R. I. Jewish Historical Association 11 130 Sessions Street Providence, RI 02906 Support Jewish Read By Agencies More Than With Your 40,000 Membership People THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . VOLUME LXVIII, NUMBER 48 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1981 30¢ PER COPY lsra-elis Hope To Speed Up Military Accord With U.S. TEL AVIV - The Israeli Government positioned in Israel, could reach Iran in 48 expects to sign a memorandum of un­ hours. · derstanding with the United States at the The Israelis are also concerned with hav­ end of this month. With the death of Presi­ ing access to American satellite dent Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt, Israeli photographs of the region that would be leaders hope that the proposed military supplied as a result of a closer military cooperation will be speeded up <1nd ties be­ relationship with the United States. tween the two countries strengthened to The United States reaction to the Israeli counter what is viewed as a Soviet threat to proposals is mildly in favor of them. Some the Middle East. resistance has been expressed in stockpil­ The broad military cooperation Israel . ing armor and other equipment in has proposed, according to Israeli officials stationary positions on land as opposed to who participated in the talks, include three deployment of such stores on fast basic elements: merchant ships. - The United States transports flying Both Americans and Israelis believe that units of the Rapid Deployment Force to the a great deal of rethinking is necessary Middle East would be protected by the before military cooperation develops into a Israeli Air Force. Air superiority could be military alliance, which the Israelis are exerted over the eastern Mediterranean by hoping will materialize. Israeli fighters in conjunction with aircraft of the United States Sixth fleet. - Israel would maintain 150 or more Israel Agrees To high-performance jet fighters (F-15's, F- 16 's and F-4 's) stationed for United States Expand Cou nci I use. - Tanks and other equipment for an ar­ mored division would be taken out of Denies Major Shift Israeli service and stored for use by the ; In Palestinian Policy United States Army in a crisis. Differences in interpretation exist be­ JERUSALEM - Israel has agreed to ex­ tween the Israeli viewpoint of strategic pand the proposed administrative council thinking on Southwest Asia and the that will carry out the Palestinians' affairs American viewpoint. The Israelis contend in the West Bank and Gaza Strip under the that their strategy, based on an alliance Camp David accords. An aide to P.rime with the United States, is designed to deter Minister Menachem Begin said the slight Soviet aggression by providing the basis for change in position did not represent a shift rapid American reaction to Russian in the already stated Israeii stand, but a moves. modification on a technical question. The Israelis interpret Washington's ' It was reported in The New York Times strategy as one intended to meet and defeat that Begin had on two occasions discussed Soviet aggression in the region after it has the possibility of accepting principles for begun. Palestinian.self-rule laid out a year ago by The greatest danger, seen by both coun­ the Carter Administration. The first dis­ tries, is possible Soviet intervention in cussion was with former President Jimmy Iran. Israelis calcute that it would take 20 Carter in the United States. last month and days for the Americans to respond to any the second discussion took place at the aggression. In addition Israelis doubt that funeral of Anwar el-Sadat in Cairo last SUCCESS STORIES AT THE JEWISH HOME FOR THE AGED: Samuel Kaplan, the United States would be willing to exert week, according to the article._ seated at the weight machine, Is assisted by Del Jacobellls, head of the therapy a full military response because of the fear The Begin Government, the aide said, department at the Home. Few expected the progress that has been made In Just one of nuclear war. has accepted a recommendation made by year. Turn to page 17. (Photo by Hank Randall) A senior military source said that with the Carter Administration's special envoy Israel as a base, American forces could to the Middle East, Sol M. Linowltz, that reach Dhahran overland in three days and the council be comprised of 15 to 17 mem­ Kuwait in 36 hours. In addition, Rapid bers. The number Israel formerly favored Sen. Glenn Accuses Administration Of Deployment Force units from the United was a total of 11 members for the body with States, ,with grou.nd and air resources each one attached to a specific administra­ 'Political Bribery' For AWACS Vote tion function . Egypt had initially proposed WASHINGTON (JTA) - Sen. John member of the Foreign Relations Commit­ a council of 70 to 80 Palestinians. Glenn (D. Ohio) accused the Reagan Ad­ tee, said the vote wiU-be "tight." As of to­ Brandeis Begins Israel remains