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MPC1_20150831_012_0001_F 6 W-123334.001.00 USD B Documents edites Procedure SV.14.1082-LL Ordonnance/lettre MPC du: 04.09.2014 Reponse de: Banque Rietet & Cie SA du: 24.09.2014 Notes: MPC1 20150831 012 0002 F 02 JUNE 2011 W-123334.001 Account W-123334.001 Credit advice Amount received USD 250'000.00 Instructing party CHELFORDPROMOTIONSSA URBANIZACION MARBELLA, MMG TOWER, PA-PANAMA Remitter's bank BANK JULIUS BAER AND CO.LTO., ZÜRICH ZÜRICH SWITZERLANO Credit Valuedate 03.06.2011 USD 250'000.00 Current account W-123334.001.00.USO/USD/Ordinaire Under usual reserve S.E. & 0. Yours faithfully Advice without signature Transaction ref. 153515107 MPC1 20150831 012 0003 F 28 JUNE 2011 W-l23334.00 l Account W-123334.001 Debit advice Order date 28.06.2011 Amount USD lO'OOO.OO Beneficiary SWISS BANKERS PREPAIO SERVICES KRAMGASSE 4 3506 GROSSHOCHSTETTEN BE With BERNER KANTONALBANK Communication Carte no 8032 000 648 059 Chargement carte SBTC No comptabilisation 30081586J54 SBTC fees USD 50.00 SBTC Rietet fees USD 50.00 Debit Value date 28.06.2011 USD ID'100.00 Current account W-123334.001.00.USD/USD/Ordinaire S.E. & 0. Yours faithfully Advice without Signatare Transaction ref. 155559174 MPC1_20150831_012_0004_F To:U* Unr PrlnUr frtm: 6E*GC prlntout Jun 27 11 iQ:S6a p. t t. ' •' K.P. INVESTMENT ADVISORS LTD Telephone: <242) 394-4182. Fax : (242) 394-4183 TO : Fielet & Cie, ßanquiers, Geneve FAX NO:-w» 158 323 18 20 ATTENTION: Patricia Teijido DATE : 27.Jun.20l 1 REF.- 02-11 PAGES: l Dear Sirs. A/C123334 Kindly Charge Ihc ncw Swiss Travel Cash of this clicnt with thc amounl of USD 10,000- Many thanks and best regards. '.'.a. Dcstlnatalre(«) Interne Visa 1. OPV-COTAT10N 2615 A U v, l 11 JUIN 2011 ATG2440 F85 11-06-27-15:4« last page MPC1 20150831 012 0005 F l C S Limited International Corporate Services POBOXT30 The Compan/s registered hr. 24631 Natwest House, Telephone 01481172 35 SO Le Truehbt. Telefax 014B1-/T18566 St. Peter. Port. Email [email protected] Guemsey, OLASSEMCNT Channelislands-GY.T3HH HAVAWOOD CORP. Panama RP INVOICENR: 2113643 / AL RE: 17. 02.-2.011 - 17.02.2012 10/06/2011 GENERAL FEES ftS PER OUR AGREEMENTS FOR Q Incorporatton (xj Domlcillation P»Wslon fo'r'director/s Rre^arlng annual accounts Q Preparing and fillng tax-netum Q Sekretariat Services Q Assistanoe-Coordlnation with regards to your actlvitles and (Iscal mattere for 9ie finandal year Q Other Services: Q Liquidation EXPENSES OF1.QCAL CORRESPÖNDENT IN CONNEGT10N WITH Taxes Othei.dütles. Telephone Q Telex/Telefax V Q Mail Y. 1 0 AVR. 2012 Q Oüier TOTAL, ALL TAXES INCLUDED FOR PAYMENT: IBAH: LIS9 0880 0000 0343 4140 l e/o Liechtensteinische LandeebärOc 'AO, Vaduz BIG: LILALI2X with refetence: 21136.43 PLBASB KOTE: Whän you effact päymant please indicate a» reference the Lnv<>ice nussber. Our Company raseryas tha right not to consider tba payment valid if you omlt to indieate it. _MPC1_20150831_012_0006_F l C S Limited International Corporate Services PO Box. 130 The Companys refllstered nr. ,24631 Natwest House. Telephone 01481 / 72 35 50 Le Tructwt. Telefax 01481/71 65 £6 St Peter Port. Email i.c^.limited(fl>CQ(.oa Ggemsey. Orannel Islands GY1 3HH HAVAWOOD CORP. Cpte Panama RP INVOICENR 