1961. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1999 Elmer P. Mathison Peter E .. Cibney Robert F. Ewels Glenn F. Young a Governor of the Inter~American Develop­ Warren C. Mitchel) Joseph R. Steele Edmond Janczyk James E. Grabb . ment Bank for a term of 5 .. years and until Henry A. Campbell, Jr.Mitchell A. Perry Peter J. DeLaat, Jr. Edward C. Farmer, Jr. his succef?sor has been appointed. Harold F. Lynch Garth H. Read Robert C. Branham Albert G. Stirling George W. Ball, of the District of Colum­ Armand J. Bush William E. Dennis Raymond H. Baetsen, Ernest E. Rowland, Jr. bia, to be U.S. Alternate Governor of the Lester A. Levine Robert J. Lo Forte Jr. David H. Howland International Monetary Fund for a term of John J. O'Meara OWen W. Siler RobertS. Lucas William D. Markle, Jr. 5 years; U.S. Alternate Governor of the In­ Glenn 0. Thompson Robert B. Moore Robert A. Carlston Donald C. Hintze ternational Bank for Reconstruction and Eugene F. Walsh Wallace C. Dahlgren John F. Lobkovich Bernard A. Hoyland Development for a term of 5 years; and an Samuel E. Taylor Arthur Hancock David J. Linde William E. Lehr, Jr. Alternate Governor of the Inter·American George J. Bodie Richard A. Pasciuti Bruce W. Dewing Oraeme Mann Development Bank for a term of 5 years and Emerson Hayes. Jr. WilliamS. Allan, Jr. Robert B. Sims Joseph M. Kelly until his successor has been appointed. John W. McCurdy Harry H. Carter Gilbert P. Sherburne Hal F. Olson Warren F. Stevenson Bernard E. Kolkhorst William J. Glass Roger L. Madson Herbert W. Eley James A. Kearney CONFIRMATIONS The following named persons to be lieu· John D. Costello Walter W. Kohl, Jr. tenant commanders in the U.S. Coast Guard: Richard B. Brooks James C. Irwin Executive nominations confirmed by Douglas H. Clifton William C. Akers Donald C. Thompson Walter D. Fox the Senate February 9, 1961: James R. Kelly Harris A. Pledger, Jr. Allen C. Pearce Donald D. Davison MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION David C. Porter Ivan C. McLean William S. Black William L. King Peter A. Morrill Donald D. Garnett Brig. Gen. William R. Shuler, U.S. Army, Abe H. Siemens Edward G. Taylor Clarence R. Gillett Vaughan W. Driggers to be a member of the Mississippi River James H. B. Morton Franklin F. Bohlk Charles E. Jurgens Jerome V. Flanagan Commission. · (Appointed during the last RobertR. Hagan, Jr. John W. Cherry Robert T. Platt, Jr. Paul H. Breed recess of the Senate.) David D. Fritts Vincent J. Wernig John H. Byrd, Jr. Richard P. Cueroni FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Oliver W. Harrison Franklin J. Miller Kenneth G. Wiman Arthur P. Roberts Herbert J. Lynch James G. Norman John· D. Steinbacher William Russell Rex Marion Whitton, of Missouri, to be Leslie M. Creig Russell W. Lentner David F. Mcintosh, Jr. Edmund L. Cope Federal Highway Administyator. Christopher S. Harold A. French . Glenn N. Parsons Walter E. Paulsen DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Changaris William H. Yates Robert V. Hackney Laurence 0. Bates Casimir S. Rojeski Sam Pisicchio Louis Falk Oberdorfer, of the District of Gerald 0. Lesperance Darrell L. Babcock Columbia to be an Assistant Attorney Gen· James R. Iversen Robert D. Parkhurst Robert G. Moore Theodore J. Wojnar Philip M. Hildebrandt Otto F. Unsinn eral. Melvin W. Hallock Donald W. Smith Nicholas de B. Katzenbach, of Illinois. to Norman L. Scherer Walter 0. Henry William H. Clark, Jr. George K. Greiner, Jr. Charles W. Berkman Verne D. Finks Carlton E. Russell James H. Conrad be an Assistant Attorney General, vice Robert Paul W. Welker William L. Aitkenhead Leon D. Santman Paul T. Anderson Kramer, resigned. Loren V. Perry c_narles F. Baker Herbert G. Lyons Edward Nelson, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Elmer Winbeck James P. Stewart Willie W. Thurmond, William B. Clark Clarence Daniel Martin, Jr., of California, Theodore L. Roberge James H. Swint Jr. Nathaniel C. Spadafora to be Under Secretary of Commerce for Nathan Vanger Shirl J. Stephany John F. Ellis Arthur Solvang Transportation. Charles B. Martinson, Leslie D. High Robert D. Peters Calvin E. Crouch Jr. Patrick G. H. Bursley Warren D. Andrews Harry J. Oldford· AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Leland 0. Wilkie Frank E. Parker Alfred H. Walter William E. Smith. James E. Webb, of Oklahoma, to be Ad· John G. Milosic Leland C. Batdorf Edwin H. Daniels Donald E. Hand ministrator of the National Aeronautics and Orville C. Hinnen William F. Tighe, Jr. Keith B. Schumacher Richard Q. Lowry Space Administration. Olaf T. Sturdy Roy K. Angell Ralph C. H111 Sydney M. Shuman HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE Harry S. Raleigh Robert C. Krulish Charles E. Mathieu Lee J. A. King William J. Kirkley Robert C. Weaver, of New York, to be The following named persons to be lieu· Housing and Home Finance Administrator. Thomas C. Pennock Edward E. Chambers tenants (junior grade) in the U.S. Coast Hugh E. McCullough Robert W. Johnson Guard: Hugh J. LeBlanc Charles S. Marple Thurston L. Willis Wildred F. Raes Robert Farmer Thomas C. Volkle WITHDRAWALS David T. Haislip Albert H. Clough Richard H. Wight Ronald D. Stenzel Stanley L. Waitzfelder Randolph Ross, Jr. Martin H. Daniell, Jr. Delmar F. Smith Executive nominations withdrawn Harold D. Muth Robert W. Smith Edwin L. Rahn Calvin P. Lankford from the Senate February 9, 1961: Jack E. Stewart David E. Perkins James Napier, Jr. Alvin J. Arnett All postmasters sent to the Senate since James C. Boteler Robertson P. Hugh M. McCreery Harry J. Reckitt the 87th Congress convened and prior to Richard L. Huxtable Dinsmore John B. Mahon James E. Hognestad January 21, 1961. Bobby C. Wilks Horton E. Gafford Norman P. Weinert Alfred J. Tatman DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Rubin E. Young, Jr. George N. Wood The following.named persons to the posi· Fred J. Michalson Albertus N. Schroeder. tions indicatee: : Robert A. Bicks, of New York, to be an Richard C. Green Jr. Assistant Attorney General, which was sent Wesley J. Quamme DEPARTMENT OF STATE to the Senate on January 10, 1961. William J. Crockett, of Nebraska, to be an The following named persons to be lieu· Assistant Secretary of State. •• ..... •• tenants in the U.S. Coast Guard: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE William D. Harvey George J. Roy, Jr. Burke Marshall, of Maryland, to be an HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John D. Franks Robert W. Witter Assistant Attorney General, vice Harold R. Bertrand J. RonnebergJohn G. Martinez Tyler, Jr., resigned. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1961 Kermit R. Meade Ted L. Gannaway Paul A. Yost, Jr. Robert A. Moss DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Henry H. Bell Richard M. Thomas Herbert Frank York, of California, to be Rabbi Jacob Pressman, Temple Beth Philip C. Lutzi Daniel L. Muir Director of Defense Research and Engineer· Richard F. Maim Graham Hall Am, Los Angeles, Calif., offered the fol­ ing. lowing prayer: Lambert J. Larson John L. Steinmetz, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Cortland G. Pohle, Jr. Joseph P. Hratko One life is ours, one moment between John L. Klenk Charles E. Martin John P. Duncan, Jr .• of Georgia, to be an Earl A. Baker Hugh C. Wyatt Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. two eternities. One more new day begins Swain L. Wilson Robert C. Powell NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE in that moment. Phillip B. Moberg George E. Maloney ADMINISTRATION Help us, 0 Lord, to use it wisely, that Lawrence A. White Richard J. Knapp James E. Webb, of Oklahoma, to be Admin­ by some word or deed of ours we may Wilfred R. Bleakley, Robert Russell istrator of the National Aeronautics and make this blessed land an instrument for Jr. Frederick P. Schubert Space Administration. good here and throughout the · world, Johns. Phillips Robert B. Grant James P. Randle NormanS. Morrill INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FuND uniting men in peace and plenty and John H. Fournier Byron W. Jordan Douglas Dillon, of New Jersey, to be U.S. freedom. Richard 0. Haughey David M. Kaetzel Governor of the International Monetary To those of us who dare to judge, to Richard L. Jacobs Myron E. Walsh Fund for a term of 5 years; U.S. Governor lead, and to legislate for our neighbors, Louis L. Zumstein Frank M. Sperry of the International Bank of Reconstruction grant clear vision, deep insight, cour­ Alfred P. Manning, Jr. Cletus J. Walz and Development for a term of 5 years; and ~ge to champion the unpopular cause if 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - · HOUSE February 9 that is what we believe, strength to re­ Columbia at Third and Constitution Avenue This subpena is issued on application of sist temptation, daring to attempt the NW., fourth floor, courtroom 8, in the city the defendant. untried, sympathy to feel the ache and of Washington on the 7th day of March 1960, HARRY M. HULL, at 10 a.m., to testify in the case of United Clerk. the need in human hearts, and good States v. Martin Popper and bring with you H. KLINE, humor to smile at our frailties and be the documents as set forth in the attached Deputy Clerk. forgiven them. schedule A. MARCH 4, 1960. When the echoes of this day's debate This subpena is issued upon application of LEONARD B. BOUDIN, within these walls are stilled, and each the defendant. Attorney for Defendant. of us returns to the privacy of home, HARRY M. HULL, Clerk. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I may he find there good health, good offer a privileged resolution and ask for cheer the love of dear ones, the respect By CLARICE FuLGHESON, Deputy Clerk. its immediate consideration. of fri~nds, a mirror reflecting an image FEBRUARY 26, 1960.
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