THE YEAR OF THE LIFEBOAT Volume XLIII Number 447 Spring 1974 15p durability THE LIFEBOAT Spring 1974 Contents Notes of the Quarter by the Editor .. .. .. .. .. 117 The Modern Lifeboat Exhibition .. .. .. .. .. 118 Volume XLIII Birthday and New Year Honours .. .. .. .. .. 118 The Past—On Call by Commander Paul C. Chapman, QBE, RN, DSO, Number 447 DSC 119 Price 15p Douglas, Isle of Man—Birthplace of the RNLI by Joan Davies .. 120 Lifeboat International by Commander Peter D. Sturdee, OBE, RN .. 126 Chairman: COMMANDER F. R. H. SWANN, CBE, RNVR Profiles 128 Director and Secretary: International Boat Show 1974 129 CAPTAIN NIGEL D1XON, RN New Equipment—from the Boat Show .. .. .. .. .. 130 Lifeboat Services .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 132 THE YEAR Book Reviews .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 138 Central Appeals Committee .. .. .. .. .. .. 139 OF THE Some Ways of Making Money .. .. .. .. .. .. 140 LIFEBOAT Lifeboat People 142 Letters 143 1824-1974 Shoreline Section .. .. .. .. .. .. 144 Lives Saved: Societe Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer .. .. .. .. 145 Awards to Coxswains and Crews .. .. .. .. .. 146 98,500 Lifeboat Launches .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 149 ILB Launches 150 All editorial material submitted for Shoreline Organising Secretary: G. R. consideration with a view to publication (Bob) Walton, 29a Castle Street, in the journal should be addressed to Salisbury, Wiltshire (Telephone Salis- Editor: the Editor, THE LIFEBOAT, Royal National bury 6966). Life-Boat Institution, West Quay Road, PATRICK HOWARTH Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ (Telephone A year's subscription of four issues Assistant Editor: Poole71133). costs 88p, including postage, but those Photographs intended for return should who are entitled to receive THE LIFEBOAT JOAN DAVIES be accompanied by a stamped and free of charge will continue to do so. addressed envelope. All advertising enquiries should be The next issue of THE LIFEBOAT will addressed to Dyson Advertising Services, appear in July and news items should PO Box 9, Godalming, Surrey (Tele- be sent by the end of April. phone Godalming (04868) 23675). 113 International Yacht Paints Stand up to the sea Main suppliers of tough, all weather coatings for the protection of R.N.LI, life-boats International Yacht Paints 24-30 Canute Road, Southampton. Telephone: 070324712/3 • Glasgow 041-886 3631 The International Paint Company Limited L. J. BUSHNELL C.Eng., F.R.I.N.A., F.lnst.B.E. CONDITIONS AND INSURANCE SURVEYS We take pride in the fact that we supply COMPASSES AND NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT WATERMAN TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II TO THE R.N.L.I. FULL RANGE ON DISPLAY IN OUR LONDON SHOWROOM WOOD, STEEL OR G.R.P. Write for illustrated catalogue of compasses HOME AND ABROAD Henry Browne & Son Limited LEONARD J. BUSHNELL & PARTNERS THAMESSIDE.WARGRAVE, READING, Compass Craftsmen since 1885 BERKS Sales Dept. & Showroom: Telephone: Wargrave 2161 P & O Deck, P & 0 Building, Leadenhall St., London,ECS. Tel: 01-283 1745 Member of the Bushnell Group Glasgow: 193 St. Vincent Street Tel: 041-248 6956 114 Automatic Pilot THE WORLD'S MOST To hold a set course POWERFUL FLASHLIGHT in most conditions Repeater Compass For easy reading and optimum siting Electric Capstan Push-button control of 650 Ibs pull Anchor Windlass DYNALITE FLASHES The world's most powerful flashlight, specially 1,600 Ibs pull from imported from the U.S.A. This six-cell flashlight 12-220 volt D.C. supply is 80,000 candle power made of strong plastic, and unconditionally guaranteed for one year. This is an ideal outdoor light for every purpose including Dinghy Hoists signalling. As sold to, and tested by the For dinghies, etc., Royal National Life-boat Institution Also ap- up to 1,500 Ibs lift proved by the Game Conservancy. Will go to a depth of 30ft and remain 100% waterproof. Indicators £5.00 (Batteries extra) For Rudder Angle, Similar in design but for heavier duty, The Battery State Sharkseye' will go to a depth of 100ft. £6.00 (Batteries extra) Prices include VAT. Post and Packing NECO MARINE LTD. 30p (UK only) Walton Rd., Eastern Rd., Cosham, Portsmouth, Write to Dept. J Hants. PO61SZ Tel: Cosham (07018)70988 COGSWELL Er HAFLRIBDN LTD rti168 PICCADILLY LONDON W1 Tel OV RCC Press announce the publication of Her Majesty The Queen Pejt Control & Timber Preservat ROVING COMMISSIONS 14 Services & Product! This anthology of cruising logs by members of the Royal Cruising Club—published in a An admittedly limited edition—is available to subscribers, post free, making use of the order form below modest quid pro quo Order form You save lives. We save buildings. To: RCC Press Ltd., William Blake House, Including, we're pleased to say, many Marshall St., London W.1. R.N.L.I. stations. We are proud to serve you in our Please supply .... copies of Roving Commissions 14 @ £2.90 per copy. small way-just as you, in your big Postage & Packing outside the UK is way, serve others. 