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SMCD-124 KANGTA & VANNESS KANGmVANNEss | KANGTA & VANNESS The Frist Album SCANDAL | SM Entertainment SMCD-124 KANGTA & VANNESS SCANDAL \ nnun n.uunnn‘ ”Mun”:nun... nun»..- ‘5.)hlyp- bunn.. shun. .n.‘ nun... , ”‘H :y‘u'”u an! .09., u 1‘! ‘l’tnnDllb; unush.:“ :0 5. nb)oipoL,.“ Hinnu Mu .u ""“‘AL,“ Human,” ""_ ,9:uoorootpibh;,“‘ hnnn ; ,unnuut5..nnnuno‘s.“. “ ‘1 wnpt.;.f‘ln..;‘-I”nuunh . x,”uobn~.,h“~' 'I 9...»)nuolbbbhl. ntnnu Itwnlttu‘ip;‘ Arthur-w .nunul. htalnn ‘Y“:)I’V;1‘v‘ t)blun. [x’bh- u...“...I051‘3‘..“:‘)"":”9‘ ‘u »-—x..u‘.,.‘,o‘”.'q.:~,-un.;.;,. ‘n' .,...u;;‘ Lb ' LA .,,..w "muonsi ‘mttlb’hlv-n..H ;=-.“> N, 1D.’llh’r,t .,nbp;n‘A.: nm—ma nxrbnbn;.,A u- . .w. ‘“ ,pgbeI)L>A~A 1» .,.)v>p:L-- . ., ...nnuu.‘ >. ”M“... ,",.A)p;;lv"h . .‘ _ )bnh'. x .,"u> ' ." ,::.nnu.,unm.hw*. ‘61; {Hr ‘; . ,'; .,,nu-b»>.;.A-n .I. \ .‘.,DI)II}LAL}/~,Al(‘~‘yupbsltvirlxh,s.u:l“ ,,,,nbtbsn,.A.,u“ .,..))lb;bt)p;;nu,,‘:"*"“””"‘“%ug :mtlbhiilpnn5‘..u: ,' n.>n».«.p...m. :)“"8hbbtr:A>-p.. » lh’QQt‘IOL“)LLL),L ".3 '- bengL;. H, b0t’l)l)nnxx.‘ , ( - 7 . .1 t..$b}bb}nb:»é.. _ . _ . a ‘ . _‘ : 7V .nuthtr.»}.:~ v _ I: .hnntt;x,;~r. _, v ' ’1uu‘A-~" v’, u. b E . .,).Di 1., m5 1 ‘Q'o 0|4‘-F_* ’33 0| 3% h}1} 7%“ 9:549 +13%, SM. Entertainment 2% 7E5, 0|}7 i} Eég 917“ 311%:- VanNess, MIME 1191 $15!} FIE M583}! 35—:— EE Fan (Kai-fig QMZILICL 1341 AfQi’LIEL Thanns TO I VanNess FIRST AND FOR MOST I WANT TO THANK MY LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, THANK YOU FATHER FOR BLESSING ME & SURROUNDING MY LIFE WITH NOTHING BUT WONDERFUL PEOPLE MY FAMILY MOM AND DAD FOR ALWAYS SUPPORTING ME. STACY FOR KEEPING ME GROUNDED, WENDY, I KNOW I "A'S" KNOW, GEOFF 8: MEL YOU GUYS BEITER BE GETTIN THEM AND NANA YOU BRAT"'LOVE YOU! IN I GEI' ALL MY BOYS BACK THE WEST COAST KEEP THE PARTY POPPIN FOR WHEN BACK. TRIUMVIR3 BOUT TO TAKE OVER! VEGAS BABY... VEGAS. TO SMASH HEAD-"THANK YOU FOR EVERY THING YOU TART! AND TO MY LADY FRIENDS THANKS FOR ALWAYS LENDING ME YOUR EARS MUCH APPRECIATED. TO THE BOYS IN THE EAST COAST YOU KNOW HOW WE DO! TO MY FAMILY IN TAIWAN & H.K. JEFF. STAN, JIMMY, JAE, KATIE, NICKY, LUKE, JAHAN, JAS, ED, GABE, TE' YANG, ANNI, NINA, FREDDY LUXY, YOU GUYS MY BACK BONE, YA'LL KEEP ME SANE IN DIS MUG, AND LAST NOT LEAST ERIC A.K.A. E2, A.K.A. JONNY PHILIP, ANDY 8: YA'LL! BUT DRAMA, DAPHNE, KEEP IT GREEN ROCK CANDY LETS DO THIS! BEN, AND JAIME THE AFl'ER PARTY'S AT VOLAR! TO MY MANAGEMENT FU-LONG FOR HELPING ME EVERY STEP OF THIS pRoJECT_ ESP. JUEEN y] THANK you SONY/BMG', AND ALL OF SM. ENT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS AND FOR BELIEVING IN YOO YOUNG JIN BRODA WAIT FOR