
Monday, 8th December, 1947 THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY OF INDIA (LEGISLATIVE) DEBATES ~ . ...-; ..... ;\~ ;):..:.•.... "-.., ,1,- ~ t '''- Official Report {t~/-~~ .ilf/ ,~u ,- '.\\ I • ~ , \ ! - -: \ -,"~ ~. ~ . """,:'. .:' \ " 4 }j" ,-' ~ \" ~.\ A • Volume n, 1947 ~. ." ;,~~.,,_ ~ ....... ~' -.-~.'-- (-29th Novem"er to 10th Dacember, 1941 ) • 'I!£ •• Firat Sea.ion OF THE CONSTITUOO ASSEMBLY OF INDIA (LEGISLATIV~) 1947 ..- ...... Pas- Hindu Juter Celtellarriap Regulatial aDd Valldatlag Bill-Introduced. 1187 Cod" Qf Crirnirual Procedure (ADlODIlmeDll Bi11-AmendJDent of ScctiODe"161 and I 82-1Dt.rodu('eci • 1187-88 FACtoriea BiJI-lntroclueed . • 1188 Dam,,,,, ... V.Uoy Corpor.tion Bill-Introouced • . 1188 J,&t:Ol'fll·t ... 1. and RUllinr-J'I'"lit" T .. " (.~ ' t) DiII-·Pallf'd fill amended 1188-87 ";.t, .. Pr(win"j", JuriNJi"lil,n UilI-·ltc·f(>m .. ll" f;flIClCl Commitic:c . 1197-98 lAdian M..-chuut Shippi", (AmeelmcDt) Bill -P.-ed ... 1198-1100 1201--18 1229' 1221-71 ....&1', In D.caa., 1"7- · 1188-1111 • .116 · 1116-60 · 1140-41 · IMI-lI ~ 'ao!.... ben • 1111 ........ Q.&. ...".....,. • • • . • • • 1111-7' .... ~ '" ,J"Ndia"oD I -. ~t. of &be ~ of8eleo' Com· ...... • . ... 1.78 ......II .. and Am..u.c BOt-In""""" . 1380 ladJaa Taritr (8ecl0Qd Ameadm.eal) BDI-Introduaed. 1380 APIDfId Foro. (8JIeoial PowerI) I)-I~. 1380 Atm4ICI Porwe f......... ;SDuU.) A ~ BiIi--Ia......... 1380 IncI'-Fi ...... (8 ltaI')') BDl-P..... • . ISll-H ,,_aricil1 (8t1PP17, W-D"",,",- OD .... lloUoa. to ..,. &0 Weo' CommiUee / _~- IIM-l_ MOltD4Y. ITa Danno ... IM'- at.ned Q"...u_ .... A....... • . 14U-U lIo&ioft for AdjOltf'n'll1_t ~ raDQre of 00YerD ....... &0 aop Tdbal ...... from PIlk ....... --DWo.llOftd . I- ()o1ftm1U. 01\ PMl"-" • . • . • I- 'itBhIOuloit,. (h"" BiU-RelMWIl &0 WeeL eom........ 1_'1tM--e7 ___ r-t..u-NQ_"; ~ BiU-P........ ......... : • DeIhl Plena ... (I\eq1\iIIItioa IUIIIlBriltUoa) ~ .. ......... .• • I~II I ,-DeIaI_ Aj ...X.....,. .... CeaVol (Ala ......, BII-P-.I .. .......... I ....... ~........ DwcJIrw-D 1"'- ..... ~........ ......... 1111-11 u..tItof ............. .1Kl "' ~_'" ..... ~ CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY OF INDIA (LEGISLATIVE) llonday, 8th Del)ember, 1947 The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber of the Council House fit Eleven .f thE) l;!UCJi., luI. ;.u ,.~ (I ~ u 'uu .~ 1-Ir: G. V. .MI.I ...:..uI:"",; ~ the (;hair. STARRED QUESTIOl\S AND ANSWERS I (a) ORAL ANSWERS. RA1·F.R })OI.JCY (IF RAIJ.W.\YS t658. ·Shrf T. T. Krtshnamachart: (a) Will the Honourable MinIster of Rail· way" be I'lcu,;cu to !:ilute whetUer ,he tipcl:iul Officer allti the LOiliffittee ':f Ruting Experts oppo.lIted by the Hoilwoy H081'd to work out the ba'l ~ for revl- &ion of the rates policy of the HoilwuYR ha\'e submitted their reports to the Hailwoy Donrd? (b) If so, whnt nrc their recommendations? The Honouraole Dr. John Matthai: (0) The Spec:nl Officer, who is also the 8ecreLary of the I::itandillg Adv;sory COllllnlttee (PORt· war lwtillg), hus Rub- Illitted severol repolts 011 t ~ ditterent aspects ot rutmg prllctlCt! uud policy. 