8408- GONGRESS10NAL RECORD · ~ HOUS-E- May 18". between such States; to the Committee on '- · By Mr-. SCHWENGEL: questing passage-·of H.R. 1~'1. and S. 772, the Judiciary. ... - ~· _:• -.H.R. 7198. A b111 to provide for· the District whiC:h was -referred to the . Committee on. By Mr. MACK: - -; · - · of· Columbia an -appointed Ge-vernoi Secre- -·; .Agriculture. · H.R. 7190.- A bill to · esfablish a Wabash tary,·Legislative Counsel, an elected Hl!>uSe of Basin Intera:gency Water Resources Comm~s- · Delegates and nonvoting Delegate to the ~ · · . sion; to the· Committee on Public Works. Ho"USe of Representatives, and for -other pur- PRIVATE BlLLS ANO RESOLUTIONS . By Mr. MILLS: poses; to the- Committee on the District <1f Uii.der clause 1 of rule XXTI, private H .R. 7191. · A bill to strengthen- the Federal· Columbia: · - bills, and resolutions· were. introduced and Firearms Act; to the Committee· on Ways -and ·By -Mr. BERRY: . Means.' H.J. Res. 429. Joint resolution ·propMi;ng se-verally referred as follows: By Mr-. KING of California: an amendment to the Constitution of the By Mr.-ADDABBO: · H.R. 7192. A blll to strengthen the Federal' ·· l;J'nlted States relative to equal rights 'for men H.R. 7199. 'A biii for the relle1 of Howar-d Firearms Aet; to the- Committee on Ways and and women; to the- Committee on the Judi"- ·· G. Grbth;- to the" Committee on.. tbe. Judi- Means. ciary. · · ciary. · By Mr. MULTER: By Mr. TOLL: - · . BY, Mr. DANIELS:- . ·_ H.R. 7193. A btU to amend .section 2 of · ·H.J. ReS'. 430. Joint resolution .. propOsing H.R. 7200. A bill: for the relief of. Micl)ael- . the Automobile Information Disclosure Act an amendment· to the Constitution ·of the- angeJ..o. Granato~ to ·the Committee. on the: ~o as to inc-lude -the- Commonwealth of Puerto United StateS" relative to equal rights for Judiciary. · . Rico,- Guam, a,nd the :virgin -Islands within men -·arid women; to the commi-ttee-on the~. By Mr. HARRISON. of Wyoming: the provisions of such act; to the Commit-. Judiciary. · H.R.-720L A. bill to proviqe a piwt plant tee on In~erstate and Foreign Commeree. · · :By·Mr. MONAGAN~ for the development of the human and.. nat.,_ J By Mr. OLSEN; - H :·Res-. 302. Resolution dtsapprovirig Reor-· ural resources of Ind.tan·reserva.tlons by pro.:. ' -H.R. 7194. ·.A bill- to inerease- the appropri- ganizattdn Plan No. 1. transmitted td Con-- v1ding an incentive- to stimulate s:uch devel-· ation authorization for the completion -0f gress ·fiy 'the Pi-esident on- April :xt, t96l; to-' opment;. t-o the. ·COll'liJ:littee on W:a~s. and· the construetion ()f the-.h:rlgation ~ and · power "the Committee on GQvernment oper-ations: Means. - ·systems of the- Flathead -Indian irrigation - . H . Res. ·303. Resolution disapproving Reor- By Ml".·KEARNS: project, Montana~ ta th.e.· Committee on In- ganization Pian No. 2 transmitted· to Con- . H.R. 7202 A b111 for tlle reltef of Rogers terlor:-and Insular Atla}rs-.- gress by the President on April 27, 1961; to Brothers Corp.; -· to the Committe~ on,. the By Mr. PETERSON: the Cqmmittee on Government OperationS". Judiciary . K.R. 7195-. A btU to add certain lands -to H. Res. 304. Resolution disapproving Rear- By Mr. KEOGH: the Wasa-tch National Forest, Utah, and for- ganization Plan No. 3 transmitted to Con- H.R- 7203. A bi:ll t:ar the relief .of Antonio other purposes:; to- -the- Committee .on Agri- gress- by the President on May 3; 19ff:r; to the Cracchiolo; to the· COmmittee on the Judi- eulture. Committee on Government Operations. · ciary. · By Mr. PIRN-IE: H. Res .. 305. Resolution disapproving Reor..: By Mr. O'HARA at lll.inois-:- . ·-H.R. '7196. A bUl - to"· provide additional ganiZation Plan No. 4 transmitted' to. Con- . H.R 7204:. A bill for the relief o~ Angefos funds for "education in the .several States gress by the President on· May 9 , IOOl;- to ·Spanos; to the Qom.mrttee. on the Judfciary. ·without Federal direction, cont;r;ol, or inter- By Mr; ·PELLY: · ference; to the Committee on Wa-ys and ~h.e . Committee ou Governmen.t, Opel'ations. H.&. 7205. A. 'bUl for the' reltet of'"Benarsi ·. Me-ans. · D. Parashar; ··to the. Committee' on .the Ju-· . By Mr. RYAN: MEMORIALS· ~.: al:clary.'·· · . , . H.R. 7197. A bfll to- amend the Internal' I By~ Mr. ROONEY: Revenue Code CYl 1954 to provide that the tax Under clause 4 of rule XXII, . H.R_ 7206 A bill far the relle! oL Shmue.l on admisst<mS' sh-aH not apply in tbe case· of The> SPEAKER pPesented a memorial of Pantol; to -the Committee on tber Jl!lcliclary_ plays, operas, eoncerts, balle-ts, or other li-ve the :tegisla.tul'e of the State of. Hawaii, . By MJ:_ WILSQN of. Qa:rtlforni.a;. dramatic or m\.tsical penormances; to - the memorializing -tile Preside-nt.. and the Con- · . H.R. 7207. - ~ bill tor tbeo relief ot. Leon - committee on Ways and Means. gress of : the United · StateSo relative:. to re_- Llanos; to the Committee on. the- Judiciary. ..... · EXTE·N-SIONS Of REMARKS comparative ad..v-antag,e is less clear, ~tuch as- Import Competition, aed A:n~e .