Volume 30, Issue 8 DECEMBER 2018/ AS LIII Minstrel’s Guild NEWSLETTER OF THE BA RONY OF SHATTERED CRYSTAL P a g e 1 T h e S h a r d s C u r i a C a l l Their Crystalline Excellencies Seneschal Daimyō Kurro Ookami Baronessa Petrona De Manciano Lady Ástríðr Árnarðóttír [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (618)-910-7130 Pursuivant (a.k.a. Herald) Exchequer Master Avery Austringer I N S I D E Lady Cellah niTighearnaigh [email protected] T H I S [email protected] Chatelain ISSUE: Deputy Chatelain and Gold Key Master Avery Austringer Vacant [email protected] Acknowledge- 2 Demo Coordinator ments Knight’s Marshal Mistress Alphia Biraz-Pars Baron Gavin MacFergus (see Equestrian Marshal) [email protected] Missives 3 Deputy Knight Marshal Archery Marshal Master Avery Austringer Master Bubba Godgodson [email protected] Medieval Ear 5 Equestrian Marshal Rapier Marshal Mistress Alphia Biras-Parz Lord Bartelmeu le Wis [email protected] Scroll Roll 8 [email protected] Thrown Weapons Marshal Youth Marshal Vacant Badge of Arms 9 Lady Brigid MacCauley [email protected] Minister of Arts & Sciences Bardic 101 10 Chronicler Lady Muirgheal O’Seannaig Tiarna Cináed Ulric, Amhranai tan Briongloid [email protected] [email protected] Book of Bards 12 (618)-722-1339 Web Minister Minister of Youth “Dafydd ap Llewellyn” 14 Baroness Caroline de Mercier [email protected] Crystal Ball [email protected] Haematite 20 Hospice Master William Blackfox Award Crystal Scryer 21 Winner, Best Special Edition, Calendar 23 A.S. LI (51) Volume 30, Issue 8 P a g e 2 Verba Legis This is the December 2018 issue of The Shards, a publication of the Barony of Shattered Crystal of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). The Shards is edited by and available from Jona- than Thorn, 6120 Leo Dr. Belleville, Il. 62223. It is not a corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies. Copyright © 2018 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contribu- tors. Acknowledgements Cover art: Title design and a reworking of a photo by Maitre Philippe de Lyon, Coronet Logo for Their Excellencies’ missive, Event Steward Logo, Baronial Shield line divider page 3, “woodcut print” of Violinist and Lutist is a reworking of a print of Gerrit van Honthorst’s (1592-1656) “A Merry Group Behind a Balustrade…” it is in the public domain, & Scroll Roll & Haematite Hospice logos, are from Cináed Ulric. Horizontal and Vertical dividers are from the web page Goode Cookery, and their page on Medieval Woodcuts Clip Art collection from the 15-16th centuries. Their permission-use statement is: “Those who wish to reduce or alter these images for their own use are welcome to do so.” Music on page 2 is “Pleasure It Is” a 16th century song by William Cornish printed in 1530 in Wyn- kyn de Worde’s Twenty Songs (Bassus), and is in the public domain. Illumination in the Book of Bards article is “Panthera Rising” from Theological Miscellany, includ- ing the Summa de Vitiis c. 1236 (Harley 3244) and is in the public domain. Line of musicians are a relief from an engraving from St. George’s de Boscherville Abbey, 11 Cen- tury and is in the public domain. All articles are written by the folks underneath the article’s title or end. All Creative Work, Photography, and Model release forms for every article, photo, or artistic graphic are on file with the Chronicler. P a g e 3 T h e S h a r d s M i s s i v e s gether such a welcoming set up Also, His Excellency and I for our combatants and the be- would like to proclaim that we loved ladies of our Gallery. To will hold Baronial Championships Barthoelmeu for manning our for A&S and for Bardic at Baro- steel tourneys. nial Twelfth Night in January. Baron and Much like an Army, an A&S entries are limited to Baroness event runs on its stomach. A no more than 3 items or one re- Thunderous thank you to Mis- search paper, so pick your finest. tress Berengaria Mordaunt and Bardic performances shall not Once again folks, you do her astounding kitchen crew for exceed 4 minutes in length, us proud. A heartfelt thank you a show stopping feast. Hat tip please. At least minimal docu- to the Barony for your hours of also to Lady Muirgheal O’Sean- mentation is encouraged, but service to run a great event. First naig and Matthew Elswyck for not required. Please contact me I must thank our teachers, musi- lunch, and our breakfast crew with questions or to discuss an cians, and guests. Without you too. Thank you to our intrepid