THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Monday, March 12, 2012 (80 th Session) Volume IV No.01 (Nos.01-01) CONTENTS Pages 1 Recitation from the Holy Quran…………...…………………. 1-2 2 Oath taking of newly elected Senators and signing of Roll of 2-6 Members ……………………………………………………………. 3. Election of the Chairman …………………………………………… 6-7 4. Oath taking of the Chairman ……………………………………….. 7 5. Election of the Deputy Chairman …………………………………… 8 6. Oath taking of the Deputy Chairman ……………………………….. 8 7. Felicitations on newly elected Senators, Chairman and Deputy 8-67 Chairman……………………………………………………………... Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. Volume IV SP. IV (01)/2012 No. 01 130 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Monday, March 12, 2012 The special meeting of the Senate of Pakistan met in Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad at five minutes past eleven in the morning with Mr. Presiding Officer (Senator Afrasiab Khattak) in the Chair. --------------- Recitation from the Holy Quran „ fl‚ Í „ fl‚ fl ‚Í ‡ „ ‡ fl o3· · ∑ï…â∞3· ∑¥· ¼¾“· `c;øú3· Ó fl‚ Í Ó fl‚ ‚Í Ó · s3· ∑µs3· ¼¾“3· ≥Ö· · Ó ‡ ‡Ó flÓ‚Óflfl‚ fl ÓflÓ ‡ Ó flfl fl fl fl Ó flþÍ Í fl Ó‡ fl ‡ fl Ó ‡ ‡ ‡ Ó fl fl ‚ Í fl‚ 3øµ≠$% K3 >`π∞3· )*c +µ≠s 3;3··· M - `Ω±º3·· 123 fπ4Œ 3 3M:Xg K3 ≥:;<`» ¼¾“3 K3 fl ÒÓ ‡ fl Í fl Ó ‚ fl ‡‚ fl þ ‹‚Ó flÔ‹ Ó fl flfl fl‚͇fl ‚ Ó ‡ fl fl fl ‚Í fl‚ Ó fl Ó 3øN43 ∑» |∞3· `Ω»`» 3C*çc· `ù…EF···· K`G ¼¾“3 K3· ?ªcÁ · ≥≠ôù» `µù∏ ¼ ¾“3 K3· ?Izù∞`c· · fl‡Ó ‡‚Ó‡ flÓÓfl Ó Ó ‡Ó fl fl fl fl Ó ‡ Ó Ó fl Ó ‡fl fl Ó ‡ fl‚ ‡ fl fl fl ‚Í ‡ Ó fl 123· LM:~§ -VW fi 1X·· +ú=`πg K`§· Z ≥≠π4· ;<Œ 3· 12M3 M IøÑ3 3øù…î3· M ¼¾“3 3øù…î3· ‹ Ó Ó fl ‡ fl Ó fl fl‚ ›Ó fl fl Í Í ÓÓÓ fl fl ‚ÓÍ fl Ó ‡ ‡ Ó ‡ Ó ‡ Ó Ó ‡ fl‚ fl ‚Í *ŒÀ»M`g· ∑Ös3 M C*w ´∞;· ? ~wŒ 3· · Jø…∞3· M ¼¾“`c· · KøN4Xg· +π¨ K3· IøÑ3· M ¼¾“3· Q Q 0 Q 0 0 RMSA 0 > 1 0 / > @A 9 3B. .L 3CD53DE3FMN 3GT 3HG5D3IF53< U 1 OOP= P F53+V 37JW 3F=1 E3K3<= ? 34536: 378; :+-./ , 1 0 Q 0 0 Q >?@A 9 ] ] Q 3IF=1 ?A 3<= 34536: 378; 3D,3+T[Y=\ 37 Z 3XF Y; 53G3D,3+; T [ Y = \ 3HF= P _ CE37 T 3HGG ^ U Q Q QQfd9 0 0 R g ; / 3bT 3453G5D3HFU Q -=A 53*7JW\ 3c5D37e= E3c5D37 \ > : 34536: 378 ;W 37J 3F, d T 3B h= 3`aM 5 0 A Q Q 3<=>O 3K3G .L 3bT 3HG ^ G3H53CD53D, U Q T 3jC5Ek. nd FlO o 3b T 3 piGm C3CD53D,T 3jC5Ek. nd FlO o 0 u /Q T z 3bT 3iGm C37T 3q53CD534537 Z 53G3D, ;MT 35, t v. 3<=>O 3k= nw 3`x 3< = > O 3rs53l M; eMA 3HG3KFy W { 37 Z 0 0 aM/ 0 € A ez Q >~=; Q 0 A A 37JW 3` 53•F.d 3`= 3*G37yW \ C3<= 3,3M1HE37T 3B_ F=P| 3CD53,3453K3,M1 ^ 53Dk= nv M 3Xl } Q Q 0 0 0 0 A 0 ƒ „ A ( ( 59 Fd 358 : •F=d s53¸F ‡ >ˆ 53†CG m) *7JW 3kn? . 