80p per book I enclose cheque/PO for £ NAME RENTOKIL ADDRESS guards your property Felcourt, East Grinstead, Sussex RH19 2JY. 115 Today's lifeboat equipped with today's radar — by Decco Decca was the first radar set aboard a lifeboat in this country. That same Decca set is still serving on the same lifeboat; still guiding men through hard seas to safe harbours. When the call is for solid reliability, Decca meets that call with plenty to spare. The best marine radar in the world—by Decca Decca Radar Limited THE QUEEN'S AWARD TO INDUSTRY 1966 1967 1968 1911 19 ™ Albert Embankment, London SET 116 in the grounds of Buckingham Palace Exmouth on September 14, from which on July 16. Invitations will be sent out the RNLI is expected to benefit sub- towards the end of May. The intention stantially. is that lifeboat crews, members of station and financial branches and of ladies' lifeboat guilds should be as fairly and fully represented as possible. Support from Banks Priority in the issue of invitations will be A central feature of the RNLI's accorded only to a very limited section plans for 'The Year of the Lifeboat' is an of RNLI supporters such as life vice- appeal to the public to contribute presidents and honorary life governors, generously towards meeting the cost of donors of lifeboats, holders of the gold the huge boat building programme medal for gallantry and widows and which is now under way In this respect orphans of men who have given their the RNLI is receiving valuable help lives in the service. from the clearing and trustee savings banks. Throughout the period from Monday, April 29, to Friday, May 24, Sporting Events anyone who enters a bank will be Two important sporting events have provided with paying-in facilities for now been arranged as part of the cele- making a direct contribution to the NOTES OF brations of 'The Year of the Lifeboat'. RNLI. Posters appealing to the public One is a pro-am golf tournament which to contribute will also appear in the THE QUARTER will take place at the Notts Golf Club, banks. Such facilities are rarely provided Hollinwell, near Nottingham, on Wed- and the offer has been made as a tribute nesday, May 29. The sponsors of this to the work of the RNLI over the past event, Associated Tyre Specialists, are 150 years. by the Editor putting up substantial prize money, and During roughly the same period the all the leading golf professionals on the RNLI will be provided with 2,000 sites British circuit are expected to take part. for posters, free of charge, by the The amateur entry will be an unusual British Poster Advertising Association. one. Every amateur taking part is being THE YEAR 1974 began in an atmosphere asked to make a donation of £100 for of gloom and anxiety with industry the privilege of playing with the limited to a three-day week and restric- New Headquarters professionals. This will entitle him to By the time this number of THE tions on lighting recalling wartime be a life governor of the Institution and blackouts. LIFEBOAT appears the headquarters of to the use of various insignia such as the RNLI will have been established at The first month of the year was also ties and car badges. It is hoped that this one in which there were gales of excep- Poole. In the next issue of THE LIFEBOAT competition will attract leading figures there will be a review of Oliver Warner's tional severity. In some areas sea con- in industry, finance, show business and ditions were reported to have been as new official history of the RNLI. In other walks of life to make an appro- this he gives details of the moves of the bad as any in living memory. Accounts priate contribution to the RNLI in 'The of some of the services carried out by RNLI's headquarters which have taken Year of the Lifeboat' and, at the same place over the years, from the City of lifeboats in these conditions will appear time, have an enjoyable outing. Anyone in later numbers. London to Charing Cross Road and whose handicap is not more than 18 is then to Grosvenor Gardens. During the All this followed a year in which eligible to play. more people were saved from death at last war the head office was transferred It is hoped, too, that a number of to the Boreham Wood depot, but apart sea by lifeboats of the RNLI than in any visitors from overseas will take part as other year in time of peace in the 150- from that emergency the major head amateurs. In a recent report in The office has always, until now, been in year history of the Institution. The total Times it was stated that some Japanese number of lives saved last year was London.
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