Useful information Maison Gribaldi (rue du Port). Every day 2pm-6pm and bank holidays. Special opening on Saturday May 18th (European Night of Museums) until 10pm. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 83 15 94 / [email protected] Portrait of Anna de Brancovan at 18 months old by Nélie Jacquemart. Oil on canvas. Evian Council Collection, Francillon-Lobre collection, /D0DLVRQ*ULEDOGL© Evian Tourisme (Sémaphore P. Leroy). 21 Fi 9087. © Evian Council/B. Eyquem. Anna de Noailles, Portrait. Pastel, s.d., Evian Maison Gribaldi, archives and heritage Council Collection, Anne-Jules de Noailles Admission bequest, 20 Fi 9067. © Evian Council/B. Eyquem. 7KLV5HQDLVVDQFHKRXVHLVDPRQJWKHODVW A centre promoting the town’s legacy UHOLFVRI(YLDQROGWRZQDQGZDVSUREDEO\ The “Experience Paradise. Anna de Noailles ½½ GLVFRXQWHGUDWHLQFOXGLQJ IRUJURXSERRNLQJV½RQWRSRIHQWU\ D PDQRU·V RXWEXLOGLQJ ,W JLYHV RQWR /H on the banks of Lake Geneva” exhibition WKH(XURSHDQ1LJKWRI0XVHXPVDQGRQ WLFNHW GLVFRXQWHGUDWH½JURXSVZLWK 1DQW G·(QIHU ODQH MXVW EHKLQG WKH 3DODLV showcases two major collections in the coun- SUHVHQWDWLRQRI&LW\7RXUWLFNHWRUJDQL]HGE\ OHVVWKDQSHRSOH WKH7RXULVW2IÀFH )UHHIRUXQGHUV /XPLqUHDQGOHDQVRQSDUWRIWKHUDPSDUW cil’s possession: Marthe Francillon-Lobre’s IRUVFKRROJURXSV½SHUFODVV IUHHHQWU\ WKDWXVHGWRVXUURXQGWKHPHGLHYDOWRZQ donation in 1949 and that of Anne-Jules de &RPERWRXUZLWKH[KLELWLRQVDWWKH3DODLV 7LFNHWVDYDLODEOHDWUHFHSWLRQRURQKWWS /XPLqUH½RIIHQWU\ YLOOHHYLDQWLFNHDV\FRP It is now a tool for knowledge Noailles, the poet’s son who left 69 pastels to the town, when he died in 1979. Some of *XLGHGWRXUV Maison Gribaldi is open from April to these resources were restored and some of IRUWKHJHQHUDOSXEOLFHYHU\GD\DWSP½ ([KLELWLRQFDWDORJXHFRSXEOLVKHGE\6LOYDQD November and brings visitors an exhibition them are being displayed for the first time in RQWRSRIHQWU\WLFNHW (GLWRULDOH(YLDQ7RZQ+DOO½DYDLODEOHWR gallery, shop and work stations to explore public. Countless other acquisitions have IRUFKLOGUHQ XQGHU DFFRPSDQLHGE\DQ EX\LQWKHVKRS digital archives. Events (conferences, scree- since joined the collection: personal items, DGXOWHYHU\:HGQHVGD\DWSP nings, teaching workshops) for the general original editions, letters and more. A portrait public and schools are provided alongside photograph of the countess by Otto Wegener the exhibition. was recently purchased at auction. A tribute to Archbishop Vespasien Gribaldi Coming up in Vespasien Gribaldi was an illustrious local Computer archive access: free every day from th figure who was born in the early 16 century. 2pm-6pm at Maison Gribaldi and the multime- $WWKH3DODLV/XPLqUH He was the Archbishop of Vienne in Dauphiné dia centre at the C.F. Ramuz Media Centre in 1567 until the rise of Calvinism saw him during opening times. -XQHth6HSWHPEHUth -XO\th$XJXVWst give up his seat in 1572 and move to Evian. “German Expressionism”, collections Zoritchak He was friends with François de Sales who he from the Aargauer Kunsthaus in Switzer- Art glass / Collection / Creatives works co-ordained as a bishop on December 8th land, Osthaus Museum Hagen and Institut Portrait of Maurice Barrès, s.d. P. Petit photo- Portrait of Anna de Noailles in Brussels at graph. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, her Royal Academy of French Language and 1602 in Thorens Church. He died in 1623 in für Kulturausch in Tubingen in Germany. 4-NA-493 (2). Literature reception, 1922. Period photograph Evian and is buried in the church’s sanctuary. cl. Evian Council. / Amphion memorial garden, in Amphion-les-Bains. © AlbertAnna de Noailles Harlingue/Roger-Viollet print on a glass plate negative, Agence Meurisse. Claude Lenta Collection. ª:KHQ,ZDVOLWWOH,H[SHULHQFHGSDUD- spent almost every summer until the GLVHLQ$PSKLRQLQWKHSODQHWUHHDOOH\ Great War in Amphion, near Evian, where Alongside the exhibition VWUHWFKLQJ DQ DUFK RI JUHHQ IORZHUV her family owned a huge property: Villa RYHU/DNH*HQHYDLQWKHURVHWUHHDOOH\ Bassaraba. Anna de Noailles’ main source European Museum Night Summer holiday courses (6-12 years old) th th ZKHUH HYHU\ URXQG EXVK SDFNHG ZLWK of inspiration was the bond she formed 6DWXUGD\0D\thSPSP 7XHVGD\-XO\ DQG:HGQHVGD\ th URVHVOHWLWVZHDU\SHWDOVIDOO>@«7KLV with the banks of Lake Geneva, from ´6SHHGGDWLQJµ focus on a piece (15 mins) and Wednesday August 7 VHQWHQFH IURP /LYUH GH PD YLH WKH Evian to Lausanne, Montreux to Coppet, and talk with the public. ´6NLPPLQJSRHPVµ using the soft pastel DXWRELRJUDSK\ SXEOLVKHG LQ Discounted rate: 2.50 €. technique, draw inspiration from the poet’s Coudrée to Morges, Geneva and Vevey. personal world. IRUPV WKH FHQWUDO WKHPH RI WKH True to her wishes, she was laid to rest in Lecture tours Maison Gribaldi, 2pm-4pm. Workshop (1.5 hrs) Sunday May 5ththDQGth 0DLVRQ*ULEDOGLH[KLELWLRQ,WH[SORUHV the Publier cemetery and her friends set preceded by a short tour of the exhibition. Available DQG6HSWHPEHUthDQGnd at 5pm WKHPDQ\OLQNVW\LQJWKHSRHW$QQDGH up a monument and garden in her to book on (00 33) (0)4 50 83 10 19. 8 €/child for a 1RDLOOHV WR WKH /DNH 7KHZRUNRI$QQDGH1RDLOOHVDQGKHU 2-day course. memory in 1938 in Amphion where she FRQWHPSRUDULHV *HQHYDEDQNV spent her childhood. 2 € in addition to admission ticket / Free for under Educational activities for schools 16s. Thursday and Friday mornings, May and September Anna de Noailles won the Académie To mark the double anniversary of the Archive events/conferences 7UHDVXUHKXQW QXUVHU\SULPDU\ ÀQGFOXHV Française literature prize, was the first Francillon-Lobre donation (1949) and 6DWXUGD\$SULOth at 4pm in the exhibition with an activity leader. woman to be awarded the Legion of Anne-Jules de Noailles’ bequest (1979) to ´$QQDGH1RDLOOHVWKURXJKSDVWHOµ by :RUGSOD\ (primary-secondary), dive into Honour and was incredibly famous in Evian-les-Bains Council, 2019 sees the Anna de Noailles, Perroquet, s.d. Pastel on François Maillet, art history researcher at the the words of the poet’s verses and create a paper, s.d. Evian Council Collection, Anne- University of Poitiers. Parisian literary circles from the Belle Council showcase the vast collection that poem. Jules de Noailles bequest, 2 Z 9061. © Evian 6DWXUGD\$SULOth at 4pm Epoque to the early 1930s. She was born it has compiled over the years around Anna de Noailles, sans titre, s.d. Pastel on paper, Council/B. Eyquem. /HFWXUHWRXU on the work of Anna de ´&KLOGKRRGE\DODNH$QQDGH1RDLOOHV Noailles and her contemporaries (seconda- Princess Bassaraba de Brancovan and Anna de Noailles at the Maison Gribaldi 52 x 67.5cm. Evian Council Collection (Anne- DQGWKH$PSKLRQSDUDGLVHµ by Françoise Jules de Noailles collection), 20 Fi 9032. Group photograph at the villa Bassaraba, september 1899. From left to right and from ry school and college). Breuillaud-Sottas, doctor of history, exhibi- © Evian Council/B. Eyquem the last rank to the first: Prince Edmond de Polignac, Madame Bartholoni, Marcel Proust, tion curator. Maison Gribaldi. Workshop (1.5 hrs) preceded by a Constantin de Brancovan, Jeanne Bartholoni, Leon Delafosse; Marquise d’Arces, Princess short tour of the exhibition. Available to book on th alongside loans from museums, families Edmond de Polignac, Anna de Noailles; Helen de Caraman-Chimay, Abel Hermant. National 6DWXUGD\$XJXVW at 4pm (00 33) (0)4 50 83 10 19 /[email protected]. 20 Library of France, Paris, ID/Cote : 4-EST SUPPL-27 (1, pl. 54). ´$QQDGH1RDLOOHVLQWKHJDUGHQRIKHU €/class. and private collectors. This exhibition SRHWU\µ by Jean-Marc Hovasse, specialist in gets visitors up close and personal with Victor Hugo and in French Poetry, director of Anna de Noailles with personal items, research at the CNRS. Online teaching resources (in french) at portraits, original photographs, books, Media Centre (salle des Templiers). (75 minutes). www.ville-evian.fr letters and thirty-odd pastels that the Tickets available from Maison Gribaldi: 8 € (includes a tour valid for the duration of the exhibition). poet did towards the end of her life. Many of these items have never before -XO\th$XJXVWth been displayed in public. “Évian La Belle Époque» Festival Full schedule on www.cafeuropa.org &XUDWRU )UDQoRLVH %UHXLOODXG6RWWDV doc- tor in history and associate researcher at the European Heritage Days. Rhône-Alpes Historical Research Centre st nd (L.A.R.H.R.A). 6DWXUGD\6HSWHPEHU DQG6XQGD\ Comtesse 8QDFFRPSDQLHGWRXUSPSP Mathieu de ([KLELWLRQGHVLJQ)UpGpULF%HDXFODLU 6DWXUGD\6HSWHPEHUVWDWSP Noailles, Le &RQIHUHQFH´)URPSRHWU\WRPHPRU\ Visage émer- veillé, Paris : +LVWRU\RIWKH$QQDGH1RDLOOHVPHPR- Calmann-Lévy, Anne de Noailles’ belongings: ULDOJDUGHQLQ$PSKLRQµ conference, by 25th ed., 1921, dip pen, mechanical pencil and Françoise Breuillaud-Sottas, doctor of history, sending to Amphion-les-Bains, Villa Bassaraba, Anna de ivory and metal seal; letter tray exhibition curator. Captain Bugnet. Noailles on the chalet balcony, 1902. in blue Moroccan leather. Evian Media Centre (salle des Templiers). (75 minutes). Claude Lenta Amphion-les-Bains, Villa Bassaraba, the château, ca 1900. Photograph. © Roger-Viollet RV-930811. Tallandier/Bridgeman Images Paris. Council Collection, 5 Z 858. © Evian Free entry. Collection. Council/B. Eyquem. ª:KHQ,ZDVOLWWOH,H[SHULHQFHGSDUD- spent almost every summer until the GLVHLQ$PSKLRQLQWKHSODQHWUHHDOOH\ Great War in Amphion, near Evian, where Alongside the exhibition VWUHWFKLQJ DQ DUFK RI JUHHQ IORZHUV her family owned a huge property: Villa RYHU/DNH*HQHYDLQWKHURVHWUHHDOOH\ Bassaraba. Anna de Noailles’ main source European Museum Night Summer holiday courses (6-12 years old) th th ZKHUH HYHU\ URXQG EXVK SDFNHG ZLWK of inspiration
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