exception if you require one for folks there would be no event. new folks lord Nicholas Holsey your specific art. Additionally, Tiarna Cináed Ulric, and lady Andrea Lopez for diving We look forward to being for being our event steward, in to manage dessert revel. delighted by your work. Their Excellencies Bubba/Zardric Biggest thanks to the and Alphia for taking care of the folks who show up for the not musicians and setting up the Joyfully, fun stuff: trailer loading, cleaning dance, Ranthulfur Eric Grab as parties, Friday night set up, and our Emcee, Lady Ástríðr Ár- Daimyō Kurro Ookami & Sunday clean up. You all know narðóttír for ruthless organiza- who you are. You are the folks tion, Lady Cellah niTighearnaigh Baronessa Petrona that keep this group going. That for organizing gate, Their Excel- make the magic happen. You lencies Gavin MacFergus and De Manciano humble me with your awesome. Briana Morgan for pulling to- Volume 30, Issue 8 P a g e 4 Greetings, Last month was our event Crystal Ball and I would like to take this op- portunity to thank as many folks as I can. First to Lady Khadagan Kachugene for being my deputy. She helped find some solutions for things as well as reminded me of things that needed to be thought of and then assisted at gate. I am grateful. To our Exchequer Lady Cellah niTighearnaigh and all who assisted her at the gate including: Lady James Ainsley & Christian van den Vos, Lady Hayley Kharvaach, & Lady Orianna. Former Event To Maitre Philippe de Lyon for making the site tokens. Steward For those who planned out the dance classes and ball, Mistress Alphia Biraz-Pars and Lord Ranólfr Rosamon, and Heregyth Ketilsdottir, and Magda- lene von Osnabruck getting the musicians in beat and once again playing so well at the Ball. Eirik Thorkelsson & Carrys of Caer Rhudd who helped register and map out our merchants for the ball this year. To Baron Gavin MacFergus & Lord Bartelmeu le Wis, our marshals for planning the tournament, and they along with Avery Austringer, Daimyō Kurro Ookami, and others who marshaled, ran list, were part of the gallery, etc. to make the tournament run smoothly and fun. Food... goodness were we well fed this year. Mistress Berengaria Mordaunt, her brothers, Lady Anna Kathryn Pfredrickson, along with some other assistants provided a most excellent feast that many folks said was the best they've ever had in years or in the SCA period. Also to Lady Julia Curie who as- sisted me in making and serving Saturday Breakfast, and Lady Murigheal O’Seannaig & Lord Matthew Elswyck for preparing and bringing in the Friday night soups and Saturday lunch. To our Hospitality Steward, Lady Mwynwen "Strawberry" Ysiginidd who provided and manned the drink station throughout the day as well as stepping up to assist servers at feast in making sure folks had plenty to drink. For Lady Ástríðr Árnarðóttír who performed her Seneschal duties, but also was in charge of the feast servers, and I saw her stepping in to do scullery duty every once in a while. A job that headed and manned by Lord Fintan McAldin - and trust me folks this is the job that is "taking one for the team" - Thank him. Thanks goes out to all those who helped serve the feast as well. The youth enjoyed activities, stories, and coloring books provided by Mistress Caroline de Mercier as well as a round of marzipan making by Lady Mwynwen Ysiginidd. To our new Baronial family members lord Nicholas & lady Andrea who stepped up to head up the set up and serving of the dessert revel. Hoobah and thank you. To Lady Ástríðr Árnarðóttír, Baroness Petrona de Manciano, Lady Mwynwen Ysiginidd, and Baron Gavin MacFergus who came out and either took a load in their own personal vehicle or assisted in loading the trailer full of Baronial items from the storage locker. And to Lady Dorcas the Lost, and Lady Malina an Eich Gil & Alistair Cearbach who are the shhhhhiii.... well let's just say they did a good job helping to take care of bathrooms and trash on Satur- day. Thanks to all who were there for Friday supply drop off and set up as well as those who were there for Sunday clean up. If I have missed anyone, please known I do not mean to exclude you. Our event is a large one and it is difficult to see all the hands that assisted in putting it on and making the Barony look like world class hosts. For all who stepped up in large to small ways to take care of this or that, it is greatly appreciated.
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