looked at some of the reasons for not for providers/staff; development of proto- sharing the information. The findings sug- cols for the care of young transgender matters of health gest that bisexual men often anticipate patients, as well as roadmaps for families; strong judgmental reactions from their part- asking and recording of chosen name/ ners and families. Many report staying quiet pronoun; increased number of HIPAA Waiver in Orlando Shooting about their past in order to avoid rejection multidisciplinary gender clinics; providing In an interesting twist to the situation in Orlando, the White House approved a HIPAA and problems in their current heterosexual cross-sex hormones at an age that permits waiver. Just what does that mean? HIPAA stand for the Health Insurance Portability and relationships. Participants believed that peer-congruent development; and desig- Accountability Act. It protects the privacy of health information and if you have called a their family, friends, and female partners nating a navigator for transgender patients hospital to find out information about someone and only been told that the person is there held stigmatizing attitudes toward homo- in clinics. and that’s all they can tell you, you experienced the protections it provides. It restricts the sexuality; and had prior experience with sharing of medical information only to those the patient approves. But in the case of the negative reactions to disclosure. “Our find- Online Tools to Find PrEP victims in Orlando, most could not give that permission. The law does have provisions ings suggested that non-disclosure of sexual to allow health care providers to share the information with next of kin or spouses, if the orientation among behaviorally bisexual Prescribers person is incapacitated but many of those waiting to hear of their friends or partners were men is often used as a strategy to avoid A CDC study published in 2015 estimated not next of kin or spouses but still were “family.” According to an interview aired on that one in three nurses and primary care provid- anticipated stigmatizing responses from ers have not heard about PrEP. In addition, many Orlando’s NewsChannel 10, City Mayor Buddy Dyer announced that the issue was being their social network such as ridicule, rejec- providers refuse prescribing PrEP to their pa- addressed in an unusual way — by the granting of a HIPPA waiver by the White House tion, and victimization,” said Dr. Eric W. tients so finding a provider can be challenging. to Orlando Regional Medical Center, the hospital where many of the victims were being Schrimshaw, one of the studies authors. The Greater Than AIDS campaign has set up a treated. This was possible because there’s a clause in the law that allows the secretary guide of providers but checking it out, the number of health and human services to waive portions in certain exceptional situations. “The Trans Youth Have Trouble of Louisiana providers is sparse, listing only two. CEO of [a] hospital came to me and said they had an issue related to the families who came Check out the link http://www.greaterthan.org/get- to the emergency room. Because of HIPAA regulations, they could not give them any Finding Care prep/ and if you know of other sites, send me the information,” Dyer said, according to NewsChannel 10. A recent study published in the Journal info to include here ([email protected]). of Adolescent Medicine examined the bar- No Sex Ed Doesn’t Prevent Education riers faced by transgender youth and their Family Rejection & Negative caregiving in accessing gender-affirming The results of a recent survey conducted by GMFA, a gay men’s health organization Health Issues for care. The researchers found that several in London, found that almost half of the gay and bi men surveyed learned about sex through areas of barriers including Transgender Community porn. Of the over 1,000 men surveyed, 82 percent said they got no education about gay 1) few accessible pediatric providers In a recent study published in the LGBT sex in school. About 41 percent reported learning about anal sex through porn and 34 Health, researches at the City University of New are trained in gender-affirming health care; percent reported learning about oral sex through porn. About 13 percent of respondents York found that rejection from family members can 2) lack of consistently applied protocols; 3) said they had unprotected sex after watching bareback porn. have a significant influence on the health of inconsistent use of chosen name/pronoun; transgender people. Having experienced high 4) uncoordinated care and gatekeeping; 5) levels of family rejection was associated with Bisexual Men Fear Stigma limited/delayed access to pubertal blockers almost three and half times the chances of suicide We have heard several stories of the families of