3BS.A 37 Z 3•FN 37 T 3‚F. N 53CD5 Mr. Iftikharullah Babar (Secretary, Senate of Pakistan): L / ; •‘ *K=R ,53<UQ • Ž ,53453K U x . Honourable members and members elect, Kf=P 3‚•‡U 5 1 My name is Iftikharullah Babar, I am Secretary of the Senate. I take this opportunity to formally welcome you to the Senate of Pakistan. As you are aware, this is a special sitting of the Senate, in which newly elected members will take oath, given in the prescribed form, and then sign role of members. In the afternoon, the House shall proceed to elect Chairman of the Senate, followed by election to the office of Deputy Chairman. This special sitting shall be presided over by a person, nominated by the President, in terms of Sub-Rule (2) of Rule 9 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012. In this regard, the President has been pleased to nominate Senator Afrasiab Khattak as Presiding Officer. I request Senator Afrasiab Khattak to kindly preside over the sitting. (At this stage Senator Afrasiab Khattak occupied the Chair as Presiding Officer.) L / ; Mr. Presiding Officer: *K=R ,53<UQ • Ž ,53453K U x . First of all, I congratulate the newly elected members of the Senate. As you are aware that this is a special sitting and the newly elected members of the Senate will be administered oath of their offices. I will read oath in Urdu. When I say, ä<=>Oãthen you will say your name. After this I will read the oath and you will repeat it. A copy of the oath form has been placed on the table of each newly elected member. I request the honourable members to stand by your seats and take oath. Oath taking of newly elected Senators and Signing of Roll of Members Mr. Presiding Officer: I will request the guests to keep the decorum of the House please. Q 9 > Z œ QQ z 0 *<=P 37Z 3` GF_ { 35CE3˘7J W 3K3ID3qF3›CF• M d - yž 2 Now, I will request Secretary Senate to call the names of the newly elected members, one by one, so that they can come here and sign the role of members, placed at the table of the Secretary. Mr. Iftikharullah Babar: With the permission of the Chair, I will now call upon the newly elected members of the Senate, one by one, in alphabetical order, to come and sign the role of members: 1. Mr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh 2. Mufti Abdul Sattar 3. Mr. Ahmed Hassan 4. Mr. Aitezaz Ahsan 5. Mr. Amar Jeet 6. Mr. Baz Muhammad Khan 7. Mr. Farhatullah Babar 8. Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani 9. Hafiz Hamdullah Saboor (Interruption) Mr. Presiding Officer: There cannot be point of order under the rules. 0Q Q 0 Q 3C5l• , .1 decorum F¨ House 3†D3+V 37JW 3BZ 5GL CE37 Z 3HGF ; -€ ¦ 3jk= n§ 3*7J W 3FFl3B= d O o Z CE 7; 3•s5M z *<=>v C Mr. Iftikharullah Babar: 10. Mr. Hamza 11. Mr. Hari Ram 12. Mr. Heman Dass 13. Mr. Hidayatullah 14. Mr. Hilal-ur-Rehman 15. Mr. Ilyas Ahmed Bilour 16. Mir Israrullah Khan Zehri 3 17. Mr. Kamil Ali Agha 18. Mr. Kamran Michael 19. Mr. Karim Ahmed Khawaja 20. Ms Khalida Parveen 9 Q 9 0 Q 9 0 >® Q ¯ 0 Q 0 Q L Q >d ; >O^ > O ˘<= y C3qGF_{Od 3,3Fl3bFkTo . °¦ 3+V 3HG3F,y W d T 3qC5,^ 37Z 3•5k• 3D3<= 5G L3FlO o 3«= ; k ¬ 3<= 3HG,=; •=P 3< = 3 Q Q Q Q Q Q T >O u Z aA ; 1 Q ±¦ 3jCCD3X• { b rules jCF.d 3›l´; 3<= 3B =\> =P `. 