THAT MR. MS. LET. ME, CANT HOT TRACK! HAN, YU NUNA, AND ALL THE DANCERS. BUT MOST OF ALL KANG TA! FOR WALKING THIS JOURNEY W/ME. S DO THIS BRO! TO MY FAMILY IN KOREA, GEORGE BRODA, TROY, MICKY NUNA, WON JUN BRODA, GOD GUYS.. BBQ WHO'S NUNA, AS ONE, JAE HONG, SHIN, JANE BLESS YOU ANYONE? FINALY THANK YOU TO EVERY SINGLE FAN SUPPORTED ME FROM DAY 1. GOD BLESS YOU GUYS 1 LOVE! SMCD-124 SM Entertainment All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore SMCD-124 KANGTA &VANNESS KANGTA&VANNESS l‘ KANGTA & VANNESS The Frist Album SCANDAL I SM Entertainment SMCEH 24 KANGTA & VANNESS SCANDAL r O KANGTA & VANNESS SCANDAL P Justynu andme, Pun!.p llet'8 getit an! tunight LyliwbyYeo,youngn/G1mpwedby LH EX]6}-L]’E %—ESH Girl I get you 2?:2152; Just you and me Yoo, hanjih/Yoq youngjinAmngedby stucn on meu.‘CLH71]-V‘1I1]X1”} 3E Popll we go0t to battle tonight You, banjin/Yoo, yowzgjinlhpmane& T.‘ LH Xd-bri‘zé... 1H % $01] 9.1%72... L LET 0 :72 oMW IRE—Er %} Iyn'tsbyVaanWu % Hot step, show me! ‘4] 63ng— 730M. E, 3441: a 1 515} BEER éI‘Ld 51.5; Y2J-H That's the way~ We came EIQA74 7E’%‘4] d23°1i7474 Brean that ab“ anemia straight game wit it, straight off the away! 7LE}? 4‘- 31%.. Just you and Them baby boo, you nnow what chain Wit it, Loon but can't touch, we me, PopH Let's get it on! tonight you do,Shanin that thang left and the illest true pimps of it. Collaboration 'Lets go" I nnow what I nnow what I right, manin all dem boys drool. locned with military fusion, Tanin-ova- nnow I show, by the time I nish you'll Sweat rollin line-hot wax on a candle, Da globe I'm W/out any hasitatiom envision be screaming for more—$019301 ”1%) 7/1 Getting me thinning bout how Let's party all night long— Hot step. total domination. Taning circus out ”J ‘4 “334 %°17}% €% RE 441% about to handle it cus yo lips be so show me! L11 31313-3 éoi}.5l€% With, Sniper Scope precision.So Don't ’00 just try step, pistol Whipped is how fresh n so clean But understand that LH (1301 7411 Brean that away! bacn up bacn I'm up, yo way up way up. or you end ippin the script I just dun the man, I'll give you whatcha €%} $ 31%75‘..Just you and me. get youH yoself smacned up! Line 2 Pac, dun it again 174%23 0w 24a} 01%“ need, sayin please Ticnle you so good, Popll Let's get it on! tonight- hjt'em we up~! Too cold to hold, yo we AWEIE LBJ Crunny DOD! you'll bucnle up in yo nnees too hot to handle, ladies are you ready Now Let See who‘ can get down Yeah---------(It's you) Just ride * Directed by Yoo, young jin bout to hitcha wit dis scandal~ LH7‘“ 1H n‘de 1’5 EMU} $3??? ”333L112 IN tonjte ! Just grind tonite ! Just be * Bacnground Vocals by Yoo, young jin were] airs. 01%} 21% *1“?an 7;"! 