2113642 / AL R£: Incorporation GENERAL FEES AS PER OUR AGREEMENTS FOR 1 gg Incorporalion 1,500.00 Q Darnldllatlon Q Provision for diractnr/s Q Preparing annual accounts Q Prepartriffand filing tax^ratum Q Secretärial Services Destinataire(s) Inferne Visa 2 GT Q AssIstancerCoordirtation wiöi reganls to ypur y/*i activiUes and fiscat matters for tha finandal year I VRiui... Z01 aal'Z) Q Other swvices; .1. A Q Liquidation 5. ARCHIVES II f?!JB-TOTAI US S 1.5&0.00 EXPENSES OF LOCAL CORRESPONDEm IN CONNECTION WTTH Taxes OtherduUes Telephone Telex/Telefax Mail 1 o AVR. Qther SÜB-TOTAL US$ 0.00 TOTAL. ALL TAXES INCLUDE~D US S 1,500.00 FOR PAYMENT: IBANr LIS9 aeao 0000 0343 4140 l c/o Liechtensteinische Landeabank AG, Vaduz BIC: LILALI2X wlth reCerence: 213.3642 PbBASB NOTE: Wien you effect payoent please tndlcate aa reference the Invoica number. Our oompany reaer.veo the right not to oonalder tha jiaymeot vaiid i£ you oait Cö indlcate it. MPC1 20150831 012 0007 F 22IULY2011 W-123334.001 Account W-123334.001 Debit advice Order date 20.07.2011 Amount USD SO'000.00 Beneficiary WAYCROFT INVESTMENTS SA With HSBC PRIVATE BANK (SUISSE) SA Payment fees USD 24.44 Debit Value date 22.07.2011 USD SO'024.44 Current account W-123334.001.00.USD/USD/Ordinaire S.E. & 0. Yours faithfully Advice without signature Transactron rel. 158059274 MPC1 20150831 012 0008 F K.P. INVESTMENT ADV1SORS LTD Telephone : (242) 394-4182, Fax: (242) 3944183 TO : Pictet & Cie, Geneva FAX NO: 00 41 58 323 1820 ATTENTION : Mr. Alberto Gonzalez DATE: 20.07.2011 FROM: KarlHoerkens PAGES: 2 PREFIX: 247-11 DearSirs, Please execute the followlng instructions for the under mentioned dient: ISgl^lGD - Complete the SBTC card with USD 10*000.- •. - Transfer USD SffQQO.—as per attached dient's instructions (Reason of the transfer .-.dient wants to diverstfied his assets wfth 2 banks) If any problem, please feel free to contact us. Many thanks and klnd regards DestlnBtaire(s) MPC1 20150831 012 0009 F 22JULY2011 W-123334.001 Account W-123334.001 Debit advice Order date 19.07.2011 Amount USD SO'000.00 Beneficiary WAYCROFT INVESTMENTS SA With HSBC PRIVATE BANK (SUISSE) SA Payment fees USD 24.44 Debit Value date 22.07.2011 USD SO'024.44 Current account W-123334.001.00.USD/USD/Ordinaire S.E. & 0. Yours faithfully Advice without signature Transaction ref. 158069701 MPC1 20150831 012 0010 F «( Rio de Janeiro, 19/07/2011 - DONNEUR D'ORDRE : t Please transfer Amount: Usd SO'OOO" To: HSBG PRIVATE BANK :(SÜISSE) SA Quai General-Guisan 2 P.O. Box 3580 1211 Geneva SWIFT: BLICCHGG Beneficiary: WAYCROFT INVESTMENTS SA IBANUSD CH7108689050917916637 Cover with eash c/c Usd Best regards n/ /,/ /»A, SIGN. V^RIFl^E / O. DELESSERT Destlnatatre(s) Interne 1951 2, M l \ JUIL 2011 3.V1REMENTS . 4.ARCHMS \y MPC1_20150831_012_0011 A/C 123334 HAVAWOOD ^|T Jörge MOREIRA BARROW to: Alberto GONZALEZ 21.07.201114:40 1 attachment Havawood order 20.07.2011 .pdf Dear Mr. Gonzalez, As per our tel call, please find herewith enclosed the instructions concerning HAVAWOOD. Manz thanks in advance. Best regards. Philip Bonnet KP Investment Advisors Ltd MPC1 20150831 012 0012 F K.P. INVESTMENT ADVISORS LTD Telephone : (242) 3944182, Fax: (242) 394-4183 TO: Fielet & de, Geneva FAX NO :004158 323 1820 ATTENTION : Mr. Alberto Gonzalez DATE: 20.07.2011 FROM: Karl Hoerkens PAGES: 2 PREF1X: 247-11 Dear Sirs, DONNEUR D'ORDRE: Please execute the fodowing (nstructions for the under mentioned dient: A/C1Z3334 - HAVflyVOOD C o O.P. - Complete the SBTC card with USO lO'OOO.