Orlando victims finding out at the and cross-sex hormones; and 6) insurance attempts and two and a half times of substance same time that their family member had died and were gay and now are hearing that exclusions. The researchers made the misuse, compared to those who experienced perhaps internalized homophobia might be one of the factors in the shooting. A study several recommendations to address these little or no family rejection. Having experienced published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior found that many bisexual men who barriers: mandatory training on gender- only moderate levels of family rejection was asso- are in heterosexual relationships tend to hide their sexual identity and history. The study ciated with almost twice the odds of suicide at- affirming health care and cultural humility tempts and over 1.5 times the odds of substance misuse. The authors reported that the rejection might be a direct factor in the negative health New SLT Artistic Director Michael E. This immersive experience takes place trodding the boards outcomes or it might be a barrier to transgender ...from 26 McKelvey helms the production and I don’t July 14-31 at the Aloft New Orleans Down- people accessing the social support they need to expect any startlingly new interpretations; town hotel, and offers a post-show pool deal with their life stressors. Unquestionably spontaneous were the after all, a show that’s all about the 1920s party—just pack a swimsuit, or wear one to responses to audience questions at the could hardly be re-set in the 1980s? Or the show! Closing Thoughts end. could it be, with a chorus of Material Girls? I’m not sure if a bathing suit is right for I can not close this issue’s column without One that stood out was Cooper’s re- Millie is followed by another Tony The High Priestess of Dark Alley at Le some thoughts on the senseless murder of 49 gay sponse to a lady who asked “What makes winner, Big River (July 28-31), Roger Miller Petit (July 7-24), but I can tell you it’s about and lesbian community members in Orlando and New Orleans special?” He used as an and William Hauptman’s adaptation of Mark two sisters, one robbed of her sexuality, the the impact on our health. Several shorts in this example the high school his father went to, Twain’s Huckleberry Finn. Last seen here other defined by it, who do battle with their installment refer to the impact of rejection and Francis T. Nicholls on St. Claude. Originally eleven years ago, River has never been a domineering mother over the men they homo/transphobia on our well being. The ques- named for the former Confederate general musical I’ve cherished but, hopefully, love. Writer/director Jackie Alexander re- tion I hear over and over in these last days is what and governor of Louisiana, it was renamed McKelvey, who’s directing the show, might turns with his latest work after his accom- can we do? Rev. Bill Terry speaking at the recent vigil at Saint Anna’s Episcopal Church gave one in honor of the abolitionist Frederick get me to change my mind. plished Brothers from the Bottom played answer and that is we must speak up. In times like Douglass in the 1990s. Driving by the school Also at Tulane, the New Orleans at NOCCA last year. these I am always reminded of the words of Audre while he was covering Katrina, Cooper Shakespeare Festival expands its play- I’ve heard good things about The Com- Lorde, “I know that my people cannot possibly noted that under the new name, the old one wright circle with The Illusion (July 23- pany, St. Bernard’s new community theater profit from the oppression of any other group, had remained chiseled in the stone. “Any- Aug. 6), Tony (Angels in America) at Nunez College, and am looking forward which seeks the right to peaceful existence. We where else it would’ve been erased. That’s Kushner’s adaptation of a 17th century to their Urinetown, the subversive winner diminish ourselves by denying to others what we the extraordinary thing about New Orleans,” Corneille comic play. Expect a father, a of three Tony Awards (though it lost Best have shed blood to obtain for our children. I he replied eloquently, “it’s a city of memo- prodigal son, a sorcerer, and plays-within- Musical to Thoroughly Modern Millie). cannot afford to believe that freedom from intoler- ance is the right of only one particular group. I ries.” plays as love is searched for and, possibly, Satirizing the legal system, capitalism, so- cannot afford to choose between the fronts upon Let’s hope Andy Cohen and Anderson found. cial irresponsibility, populism, bureaucracy, which I must battle the forces of discrimination, Cooper return again soon to add more As part of NOSF, on July 27 The NOLA corporate mismanagement, municipal poli- wherever they appear to destroy me.
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