71-3 ELM] 511% Show down, let's right 3 Show let's L1] party dovm party 3% /KinL hyunah/VanNessWu Baggy—:— 14131 24—:— 71 L11 7“ 5101114 5} 75‘ * MA; 11% 7&9: 3% {SEW} L194 % Ema Oh-Oh—Oh—Oh— Pump your Mix & Recorded by tél’. LH ELEH‘Z‘I "H HEM 5771'? (It‘s you) 7:1]:- ‘32:?2‘ Pump your body! é”? body! 9%? 5? SiEé. 73310] 5%3} YOO. youngjin at SM. Boomingsystem é‘A-x~é}‘y~3— -.. m’n'f- ' 3 6 OV‘WW”#4535 1EH— €27I°HE 0] here it is~~Id never thought I'd be so into “g 6;;an 0171319.]? E} EH 7% 34% A 04. One you, fall in love with you Everything little i 2mm E oNl 94°15 gm 1H Day thing came from a heart that's true, but 02] E01 it's wag 7%? E ca 01% :ng aw Lyrns, Composed & Arranged by 70]- 1;} apparently not happening, so 111 just, 27day %3}E% Yeah, It's goes You feelin reminisce about this, one m0 time, then how it me? 0 Them up here You I'm Mama: ME walla1°” W“? baby, how we end Checn the verse 511% OPE} 523/30] 3 ‘37:] baby girl a have to let it be. it's 1 13% )3 x1?» E— ar—EE 1;; 7} nnow funny I just miss you so much I 13% sham AIZFEIE 011401157} 111% m *Repeat 77% Brag} mag: 2g; xMMEHl 0] still remember holding you nissing you I 18147} i17n—7Jxlliégoil OE‘E ] _&Syntlmza' 70m} 227215 Wish 1 could right now lying ”11431747 Ea: aaw L1; 1% juSt see you 21411.1E1 “‘Ei 7Pt'1TJZJt—EE—EL *ChitarSamIJae BolEHv: Keyboard 351351] OHM-X] JEH—S— 0] in I'm B 543% 927101]% my arms Baby waiting for you ruli93qu 02,5 ianar 0M1 awn *Reoordedbyo a}, KAT. 01% at KT Studio Kg / KAT at SM, Blue Ocean Studio @7413 01711404 x: a; 712: 02% 74 Please just come to me I love you r w bacn E—E‘JOI %% ”31 LE {#4471 013 5‘ $ Mixedby 1.} a: OWE at KT Studio 3; 7391511 7113 141 as: 1M E :Lcnw 01%: E gohnl QME 6E3}? 3 W EH33 W730“ 61—55 37:41} 95 & S. M. Yellow Tail Studio om 24% 1% E1 ‘cf JEHEK‘EE ”EL 7%4? 5°] 01% 1% 3111 H5 WE €} 5% 601 7E; }%[:4 7} am 9431 *MEHL JEH gm ‘3 magi um ' 745% mmmgoigam €% EHEEE 73a gala—:—c1] LH a rd M91 *Gurtar' Bambi BaS LEAVE Piano M“ : 7&4 LH Tynan,to W—Cr—ILEH 71-3gomg :LEH7} gin}; 31?. 213: * Recorded by?) E} KA’I Ol‘éiat KT :11] 946411 7mm 01: $7} ITRACKLISTI 5114522 7‘2 w—u*%°}$~l WEE LBJ E} *h’.‘ oy :mmh'ngDMHZJF—J’ Studio / KAT at SM, Blue Ocean Studio / 13% 7g; 01 74a} OMOHW} 52°13 2 .gxlom )35 “37914639. '5“ SCANDAL (03:36] $161; 1}] 7H] *Su-ingsAn‘angedgzOonducredbyéa‘é} 7n]%5 1%?! at StudiLrT el 3W] 7&6 01 71% €393 @017}? {‘01 * * K-Strings Mixed 7:,L 5}. Olii at Studio 1/1- 0111931331an DH ‘33: Stings by KT “$1 Eolz 7}:LL_0_ :LEH qTE] Efe 727day team Sanin 35 111% 3131?; JCHQJ *3 JIM @512374 AH Ur‘tt Good Vibration «04:11: *EHiW Lyn'ts, &Ananged by Yoo.

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