GLOBAL PARLIAMENTARY Better parliaments, stronger democracies. REPORT The changing nature of parliamentary representation Global Parliamentary Report: The changing nature of parliamentary changing nature representation The Global Parliamentary Report: IPU - UNDP. 2012 IPU - UNDP. Inter-Parliamentary Union ❙ United Nations Development Programme Lead author: Greg Power Assistant to the lead author: Rebecca A. Shoot Translation: Sega Ndoye (French), Peritos Traductores, S.C. (Spanish), Houria Qissi (Arabic) Cover design and layout: Kimberly Koserowski, First Kiss Creative LLC Printing: Phoenix Design Aid A/S Sales: United Nations Publications Photo credits: Cover Illustration: James Smith, pg. 9: UN Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran, pg. 24: UK Parliament copyright, pg. 42: UNDP/Afghanistan, pg. 58: Fabián Rivadeneyra, pg. 72: Assemblée nationale 2012 April 2012 Copyright © UNDP and IPU All rights reserved Printed in Denmark Sales No.: E.11.III.B.19 ISBN: 978-92-1-126317-6 (UNDP) ISBN: 978-92-9142-532-7 (IPU) eISBN: 978-92-1-054990-5 Inter-Parliamentary Union United Nations Development Programme 5 chemin du Pommier Democratic Governance Group CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex Bureau for Development Policy Geneva, Switzerland 304 East 45th Street, 10th Floor Telephone: +41 22 919 41 50 New York, NY, 10017, USA Fax: +41 22 919 41 60 Telephone: +1 (212) 906 5000 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +1 (212) 906 5857 www.ipu.org www.undp.org This publication results from the partnership between UNDP and IPU. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations, UNDP or IPU. Better parliaments, stronger democracies. GLOBAL PARLIAMENTARY REPORT The changing nature of parliamentary representation Inter-Parliamentary Union ❙ United Nations Development Programme April 2012 ADVISORY BOARD ■ Mr. Hafnaoui Amrani, Secretary General of the Algerian Council of the Nation ■ Mr. Josep Dallerès Codina, former Speaker of the Andorran General Council ■ Mr. Pierre Cornillon, Honorary Secretary General of the IPU ■ Mr. François Duluc, Head of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Unit, French National Assembly ■ Ms. Frene Ginwala, former Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of South Africa ■ Mr. Scott Hubli, Director of Governance Programs, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) ■ Ms. Marija Lugarić, former member of the Croatian Parliament ■ Mr. Robert Myttenaere, Honorary Secretary General of the Belgian House of Representatives ■ Mr. Mathurin Nago, President of the National Assembly of Benin ■ Mr. Rick Stapenhurst, former member of the World Bank Institute ■ Mr. Andrés Zaldivar, Senator and former Speaker of the Senate of Chile About the Lead Author Greg Power is a Director of social purpose company Global Partners & Associates (GPA), and a parliamentary specialist who has worked on projects to support the development of legislative institutions and political parties in the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. He has published widely on parliamentary and party development, most recently these have included The Challenges of Political Programming: International Assistance to Parties and Parliaments (2011, International IDEA), and The Politics of Parliamentary Strengthening: Understanding Incentives and Institutional Behaviour in Parliamentary Support (WFD/GPA, 2011). He has provided strategic advice, analysis and programme evaluation for a variety of agencies including DANIDA, FCO, WFD and International IDEA. Between 2001 and 2005 he was special adviser to Rt Hon Robin Cook MP and then Rt Hon Peter Hain MP, as Leaders of the United Kingdom House of Commons on issues of parliamentary reform and wider democratic renewal. Prior to this he was Director of the Parliament and Government Programme at the Hansard Society. He is a Visiting Fellow at Hull University’s Centre for Legislative Studies. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The first Global Parliamentary Report was jointly ■ 663 parliamentarians who participated in the commissioned by the United Nations Development survey for the report. Programme (UNDP) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). UNDP and IPU would like to express sincere thanks The following people kindly participated in the official to the hundreds of parliamentarians, parliamentary peer review on the draft report: Hafnaoui Amrani, Marc staff and parliamentary development practitioners who Bosc, Pierre Cornillon, Josep Dallères Codina, Franklin shared their expertise during the preparation of the DeVrieze, Scott Hubli, Niall Johnston, Hassan Krayem, report. Particular