Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02516-5 - The Cambridge Guide to Orchestration Ertuğrul Sevsay Index More information Index alapointe14` at the frog 14 Accordion 135–6 at the point 14 Accords en jet 206 au chevalet 36–7 Accords eoliens´ ascendants 207–8 au talon 14 Accords eoliens´ descendants 208 Auto-brake drums 146 Acoustic guitar 224 Automobile horns 181 action mechanism 248 Aeolian Bach, Johann Sebastian 9, 68, 80 flux 204 Bach trumpet 92 rustling 206 Balalaika 227 tremolo 207 Balzato 17–18 Aerophones xx, 139, 180–1, →wind Bamboo chimes 164 instruments, →keyboard instruments Bamboo scraper 166 Agogo 158 Bambubrasile´ no˜ 166 air sounds 131–3 Bandoneon 136 al tallone 14 Banja 176 Almglocken 157–8 Banjo 227 Alpine cowbells 157–8 Banjo Pizzicato 44 Alto clarinet in E 83 Bariolage Alto flugelhorn 99 string instruments 19 Alto flute 77 woodwind instruments 129 Alto gamba 69 Baritone 109 Alto horn 99 Baritone flugelhorn 100 Alto trombone 104 Baritone horn 100 Alto trumpet 103 Baritone oboe 80 Alto viol 68 Barre´ technique 225 am Frosch 14 Bartok´ pizzicato 43 am Griffbrett 36 Baryton am Steg 36–7 saxhorn 114 amplification 67, 135, 223, 224, 237, string instrument 69 633–4 Bass clarinet 82–3 an der Spitze 14 Bass drum 172–3 Antique cymbals 161 Bass flugelhorn 100 Anvil 146 BassfluteinC77 Anvil effect 223 BassfluteinG78 arco 7 Bass gamba 69 Arpeggiando 19 Bass horn 100 Arpeggio 29, 199 Bass marimba 150 articulation 120–1, 596 Bass metalophone 154 artificial harmonics 55–57 Bass oboe 80 ascending Aeolian chords 207 Bass timpano 168–9 at the bridge 36–7 Bass trombone 105–6 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02516-5 - The Cambridge Guide to Orchestration Ertuğrul Sevsay Index More information Index 645 Bass trumpet in E-D-C-B 103 Bowed tremolo 34 Bass tuba bowing 9–19 in C 114 bowing effects 62–3 in F-E 110 Brahms, Johannes 289–90, 291–2, 322–5, Bass viol 68 424–8, 429–30, 481–9 Bass Wagner tuba 111–12 Brass instruments 88–116, 636–7 Bass xylophone 148 brassy 98 Bassett horn 83 breath sounds 131–3 Bassoon 84–5 brilliancy factor 10 Beat-board 146 Broken glissando 124 beaters 140, 192–4 Broken tremolo 130 beats 128 Bruissements eoliens´ 206 Bebung 246 Brush strokes 13 Beethoven, Ludwig van xvi, xvii, 90, 92, 167, brushes (metal) 140 170, 284–5, 286–7, 318–19, 375, 382, Brustwerk 248 393, 413–15, 416–19, 446, 474–7, 480, Bucket mute 126 488, 525, 541, 560, 568, 585, 591, Bugles a` pistons 114 628 Button accordion 136 Bell 157 Buzz effect 215, 221 Bell plates 145 Buzz pizzicato 44 Bell tree 164 bellows 247 Cabaza 163 bells up 135 Campanelli giapponesi 154 Bent tone 123–4 cane sticks 175 Berg, Alban 579, 596–599 Cannon effect 170 Berio, Luciano 603–606 Cannon shot 173 Berlioz, Hector xvi, 100, 192, 488, 498, 510, case (organ) 249 511, 614 Castanets 159–60 Bird whistle 181 Celesta 245 Bisbigliando 201 Cello 3–8 Bizet, Georges 488, 507 Cencerros 158 Black cornett 138 Ceterone 229 Bombard 137 Chain 164 Bombarde 137 Chanterelle 227 Bombardino 109 Chimes 155 Bombardone 109–10 Chinese cymbal 143 Bomhart 137 Chinese tom-toms 178 Bones 159 Chitarrone 228–9 Bongo organ 177 chiuso 98 bongo sticks 