T1Q!) !T! ES by David Liebert Leola, PA 17540-1788 42 <.!Coins of tbc 1hh~ ( c by David Hendin www.celator.com The Celator (ISSN .1048·0985) 44 The Internet Connection is an independent journal pub­ by Kevin Barry & Zachary "Beast" Beasley lished on the first day of each month at 87 Apricot Ave. Leola. PA 17540-1788.11 is circulated in­ 45 'through the £ ooking gla ss ternationally through subscrip­ About the cover: Im­ tions and special distributions. by Wayne G. Sayles Subscription rates, payable in age of a half-figure sig­ U.S. funds. are $36 per year (Pe­ 46 Cartoon los of Darius I (courtesy riOdical rate) within the United of Pars Coins), and oth­ States; $45 to Canada: $75 per Professional Directory year to all oltler addresses (ISAl). 47 er assorted images from Advertising and copy deadline is this month's featured Classifieds the first workday of each month for 53 article, which begins on the folJQwing month's issue. Unso­ licrted artides and news releases 53 On the Rood - The Celotor' s Show & Club Schedule page 6 (please see arti­ are welcome. however publication cle for image credits). cannot be guaranteed. Unless ex· pressly Slated. The Celatorneilher 54 Club & Society Directory endorses nor is responsible for the coolants of advertisements. leiters· 55 Index of Display Advertisers The Celator office to-the·editor, leatureartides. regu· lar columns and press releases in will be closed on its pages, including any opinions March 22nd_241h and stated therein, and the accuracy of ApriI2&h-291h • Check any data provided by its contribu· tors. Periodical postage paid the "On the Road" (USPS H006077) Lancaster. PA section (p,. 53) for fur­ 17604 and aOo'i"ooal ofIK:es. ther details. Office Copyright ©2011, PNP, Inc. hours are ] ormally Postmaster: please send Noon to 61'M ESj; address changes to: Please keep in mind P.O. Box 10607 that this is a one-per­ Lancaster, PA 17605-0607 son business when you're trying to reach FOUNDED 1987 BY me. Thank you! WAYNE G. SAYLES February 2012 1 EDITOR'S ", COMING NEXT '". MONTH NOTE ~.- IN THE CELATOR® The New York A "New" Bronze of International Nu - mismatic Conven­ Antigonos Gonatas tion (NYINC) was once again held by Walter C. Holt, M.A. during the first week of January at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York Demeter's Torch & The City, and I was fortunate enough to had to be the property of the Italian Mysteries of Eleusis government." attend for the 29'0 consecutive time. by Ceocge L. Beke T he NYI NC and the summer ANA The complaint did not make any mention of lot 1008, the Akragas de­ conventions are the only two coin con­ AND COMING SOON ventions that I can claim uninterrupt­ kadrachm. with a pre-sale estimate of ed attendance at since 1983. $2.5 million, and destined to be one From the Shekel Hakodesh This year's NYINC was very simi­ of the highlights of the auction. As this lar to the last few conventions: the issue goes to press, I have still not read to the Shekel of Israel market is still hot. especially for high­ or heard anything aboul why this coin by Gary M. Fine grade and rare Greek coinage; every was also confiscated. It was speculat­ auction held in conjunction with the ed that the Akragas dekadrachm would Pythagoras and the Incuse convention report- set a new record for a Greek coin, but Coins of Magna Graecia this was not the ed superb results; by John Francisco and the bourse was case. ThaI honor crowded with col­ "It was speculated that went to lot 213 in Numismatic Evidence of The New York Sale lectors and dealers Bishops' Symbols once the actual the Akragas dekadrachm Auction XXVII, coin show started would set a new record for a the amazing gold by Gary Wadctingham stater of Pantika­ on Thursday after- Greek coin, but this was not How to Read