thanks go to Advisory Board whose Peter Lilienfeld, Robert Myttenaere, Mathurin Nago, valuable input guided the development of the report. Omar Ndoye, Sonia Palmieri, Leonard Preyra, Karin Riedl, We also recognize the important contribution made by Rick Stapenhurst, Andres Zaldivar. Additional feedback UNDP country offices and the Association of Secretaries on the draft was provided by Tim Baker, Sonia Escudero, General of Parliament throughout the process. Frank Feulner, Jeff Griffith, Gabriella Ilonszki, Ntoitha M’Mithiaru, Marcia Monge, Charmaine Rodrigues and UNDP and the IPU express their gratitude to the lead Ali Sawi. The following parliaments also commented on author of the report, Mr. Greg Power, and to Ms. Rebecca Shoot, who provided extensive assistance to him during the draft, with support from the Association of Secre- the research and drafting of the report. The authors wish taries General of Parliament: Canada, Estonia, Finland, to acknowledge the generous support of Lord Norton Germany, Hungary, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Romania, of Louth and Cristina Leston-Bandeira at Hull Univer- Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe. sity’s Centre for Legislative Studies, and assistance of The report was made possible by funding from IPU, the Joel Barkan, Mark Baskin, Rob Clements, Ruth Fox, Chris Henshaw, Andrew Mandelbaum and Janet Seaton. Swedish International Development Agency, Nether- lands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Belgium Regional background papers for the report were contrib- (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and uted by Alexander Hamilton (Africa), Eduardo Núñez Vargas Development Cooperation), French Ministry of Foreign (Central America), Fatima Anastasia and Magna Inácio (Latin Affairs and Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation. America), Ali Sawi (Arab States), Niall Johnston and Shahnaz Karim (Asia), Gabriella Ilonszki (Central and Eastern Europe), This report was initiated and completed under the direc- Tim Baker (Central and Eastern Europe) and Quinton Clem- tion of Ms. Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, UNDP Democratic ents, David Hegarty and Robert Nakamura (Pacific). Governance Group Practice Director, and Mr. Anders B. Johnsson, IPU Secretary General. Both organizations are We are deeply indebted to the: grateful for their effective support to Kevin Deveaux, ■ 73 parliaments that provided written Cédric Jurgensen, Franklin De Vrieze, Diane Sheinberg, contributions, listed in the References; Sofi Halling, Olivier Pierre-Louveaux, Sandra Macharia, ■ 129 parliaments that provided data for the Annex, Marilyn Cham and Steven Van-Wichelen at UNDP, and recognized at the end of the report; Martin Chungong, Andy Richardson, Hiroko Yamaguchi, ■ 69 parliamentarians who gave detailed interviews Agustina Novillo, Sung Jae Lee, Laurence Marzal, Karin to the authors; Riedl and other staff at the IPU. Global Parliamentary Report: The changing nature of parliamentary representation ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AFLI Africa Leadership Institute ANC African National Congress CDC Constituency development committees CDF Constituency development funds CSO Civil society organization GNI Gross national income IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance ICT Information and communication technology IPD Institute for Parliamentary Democracy (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union LAMP Legislative Assistance to Members of Parliament programme LDC Least Developed Countries MP Member of Parliament MTU Mobile Training Units NDI National Democratic Institute for International Affairs NGO Non-governmental organization OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PAC Public accounts committee PCS Parliamentary call system PILDAT Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency PMO Parliamentary monitoring organization PPP Purchasing Power Parity PR Proportional representation STV Single Transferable Vote TLC Thematic legislative communities UNDP United Nations Development Programme USAID United States Agency for International Development WBI World Bank Institute Chapter Title CONTENTS FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 CHAPTER I People and parliament ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 CHAPTER II Information and influence .......................................................................................................................................................................................................24
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