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Coplu · &• '4 MADRAS DISTRICT GAZETTEERS CUDDAPAH VOLUME I MAbRAS DISTRiCT GAZETTEERS CUD.DAPAH BY C. F. BRACKENBURY INDIAN CIVIL SEJ.VICE MAI>kAS PREFACE. A " Manual " of the Cuddapah district, as then consti­ tuted, was compiled by the late Mr. J. D. B. Gribble, I.C.S., in 1875· The present gazetteer is prep3;red on different · lines, and exigencies of form and matter have necessitated the omission of much that is still of interest in the old manual, which has thus not been revised so much as partially replaced. Statistics are under the present system relegated as far as possible to a separate volume of Appendices, which it is proposed to revise decennially, after every census. Where so many have assisted me in the collection of material for this book it would be invidious to name a few. My thanks are due to them all, officials and others, for their prompt replies to my demands for information of all kinds, . without which I could never have completed the work while engaged in the resettlement of another distri~t. SETTLEMENT OFFICE, CHITTOOR, · C. F. BRACKENBURY. October I, I9I 4· PLAN OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGB I. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 1__;..23 II. POLITICAL HISTORY 24-51 III. THE PEOPLE 52-71 IV, AGRICULTURE AND IRRIGATION 72-91 V, FORESTS 92-107 Vl. OccuPATION AND TRADE .... I08-II7 VII. MEANS oF CoMMUNICATION n8-u4 VIII. RAINFALL AND SEASONS I25-I38 IX. PUBLIC HEALTH ••• 139-142 X. EDUCATION 143-145 XI. LAND REVENUE ADMINISTRATION 146~160 XII. SALT, ABKARl AND MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE ••• 161-165 XIII. ADMINISTRATION o:r JusTICE 166-173 XIV. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT 174-176 XV. GAZETTEER- • ... 177-247 Cuddapah taluk , ... 177 Jammalamadugu taluk 187 Proddatiir taluk' ... 196 Kamaliipuram taluk 204 Pulivendla taluk 208 RiiyachOti taluk ... 217 Badvel taluk 225 Sidbout taluk 234 Pullampet taluk ... 240 ... ,.. ... '19 INDEX Anthrams, 65. Arinamma, temple of, 224. Abbavaram, 219. Arrack, 163. Abdul Alam Khan, 44, 235. Arts and industries, textile, xo8. Abdul Nabhi Khan, 40, 41, 42, 193. Ashbeds, II, I2. Abdul Syed Khan, 189. Asoka, 26. Abkari, 163. Asophs, 45· Accidents on railways, 123. Athirala, 34· Achyuta, 36, 186. Atlantia monopll'ylia, 99· Adina cordifolia, 99· Aurangzebe, 38, I48. Adinimmayapalle, 184. ~venues, I2o. Aditya, r, 30. Avula parupu or cow worship, 214, Administration of justice, 166. 238. - . Adoni, 46, 148, Ayodhya or Oudh, 26. Agudiir, 22. · Agxiculture, 108; and irrigation, 72, B Agriculturists, economic condition of, 87. · Babool tree, 3, 20, Ioo. Agudur, 22, Baday Miah, 42. Akkadevatula Konda, 225. Badvel, 30, 38 ; construction of its Akkisettipalle tank, 87. tank, 8x ; fuel working circle, Albizzia amara, 99 ; odoratissima, I02 ; breach of its tank,· I37 ; dis­ 99· pensary at, 142 ; district munsifs Ali Khan, Dost, 41. court. at, I67 ; Sub-Registrar's Alireddipalle, 209. office at, I68; descnpt1ve note of, Allah-ud-din, 35· 227. Aluminium,· I I 2. Badvel taluk, 2, 4, 226. Amada, 117. Baggira, I 6. Ambadeva, 34, 231. Bahudanadi, 3, 8o, 201. Amelapalle, m~morial stones at, 25. Bainapalle fuel working circle, 102. Ammavaru or Lakshmi, I6. Balanadar, Monsignor, J., 56. Amruta, I 84. Balapalle, 4, · 121; fuel working Amusements, 62. circle, 102: fuel ~serve, Ioo, Ioi, Anli.nda Ranga Pillai, the private 245. diary of, 97· BaJapaniir, 2I4- Ananta Matla, 39, 244. Balavanta Rao, 44· Anantarajupuram, 39· Balij:1s, 66, 67: stone carvers, I 12. Anantaramaraju, 235, 244; con- Bamboos, 105. structs the Hadvel tank, 39· Banas, 27, 2!S Andhra dominions, 28. Bandaru, 94· Animela, 29, 207. Banganapalle group o( quarzites, I4• ~njaneya, I 84. Banyan tree, 2 I. Anjaneyaswami temple, I 79· Bapoji Nayakkan, 42. Ankalamma, 245· Baramahal, 4I. Ba~, 116. Anogeissus latifolia1 991 J 90. s~ 250 INDEX Basannagadda, i38 .. Bungalows, travellers', I :ao. Basavappa Nayudu, 213. Buruz, 6o. Baskara, son of Bukka I, construc- Bussy, M., 43· tor of the Porumamilla tank, 35. Bustard, 23. Bastar State, 28. Butea frondosa, 99· Bears, 22. Beddome, Colonel, too, IOI. c Beggars, 7I. Bellary, 38. Cactus, 20. Bengal gram, 78. Caliph and his rat, .story of, 195. Bentinck, Lord William. 