General Index Volume XXII, October 1983 - July 1984 Adair, W. S., 58 Bicentennial of American Methodism, African Methodist Episcopal Church, III, 87-98 ' . 141 Bishops, history of Methodist, 174-188 Ainsworth, William N., 180 Blackbird, Joseph, 56, 57 Alabama, 54 Black College Fund, 151, 153 ~. Albin, Tom, 227 Black colleges, 139-157 i Albright, Jacob, 8, 9, 12, 264 Boaz, Hiram A.; 185 ~. Albright Memorial Chapel, 264 Boddy, Michael, 90 l I Alexandria Academy, 155 Boehm, Henry, 92 Allahabad University, 217 Bond, Horace Mann, 140, 144, 151 I Allen, Richard, 92, 134 Boot, John Fletcher, 57, 66 I II Allen, Young J., 110 Bosley, Harold A., 134, 186 ~ Alton, Ralph, 187 Bowen, J. W. E., Sr., 179, 183 I ! Anderson, William F., 179 Bowmer, John, 97 :I ~ Andrews Normal School, 155 Bracy, Carl, 181 , i Ankeny, Edwin A., 134 Brawley, James P., 146, 148 I ! Annesley, Samuel, 163 Bristol, Frank M., 179 Annesley, Susanna, 158 Brown, Earl Kent, 206, 207 Antigua, 77 Brown, James, 57 Anxious bench, 3 Brown, John, 55, 57 Arons, Stephen, 246 Brown, Wallace E., 180 Arthur, Chester A., 115 Brunson, Alfred, 32 Asbury, Francis, 14, 84, 87, 105, 139, Bryan, Hugh, 81 174, 176, 178, 182, 187; letter, 128 Buckley, James M., 117, 122, 178 Atlanta University, 145 Bull, George, 165 Authority of scripture, 239 Burns, Francis, 180 Butler, Elizur, 62, 65 Baker, Frank, 74, 75, 100, 226 Buttz, Henry Anson, 183 Baker, Gordon Pratt, 132 Baltimvre, Md., 133 Calcutta University, 217 Baltimore Union Society, 191, 192, 195 Calhoun, E. Clayton, 148 I Bangs, Nathan, 14,22,30, 174, 182 Calkin, Homer L., 90 r I Barclay, Wade Crawford, 61, 96 Cameron, Richard M., 96 Barry, James, 68, 69 Campbell, Arch, 57 I Barton, J. Hamby, 97, 175 Camp meetings, 3, 10, 15, 16 I Batsel, John and Lyda, 90 Chandler, Warren A., 178, 187 ;~ Baxter, Richard, 168 Cannon, James, Jr., 180 i Beckerlegge, Oliver, 227 Cannon, William, 21 -1 Cape May Conference, 120 j Beebe, James A., 35 Beh ney, J. Bruce, 92 Capers, William, 54 Bellinger, William, 75 Carr, Harold F., 186 Benezet, Anthony, 77, 82, 83, 84 Carroll, William, 58 Bennett, Belle Harris, 108, 109, 112 Cell, George Croft, 38, 227 Bennett College, 146, 148, 154 Centenary Collections, 125 Bennett Law, 255, 260 Centennial of American Methodism, [ Benson, Joseph, 224 115-127 Bethune, Mary McLeod, 144 Centennial Methodist Conference, 133 Bethune-Cookman College, 146, 154 Central Alabama College, 146, 154, 155 Beveridge, William, 163, 165, 169, 238 Chandler, Douglas, 97 269 270 Chappell, John, 192 Creeks, 54 Chartered Fund, J 19 Creighton, J. R., 258 Cherokees, 54-66 Crook, John, 69 Chicago Training School, 109 Cushman, Ralph S., 180, 184 Chidley, Katherine, 160 Cushman, Robert, 178 Children's Day, 120 Chiles, Robert E., 96 China Mission, 110 Darlington, U. V. \V., [80 Chinese Exclusion Act, 116, 124 Davage, Matthew Simpson, 148, 156 Choctaws, 54, 57 Davies, Samuel, 76 Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Day, Albert E., 134 143 Day, James R., 183 Christmas Conference, 122 Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute, Church of England, 227 144, 146 Church Extension, Board of, 119 Deaconesses, 99 Church of God, 4, J2 Deaconess history, 97 Church history, 87 Deaconess movement, 216 Church of the United Brethren in Christ, Deaconess societies, 107 4, 12 Defoe, Daniel, 163 Cincinnati Conference, 14 J Delaware Academy, 155 Civil Rights bill (1866), 145 Dent, Albert W., 148 ClaAin College, 142, 148, 151, 154 Der Chrislfiche Apologele. 