THE NAVY Registered by Australia Post Publication No. NA 14$2, SEPTEMBER 1981 I he \1u»a/ine tif The \avy I.vague of Australia EDITOR ROSSOILLETT PO BOX 653 DEE WHY. NSW 2099 THE PHONE: (02)982 1257 Roolttorod (of polling at o publication — C^otoaory A Reproduction in part or whole is torbidden without the permission of the Editor in writing PHILIP NAVY The magazine of the Navy League of Australia DIVING © Vol 43 SEPTEMBER, 1981 No 4 SERVICES Approved SAA Hydro Test Station — No 75 I he \ Hitman first class torpedo boat. HMVS CfflLDEKS enroute WilliamstoHn to Westernpon Bay. CUiLDERSis one of 14 craft described in Colonial Torpedo Boats, beginning on page 25. (Photo — Historical Studies Section.) QUALITY CONTROL AUSTRALIAN STANDARD RATING 1823 FROST COYER HMAS OXLEY, June, 1981. (Photo— Simon Page Prior.) Kdiiors Comment's 3 \atj Week Programme 5 PRECISION ENGINEERING IIMAS TOBRIK 6 Na*al Roundup II ADVERT SING AND PUBLICATION : Letters tu ihc Editor 14 The Dutchmen Who Stayed. 17 PERCIVA L PUBLISHINCi CO PTY LTD One of a kind - I SS TERROR 19 Manufacturers of: Workhorses of the RAN 22 BREATHING APPARATUS, FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT SYDNEY ADEIAK* PERTH PLATYPIS 23 KEiizabetriSt 17 CumcSt 5lh Floor, eagle House Colonial Torpedo Boats 25 & DIVING GEAR Waterloo A«iimi son to William Street. Perth. 6000 The Kuropean Report 33 NSW. 2017 Phone 51 6725 Phone 322 4072 The Na*> and the Natv League 37 Phone 699?6O0 Life Begins at r'orlj 39 Harpoon 40 MELBOURNE BfilSBANE HOtlART FULL RANGE OF SPARE PARTS FOR BREATHING EQUIPMENT, ETC Meet Week. 1938 42 Greenan PuWtCJtionS 3rd Floor 123 Hurray St Book Re*ie»s 45 PtyLld (60 Ann Street Hooart.7000 388 Bourke Street Brisbane. «UJ Phone 341096 HMS HOGUE 46 Phone 67146t Phone 31 2531 KN/A _ 40 Years of Senicr 49 MOST REASONABLE RATES Nat> League Cadet News 55 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS T-. T'.i jr P',i MftAO I97df jmf,n(oio.c*fir 0"C!>»' 1 19*4 T>t»rart? mportant new p-onsinni m tn*t Ac wniCK CO< lain str ct .«ftu<atiOn\ Prompt and Quick Turn Around on all Your Equipment on ad*f>rt.vr-,; i"'t n .r'.ct.seis .,•••, . j.<•••%• « j^t?-ts are adv.HM to *ludy tnOM provn'O ii .fry (a< •ttjlly 'I ' J" t.r a" 'jtt«*>XF lo* i"vOr'.e (0 engaRe >n tra3* c <-*•- — •••• r • - ^"-durt m>il<Md<ng or deceptive '" pa*t.i ul« Swr.c- b3 contam-. p'ofiitnt'oniIrom doing••»,*ottnefoiio*v>r>| • • • • A •.,:: , lfptnHf>*M^vK*%Oi'ficofiritCUor>t n I"P ptO'' rioMin Dw any means Guaranteed ol the supply 0' us* o* gocd* of services •j' Faise'y'epf ***""".»! goad* °r \f'i(« areata particular Vlandard quality or grade or thjt goo<Js a'rotapa n uMr Miiy o> modn id Fjiseiy reprevent mat good* a'r if* it i fieprew'ii iftat goods r>> se'.<»'.-.<.«• sr-*'irst',p approval ptr'ormait* cnararteri*t,;s ittcrwo M «*«•* o r nenrlitV ti-ey tJ? not I' FJeprese-'! 1"at "e O' .Itias .1 •.[ .r-\ ••• • ,'lnat-on leor >ldoes not hj,v« lei Mafce W*t 0' miV*ad<ngslat*ment»>< om:*rn.ngin«e.iit*nceot orimounu ot price reOuct'O-s 14 CARTER ROAD, BROOKVALE, NSW 2100 1'1 Ma>>e 'aiseo' mislead'"* statements; oftCffning tne need lot a"f poods services replacements ft n> IK Mj-e *aise O' m.»iead<ng statements . oncern.ng 'h* ei<i,e«c* or effect of jn« na"a"l« or guarantee P(n,*l!> f O' an .nrjmOW JIO 000 or «. monifis ifnpfiMrimenl Phone:938 1858 Foratorpwaliu" -1*0.000 H 1* not potviMf to» f"i company to ensure f'ai advertisements whitr- are pubiijheo in th>s magat ntr comply * tlth* Act an<l iny. t»vpon\.D.Iity "lull ln«>f(-ton> bo O" t"i>p*'ior company W ,i'J.r>'* s ' gctgfflC) suci"' I'.np |hi> aO«*rtil*mi>n|s t0i pJ^ cr .-- IN CASE OF DOUBT CONSULT YOUR LAWYER September. 1981 THE NAVY Page One Editor's Comments HIS ISSUE of i4The Navy" is the largest Tfor many years. Subjects covered range from the recently commissioned HMAS TOBRlk to Colonial Torpedo Boats of the 19th Centurv. September, 1981, also marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the RNXN. The event has not been overlooked and a complete step hy step pictorial resume of the navy's development is featured. This issue also contains the latest news •—i from Britain and The Continent hy well-known naval writer An­ tony Preston. The recent Royal Navv defence cuts are fully described. a, —i A new series entitled "One of a Kind", begins in this issue of "The Navy", the first ship described being the minelayer USS II KROR Ihe RAN workhorses of the amphibious warship force — the l.C'H — are examined and illustrated. This issue contains the first historical article by Cieoff Miller, accompanied nv the author's superb drawing of HMS HOGUE and a supplement to "K \ll the True