50¢ MONDAY THE TECUMSEH APRIL 28, 2014 Tecumseh, Michigan HERALD Join us! VOL. 161, ISSUE 58 LENAWEE COUNTY’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER • SINCE 1850 tecumsehherald.com INSIDE: Group seeks to restore Civil War statue at cemetery • Page 3 Citywide garage sales are May 1-3 n Maps will be avail- able at City Hall, Big Boy and Perky Pantry The city will host the 8th Annual Tecumseh Garage Sales event on Thursday, May 1, Friday, May 2, and Saturday, May 3. Residents are encouraged to take part in the citywide event, held each spring. The Garage Sales are permit free, as the city will waive its usual permit process for the PHOTO BY MICKEY ALVARADO three-day event. The starting time for the sales is Tecumseh Middle School students go outdoors following their lunch period. Approximately 60 staff members oversee 850 students. 9 a.m., with closing time to be at the seller’s choice. Some sales will run all three days, while others will operate on selected dates. Maps will be provided for TPS exploring ways to stem garage sale shoppers and will be available at Tecumseh Big Boy, any Perky Pantry and Tecumseh City Hall. The list will also be available on the city’s website at early bullying behaviors mytecumseh.org. Tecumseh Township residents n will also be hosting sales during the Parent dismissed from noon position hopes to see more action at middle school event. niors and seniors each take on 10- plement a program similar to the ences between such behaviors and The following suggestions are By DEB WUETHRICH 12 freshmen and work with them Link group at the middle school teasing and bullying. provided for those participating in [email protected] throughout the year. Kids just level for one thing. Coffin said a “A lot of times I think the term the garage sales: Like school districts across the want to fit in, and sometimes we top goal in the district’s strategic bullying gets overused,” said • Several garage sales on a street country, the Tecumseh school dis- forget the day-to-day things that planning for the community Laney. “We want to hear what the bring many buyers, so residents trict has embraced various pro- bother them. Social acceptance is group is how to empower kids to students have to say and really should encourage neighbors to par- grams designed to educate really b ig, so we’ve had some lead in their schools. listen to what they are seeing, and ticipate. students about the impact, both success with this type of pro- “Bullying doesn’t usually hap- be able to help them find ways to • Residents should ensure yards short and long-term, that bullying gram.” pen when adults are around, so become comfortable with tools to and walkways are free of holes and can have on others. Coffin said some newer strate- it’s more of an approach for help when they see mean behav- debris that might be a trip hazard. Tecumseh Public Schools gies are being implemented at working with students, who might iors, whether it’s reporting it to an • The city allows only one garage (TPS) Supt. Kelly Coffin said that Tecumseh Middle School (TMS), intervene with something like, adult or filling out a form.” A sale sign per property and no signs the district has brought in speak- or soon will be. ‘Knock it off; you’re being form that can be filled out anony- displayed in the city right-of-way. ers for assemblies at such events “Bullying doesn’t usually start mean,’” Coffin said, giving them mously is available on the TPS • The Appleumpkin Scarecrow as the Good to Great Day at the as bullying,” said Coffin. “It starts strategies to intervene before a website. Committee needs clothes for scare- hig h school, but also is taking ac- as being mean, generally in mid- situation escalates. She added that TMS will be implementing a crows, so donations of leftover tion in other ways, including dle school. We really need to edu- Encore teachers at the middle new 15-second intervention next clothing would be welcomed. methods that empower students, cate kids on how being mean school are also incorporating week, said Laney. Each teacher Items may be dropped off to such as the Link program at translates and becomes bullying mini-lessons into their teaching will have a rubic on their ID lan- Stephanie Dinius at the main Tecumseh High School. over time and how that impacts plans, which TMS Guidance yard that provides information for branch of United Bank and Trust in “With Link, every freshman others.” Counselor Debbie Laney said are Tecumseh. has a mentor,” said Coffin. “Ju- The distric t hopes to soon im- mini-reports that talk about differ- SEE BULLYING PAGE 4 n INDEX Classifieds………...................7 Legals……………….......4, 7, 8 What’s Happening…………... 