16, 17 Clair, Matthew W., Sr., 180 Der Deulsche Kirchenfreund. 6, 16, 17 Clark, Davis W., 150 Deschner, John, 38 Clark, Elmer T., 98 Diaconal ministry, 99 Clark, Kenneth, 149 Dillard University, 147, 148, 154 Clark College, 146, 147, 148, 150, 154 DISCOVERY, 67, 128, 200, 261 Cl:.1rke, Adam, 27, 29 Divorce, 125 Clarkson, Thomas, 85 Dogan, Matthew \V., 148 Class meetings, 15, 125 Dougherty, Mary Agnes, 97 Clayton, John, 236 Douglas, Thomas L., 64 Cleveland, Grover, 116 Dow'ney, David G., 184 Cleveland, J. Jefferson, 95 Drew University, 119. 232 Coke, Thomas, 14, 29, 139, 174, 176: Dubois, W. E. B., 143 letters, 121) DuBose, Horace rv1., 180 Cokcshury College, 14, 139. 140 Duff, Alexander, 214 Compton, Stephen c., 131:\, 189 DUl11llling, D. B., 55 Compton. William, 192-199 Duncan, James A.. 185 Compulsory school attendance, 246-260 Dunlap. Dale, 21 Congregationalists, 4 Dutch Reformed, 4 Coody. Joseph. 56 Cookman Academy, 155 Eaton, John 1-1., 5S Cookman Institute, 146 Ecumenical r>·1elhodi~1 Conkrencl.:, 117 Cooper, L7dieL 1.10, 187, 192, 197 Eddy. Thom;ls ivl .. 133, 1t:3 Coors, D. Stanley. 181 Education, 125 Corplc~tolle, J. Trem;lync, 96 r:::d\\ ;trds, Jonathdl1, 2.\7 Coulter. L. f'v!t.:rlnn, 61 Eller, P;lul 1-1 .. 92 COUlll'j/ of Bishops, 175, 17'<) Ellis, Thomas [);l\'ld, IS\ IXh (ourse or "Iud). l(l Embury, Philip, I05,1()(1 Co.\. ,I; 111li.': S 1\1.. I4X [:I1Hlry, John, 14. 174 CO\. [co, 3;-.; Lmor) Unl\l'r:'II), 232 (r'lIg. /\ L 2:'\{) Lns Ie). I· ra I1\.: IS (; . 1SI (r<tIl<;[l)n. 1',lrl, 177. 17\), 1:-:.\ l.plS,,)(';IC). hhtllry or. 174-\;-;:-; ( r,I\\lord. '\ndn.:\\ .1,5'\ l.pII or: it lC;It?LH.', 1)\ '> 271 Ethnic minority records, 90 Halevy, Elie, 42 Evangelical Association, 12, 18, 264 Hall, Robered, Jr., 69 Evangelical United Brethren, 18 Hamilton, Ellsworth, 180 Hamilton, J. W., 156 Fallows, Samuel, 250 Hammett, William, 131 Ferguson, Charles W., 92 Hargrave, Francis, 79 Ferguson, Duncan S., 206, 234 Harris, Ivey, 198 Field, Benton, 195, 196 Harris, Willis, 194, 199 Fields, Turtle, 57 Harrison, Benjamin, 219 Finley, James B., 203 Hartman, Lewis 0., 184 Finney, Charles Grandison, 3, 4 Hartzell, J. c., 156 Fisk, Clinton B., 150 Haskins, Thomas, 84 Fisk, Wilbur, 182, 184 Harmon, Nolan B., 27, 91 Fisk Univers'ity, 143, 150 Harrell, Costen J., 181 Fitzgerald, O. P., 185 Harris, George W. D., 64 \ Foreman, Grant, 61, 66 Harris, M. Lafayette, 148 l Foster, Randolph S., 31, 121, 124, 133 Hastings, Selina, 103 I Fowler, Charles, 179 Haven, Erastus 0., 183 I Francke, August Hermann, 234 Haven Institute and Conservatory of Frank, Eugene, 181 Music, 147, 155 Freedmen's Aid Society, 119, 141, 142, Haven Normal School, 155 150 Hawes, Robert, 82, 83 French, John Stewart, 185 Hawk, Madison c., 55 Haygood, Atticus G., 145 Galloway, Paul, 181 Haygood, Laura, 110 Gamble Deaconess Training School, 217 Heck, Barbara, 105, 106,208 Gammon Theological Seminary, 150, Heck, Paul, 105 154, 183 Hedding, Elijah, 14 Garber, Paul N., 181, 