- • Transfer USO 50TJOO.—äs per attached dient's Instructions (Reason of the transfer: dient wants to diversified his assets with 2 banks) Ifany problern, please feel free to contact us. Many thanks and kind regards Vdriftoatten tdlöphenique effectuöe avec Interlocuteur: jx>>__ __ Fax envoy6 par le Gl sur demande du titulaire du compte. OeftlnaUlre(s) Interne \ Visa Date: Signature: l.OPV-COtATION 2606 l 2t JUIL MPC1_20150831_012_0013_F Rio de Janeiro, 19/07/2011 Ref: W-123334 Please transfer Amount: Usd SO'OOO- To: HSBC PRIVATE BANK (SUISSE) SA Quai General-Guisan 2 P.O. Box 3580 1211Genevä SWIFT: BLICCHGG Beneficiary: WAYCROFT INVESTMENTS SA IBAN USD CH7108689050917916637 Cover with cash c/c Usd Best regards SIGN.VERIFIEE/D.AMATO Vörificatton tölöphonique effectuöe avec Gl: Interlocuteur: Fax envoyö par le Gl sur demande du tiiulaire du compte. Date: ;?J./<v JA Heure: Signatare:, i) -3iT3- MPC1 20150831 012 0014 F 25JULV2011 W-123334.001 Account W-123334.001 Debit advice Order date 25.07.2011 Amount USD lO'OOO.OO Beneficiary SWISS BANKERS PREPAID SERVICES KRAMGASSE 4 3506 GROSSHOCHSTETTEN BE With BERNER KANTONALBANK Communication Carle no 8032 000 648 059 ChargementcarteSBTC No comptabilisation 50014105 SBTC fees USD 50.00 SBTC Pictet fees USD 50.00 Debit Value date 25.07.2011 USD IÜ'100.00 Current account W-123334.001.00.USD/USD/Ordinaire S.E.&0. Yoursfaithfully Advice without signature Transaction ref. 158115160 MPC1 20150831 012 0015 F 27 MV 2011 W-123334.001 Account W-123334.001 Credit advice Deposit USD SO'OOO.OO Reference REFUND FROM HSBC PRIVATE BANK (SUISSE) SA, GENEVA REASON: TRANSFER DONE TWICE IN ERROR SORRY FOR INCONVENIENCES CAUSED Credit Valuedate 26.07.2011 USD SO'OOO.OO Current account W-123334.001.00.USD/USD/Ordinaire S.E. & 0. Yours faithfully Advice without Signatare Transaction ref. 158420808 MPC1 20150831 012 0016 F Task 1. Reversal (In Progress) Reversal Transfer! Fees - suite ä l'execution ä double d'un transfert (I 2011.0727.154035) Incldent Information Validators GONZALEZ Alberto Description of Visa Reversal Transfert Fees - suite ?f^ „J'execution a double d'un transfert de USD ^—T^ SO'OOO nous remboursons les frais de Tun de transferts pour un total de USO 24.44 Avaloq number Modulo: W BP: 0123334 VIRTS 27 JUIL 2011 Container: 001 Urgency Yes Action already Yes Description of action taken Fonds recus en retour Task Information i Group GE virements: Virements_lnvestigations | Responsible CORO Nathalle (2691) Has been taken in Charge 27.07.2011 16:04 ', End l Comment compensation dient äff 158443303 1. Reversal r, Reference of Incorrect Operation 158059274 Amount of incorrect Operation USD 24.44 Approximate amount of loss/profit 0 Approximate amount of loss/profit in CHF 0 i Loss or profit Neutral • New client number New account number New foreign exchange rate Letter to be writter» to client(s) / third partv(ies) Second part: to be fullfilled by the task actor 1 11.
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