The inDy RaDio news — monDays 6–6:30pm — wBai 99.5Fm IndypendenT #254: february 2020 • IndypendenT.org ny mulls legal marIJuana p5 beyond IdenTITy polITICs? p9 IraqI arTIsTs p16 WInTer WarrIors MaRtin MaHoneY meeT The neW yorkers makIng a lIvIng In The greaT ouTdoors. p10 MAKE THEM COUNT YOUR VOTE !ATTENTION! FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 is the deadline to change your voter registration to Democrat in order to be able to vote in New York’s April 28 presidential primary. Otherwise you won’t be allowed to vote! TO FIND OUT MORE, SEE BACK PAGE MAKE SURE YOU’RE ABLE TO TAKE PART IN THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION! 2 community The IndypendenT calenDaR THE INDYPENDENT, INC. 388 atlantic avenue, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, nY 11217 212-904-1282 www.indypendent.org twitter: @theindypendent dire, but we still organizing in new York city. facebook.com/theindypendent have time — MAYDAY SPACE 176 St. Nicholas Ave., Bklyn BOARD OF DIRECTORS: that is, if we do Ellen Davidson, Anna Gold, something now. FeBRuaRy Join hundreds of THU FEB 20 Alina Mogilyanskaya, Ann Schneider, John Tarleton new Yorkers who 6:30pM–9pM • FRee THU FEB 6 archiving and who want to trunks and join a crowd of have taken this comprehen- panel: tHe teRRoRS oF EXECUTIVE EDITOR: 7:30pM • Donations re- celebrate the work of radical artsy, funky and nearly naked sive training in nonviolent toXic MaSculinitY John Tarleton quested archivists. one dollar of new Yorkers for the glorious direct action with extinction panelists tarik caroll, tyler peRFoRMance: GReen- every drink goes to interfer- return of this legendary Rus- Rebellion (XR) nYc. this Modele and Spencer os- MANAGING EDITOR: liGHt BooKStoRe ciVic ence archive. sian baths party featuring a training will prepare you for trander speak about the tox- Peter Rugh enGaGeMent SeRieS: STRONG ROPE BREWERY roaring brass band. future direct actions with icity of hypermasculinity and WRite FoR DeMocRacY 574 President St., Bklyn BROOKLYN BANYA XR and welcome you into an its impacts on relationships, CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: When he’s not working late 602 Coney Island Ave., Bklyn amazing community of folks health (mental and physical) Ellen Davidson, Alina at 388 atlantic avenue, The WED FEB 12 working for climate justice. and perceptions of women Mogilyanskaya, Nicholas Indy’s managing editor moon- 7:30–9pM • $8, suggested FRI FEB 14 WILLIAMSBURGH LIBRARY and lGBtQia+ folks. Powers, Steven Wishnia lights as singer-songwriter. talK: epStein, a capital- 10:30pM–2:30aM • $7, 21+ 240 Division Ave., Bklyn THE LESBIAN, GAY, BI- catch him and fellow Busy iSt SaGa paRtY: it’S FRiDaY, i’M SEXUAL & TRANSGENDER ILLUSTRATION DIRECTOR: Busy bandmate alec Better- Dr. Harriet Fraad, host of (not) in loVe anti-Valen- SAT FEB 15 COMMUNITY CENTER Frank Reynoso ley together with Ditmas lit “capitalism Hits Home” tine’S DaY paRtY 2pM • FRee 208 W.. 13 St., Mnhtn cofounders Sarah Bridgins is joined by radio and tv Single, in a relationship, mar- panel: DeFenDinG Julian DESIGN DIRECTOR: (Death and Exes) and Rachel personality Julianna Forlano ried, it’s complicated. What- aSSanGe THU FEB 20 Mikael Tarkela lyon (Self Portrait with Boy) for a special cHH event. Dr. ever your status, Valentine’s a panel of experts will 7pM–9:30pM • FRee for an evening of music and Fraad talks about what hap- Day is for suckers. avoid discuss the dangerous BooK RelauncH: THE DESIGNERS: readings, raising funds to pened with Jeffrey epstein, falling for the trappings of a consequences of the u.S. ROMANCE OF AMERICAN Leia Doran, Anna Gold, Evan combat voter discrimination how and why it could happen manufactured holiday and government prosecuting COMMUNISM WitH ViVian Sult in north carolina. attendees and the question of justice. dance to songs of heartbreak Julian assange under the GoRnicK will have the option to donate JUDSON MEMORIAL and liberation from the ’80s espionage act. Speakers Writer and critic Vivian Gor- ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER: directly to the organization at CHURCH (SIDE ENTRANCE) to today spun by DJ cer- include Jim Goodale, the nick’s long-unavailable clas- Dean Patterson the event or online through 239 Thompson St., Mnhtn emony. But leave your pinks former NYT lawyer who sic explores how left politics and reds at home: this party’s argued for the paper’s right gave depth and meaning to GENERAL INQUIRIES: WriteForDemocracy.org. american life. a landmark [email protected] GREENLIGHT BOOKSTORE THU FEB 13 dress code is strictly black. to publish the pentagon pa- PROSPECT LEFFERTS GAR- 7pM–9pM • FRee all black. only black. pers; chris Hedges, pulitzer work of new journalism, it SUBMISSIONS & NEWS TIPS: DENS BooK launcH: COMRADE LITTLEFIELD prize-winning journalist; profi les american communist [email protected] 632 Flatbush Ave., Bklyn WitH JoDi Dean 635 Sackett St., Bklyn Renata avila, international party members and fellow in the 20th century, millions