186 Heitzenrater, Richard P., 68, 200, 206, 221 Garden, Alexander, 75 Helm, Lucinda, 108 Garfield, James A., 115 Helm, Mary, 108 Garreltson, Catharine L., 105 Helm, Mary Edwards, 106 Garrettson, Freeborn, 92, 105 Helm, Sally Brown, 106 Garrett-Evangelical Theological, Hermeneutics of Pietism, 234-245 Seminary, 130 Herrnhut, 237 George R. Smith College, 146, 154 Hexter, J. H., 42 Georgia, 54-66, 61-63; Wesley in, 75-86 Hiltner, Seward, 27, 36 German Methodists, 16, 17 Historic sites, 136 History, Methodist, 87-98 German Reformed Church, 3-19 Gilbert, Francis, 77 Hoard, William Dempster, 255, 260 Gilbert, Nathaniel, 77 Hoare, Samuel, 85 Gilmer, George R., 63 Holland, John M., 64 Gladden, Washington, 35 Holmes, Merrill J., 156 Goen, Clarence, 97 Holston Conference, 55 Gough, Henry and Prudence, 105 Horton, John, 82 Hough, Lynn Harold, 34, 134 Granville Union Society, 189-199 Hughes, Edwin H., 121 Graphic materials, 231 Hughes, Matthew Simpson, 180 Graves, Ed\vard, 57 Humbert, Russell, 186 Gray, J. M. M., 184 Hunt, Albert Sanford, 183 Great Awakening, 3, 23 Hunt, J. J., 195, 199 Gunter, Edward, 55, 57 Hunt, James, 195, 196, 198 Gunter, Samuel, 57 Hunt, Thomas c., 206, 246 Hunt, Thomas H., 195, 196, 199 : ' I! j I I; 11 Ji,-,-__.. l'S'-· me",••"", ,... • 272 Huntingdon, Countess of, 103 Lord's Supper, 9 Hurley, Michael, 47, 48, 49, 51 Lowry, James, 131 Huston-Tillotson College, ISO, 154 Lucknow Women's College, 110, 217 Hutchinson, Forney, 186 Lutherans, 4 Hymnody, 95 McCabe, Charles C., 179, 183 Iliff School of Theology, 179 McCaine, Alexander, 174 India, 124, 210 McClintock, John, 16 Indiana Asbury University, 14 McConnell, Francis John, 35, 177 Indian Mission Conference, 55, 66 McCoy, L. M., 148 Inman, Godfrey, 101 McCulloh, Gerald 0., 96 Irwin, Joyce, 171 McDowell, William Fraser, 178 McEllhenney, John, 91 Isabella Thoburn College, 219 Isle of Man, 68, 69 McFerrin, John B., 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, Itinerancy, 21 126, 178, 184 McGrath, Earl J., 152 McKendree, William, 56, 177, 178, 187. Jackson, Thomas, 225 McLeod, Dickson C., 60, 62, 64 Janes, Edmund S., 133 McMahon, William, 54, 57, 64 John Street Church, 106 McMurray, William F., 180 Jones, David D., 148 McMynn, John, 249 Jones, E. Stanley, 177, 180, 184 McTyeire, Holland, 178, 187 Jones, Lewellin, 195-199 Magalis, Elaine, 94 Jones, Robert E., 180 Magee, J. Ralph, 180 Jones, Thomas Jesse, 145, 146, 148 Mann, William B., 195, 196, 199 Mareety, P. J., 156 Kearns, Francis E., 177, 181 Marianborn, 237 Keeney, Frederick T., 178 Marshall College, 5 Keller, Rosemary Skinner, 74, 99 Martin, Paul, 181 Kennedy, Gerald, 21, 181 Maser, Frederick E., 67, 74, 91, lIS, Kern, Paul B., 178, 181 128 Key West Academy, 155 Mason, M. C. B., 156 Kilham, Alexander, 130 Massa, Mark S., 2, 38 Kim, Hyung-chan, 93 Medicine, 228 Kim, IlIsOb, 93 Meharry Medical College, 154 King, James M., 183 Melanchthon, 10 Kingswood Meetinghouse, 197 Men's Brotherhood, 95 Kittrell's Springs Church, 199 Mercersburg, 3-19 Knights of Labor, 115 Mercersburg Review, 6, 13 Mercersburg theology, 4 LaGrange Seminary, 155 Meridian Academy, 155 Laity rights for women, 107 Methodist history, 87-98 Lal
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