8 2 APRIL 28, 2014 THE TECUMSEH HERALD slices (Cheryl)Obituaries Laslo of Whittaker, John granddaughter and one great PaulPAUL Peter PETER Laslo, LASLO age 97 of Laslo of Morenci and Jeff Laslo grandson. of life Britton, passed away Wednesday, of Bellefountaine, Ohio; step- Funeral services for Paul will April 23, 2014 surrounded by his daughter, Janet Blaker of Adrian; be held on Monday, April 28, by Jill Pertler loving family. He was born Janu- one brother, Joseph (Kathryn) 2014, at 11 a.m. at the Anderson ary 15, 1917, in Canada, to Laslo, Jr. of Waters, Mich.; three Funeral Home, Tecumseh. Burial Joseph and Anna Laslo. Paul sisters, Rose Dumith of Carson- will be in Ridgeway Cemetery serviced in the US Army and was ville, Mich., Leone (Richard) with full military rites conducted a WWII veteran. On November Chapelene of Zephyr Hills, Fla. by the Blissfield American Le- Pet talk 26, 1949, he married Carolyn and Edith Mellondorf of Port gion Robert Meachen Post #325. esterday, I accidently coughed up a hairball, for gosh Martin and she preceded him in Huron, Mich.; seven grandchil- Visitation was held on Sunday stepped on the cat’s sakes. Do you realize how liberat- death in 1987. On October 10, dren; nine great-grandchildren; from 2-8 p.m. at the Anderson Fu- Ytail, and she let me ing that is? It was like a weight 1987, he married Mary Pieplow in seven step-grandchildren and 20 neral Home, Tecumseh. know I’d committed an error of a had been lifted from her shoulders Adrian. She also preceded him in step-great-grandchildren. In ad- You may send condolences to horrendous nature. I apologized — or a ball of fur released from death. Paul was a lifetime mem- dition to his first and second wife, the family at www.andersonfu- profusely, of course, but she her abdomen. She held her nose, ber of the Blissfield American Le- he was preceded in death by two neralservices.com. Memorial wasn’t in the mood to forgive. She ears and tail high with an attitude gion. He enjoyed going to his sons, David and Michael Laslo; contributions may be made to the doesn’t take kindly to tail endan- of hoity-toity only a cat can cabin in Reed City. Paul is sur- two daughters, Theresa and Car- Charity of the Donor’s Choice. germent. achieve. If she cared a smidgen vived by his children, Janet olyn Laslo in infancy; three broth- Envelopes are available at the An- This isn’t the first time I’ve about the dog’s misplaced remorse Strong of Adrian, Stephen ers, six sisters, one great derson Funeral Home, Tecumseh. apologized to my pets — or con- she didn’t let on. Instead she versed with them. Far from it. twitched her tail a few times in a When my dog is lying on the stair- display of absolute confidence and way landing and I have to step sashayed over to the dog’s water over her, I say, “Excuse me,” like I dish, where she delicately and de- To the Editor, Letterthe basics. to Raising the the minimum Editorments. owe her that. I also speak plati- liberately took a drink. Raising the minimum wage wage to $10.10 is a step toward This initiative is about commu- tudes to my animals. They are so My feline has a catastrophi- has been a topic of discussion for that goal. nity building. And we as a society pretty. So darling. The nicest kitty cally expressive tail. It twirls and a number of years. But I believe Many arguments have been at-large need to come together — or puppy — ever. dances with the grace of a balle- that American society has evolved made to not raise the wage. How- and begin to advocate for making I don’t know if they understand rina. She’ll walk parallel to a wall and is ready to take on the issue, ever, big businesses that have this life-enhancing change that we a little or a lot of what I say. I do — with her body touching, but as 76 percent of Americans are in been making record profits, con- all will benefit from. find myself talking to them and barely so. (Why do cats do that?) support of an increase. servative politicians and people am not sure I should be admitting Then she’ll slink around the cor- Everyone deserves a livable that make a good livable wage Khristian Smith Speelman this publicly. But I guess the cat’s ner, leaving just the curly-cue of wage and should be able to afford have primarily made those argu- Clinton out of the bag, so I might as well her tail peeking behind as if to say, run with it.
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