LkiūvošnactonaUn^ į u Maivydo bibliotekai 4545 WEST 63rd STREET • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60629 TEL.: 312-585-9500 * FAX.: 312-585-8284 • [email protected] THE FRIEND VOLUME 1, NUMBER 5 ENGLISH EDITION Saturday, October 5, 1996 Central and East European Preparing For the Elections Coalition Honors Legislators of Vilnius, Sept. 18 — According of the right-vving forces vvas not to the Department of Press and created through the fault of the The Year Public Relations, the Central author of the idea, Valdas Election Committee announced Adamkus, the famous American On September 19, the Central Chairman Gilman also up- the lists of the candidates of environmental activist of and East European Coalition holds the advancement of efforts political parties and organiza- Lithuanian decent. The state­ (CEEC), of vvhich, the Joint Bal­ in Central and Eastern Europe. tions nominated for the elec­ ment also says that the Lithua­ tic American National Commit­ He said he supports an assistan- tions in multi-mandate and nian Political Prisoners Party tee (JBANC) is a member, held ce program in the nevvly in- single-mandate constituencies. shall not participate in the elec­ a reception in the Dirksen Sena­ dependent countries, targeted at In the 20th of October elections tions to the Seimas. te OfFice Building to honor Se­ those most in need. The Chair- to the Seimas vvill participate 24 The Lithuanian Polish Elec­ natore Mitch McConnell (R-KY), man’s leadership vvas crucial for political parties and organi- tion Action shall take part in and Barbara Mikulskį (D-MD), the passage of the NATO Enlar- zations. the election together vvith Rus­ and Representatives Richard gement Facilitation Act of 1996. Only one coalition vvas esta- sian and Belorussian sočiai Durbin (D-IL) and Benjamin A representative from the Hun­ blished to take part in these organizations. The candidates Gilman (R-NY), Chairman of garian American Coalition said elections, vvhich vvas created by shall represent 12 sočiai the House International Rela­ Gilman’s vision of peace, stabili- the Democrats Party and Na- organizations, among them six tions Committee, for their sup- ty, and democracy throughout tionalists Union. The Political Polish, five Russian and one port of freedom, democracy, and Europe also serve the national Prisoners and Deportees Union Belorussian. From among the development of free market eco- interest of the U.S.' vvhich vvas planning to join the 1.347 candidates to the mem­ nomies for the people of Central The Ukrainian National Asso­ coalition on the lašt minute bers of the Seimas, only the elec­ decided to participate in the and Eastern Europe. The CEEC ciation commended Senator tion poster of Kazimiera Prun­ election independently. is an 18 member organization McConnell for assisting the skienė, Chairperson of Women’s Lithuania’s National Martynas Mažvydas Library Building in Vilnius. The statement issued by the vvhich represents 22 million peoples of the region. McConnell Party, bears indication that she Lithuanian Political Prisoner Americans vvho trace their remarked hovv the CEEC has in- collaborated vvith the KGB. Party says that the association heritage to the region. fluenced public perception of the The CEEC organizations in- countries as independent na- Lithuanian Servicemen Serve observe control posts, and patrol troduced the Congressional lea- tions, he stated, “The Coalition on the roads, bridges and store- ders, including: the Hungarian is advocating vvhat is right for in Bosnia houses. VRK Interrupts Delivery of American Coalition, the Ukrai- America.” McConnell vvas in­ The BALTBAT Latvian com­ nian National Association, the Copenhagen, October 1 The BALTBAT Lithuania Ballot Papers strumentai in the Russian troop pany is to be included in the Polish American Congress, and vvithdravval from the Baltics by (ELTA) — Approximately half of company is to carry out the mis­ sion in Bosnia vvithin the Svvedish battalion vvhereas, the Mati Koiva on behalf of the offering an amendment on the Baltic peacekeeping battalion Vilnius, Oct 1 (ELTA) — The sions vvere due to receive ballot (BALTBAT) Lithuanian company Danish battalion. The ser­ Estonian servicemen have to Estcnian American National Senate floor in mid summer of Lithuanian Chief election Com- and referendum papers until vicemen are to be stationed in start a mission in Lebanon Council and JBANC. ‘94, vvhich cut foreign aid for servicemen are to leave Den- mission (VRK) for the time be­ this Saturday. the šame location as the fourth vvithin the Norvvegian battalion. Koiva recognized Congress- Russia until their troops vvere mark on Wednesday for Bosnia ing interrupted delivery of bal­ The first election tour on Oc­ peacekeepers platoon LITPLA-4 man Durbin as a legislation out of the Baltics. The Russian vvhere they are due to launch a Subseąuent to the above-men- lot papers to the Lithuanian tober 20 is to encompass a vvhich already finished its vvho has demonstrated a long troops vvithdrevv in late