152. Calotropis gigantea, 20. Bestapalle, 247. Campbell, Dr. T.V., I42, I44· Betd vines, 75. Campbell, Major-General, 48, so. Bezwada-Guntakal railway line, 122. Canal, the Kurnool-Cuddapah, 83 Bhatrazus, 7I. to 85, 120. Hhavanarayanaswami t~mple, 238. Canthium didymum, 99• Bhima Maharaja kinrt of the Vaid- Carissa carandas, 20, 94· umbas, 30. Carnatic, the, 35, 4:11. Bh6gandani bhavi, 236. Cart tracks and bridle paths, 1o7. Bi':iisakti, 64. Cassia auriculata, 20. Bijapur, 37· Cassia fistula, 99· Binga bendu, 16. Cast~s. 66. Blackbuck, 23. Cattle bells, 112. Black cotton country, agricultural Cattle, food of, 79· practices peculiar to, 77· Ca.ttle, manure from, 7 3· Black cotton soil, 6. Cattle, Mysore and Nellore breed Blankets, I 10. of, 21. Bommalatam, 63. Celltombs, 25. Bommanapalle, Igi. Census, 53· Bonnand, Bishop, 55· Chalukyan advt:muret Vijayaditya, Bonnet monkey,· 23. 26. Boots, manufacture of, II I. Chalukyans, west~rn ana eastern, Boyanapalle, 2 3 7. · 27. Boyas, 67.· Chandanam, 94· Brahaswami, 66. Chanda Sahib, governor · of Tnchi- Brahma, 184. nopoly, 42. Brahmans of Perungandura, 33. Chandraditya, 28, Brecciated quartz, 10, Chandragiri, 3 7. Buchanania latifolia, 99· Chandragiri province, 35· Buckingham canal, 132. Chapad and Mydukiir projects, 85. Buddayapalle 139. Chaplin, Mr. W. W., 152. Budubudukulas, 71. Charcoal, J o6. Buffaloes, :n, Io5. Chautapalle, '38, I 94· Bugga Vanka, 12, 138. Cheetah, 22. Euilding matedals, 18. Chekrayapet, 214. Bukka Chennarayudu, 202. Chenchunatakam, 63. Bukka I, 185. ' Chenchus, 69. Bukka, founder of the Vijayanagar Chennakesavaswami temple, 187, . Empire, 35· 231. Bukkapatn:1m, 246. Chennakeswaraswami temple, l84. Bulaki, 6I. Chennamma, 39· · Bullmen, 102, 106, Chennampalle, 39· :Pulls, ros. ":hennangi, 74· INDEX Chenniir, 36, 181. Co-operative credit society, 223. Chenniir taluk, 153· Copper, 12, 18. Chera or Kerala, 26. Copper phte inscriptions, 24. Cheyyer group, I 1, r 2. Copper pots, 112. Cheyyer river, 3, 4, 30, 39, 120. 241. Coppice with standard system or Cheyyer valley, 9· fuel felling, IOI, 102. Chikatipalle, 2 II. Cornwallis, Lord, 45. Chilakampalle, 214. Coromandel, 35· Chilamakiir, 36. Corundum, 16, Chilla, 93. Cotton, 78, 127; printing and dyeing, Chindhu dance, 68. I.I I.; ginning and pressing facto­ Cbinkara or Bennett's gazelle, 23. nes at Jammalamadugu, Proddatiir Chinna althi, 115. and Pulivendla, I 13. Chinnadasaripalle, 185. Cotton, Sir Arthur, 83. Chinnamandem, 224- Couvade (hatching) custom, 70. Chinna Orampad, 246. Cows, 105. Chinnayakuntapalle Railway station, Cox, Mr., 154, 211. Crime, I69: Chintakommadinne, II3, I86. Crimes, sensational, I71. Chintakunta, 9· Criminal justice, 168, Chintakuntabanda, 222. Criminal tribes, I6(l. Chintakunta hills, 12. Crystalline rocks, 8, 9· - Chintalapalle tank, 87. CudJapah, Meteorological Observa- Chitravati rivu, 2, 138. tory at, 6; Bugga Vanka near, 12, Chitvel, 3, 159, 168; valley of, s, 138; town on rocks of Kurnool 6 ; Sub-Registrar's office at, 168 ; formation, 13; battle. of, 44; descriptive note of, 242. saffron works and factory at, 7 5· Chloroxylon swietenia, 99· I 13 ; husking mills and weaving Chodas, the Telugu, 30. factory at, 113 ; a principal trade Chola, Kingdom and dynasty, 26 ; · centre, 114; a railway station, kings, 27 to 29. 121 : outbreak of plague in, I39, Cholam, 78, 114, 127, 155, 157; Municipal hospital in, I41 1 I76; staple food grain of the black high school in, 143; London cotton country, 61. Mission elementary school in, Cholera, 139· . I45 ; Deputy Collector at, I 59; Choolya state, 27. district m unsirs .court at, I 66; Choultries, 120. a Municipality, 174; descriptive Christians, 54· note of, I78. Civil Justice, I 66. Cuddapah basin, 9· Clays, 11. Cuddapah district, boundaries, lati­ Clay slate, II. tude and longitude and area of, 2 ; Climate, 6.
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