~ican Dr. Piquet is weU-kno.wn, and is,high1;y thought of by Members of the Congress. -certain wood and pape1: pro,duc.ts.. · Busiaeu The.· advantage of the. Uilfted: States lies. r include as part of my t:emarks, an largely ill tbe prod.ti.ctiOJi at: goQds that can excelpt_tram this stlldy: be prod.uced in quantity by automatic, or ­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS lMPOR.T CO.MPETLTION AND SMALL. BUSINESS ne~-automaticr machinery. S'ueh goodS. are-­ OF {By Dr. Howard s._Pique-t) produced under the principle o! decreasing unit cost and require large ft:xe.d o~erhead .: HON. CARROLL D. KEARNS · There is no question about. the- .potential Thes.e are the industries fn w.hlch larg_e size advantages of free trade from the pvint of 0:1" PENNSYLVANIA is an. advantage.. · vie-w of "pure economi~s." If t•acfe were The. lines of' production tn which the IN THE HOUSE' OF REPRESENTATIVES free everywhere and lf' each eountry were United States ts. at. a comparati'le disadvan­ Th:u-rsday, Ma1J 18, 1961 to speeiaFize in producing the- goods in whielr tage. are those usually, characterized as smalr :tt has the greatest comp-ar-a~ive adva:ntage-, business, many of. which inyolve a hi.gp pro­ Mr; KEARNS. Mr. Speaker, l have relative- to othe-r countries, · productivity portion of Iabor cost. Tl'lese are tl'le' indus­ had made a major study of the effects of e-verywhel'e would 'be· greater and economic tries that are most hard. pressed' by import ·imports and exports. on employment of reseurces wourd be utilized more etfeetivefY competition. ' American workers. I have submitted it than they n.ow are. .Around the turn of tire 2oth cen.tnry Mr. to- the Subccmunittee on the lmpac.t, of Ff all the goodS' that ean be produced in H. 0. Havemeyer, the sugar magnate, satd: Imports and Expo:rts on American Em.­ a country are listed in order of desce-nding "The tariff is. the mother of the trusts." comparative_ advantage- the products-headi!lg Whether or not the tariff then facilitated ployment of the Hc:mse -Education and the ifst in each instance- would be those that Labor Committee. - monopo-ly, U certainly is not: an im:portant are e2ported. These' are tfie :prod,ucts· that factor in. this respect: today~ At, the present I am ranking minority member of the can be produced most e-1fteiently relative- to time most la~:ge. businesses ~ such as petroleum subcommittee. other countries. In the- United States., where and steel, are liberal trade minded. Their The chairman of the subcommittee, :tand and other natural resouree!r are- rela­ &pe-rations are worldwide a:nd ther appose tively abundant l>ut wher~ Iabor, normally, Congressman JOHN -H. DENT'~ eonsidered interference by gove~tnment The tari1f has is relatively scarce, the> list would be headed this study so important that. he bas made become more significant. as. an instrument by such mass-:produced goods: as etfice ma­ for protecting, small business_ copies of the study available. to each ehtnery, many kinds of industrfal equipm.en't, There can be littre doubt that, if the member of the subeommittee which he certa:in types of electrical' machinery, rood­ United StateS' were. to adopt' a thoron:gh-going heads. building and other construction equipment, po!icy of free trade, a number o-r small busi­ It is being used as the basic tract of a"Utonwbiles, and agrt~uUural machinery;. nesseS" would be hard hit. Certain marginal the subcommittee at this point in its own At- the- lower end c:d the Ifst would be a firms, an.d in some cases entire fndustries, work. · re'fatl:vely small number of products-- requir­ would not be abl'e to withstand' the result­ Ing cons-iderable labor to produce, suc-h as: ing low-cost !oreigit competition. This is The was made _by study Dr. Howard china tableware,-hand-blown glassware, cer~ one o:t the tranl'itesome factS" that must be Piquet, senior specialist in intern-ational tam electronic- prodUctS', and hardwood ply­ faced- regardless of one's theoretfcal convic­ economics of the Legislative Refere-nce wood. Somewhere between the two e-xtremes· tions regarding the desirability of freer inter­ Service of the Library of Congress.
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