determined to maintain ministration of using '"political bribery" in day there were 53 to 54 votes in the Senate the council as an administrative body with its efforts to persuade Senators to support against the sale. A similar estimate was Construction Of no law-making powers. With the 17 to 18 the sale of AWACS reconnaissance aircraft made yesterday by Sen. Alan Cranston (D . Library Complex members, the aide said, there will be some to Saudi Arabia. Calif.) , the Deputy Minority Leader .. additional authority over what was Glenn, who said there is presently a ma­ Terms Tactics 'Deplorable' WALTHAM , Mass. (JTA) - Brandeis originally proposed, but all the members jority of the Senate opposed to the sale, Glenn said the President has been using · University has started construction on a will have specific administrative func­ warned that if the Senate rejects it when it tactics which he called "deplorable." He five-level library which is part of a $6.5 tions. The Israelis believe that Linowitz at­ votes next week and Reagan then uses a said they include offering one Senator ap­ million expansion program. It includes tempted to obscure the duties of the mem­ " legal loophole " by declaring an proval for a U.S. attorney he wanted and renovation of the university's Jacob bers to provide Egypt with the opportunity emergency and going ahead with the sale another a promise that Republicans would Goldfarb Library and the Rapaporte to portray the council as a quasi­ anyway , the country would consider it a not oppose him in his campaign for re­ Treasure Hall. legislature. return to the "imperial presidency." election. " Am I supposed to hold out for a The new Leonard Farber library is being Both President Carter and his chief Mid­ President Reagan has been using very Navy base on Lake Erie?" Glenn quipped. underwritten, in part, by a gift of $2,250,000 dle East negotiator confirmed that Begin strong pressure to attempt to sway He said Senators should be allowed to make from Brandeis Trustee Leonard Farber of had informed them separately that he was Senators to support the sale. The House re­ up their own minds on this important issue. Fort Lauderdale. Marver Bernstein, Bran­ going to "accept the Linowitz proposals" jecte<;I it last week by a vote of 301-111 . On Reagan, at a luncheon with editors Fri­ deis president, said the university has for resolving differences between Egypt Friday, the day after the Senate Foreign day, denied that he had offered not to cam­ started a two-year campaign to raise the and Israel in the negotiations. He repeated Relations Committee voted 9-8 to recom­ paign against some Senators who voted for needed balance of $4,250,000 for the library his acceptance to Secretary of State Alex­ mend Senat~ rejection of the $8 .5 billion the AWACS sale. Although he admitted complex, from alumni, friends , corpora­ ander M. Haig Jr. at the funeral of Sadat, arms package that includes enhancement that he had used this tactic in the House on tions and foundations . The library is to be but did not elaborate on exactly what he equipment for Saudi Arabia's F-15 jets, the tax and budget bills, he stressed that "I completed in the spring of 1983. meant by his statement. Reagan met with eight senators in­ never said that about the AWACS deal." He Bernstein said the Farber Library, State Department officials were disap­ dividually in an attempt to get their sup­ told the editors he was convinced he would linked to the Goldfarb Library and the pointed with the interpretation of Begin's port. He is scheduled to meet with five win in the Senate. Both Houses must reject Rapaporte Hall by a plaza, will include an remarks. One State Department official more Senators tomorrow. the sale in order to block it. undergraduate study center, periodical said Begin had made a " big deal" out of the Interviewed yesterday on the CBS-TV Reagan warned that the U.S. would lose and microfilm collections and a creative minor concession in a long memorandum "Face the Nation " program, Glenn , a (Continued on page 12) arts center. of agreement proposed by Linowitz. 2 - THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1981 AWACS Debate Continues Israel Affirms It Has Not Softened Full Senate To Engage In Debate Position On Palestinian Autonomy JERUSALEM (JTA ) - The Israeli progress of the autonomy negotiations to WASHINGTON (JTA) - The Senate by the sale. They noted that if the Saudis government, reacting to intimations that it date but considered that more negotiations Foreign Relations Committee voted 9-8 possess AW ACS and enhanced F-15s they has softened its position on Palestinian were necessary before agreement could be last week to recommend that the Senate would be pressured by other Arab coun­ autonomy, made it clear that there is no reached on the contents of the memoran­ disapprove the Reagan Administration's tries to join in a future war against Israel, change.
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