175 Chocallo 164 Bongos 174–5 choke 160 Bordun strings 70, 228, Chorale tutti 551 229 Chordophone xx, 139, 179 Bouche´ →Sons bouche´ Chromatic harp 199 Boulez, Pierre 612–18 Cimbalon 179–80 bouncing arpeggio 19 Cimbasso 116 bow 3–8 circular breathing 119 Bow vibrato 13 Cittern 229 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02516-5 - The Cambridge Guide to Orchestration Ertuğrul Sevsay Index More information 646 Index Clarinets Concertina 136 in C, B, A 80–1 Conga 175 in D/F/A 83 Contra-alto clarinet 103 in E 82 Contrabass clarinet 84 Clarini 91 Contrabass flugelhorn 116 Clarino technique 91 Contrabass flutes in C-G 78 Clarone 82 Contrabass trombone 106 Classical roto-toms 177 Contrabass tubas in B–C 110 clattering effects 134 Contrabassoon 85–6 Claves 162 Cornet 100 Clavichord 246 Cornet notation 101 Claviorganum 253 Cornetti 138 clicking effects 134 Coupler 248 Cluster chords Cowbells 157–8 harp 200 Crash cymbals 160 mandolin 227 crescendo (dynamic, mechanical) 463–4, 506 organ 250–1 crescendo pedal 248 piano 232–3 crooks (Inventionshorn) 92 string instruments 65–6 Crotales 161 Cluster glissandi 200, 233 Crumhorns 138 col arco 7 Crystallophone 158 col legno Cuckoo call 81 battuto 40 Cuica 179 tratto 40–1 cuivre98´ colla mano 140 Cup bells 157 colla parte technique 90 Cup mouth piece 88–9, 99, 100, 101, 103, Colle17´ 108, 109, 114, 138 Colle–spiccato´ 17 Cup mute 126 color (definition of ∼) 262 Curved cornett 138 color (types of ∼) Cylindrical wood block 157 half-mixed 282, 422, 455, 480, 525, 558, Cymbal tongs 162 559, 567, 573, 601, 620 Cymbales antiques 161 mixed 282, 411, 422, 426, 427, 455, 476, 485, 514, 524, 525, 559, 567, 568, 573, dampening 598, 603, 617, 620 harp 211–14 unmixed 282, 411, 422, 427, 455, 476, 480, organ 251 514, 524, 525, 558, 559, 567, 568, 573, percussion instruments →individual 598, 603, 617, 620 percussion instruments, chapter 3 Color trill 130 piano 239–40 coloring 262, 568, 579–81, 585 string instruments 47 con corde 171 damper pedal 231 con la mano 140 Darabukka 176 con sordino Dead stick 148, 149, 153, 172, 186 brass instruments 125–127 Dead stroke 148, 149, 153, 172, 186 string instruments 47–8 Debussy, Claude 199, 305–6, 354–7, 358–9, woodwind instruments 125 453–5, 553–60, 561–3 Concert castanets 159 decrescendo (dynamic, mechanical) 463–4, Concert guitar 224 506 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02516-5 - The Cambridge Guide to Orchestration Ertuğrul Sevsay Index More information Index 647 Derby mute 127 Electric guitar 224 Descant gamba 69 Electrophones 633–4 Descant trombone 104 English horn 79 Descant viol 68 enharmonic notation 197 descending Aeolian chords 208 enharmonic trill 129–30 Detach´ e´ 13–17 Esoteric sounds 218 diamond-shaped notehead E-trigger 105 harp 206, 214, 216, 220–1 Etouffer´ 47 mallet instruments 185 Euphonium 109–10 piano 232, 241 Expressionism 365, 420, 579–581, string instruments 48–60 584–5 Diatonic button accordion 136 dismantling the instrument 133 F-attachment 105, 106, 107–8 disposition (organ) 250 F-trigger 105, 106 divisi, div. 30–32 fac¸ade (organ) 249 Doppler effect 135 Falling-hail effect 203, 205 Double (contrabass) tuba 110–11 fast fan 152 Double bass 3–8 Faure,´ Gabriel 488 Double horn 96–8 Feather bowing 18 double reed 74 Fiddle instruments 67 double stops →multiple stops Finger cymbals 162 double-tonguing 76, 85, 121 Fingered tremolo 34–5 Double trill 130 Fingering effects without bowing 61–2 Double-pedalled harp 221 Fingernail pizzicato 43–4 Dovetailing 119, 363 Flah effects 134 down-bow 9 Flam 171 Drag 171 Flautando 36 drone strings 70 Flexatone 162–3 Drum of Provence 170 Flicorno 100 Drum set 178–9 flue pipes 249 Dutilleux, Henri 599–603 Flugelhorns 99–100 Dvoˇrak,´ Antonin xvi, 295–6, 334–5, 415, Fluidic sounds 220 488, 434–6, 508–11 Flutes 75–8 dynamics 595 in D 78 in E 78 Echo effects 244 Flutter tongue 121–2 Echo tones 81, 98 Flux 203 effect of snare drum without snares en greleˆ 203, 205 206–7 eoliens´ 203, 204 effects with the mouthpiece 133 hautbo¨ıstique 205 effects with the pedals →pedal effects Flying staccato 18 effects with the resonating tube 133 Frame drums 173–4 effet d’enclume 223 French horn →horns effet de tambour militaire sans timbre Friction drum 179 206–7 function (definition) 262 effet de tonnere 208 fundamental 88–9, 91–94, 101, electric amplification →amplification →harmonics (string instruments) Electric bass 224 funnel mouthpiece 88, 96, 99, 111 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02516-5 - The Cambridge Guide to Orchestration Ertuğrul Sevsay Index More information 648 Index Gabrieli, Giovanni xvi, 451 Hand castanets 159 Gamba family / instruments →Viol family / Hand drums 174 instruments hand slap clusters 200 Genoese mandolin 226 Hand-tuned timpani 168 German mandolin 226 Harmon mute 126 Gettato 18 Harmonic tutti 551 Ghost tones 133 harmonics Gittern 229 guitar 225 Glass chimes 164 harp 215–17 Glass glockenspiel 158 piano 240 Glass harmonica 167 string instruments 48–60 Glass harp 167 timpani 170 Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich 488 vibraphone 153 Glissando woodwind instruments 127 clarinet 81 Harmonium 252 flute 76 Harp 195–223 guitar 225 Harpsichord 245–6 harp 203–11 Hat mute 127 percussion instruments →individual Hawaiian guitar 227 percussion instruments Haydn, Joseph xvi, xvii, 264–5, 276–7, 278–9, piano 232, 233, 234–9 373–7, 397–9, 400–2, 415, 540, 541 string instruments 38–40, 44, 58, 60, 64 Heckelphone 80 timpani 170 Helicone 116 trombone 107–8 heterogeneous sound 74, 427–8, 436, wind instruments 122, 123–4 494 Glissando effleure39´ Heterogeneous tutti 498, 531–2, 552 Glockenspiel 150–1 High timpano 168–9 Gong drum 173 Hi-hat 161 Gongs 144 Hindemith, Paul 80 Gounod, Charles 488 historical string instruments 67–70 gradual muffling 213–14 Holst, Gustav 80, 109 Great (organ) 248 homogeneous sound 3, 81, 88, 108, 114, Grieg, Edvard 488 375–6, 382, 395, 399, 427–8, 447, 467, Guiro 166 494, 495, 530, 531, 569, 608, 611 Guitar 224–6 Homogeneous tutti 498, 531, 551–2 Gushing chords 206 homophonic texture/orchestration 262–3 half 32 Homophonic tutti 551 half harmonics 58 horizontal glissando 235–7 half-mixed colors →colors horn intervals 94 half-tube instruments 88 Horns 96–8 Half-valve
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