US 20140356511A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0356511 A1 England (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 4, 2014 (54) COFFEE LIQUEUR COMPOSITIONS Publication Classification (71) Applicant: Richardo’s, LLC, Lyons, CO (US) (51) Int. Cl. CI2G 3/06 (2006.01) (72) Inventor: Richard A. England, Lyons, CO (US) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ........................................ CI2G 3/06 (2013.01) (21) Appl. No.: 14/293.987 USPC ........................................... 426/592: 426/594 (22) Filed: Jun. 2, 2014 (57) ABSTRACT O O The present invention relates to novel coffee liqueurs, and Related U.S. Application Data methods of producing the same. Coffee liqueurs described (60) Provisional application No. 61/830,881, filed on Jun. herein have unique utility and taste profiles that distinguish 4, 2013. them from other conventional coffee based drinks Patent Application Publication Dec. 4, 2014 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2014/0356511 A1 FIGURE 2 US 2014/0356511 A1 Dec. 4, 2014 COFFEE LIQUEUR COMPOSITIONS taste degradation, including timing of product release from production and anti-oxidative steps after the coffee liqueur TECHNICAL FIELD has been prepared. 0001. The present invention relates to a novel coffee 0009. These and other aspects of the invention are liqueur, and methods of producing the same. described in more detail below. DESCRIPTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0010 Commercially available coffee liqueurs are manu 0002 Alcoholic liqueurs are popular beverages for con factured using a variety of base alcohols and coffees, and Sumption alone or in combination with other ingredients in contain caffeine. For example, a popular and widely-available mixed beverages or cocktails, and generally contain one or coffee liqueur contains approximately 4.85 mg of caffeine per more flavors that improve the palatability of beverages con 1.5 fl oz. serving. Typical drinks may include multiple serv taining a relatively high content of alcohol by Volume. ings, and typical cocktail drinkers may have many servings in Liqueurs manufactured using coffee or flavored with coffee a continuous time period. Liqueurs may also be used on or in are popular in mixed beverages, and are widely consumed. desserts. Liqueurs are typically ingested in the afternoon, Alcoholic liqueurs and mixed beverages are generally con evening, or at night, resulting in significant caffeine con Sumed in the afternoon, evening, or night. For example, a Sumption at these times. cocktail using Vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream is a popular 0011. There is a broad range in individual sensitivity to after-dinner drink. Due to the ingredients and production caffeine. Studies have shown that there is an identifiable processes used, these coffee liqueurs contain varying genetic component to self-identified “caffeine-sensitive' amounts of caffeine. Caffeine is tolerated differently for each individuals, who report that they voluntarily reduce their caf individual. For most individuals, ingestion of caffeine pro feine consumption to prevent sleep impairment (Rétey et al., motes mild alertness and decreases tiredness. For others, it is A genetic variation in the adenosine A2A Receptor gene poorly tolerated and may cause nausea or other unwanted (ADORA2A) contributes to individual sensitivity to caffeine effects. Even small amounts of caffeine consumed late in the effects on sleep. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics day may prevent sleep onset or the ability for an individual to 2007:81:692-8). For example, research comparing individu obtain restful sleep. Additionally, the manufacture of alco als with caffeine-induced wakefulness to those not as affected holic liqueurs from commercially-available spirits presents a by caffeine indicates that the former have considerably longer tradeoff between alcohol by volume and desired viscosity, plasma caffeine half-lives, resulting in a higher likelihood of and the methods employed to create alcoholic liqueurs may insomnia even eight hours after drinking coffee (Levy et al., require specialized equipment and increase the overall cost of Caffeine metabolism and coffee-attributed sleep distur the commercial product. Finally, conventional bottling meth bances. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1983:33: ods may also contribute to the oxygen degradation of the 770-5). Additionally, individuals with anxiety disorders have flavorants added to liqueurs, causing their flavor profile to also been found to be caffeine-sensitive, with the consump change over time. tion of one cup of coffee often triggering panic and anxiety 0003. The present invention is directed toward overcom (Boulenger et al., Increased sensitivity to caffeine in patients ing one or more of the problems discussed above. with panic disorders: preliminary evidence. Archives of Gen eral Psychiatry 1984:41(11):1067-71). BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 0012 Alcohol, in amounts commonly consumed, is a 0004 FIG. 1 is a flow chart of coffee liqueur production strong inhibitor of caffeine metabolism (George et al., Influ and distribution in accordance with one embodiment of the ence of alcohol and caffeine consumption on caffeine elimi present invention. nation. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physi 0005 FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram showing the basic ology 1986; 13(10):731-6). Alcohol ingested with coffee is process involved with brewing, storing and bottling coffee therefore likely to decrease caffeine metabolism, resulting in liqueur embodiments in accordance with the present inven a prolonged, elevated caffeine blood plasma concentration. tion. The synergistic effects of alcohol and caffeine in promoting wakefulness negatively impact sleep amount and quality, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION especially in sensitive individuals that already have either a longer caffeine elimination time or a stronger physiological 0006 Embodiments herein provide coffee liqueur compo reaction to low amounts of caffeine. The synergistic effects of sitions (coffee liqueur herein) and methods of preparing the the caffeine and alcohol provided by coffee liqueurs results in SaC. an increased likelihood of unwanted wakefulness or the onset 0007. A high quality coffee liqueur is provided having of other symptoms associated with caffeine sensitivity, and limited to trace amounts of caffeine, high-proof grain alcohol, may prevent caffeine-sensitive individuals from enjoying vanilla extract and sugar. The coffee taste is attributed to the coffee liqueurs. use of instant decaffeinated coffee or low caffeine coffee 0013. A number of caffeinated alcoholic drinks have beans, the high-proof grain alcohol is typically at least 95.8% received negative publicity after news agencies reported sev alcohol by volume, the vanilla extract is typically from a eral incidents of serious injury, drunken driving, assault, and Mexican bourbon vanilla cultivar and the Sugar is typically other dangerous behavior that occurred after drinking caffein sucrose. Viscosity and taste of the coffee liqueur are modified ated alcoholic beverages (Harris, F. D. A. says it may ban by production methods, aging and use of particular non alcoholic drinks with caffeine. New York Times, New York conventional ingredients for coffee liqueurs. Edition Nov. 13, 2009, page A11). In 2010, the combined 0008 Coffee liqueur production methods are also pro consumption of caffeine and alcohol was declared a “public vided herein for maximizing taste and minimizing product health concern” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, US 2014/0356511 A1 Dec. 4, 2014 which stated that the addition of caffeine to certain alcoholic A typical bottle for a liqueur includes a screw-top or corked beverages could not be generally recognized as safe (CNN closure, which is permeable to oxygen. As the compounds of Wire Staff, FDA calls 7 caffeine-alcohol drinks unsafe, CNN the liqueur react with oxygen, additional oxygen is allowed to Nov. 17, 2010). Some states and cities have gone as far as to enter the bottle, allowing a continual degradation of the prod ban caffeinated energy drinks as a class. The negative health uct. consequences of combining caffeine and alcohol are known 0018. The present invention overcomes these problems by to the general public, however coffee liqueurs continue to using a decaffeinated instant coffee to reduce the amount of contain varying amounts of caffeine. caffeine. Additional improvements are the use of a high-proof 0014. Additional related considerations in the formulation alcohol, a simplified process for manufacturing a coffee of a coffee liqueur are the base liquor and beverage Viscosity. liqueur, the optional inclusion of a Mexican bourbon vanilla Liqueurs are generally made from the combination of a com extract, and the optional use of a hand-resealable flip-top mercially-available, neutrally-flavored distilled spirit with bottle. sweeteners and flavors or flavor extracts, the relative amounts 0019. The present invention comprises a liqueur made of which determine viscosity and alcohol by volume. The with decaffeinated coffee. Coffee, as used herein, refers to ethanol, water, and other compounds in the base liquor tend to any harvested and prepared bean, or any combination of reduce the Viscosity of any liqueur. The use of typical liquors, harvested and prepared beans, of the genus Coffea, including such as vodka in the 80-100 proof range, results in the bev but not limited to Arabica and Robusta varieties. Decaffein erage manufacturer having to choose between reducing the ated, as used herein, refers to coffee with a low
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