'I ~ of the reporto huve been exuIIJined aud ~ t on by the titandlllg Advisory Committee, whose recolllmeudutons have been considered by the ~u u Bourd. The subject, however,o i& a vast one, and there is still consi· deruble work to be done. (b) Among the more important recommendutiollS of the Stnnding Advisory Committee, which have been accepted by the HRilway Board, HIlly he cited the !ollqwing: (i) Introduction of 10 telescopic (~( t u u rnileuge 'clnss' rates, leaving only six 'fiat.' cluss rutes in operution. It is hoped that the latter will (~ reo placed by telescopic scu:es befote the eud of 1948. (ii) Assimilation of 'schedu'e' rates. Only· eight 'schedules' will be ill use &fter t ~ 1st of January 1948 in place of twenty·seven hithert·o in force. Considerable simplification of procedure will result. (iii) Alter the 1st of J 8nuary. 1948, all goods traffic is to be carried by the ..hottest rome to the greatest extent possible. This will eliminnto Cil""lIitlluS routing of goods and should' improve wagon availability. (iv) Two new rules of procedure arc t{) be introduced as frf)In L;t .JllIlIlUr.v 1948 as a collvenience to commercial interests. These rules are: (1) No rote sha'l be cancelled or enhanced by railway;; without three calendar months' notice to the trade a::ld other railways concerned. The only exception to this will be the cancellation of 'dead' rates, i.e. trttes ot wh ch no traffic bas moved for n period of not Ie", than six consecutive months. Such ·dead· rates \\ill be \\"iLh· drawn on one month's notice to th.:>se concerned. (2) No MItes shaH he re-iuced wif'hout at least seven days' notice to the public, which notice shall be given through the medium of thp tAaawer to this qtJellLion laid on the table, the qUeRtioner heing absent.. (1423) h24 CON'STITVSNT AII8BKBLY O' niDIA (LBGJ8LATIVB) [8TH Dac. 194' IJreu wherever possible. The intention of this rule is that publi- c:ity shall be given to reductions in rates, so that all concerned or affected may have advance information regarding the abatia- menta to be mude. (v) As MOOCI 811 couJitionK return sufficiently t~ normal and it.is possible to obtain tho required mechanical apparatus station rate registers Ilre to be introduood at fill railway stations. The preparatory investigation in this oon- nection ball been completed. P08T· W.oUt Ib('OSI;'1 KU('TI01" OJ' RAILWAYS ui ellOTA NAG PUB DIVl8101" teu.• 8Jut "a4ubau Saba1: (a) Will the Honourable Minister of Railways bo pleued to .tate whether Government ha<te Bny echemes for the extension of ltlllTway linea WIder tho POlIto W ar HN!OIUitruction in the areaa covered by th. Chota Nagpur Diviaion in the Province of Bihar? (1.1) If 10, have Government decided w drop anyone of the above bCham. 80 far 811 Chota Nagpur is concerned? (0) II thr anlwer to part (b) "bove be in the affirmath·e. what are the reasoM tor the lame? (d) In vicw of ~ fact that Chota Nagpur Division is Olle of the richel. anll8 iu IndIO ill minll8 and mineral deposit8, do Government propose to take immediBk· ltepa for tbe e:.:tension of Hailway lines in the said area? • BoDoar&b1I Dr. lalm IlatUW: (8) In the P06,-War Reconstruction Prognumuo of !UWways, the Governmen, have under consideration the follow- Ws projtlota for extension of lwlway linea which are wbolly or partly located III the Chota ~I Divwon of the Bihar Province: (i) Tori-BirmitrapUl\ (n) Gaya-Rancbi. (iai), Barkagaoo-Huan"bagb·Giridib, (iv) Barwadih-Cbirimiri. (v) Barwadib.Manikpur. (b) No. (0) I>oet no' ariM. (d) Government have already aanctiolleci ~ St u ~ of a line between BarwBdih and 81U'1\adib the 61'8' 40 miles of ~ Barwa.dih-Chirimiri projecti. The remaini", projeot. are still under investigation. ' TDo17011 PAIIDOO ~ DOM P,U'MA '1'0 RuOBl t_. ·Ibrl ladablu SUa1: <a> Will th, Honourable Kiniater of Railway. be pleaeed to atate ~t. the attention of the Gove-mmen' of India bal been drawn to • I't'lOlutioD paued by the Legislative Assembly of Bihar urging upon tho Oovernmf'nt (If India the nece_ity of st.aning a through passenger tnin from Patna lo Uanchi? (b) Are Gove.rnment aware that the Ilhaence of such a through t.tiin between Patna and na"chi. i8. to a grt'at extent. relponaihle for the failure of the Bihar Oovernrnt'nt in maintaining a closer link between Bihar proper and Chota Nagpur? (0) Do Government propose to take stepe for Btarting • ihrough passenpr train aa staMd above? If not.. why not? fte JIaao1UabI. Dr. IGba JIaWa.. : (a) The ~t of the Governmeot baa DOl been drawn to any 8uob reeoIution. (b) The GoftnlmeD' are not aware 01 this. (0) T ~ I'8toration of the Pafna.R9Dc.bi Road train lerriee baa been accorded a hlP priority by the Ean Indian ~ Adminislraticlll. At preeen.t. ho........ the lWlwayia abort of RoIlinr . Ileuawhile. through carriap for upper cl... PlI88DprI it provided eeeh _way beWeen Pa.. aDd Banobi &.4. STARRED QUllSTlUNS AND ANSWERS AVAU.A.BILITY OJ.l' GYPSUM t661. ·Shrl .Amiyo Kumar Ghosh: (a) Will the Honourable Minister of Indu3tl'," and Supply be pleased to state if gypsum ill adequate quantity suitable for cement manufacture, is available within the Indiau Union? If so, the places where it is available? (b) 1f it is not. available within t,he Indian Union, what step Governmen' propo"e tQ take in order to procure the supply of tlle same from out.llide the Indian Union? (c) Is it a fact that the SOlle Valley Portland Cemenl, Factory nt, Japla has elosed one of its kilns due to the non-availability of gypsum, reiulting in th. retrenchment of large number of labourers? . (d) If so, what steps Government propose to take in the matter? The Honourable Dr. Syama Pruad Kookerjee: (a) -Yes, Sir; in Triohino- poly, Bikaner, Jaistllmer Jodhpur, Garhwal and Dehra Dun. (b) Does not arise. (c) The stocks of the Company are stated to be only about 40 tons' while Its immediate need is 100 tons to prevent II. shut-down of the plant. A report from the factory dated the 2nd December stated that the kiln had not yet closed down by that date. (d) The Hailway authorities have been informed of the ~ u of the situation, and have been urged to move II. sufficient quantity of gypsum in ~ to prevent clolure of the works. PBoDuOTIOlt' o:r SnBL sa * {Brut T. T. KriahDam&chut: • Shrl K. SaDt.hanam: . (a) Will, the Honourable Minister of Industry and Supply be ~ to state what steps Government propose to take in order to increase the production of steel in the country? (b) Have Government taken any action on t,he Report of the Advisory Steei Panel for setting up two new major steel works in the country and if so.
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