THURSDAY,NOVEMBER15, 2018 TIPPERARYLIVE.IE VOL23ISSUE 23 Queen Street, Clonmel Tel 052 617 2500 email: [email protected] [email protected] Thomas McGrathwinsTipperary Carerofthe Year Award2018 BYDYLAN WHITE she will only take medication Tomand myselfgot married, Tomcoming into it. Most e-mail: [email protected] forTom and will only listen to both Elsieand Icame as a peoplewanttobewithagirl him,” Scarlett toldSouthTipp package. He jumped in with whocanhave asociallife, who AdevotedCashel man who Today. both feet,hewas very aware can go to thecinema, fora “Step-parents whoare of thechallenges of special meal or even just to theshop cares forhis step-daughter carers don’t getthe recogni- needs and caring forElsie foracartonofmilk when it’s waspresentedwith the Tip- tion they deserve. It is notthe came very naturaltohim. notpartofthe routine. peraryCarer of the Year easiest of situations to look Caring forElsietakes alot of Award2018 at Clonmel in, nottomind step in. When sacrifice,particularly for Read moreonPage2 Town Hall lastFriday. Thomas McGrathsaid caring forhis autisticstep- daughterElsieis“challenging butsorewarding”. Nomin- ated by his wifeScarlett,a modest Thomas is proud to representcarers across Tip- perary at theNational Carer of theYearAwards2018in Dublin on November 23. Full-timecarers forElsie, whoattends Scoil Aonghusa Special School in Cashel, Thomas and Scarlett met doing aspecialneedschild- carecourse.Scarlett nomin- ated her “loving” husband for theTipperary Carer of the Year Awardbecause of the “genuine,unconditional bond” he shares withnine- year-old Elsie. “Day-to-dayautism has its difficulties. It is very routine driven,thingshave to bedone The TipperaryCarer of the Year Awardpresentation took place at Clonmel Town Hall lastFriday. Front: acertain way, and it wasjust Scarlett McGrath, Mayorofthe Clonmel Borough District Cllr Richie Molloy, TipperaryCarer of the Year 2018 Elsieand IbeforeImet Tom. Thomas McGrath, Family CarersIreland’sCatherine Cox. Back: Cllr Pat English, Charles Allen, Cllr Catherine Theyinstantlybonded and MICHAEL Carey,former MunsterCarer of the Year Rebecca Quirke, CarePlus Pharmacy’s Denis Coughlan, Mattie nowthe roleshavereversed- McGrathTD, district administrator AnthonyColeman ORMONDLTD Gutters -Fascia -Soffit- Gutter Cleaning Special Only INSULATION €650 GRANT BringBringyyourour Cavity Wall -Attic Insulation Menu Own OwnWineWineno €26.95 Eat in Only no corkage TAKEAWAY €18.95 FLATROOFSPECIALISTS FirestoneRubberRoofing Systems TAKEAWAYMEAL DEAL SPECIAL X2 Starters: Choose any2fromOnion Bhajees, GIFT VOUCHERS Tel: Michael Chicken or Lamb Tikka, Chicken or VegPakora AVAILABLE Main Dishes: Any2from Sarsfield St, Clonmel (087) 7983033|(052) 6122193 Korma: Chicken/Lamb/BeeforVeg Tel:Te052l: 05261618483384833 Makhani: Chicken/Lamb/Beef or Veg 05205261618483484834 Bahl: Chicken/Lamb/Beef or Veg Web: michaelormondltd.com Garlic Chili Masala: Chicken/Lamb/Beef or Veg Find us on 2Popadoms, 2Pilau Rice &Naan Bread Facebook Email: [email protected] 2SOUTH TIPP TODAY www.tipperarylive.ie Th ursday, N ove m be r 15 ,20 1 8 Have you got news for The Nationalist and South Tipp N EWS Today? Contact [email protected] 'Tom's bond with Elsie makes me love him even more' Continued from from Page 1 and Tom’s another blessing. that she stays safe, but it’s no he deserves,”Mayor Molloy We havea lot tobe grateful waytolive. Elsiedoesn’t see s a id . “Tom wrote a beautiful fo r,”she continued. danger, has no risk awareness Mayor Molloy said “th e piece forthe day of our wed- The McGrath familyare and her biggest risk is to her- country would crumble ding and it really stands renting a house “u n s u i tab l e self. Wefeel morelike without carers”. He added: throughto today: ‘wh e n for Elsie’s needs”in Cashel minders than carers at the “Supports are less than ever things gethard - and they will and aredreaming of getting a moment, so our biggest pri- now for carers. A couple of - remember that love lies at bungalow. “Elsie is a bad ority is to find a bungalow,” years ago therewas more theroot of everything’. The sleeper and Tomcould be up she added. home support than there is at bond that theyshare makes forfourhours withher at Family Carers Ireland area p re s e nt . me love him even more. He night. She keeps us on our manager and Mayor of the “Issues like suitable gets back from her what he toes, she’s full of beans and Clonmel Borough District housing and supports for puts into her. Tommeans the you have to watch her 24-7. Cllr Richie Molloy said it is children once they turn 18 are world to us,”a proud Scarlett “S h e ’s an avid climber and great to see how much the being presentedto us all the smiled. a sensory seeker, so when you award means to Thomas. time at Family Carers Ireland. Scarlett saidautism have sensory needs that need “Thomas and Scarlett are There is a crying need for the d o e s