August NATO peacekeeping mission. tioned missions, the peacekee­ diplomatic mission abroad. referendum on three constitu- mission. commitment to the sovereignty of‘94. The remaining peacekeepers pers of three Baltic States are to VRK leasers motivated this by tional amendments providing are scheduled to join them next Near Duboi situa'ed more take part in peacekeeping mis- of the region. Koiva stated, “In Senator Mikulskį vvas ack- a vvould-be Seimas decision on for cutting of MPs number from Monday. than 100 kilometrpq Tmlo ”ions independently st^rting the early 1980’s Durbin brought novvledged by the Polish Ame­ inclusion of Severai more con- 141 to 111, establishment of a Lithuanian servicemen led by the Lithuanian company is to from next autumn. many of his colleagues to lead rican Congress for her outstan- stitutional amendments in a fixed parliamentary election Major Vladimir Bieliauskas the demands in Congress for ding Service to the area. referendum to be held at the date and allocation of no less stayed in Denmark for tvvo freedom for the Baltic people. In Mikulskį thanked the Coalition šame time as a parliamentary than half of budget funds to months vvhere they received ad­ 1990 Lithuania scheduled its for being united in a cause to en- election. sočiai needs. ditional training in Viborg first free elctions. Durbin travel- sure freedom and ecnomic sta- UN Report on Sočiai Standards VRK chairman Zenonas Vai- Recently Seimas agricultural ed to Lithuania to congratulate polygon. commission put forvvard one bility in Central and Eastern in Lithuania gauskas told ELTA that a Vytautas Landsbergis and the previously dravvn-up schedule more issue for inclusion in the Europe. The Senator stated, Dutch-Lithuanian other Lithuanian freedom fight- “Novv that the Cold War is over, shovved that all diplomatic mis­ above-mentioned referendum, ers on their election victory.” i.e. sale of land to legal entities. greater challenges lie ahead. Agreement Between tion, crime rate, environment, Durbin said he vvas proud to Vilnius, Sept 25 (ELTA) — In A positive decision reąuires no We have to be sure these na- sočiai care, municipal reform ai lovvs to expect a grovvth of have played a part in lifting the Defence Ministries Lithuania children’s health is less than one third of MPs votes. tions never again endure vvhat and employment market. GDP next year. Iron Curtain. Novv there are op- grovving vvorse, the inerement of The Conservatives faction they vvent through [under a Amsterdam/Vilnius, Oct 1 The report statės that Lithua­ Lithuanian Sočiai Care and portunities for building nevv population is further decreasing also offered to include a regula- dominant force].” We mušt nian people lack dvvelling space. Labour Minister Mindaugas Mi­ alliances vvith those countries (ELTA) — The Netherlands vvill and the labour market is not tion on principles for further vvork together in a nonpar- be the eight NATO country to reliable. So statės the UN report The country’s public transport kaila noted that such report that share our vision of demo­ tisan manner, she concluded. vvould enable Lithuanian people privatization and restoration of cracy and free market econo- conclude a cooperation agree­ on the Lithuanian sočiai de­ system is insufficiently develo- lošt bank deposits though no for­ (JBANC) ment betvveen defence structu- velopment. ped, and it does not have enough to acknovvledge the existance of mies, he stated. problems and try to find Solu­ mai application vvas submitted res vvith Lithuania. This vvas already the second means of communication or In­ yet. Baltic Assembly To Be Called Lithuanina Defence Minister survey by UN Development formation. tions. “Maybe this book vvill become the Nevv Testament būt Vaigauskas noted that a deci­ Linas Linkevičius sėt off on a Program (UNDP). The first The document also indicated sion of parliament te nupple- in Riga trip to the Nertherlands on that the living standards of vve vvill find it useful in our 1995 report focused on a five- ment the existing referendum Tuesday vvhere he and Dutch vvork,’’ Mr. Mikaila stated. year independence period Li­ many people in the country is items could cause some dif- Vilnius, Oct 2 (ELTA) - The Deputy director of statistics sembly presidium, vice- Defence Minister Joris Voor- thuania. Next year such a docu­ štili rather lovv. A gap betvveen ficulties to VRK vvhich vvould ninth Baltic Assembly session department Petras Adlis said chairman of Lithuanian Seimas hoeve signed a memorandum on ment vvill highlight poverty the rich and the poor, tovvn and have to print nevv referendum to focus on the Baltic States rural dvvellers is very big in the Lithuania itself did not yet Egidijus Bičkauskas told ELTA bilateral defence structures con- reasons and suggest means to ballot papers all the more as less tacts and cooperation. create a fu 11 database necessary cooperation in the EU context, that the planned session vvas overcome it. Lithuania, UNDP statės.
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