tlte noon. paion, which had a the case. That honor went 10 There was one pre-sale estimate of Legends on Coins of the thing slightly dif­ lot 213 in The New York Sale $650,000 and real­ Western Kshatrapas: ferent, though, at Auction XXVII, the amazing ized $3,802,50{). A Beginner's Guide th is year's NY­ If it turns out gold stater of Pantikapaion, by Pankaj Tandon INC- the U.S. gov­ that the govern­ ernment made an which had a pre-safe esti­ ment seized the A Unique Civic Seal appearance on mate of $650,000 alld real­ Akragas de­ of Colonia Ptolemais Tuesday at the lot ized $3,802,500." kadrachm without viewing fo r the any cause or justi- by Adolfo Eidelstein joint Nomos AGI fication, then per­ eNG, Inc . auction and seized two haps a lawsuit would be in order. In Astragaloi on Ancient coins, as well as detaining one of the any event, this incident certainly plac­ Coins: Game Pieces or principals of Nomos AG, Dr. Peter es the entire ancient coin collecting Agents of Prophecy? Weiss. The atmosphere of the show community on notice that the U.S . by Bekircan Tahberer was certainly more subdued after this government is watching us. and we event, partly because of the uncertain­ betler make sure that we are compli­ The Ancient City of Philippi, ty of what had actually occurred. Dr. ant with all current laws. Weiss, on the advice of counsel, did As an aside (0 the above comments. and the 'Eid Mar' Coinage not return to the convention, and the please read Wayne Sayles' column this by Mnvin Tameanko month for his views on the challenges U.S. government was not forthcoming Highlights of the Early with any details. facing our hobby, and one possible The following week the New York solution: self-regulation. Byzantine Coins in the County District Attorney's office re­ Back to the NY INC. Overall, il was Museum of Fine Arts, Boston another enjoyable and successful con­ leased a copy of the criminal com­ by Donald Squires plaint, where il was alleged that Dr. vention, and I certainly enjoyed talk­ Weiss "knew that coin 1009 (lot ing with my numismatic friends, both 1009 in the auction- a letradrachm of old and new! Mark your calendars now Katane estimated at $300,000) was for next year·s convention to be held 'freshly dug,' and that. therefore. il from January [0-13,2013. ([.he CelMM is 1\llmed tM ilnd dedicilted to the coin die-en;iZilUe'lS ot ilntiquit¥ ",hose ilzt "'mil ins ilS po"''''tul ilnd il ppeillin;i todil¥ ilS in thci'l o,.,n time. 2 The Celator Consign Your Ancient Coins to Stack's Bowers and Ponterio's Official Auction of the ANA WORLD'S FAIR OF MONEY August 1-11, 2012· Philadelphia, Pennsylvania· Consign by May 14, 2012 Stack's Bowers and Ponter io's 2011 aucti ons held in con junction with ma jor coi n conventions have realize d incredibl e prices fo r anci ent coins. Bel ow are just a few highlig hts from ou r Jan uary 2011 NYINC au ctio n and our Aug ust 2011 offic ial auctio n of the ANA World's Fai r of Mon ey. Caunus Stater. Cho ice Ext remely Fine. Bold Portraits of Julius Caesar Realized $16,520 in our & Mark Antony. NGC Choice XF. Exceptional Kroton Labors of Herakles Stater. January 2011 NYINC auction. Realized $9,440 in our 2011 ANA Nearly Extreme ly Fine. World's Fair of Money auction. Realized $18,880 in our January 2011 NYINC auction. High Grad e Ne ro Aure us . NGCAU . Realized $22,420 in our 2011 ANA High Grade Bold Relief Catana Tetra drachm. NGC XF. World's Fair of Money auction. Realized $10,030 in our 2011 ANA World's Fair of Money auction. First Pu nic Wa r Si lver Oekadrachm. Very Fi ne. Realized $30,680 in our January 2011 NYINC auction. Magnificent High Rel ief Facing Si lenos. High Grad e Armen ian Victory Gold NGC Choice XF. Au reus of lucius Ve ru s.
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