human rights lawyer who has travelers as they joined the ADVERTISING & PROMOTION: FRI FEB 7 of people across the globe SAT FEB 15 advised Wikileaks; and Glen party, lived within its orbit, [email protected] 6:30pM–8pM • FRee addressed each other as 12pM–5pM • FRee Ford, exec. editor of Black and left in disillusionment talK: JuDitH ButleR anD “comrade.” now, among cultuRe: natiVe aMeRi- agenda Report and disappointment as Sta- VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS: SiMon cRitcHleY in con- the left, it’s more common to can aRtS Social CUNY LAW SCHOOL lin’s crimes became public. Linda Martín Alcoff, Charlyne VeRSation hear talk of “allies.” in Com- an afternoon of artwork, 2 Court Square W., Queens MCNALLY JACKSON INDE- Alexis, Eleanor Bader, Bennett Join Judith Butler and Simon rade, Jodi Dean insists that drumming, singing, dancing, PENDENT BOOKSELLERS & Baumer, Jenny Blair, Sue Brisk, critchley in conversation this shift exemplifi es the key conversation, storytelling FEB 16–MAY 24 CAFE Valerio Ciriaci, Rico Cleffi , around Butler’s new book, problem with the contempo- and community building. Sun 9aM–8pM • $200–$400 52 Prince St., Mnhtn Renée Feltz, Lynne Foster, The Force of Nonviolence: rary left: the substitution of native artists will also be sliding scale, course materi- Emma Gaffney, Esteban The Ethical in the Political, political identity for a rela- sharing and selling their als included THU FEB 20 Guerra, Theodore Hamm, which shows how an ethic tionship of political belonging artwork. leaRninG: SpaniSH FoR 8pM–11pM • $35–$55 David Hollenbach, Manvi of nonviolence must be con- that must be built, sustained, FLUSHING TOWN HALL Social JuStice WinteR/ MuSic: KaMaSi WaSHinG- Jalan, Carrie Klein, Derek nected to a broader political and defended. 137-35 Northern Blvd, SpRinG SeMeSteR ton Ludovici, Martin Mahoney, struggle for social equality. THE PEOPLE’S FORUM Queens courses are offered by incorporating elements of Leonardo March, Gary THE PEOPLE’S FORUM 320 W. 37th St., Mnhtn Mayday Space and algar- hip-hop, classical and R&B Martin, Farid Nassif, Tiffany 320 W. 37th St., Mnhtn SAT FEB 15 abía language co-op and music, this young saxophon- Pai, Donald Paneth, Libby FRI FEB 14 2pM–5pM • FRee are designed to help lan- ist and bandleader exceeds Rainey, Mark Read, Reverend MON FEB 10 7pM–2aM • $45–$65 actiViSM: ReGeneRatiVe guage learners develop the all notions of what “jazz” Billy, Olivia Riggio, Chelsey 6pM–8pM • FRee paRtY: SteaMY Valen- action tRaininG listening, speaking, reading, music is. Sanchez, Steven Sherman, Julia HiStoRY: RaDical aR- tine’S niGHt at tHe RuS- Humanity is sleepwalking to- writing and comprehension KINGS THEATRE Thomas, Tyrone Wallace, and cHiVeS HappY HouR Sian BatHS ward climate change-caused skills that are required for 1027 Flatbush Ave., Bklyn Chris Wright. Hang out with folks who love Break out your bikini or swim extinction. the situation is everyday life and community VOLUNTEER DISTRIBUTORS: Erik Anders-Nilssen, Eric Brelsford, Chris & Pam Brown, Hank Dombrowski, Joseph Epstein, Kim Frazcek, Lew Friedman, Mindy February 2020 February Gershon, Tami Gold, Priscilla Grim, Laura Kaplan, Michael Korn, Jane LaTour, Dave adverTIse In The Indy Lippman, Ashley Marinaccio, unIque audIenCe • affordable raTes • personal aTTenTIon Christine Miller, Saul Nieves, for more InformaTIon, emaIl [email protected] or Call 212-904-1282 Caroline Rath, Liam Reilly, Norm Scott, Carol Smith, and The IndypendenT Becky Vaughan. The IndypendenT 3 in tHis issue Rene paSSet stellaR sax: When Kamasi Washington blows he stretches the limits of jazz. Catch him at Kings Theatre this month. not exactly Funny pages: A 40-year survey of European comic book art launches on Feb. 27 at the Danese-Corey The neWs In brIef, p4 gallery. Don’t miss it. coney Island gentrifi cation, el Bloombito, cuomo’s AirTrain boondoggle and more. FRI FEB 21 eBRation oF DYlan & tHe 10aM–5pM • FRee DeaD geTTIng hIgh on a legal eXHiBition: ReMeMBeRinG a Mardi Gras party in grateful supply, p5 MalcolM X tribute to Bob Dylan, featuring Will Albany fi nally lift New curated from archives, this nicki Bluhm, Grahame lesh, York’s marijuana prohibition? pop-up exhibition will feature Scott law and alex Koford. handwritten notes, rarely seen BROOKLYN BOWL shoW me The money, p6 photos, and historic papers 61 Wythe Ave., Bklyn Frank seddio nearly bankrupted from the civil rights leader. Brooklyn’s dem machine. he’s attendees are invited to take FEB 27–MARCH 14 out, but don’t expect reform. part in our oral history project, tue–Sat 10aM–6pM • FRee which includes sharing how eXHiBition: line anD Trouble In ChInaToWn, p7 Malcolm X’s words have made FRaMe: a SuRVeY oF euRo- locals are fi ghting off a developer an impact on their life. pean coMic aRt frenzy between the Brooklyn and SCHOMBURG CENTER the fi rst comprehensive exhibi- Manhattan Bridges. 515 Malcolm X Blvd., Mnhtn tion of european comic art in the united States.
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