Story", this time featuring the World War 11 Dutch submarines of Western Australia, which never returned home. >^ As usual, many persons and organisations have helped to tour of the RS/S's newest units are seen is thiso*erhead vim of produce "The Navy". These include, Harry Adlam, The the Calliope Dock at II MS AS PHILOMEL, Prom the front are Australian War Memorial. A. D. Baker III, HMAS Cerberus HMS/. Ships TARAPVSGA and TAKAPl (both suney Pu, Museum, Laurie Clarke, David Dimeut, Cieoff Ivans, Steve tenders) and HMN2 Ships TAIPO and PI KAKI. two of the Given, Tony Gra/ebrook. John Mackenzie. Geoffrey Miller, na*ie* LAKE dm patrol boats. All four >es\els entered dock for on John Mortimer. "Navy News", Navy Public Relations (Sydney a cleaning and maintenance period on Monday, MlhJtily. 1981. and Canberra). Antony Preston, the Royal Navy and Royal New (Photo - RNZN.) >^ Zealand Navy, JocSlrac/ek. Peter Williams and Ron Wright. "The Navy" next issue will include a report on the coming defence budget plus articles on ihe USN "four stack" destroyers and the re-activation of the USN's Iowa class battleships. In War­ Deadline for the ship Pictorial we return 10 the World War Two era of army water transport squadrons, while "One of a Kind" will feature the most next issue will be unusual amphibious warfare ship designed and constructed in GO Australia. A further report from the European scene, plus the 9th November, 1981. regular RNZN article, naval round-up and book reviews will complete the magazine. o OLEX CABLES LTD C3 Full Range of Power, Instrumentation and Telecommunication Cable OS 8 CARTER STREET, LIDCOMBE, NSW Phone: (02) 648 5100 PREFERRED CONTRACTORS TO THE RAN Page Two September, 1961 September, 1M1 THE NAVY Page Three NAVY WEEK PROGRAMME, 1981 NEW SOUTH WALES VICTORIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA Monday. 28lh September Saturday, 3rd October Sunday. 27th September Command Band and Physical training VRC Race Meeting. T.onsdale, Church Service to be held at Christ displays, Sydney Square. 12.00 noon. I lemington. Church, North Adelaide, commencing at Tuesday. 29th September Sunday. 4th October 7.00 pm. All invited IOattend. As Monday. Church Service, Naval Association. St Monday, 28th September SPRINGS FRESHWATER Wednesday, 3Oih September Augustine's at 9.30 am. Ciolf Day. (Open to Naval and ex-Naval FROM SEA WATER Command Band & Physical training Sunday. 4th October personnel only.) From Precision Springs displays, Martin Piacc. 12.00 noon. Church Service. Naval Association. St Tuesday, 29th September Thursday, 1 si October Luke's, 11.00am. Open RTiht at HMAS ENCOUNTER, Changing of the Guard, Cenotaph, Sunday, 4th October commencing ai 7.00 pm. All members and & Martin Place. !2.00 noon. Fly past by Open D~al\ CFRBFRUS, HMAS friends are invited to come along and visit DRY AIR FROM Fleet Air Arm. 1.00 pm. Navy Week CERBERUS. the Navy at home and see live and Static SALT SPRAY SPRINGMESH Reception. HMAS Watson, 6.00pm, Monday, 5th October Displays from both RANR and Cadet Friday. 2nd October Golf Dav. Comm Comm, Waverlev personnel. Fire Fighting Displays and the From Met-L-Knit Company Command Band &. Physical training Golf Club. newly formed RANR Band performing. displays. Australia Square. 12.15 pm. Tuesday, 6lh October During ihe evening there will be refresh­ Historical display. No 2 Wharf, NOC V|C\ Reception, CERBERUS/- ments available for a stall to be run by the Wooloomooloo, 9.00.ini to 5.00 pm. LONSDALE, HMAS LONSDALE. 6.30 Navy League. Saturday, 3rd October pm. Wednesday. 30th September Garden Island Naval Base and range of SPRINGS AND RINGS Wednesday, 7thi October Naval Association Reception. GO DOWN TO THE ships open to public HMAShips Bowls Day. Comm Comm. Hampton (Invitation only.) FOR ARMAMENT Melbourne. Perth. Brisbane, Stalwart. SEA IN SHIPS" Bowling Club. Jervis Bay. Curlew and Ibis. Historical Naval Officers' Club Dinner. Wednesday. 7th October Display open. Diving, steam truck and (Invitation only.) Sailing Race, Navy league^ RVYC. Naval Police guard dog and sailing Thursday. 1st October displays. Wednesday. 7ih October Navy Week Reception. (Invitation You may never see us but Band Concert. VNB/I ONSDALF. only.) we are everywhere. Sunday, 4th October Civic Square, 1 unchlimc. Friday. 2nd Oclober As Saturday, plus submarine on show. Thursday. Sth October Wreath laying Service at the War We provide a silent service Church service ai St Andrew's Anglican Greyhounds, Fslaval Association, Memorial on North Terrace, commencing ( uthedral and Si Mary's Roman Catholic Sandown Park, evening.
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