n’t define “high-spir - to bemet it’salmost likeyour typical of the thousands of Government to provide prac- i te d ”Elsie. “Autism is only bodyfeels coiled and to re- carers that are out there, tical supports, particularly part of who Elsie is. She’s an lease that you climb,run or caring for loved ones seven when it comes to housing. absolutegangster, a bitofa jump - not ideal in a two- days a week and getting very Thomas and Scarlett’s house player and she plays on Tom’s storey house. Having a stairs little recognition. An award is totally unsuitable for an softness. It’s amazing how in the house is one of the scar- like this createsawareness of autistic child. They really funny someone can be using iest of things with Elsieand the work of carers and it’s not need a bungalow and there’sa very little words. She has we take turns keeping an eye just Thomas’award - he is rep- hugelack of them across Tip- reallytaught us to notsweat on her, almost like a night resenting the thousands of perary and that’s something I the little things and to be shift. It has becomesecond carers around Tipperary. will be asking Deputy Mattie grateful for every milestone. nature to makesureshe Scarlett is over the moon that McGrath to push at national S h e’s an absolute blessing d o e s n’t come out at night and he is nowgetting therecogni- level. Houses will have to be tion for caring for Elsie that built by the local authority.” Scarlett and her husband Thomas McGrath 'Elder abuse one of the most serious and vicious activities' He said elder abuse is one A private members’ bill initi- onable grounds, thefinan- who maybe the victim of fin- where possible, including fin- volves brute physical, emo- of the “most serious and vi- ated by a Tipperary TD to cial autonomy of vulnerable ancial abuse,” Deputy Mc- a n c i a l l y. tional or psychological pain, cious activities”that can be persons, specifically elderly Grath told South Tipp Today. “The fundamental point at the State must become in- combat instances of finan- perpetrated upon vulnerable people, who lack reasonable Deputy McGrath first issue hereis that such assist- volved to vindicateand pro- cial abuse of older people persons. “It often takesplace mental and physical capa- raised elder abuse as a ance must alwaysbe a per- tect such rights. has passed through the Dáil in great secrecy, hidden even cityto guardagainst finan- “matter of profound urgency” sonalchoice, and one that is “The fact thatmy bill has from other close members of and on to committee stage. cial abuse. in 2015 - acknowledging that made free of coercion, manip- nowbeen referred to the the same family whomay be “Itismy sincerehope that some advances have been ulation or threats. Where Justice Select Committee 74 to 46 TDs votedinsup- unaware ofwhat is taking we can further amend this made since then -and be- sucha righttofinancial means thatwe areone step port of Independent TD p l ac e. bill at committeestage to give lieves that the act will provide autonomy and the control of a closer to making that ambi- Mattie McGrath’s Vulner- “We knowparents want to clear and unequivocal assur- arenewed emphasis on the p e r s o n’s own finances is tion areality,”added Deputy able Persons Bill 2015.The help their children. They ance to any older person or in- importance of keeping the under threat, and where it in- M c G rath . actaims to protect, on reas- deedany vulnerable person issue in focus. want tobe able to assist them Tipperary dads encouraged to avail of paid Paternity Benefit 1,583 Tipperary dads have week. Following Budget whole family,” Ahearn tells they willfind theapplication gible for paternitybenefit availed of the Government’s 2019, this will increase to South Tipp Today. process tobe clear and when they take two weeks of €245 per week from the Over 51,000 paternity be- simple. They will require a paternity leave at any time paid paternity benefit week beginning 25 March nefits have been awarded PublicService Cardinorder within thefirst 26 weeks of scheme, according to Fine 2019. since the scheme came into to apply, and if they are an em- their child’s life, orfollowing Gael general election can- “This will afford new dads place in September 2016, ployee, they need to give four ad o pt io n . didate Garret Ahearn. the opportunity to be more which includes 4,100 self-em- weeks notice to their em- “All the information on involved at the earliest stages ployed people. ployerto qualify for theac- how to apply for paternity The current rate of pa- of a child’s development, “I am encouraging pro- companying paternity leave. leave and how to get your ternitybenefit is €240 per which is important for the spective fathers to sign upfor “Fathers whofulfill the Public Services Card is avail- paternity benefit and Ithink PRSIrequirements areeli- able online," Ahearn adds.
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