37²³ D3*<E37= ; , T announce 3‚Fd 37e 8 9 0 0 Q 0 *3+,= d ¶: 3BS..A 3B S A 3F¨ 3HDF µ ; 37T 3•s5M *7JW 21. Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar 22. Mrs. Mudassar Sehar Kamran 23. Mr. Muhammad Azam Khan Hoti 24. Mr. Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai Advocate 25. Dr. Muhammad Farogh Naseem 26. Mr. Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari 27. Malik Muhammad Rafiq Rajwana 28. Mr. Muhammad Saleh Shah 29. Mr. Muhammad Talha Mehmood 30. Mr. Muhammad Yousuf 31. Mr. Muhammad Zafarullah Khan 32. Mr. Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah u 9 Q 9 0 ±¦ >vR =>.d œ Q ¯ 0 Q A >O 3783CD53<e= 37 Z 3`GF3,3Fl3bFk3+3HG3F,3qC_{OdTo . °¦ V y W d T 5,37^ Z 3•s53lM eM 3+. P1 l3653< ¦ = d = Q Q u Q ±¦ ** ** *<E37=1\¹ ,3‚F378M1d e 3˘<E37 = 1 ; , T announcement 33. Mr. Mushahid Hussain Sayed 34. Syed Mustafa Kamal 35. Syed Muzaffar Hussain Shah 36. Malik Najam-ul-Hassan 37. Ms Nasima Ehsan 38. Mrs. Nasreen Jalil 39. Mr. Nisar Muhammad 40. Mrs. Nuzhat Sadiq 4 41. Mr. Osman Saifullah Khan 42. Mian Raza Rabbani 43. Mrs. Robina Irfan 44. Mr. Rozi Khan Kakar 45. Mrs. Rubina Khalid 46. Mr. Saeed Ghani 47. Mr. Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail 48. Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash 49. Nawab Saifullah Magsi 50. Mr. Shahi Syed 51. Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi 52. Mr. Zaheer-ud-Din Babar Awan 53. Mrs. Zahida Khan 54. Sardar Zulfiqar Ali Khan Khosa (Announcement of Schedule of the Elections of Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Senate of Pakistan) Mr. Iftikarullah Babar: I now request the honourable Presiding Officer to announce the schedule for the Chairman Senate and the Deputy Chairman Senate. Mr. Presiding Officer: Honourable members, I will announce the procedure and programme for the election of the Chairman Senate and the Deputy Chairman Senate. The nomination papers for the election of the office of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman Senate will be received by the Secretary Senate in his office. It can be given before 12:00 noon. The scrutiny of the nomination papers will take place at 2:00 p.m. in the office of the Secretary Senate. The scrutiny process can be seen by the candidates or their proposers, if they so desire. The withdrawal of the nominations can be made at any time before the elections. 5 Nomination forms may be obtained from the Secretariat. The election will take place at 3:00 p.m. today. Now I adjourn the House to meet again today at 3:00 p.m.
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