BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014 TOM NOLAN, CHAIR JERRY DEAL, VICE CHAIR JOSÉ CISNEROS MALIA COHEN ROSE GUILBAULT ASH KALRA ADRIENNE TISSIER PERRY WOODWARD KEN YEAGER AGENDA MICHAEL J. SCANLON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PENINSULA CORRIDOR JOINT POWERS BOARD Bacciocco Auditorium, 2nd Floor 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos CA 94070 July 3, 2014 – Thursday 10:00 a.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Call to Order/Roll Call 3. Public Comment Public comment by each individual speaker shall be limited to two minutes 4. Consent Calendar RESOLUTIONS Members of the public or Board may request that an item under the Consent Calendar be considered separately a) Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of June 5, 2014 b) Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 5, 2014 c) Authorize Executing a Funding Agreement with the City of San Mateo to Provide $100,000 for the Hillsdale Station Capital Plan d) Authorize Executing a Construction and Maintenance Agreement with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority and a First Amendment to Grant of Easement and Agreement Over a Portion of the Caltrain Corridor Near the Mountain View Caltrain Station 5. Chairperson’s Report 6. Report of the Citizens Advisory Committee 7. Report of the Executive Director a) Caltrain Modernization Update INFORMATIONAL 8. Acceptance of Statement of Revenues and Expenses for MOTION May 2014 9. Authorize Adoption of Revised Codified Tariff, Adoption of RESOLUTION Findings for a Statutory Exemption Under California Environmental Quality Act, and Approval of Associated Title VI Equity Analysis Page 1 of 3 Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board July 3, 2014 Agenda 10. Authorize Amendment to Increase the Fiscal Year 2014 Capital RESOLUTION Budget in the Amount of $55,107,383 for a Total Capital Budget of $259,022,333 11. Authorize Award of Contract to Ventek Transit, Inc. to Provide RESOLUTION Repair Service for MEI/Sodeco(BNA57P) Bill Note Acceptors for a Total Estimated Cost of $235,290 for a Five-Year Term 12. Authorize Award of Contracts to Public Financial Management, RESOLUTION Inc., Ross Financial, Nancy Whelan Consulting, LLC, Ernst & Young Infrastructure, Macias Consulting Group, Inc., KPMG LLP, and Williams, Adley & Company-CA, LLP to Provide On-Call Financial Consulting Services in an Aggregate Estimated Not-to-Exceed Amount of $3.2 Million for a Five-Year Term 13. Authorize Amendment of Contract with Parking Company of RESOLUTION America Management, LLC for Contracted Bus Shuttle Service to Extend on a Month-to-Month Basis for an Estimated Amount of $3,390,220 for a Maximum Term of One Year 14. Legislative Update INFORMATIONAL 15. Caltrain Service for Levi’s® Stadium Events INFORMATIONAL 16. Metropolitan Transportation Commission Transit Sustainability INFORMATIONAL Project Progress Update 17. Caltrain Bike Access and Parking Plan – Implementation Strategy INFORMATIONAL 18. Correspondence 19. Board Member Requests Legal Counsel Report 20. 21. Date/Time of Next Meeting: Thursday, August 7, 2014,10 a.m. at San Mateo County Transit District Administrative Building, Bacciocco Auditorium, 2nd Floor, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, CA 94070 22. Adjourn Page 2 of 3 Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board July 3, 2014 Agenda INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC All items appearing on the agenda are subject to action by the Board. Staff recommendations are subject to change by the Board. If you have questions on the agenda, please contact the JPB Secretary at 650.508.6242. Agendas are available on the Caltrain website at www.caltrain.com. Location, Date and Time of Regular Meetings Regular meetings are held at the The San Mateo County Transit District Administrative Building located at 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, one block west of the San Carlos Caltrain Station on El Camino Real, accessible by SamTrans bus Routes ECR, FLX, 260, 295 and 398. Additional transit information can be obtained by calling 1.800.660.4287 or 511. The JPB meets regularly on the first Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. The JPB Citizens Advisory Committee meets regularly on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:40 p.m. at the same location. Date, time and place may change as necessary. Public Comment If you wish to address the Board, please fill out a speaker’s card located on the agenda table and hand it to the JPB Secretary. If you have anything that you wish distributed to the Board and included for the official record, please hand it to the JPB Secretary, who will distribute the information to the Board members and staff. Members of the public may address the Board on non-agendized items under the Public Comment item on the agenda. Public testimony by each individual speaker shall be limited to two minutes and items raised that require a response will be deferred for staff reply. Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities Upon request, the JPB will provide for written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. Please send a written request, including your name, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and a preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service at least two days before the meeting. Requests should be mailed to the JPB Secretary at Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, CA 94070-1306; or emailed to [email protected]; or by phone at 650.508.6242, or TDD 650.508.6448. Availability of Public Records All public records relating to an open session item on this agenda, which are not exempt from disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, that are distributed to a majority of the legislative body will be available for public inspection at 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, CA 94070-1306, at the same time that the public records are distributed or made available to the legislative body. Page 3 of 3 Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB) Board of Directors Meeting 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos CA 94070 SPECIAL MEETING Minutes June 5, 2014 Special Meeting MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Cisneros, M. Cohen, J. Deal, R. Guilbault, A. Kalra, T. Nolan (Chair), A. Tissier, P. Woodward MEMBERS ABSENT: K. Yeager STAFF PRESENT: R. Bolon, J. Cassman, A. Chan, M. Conneran, G. Harrington, C. Harvey, R. Haskin, L. Larano, M. Lee, M. Martinez, D. Miller, S. Murphy, M. Scanlon, M. Simon Chair Tom Nolan called the special meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. David Miller, Legal Counsel, said this special meeting is to conduct a closed session prior to the regular meeting to discuss a matter of potential litigation. Closed Session: Conference with Legal Counsel – Potential Litigation – Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (One Potential Case) Adjourned to closed session at 9:36 a.m. Reconvened to open session at 9:52 a.m. Mr. Miller said the special meeting is in reference to item 12 on the regular meeting agenda. At the time the agenda was published, proposed change orders had been negotiated for the San Bruno Grade Separation Project as publicly reported in the regular agenda packet. Subsequent to posting the agenda, staff and legal counsel engaged in further discussions with the construction contractor with respect to potential claims in addition to the change orders that are referenced in the regular meeting agenda packet. As a result of those discussions, an agreement was reached, subject to Board approval. Mr. Miller said as a result of the closed session and the report from Chuck Harvey, Deputy CEO, a new resolution is before the Board that increases the Executive Director’s change order authority to $5,978,000. This is to facilitate not only the change orders referenced in the regular meeting agenda report, but an additional $1.4 million in claims. Mr. Miller noted that the claims sought by the contractor were considerably in excess of $1.4 million. This action will allow for a full release of all claims and potential Page 1 of 2 Joint Powers Special Meeting Minutes June 5, 2014 claims from the construction contractor and allow the project to be completed in an orderly fashion with no new claims. Authorize increase in the Executive Director's Change Order Authority for Additional Work Required for the San Bruno Grade Separation Project and amend the Fiscal Year 2014 Capital Budget Accordingly Motion/Second: Cisneros/Tissier Ayes: Cisneros, Cohen, Deal, Guilbault, Kalra, Nolan, Tissier, Woodward Absent: Yeager Adjourned at 9:55 a.m. Page 2 of 2 Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB) Board of Directors Meeting 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos CA 94070 Minutes June 5, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Cisneros, M. Cohen, J. Deal, R. Guilbault, A. Kalra, T. Nolan (Chair), A. Tissier, P. Woodward MEMBERS ABSENT: K. Yeager STAFF PRESENT: J. Averill, J. Cassman, A. Chan, M. Conneran, G. Harrington, C. Harvey, R. Haskin, M. Lee, M. Martinez, N. McKenna, D. Miller, S. Murphy, M. Scanlon, M. Simon Chair Tom Nolan called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. SWEARING IN OF ROSE GUILBAULT REPRESENTING SAMTRANS JPB Secretary Martha Martinez administered the oath of office to Director Guilbault. PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE CODIFIED TARIFF Chair Nolan said at this time the Board will conduct a public hearing to consider proposed changes to the Caltrain Codified Tariff to become effective as early as August 1, 2014. Ms. Martinez said the public information campaign for today’s public hearing began after the April 3, 2014 Board action to call for the public hearing. Notices were published in El Observador, the Examiner, Gilroy Dispatch, San Jose Mercury News, San Francisco Chronicle, and Sing Tao.
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