PANCHAYATI RAJ IN INDIA A SELECT ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY -'••'&»'* ^ -^--Z^^-^ ^^ '^ DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF 11 \-^^ / of librarp ^ Snfarmatian Science BY MC3HAMMAD KHALID SIDDIQI RoU No. 95 LSM-11 Enrolment No- ¥-7768 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MR. SHABAHAT HUSAIN CHAIRMAN DEPARTMENT OF UBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSUM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) 1996 f 0d In CompniM DS2863 ^' -n ; •::,. \r- ' 1: v^•^ Ao, Phone: ( 0571 ) 400039 Telex : 564—230 AMU IN Fax : 91 0571-400528 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY, ALIGARH—202002 (U.P), INDIA M.No Dttad December 31 ^ 1996 This is to certify that the M.L. 8. I.Sc. dissertation of Mr. Mohammad Khalid Siddiqi on • Panchayati Raj in I n d i a: A select annotated bibliography * was compiled under my supervision and guidance. ( Shabahat Husain ) CHAIRN1AN TO MY FATHER MOHD. HAROON SE)DIQI CONTENTS PAGE NO. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i-ii AIMS, SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY lll-Vll PART ONE 1-48 INTRODUCTION PART TWO 49-202 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY PART THIRD INDEXES AUTHOR INDEX 203-210 TITLE INDEX 211-219 LIST OF PERIODICALS 220-222 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Praise be to Almighty Allah, the most merciful and beneficieht who showed me the path of rightness and blessed me to get the strength to embark upon this task. It gives me immense pleasure to express may deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to my respected teacher and Supervisor, Mr. SHABAHAT HUSAIN, Chairman, Department of Library and Information Science, A.M.U., Aligarh for his excellent guidence. Sympathetic and motivating attitude throughout the course of study. I always found him kind enough to spare his valuable time unhesiatingly. I consider myself fortunate enough to have worked under his supervision. My regards, and admiration for him are unbounded. He is the man, I adore then most. I owe my immense gratitude to Mr. S.Hasan Zamarrud, Mr. S. Mustafa Zaidi Readers, and Mr. Asif Farid Siddiqui, Lecturer, Deptt of library and Information Science, AMU, Aligarh. I express my gratitude to my friends. Mr. Syed Afzal Ahmad, Abdur Rasheed siddiqui, Ziaur Rehman, Mr. A. Rabi Hussain, Mr. Shamsul Hasan, Mr. Naushad Khan and Khaliqur Rahman for their constant motivation and help. 11 I am also thankful to my classmates Nomin Junaid, Sufiyan Ahmad, Ayaz Ahmad, Khursheed Raza, Saba Kazmi and I.A. Ashat, for their invaluable contribution in this study. My humble feelings of gratitude are to my parents, brothers, sisters, and brother-in-laws, who candled the spirit of learning in me to their encouragement, affection and sacrificial devotion I ascrible all my success* I also express my thanks to the office members of the Depaxtmeiit and Seminar who have rendered great assistance to me in the collection of materials. Last but not the least I would like to pay my thanks to Mr. Md. Asif who took keen in terest in typing my dissertation with full skill. (MOHD. KHALID SIDDIQI) ill AIMS SCOPE ft METHODOLOGY 01. AIMS AND SCOPE ; In the light of 73rd and 74th Amendments of the constitution, a structural reform has been intended to decentralize, the Power and resource at the grass root level. The provisous has provoked various intellectuals to comment on the pros and cons of the various aspects of the bill. The present are aims at giving full account of different views on the issue. It provides with an off-hand reference to the opinions of people belonging to different fields. The scope of the work covers the process of decentralisation, role and reactors of various political parts, whether in power or in opposition. The present dissertation displayed in the form of annotated bibliography, resembles together all the significant literatures dealing with Panchayati Raj in India. Although the bibliography is selective in nature but exhaustive, as it covers all important aspects of Panchayati Raj in India. I am confident that the bibliography will be useful to all those who have interest in the study of the Panchayati Raj system in India. IV The study includes about 200 articles on the above topic and is divided into three parts. Part 1st, deals with the description of work. The part Ilnd which is the main part of the bibliography consists of an annotated list of articles on the subject. The entries are not comprehensive but are fairly representative on the subject. Part Ilird, includes Auther and title indixes alongwith the list of Periodicals. 02. METHODOLOGY :- In order to complete this task, Primary sources and other meterials on "Panchayati Raj in India" available in Maulana Azad library, A.M.U., Aligarh, Coaching and Guidance, A.M.U., Aligarh, Political Science, Department A.M.U., Aligarh, and Allahabad Public library, Allahabad were consulted. Out of number of the Periodicals covering the fields, only important were selected for this purpose. 021. STAMDARD FOLLOWED :- The Indian Standard recommendations for bibliographical references (IS: 2381-1963) Indian standard recommended for abbreviations for titles of Periodicals (IS: 18-1949) classified catalogue Code (C.C.C) of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan have been followed. In certain cases, where the said standards become not helpful I have preferred my own judgement. (Local variation). 022. SUBJECT HEADING : Attempt has been made to give Co-extensive subject heading as much as possible. It will facilitate readers to find out desired articles from this bibliography. An humble effort has been made to fallow pastulates and Principles as Suggested by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in the formulation of subject heading; these are arranged strictly by the Principles of alphabetical sequence.The general Pattern of subject headings used in the bibliography is as follows. 023. ARRANGEMENT;- As entry is preceded by subject heading in Capitals. The entry begins with Entry Element (e.g. Surname) of the author in capitals, fallowed by secondary element (i.e. forename) with in Paranthesis and then the title of the article, which is followed by the title of the Iperiodical, its valume, issue number, year, month, date of Publication after which, are given the pages inclusive notation of the articles. The each entry is then followed by an informative abstract of the article. The item of bibliographical reference for each entry of periodical are arranged as follows: a- Name (S) of author (S) b- Full stop (.) c- Title of contribution including subtitle, if any. d- Title of the Periodical e- Semi-Colon ( ;) f- Valume number g- Coma {,) h. Issue Number i- Semi Colon (; ) j. Year of publication k- Coma (,) 1- Month m- Coma (,) n- Date of publication o- Semi-colon ( ; ) p- Inclusive pages of article q- A full stop (.) Vll 0231. SAMPLE ENTRY ; IYER (H.R. Subramania). Panchayats as a part of the constitution. Gandhi Marg. 11,4; 1990, January-March; 515. EXPLANATION : This article is taken from "Gandhi Marg" which is titled as "Panchayats as a part of the constitution". Written by M.R. Subramania Iyer in the valume No. 11, issue No. 4 of the year 1990 and month January to March on the page 515 against this entry the serial number has been 149. 024. ABSTRACT ; The entries in the bibliography contain abstract giving the essential information about the article documented I have given indicative abstract as well as informative abstracts. After scarthing the literature, entries were recorded on 7"x5" cards. 025. INDEXES : This part of the bibliography contain author, title indexes in alphabetical sequence. Each index gives to the specific entry or entries in the bibliography. PART-ONE INTRODUCTION "INDIA OF MY DREAM WILL BE AN INDIAIN WHICH EVEN THE POOREST CAN FEEL THAT IT IS HIS OWN COUNTRY AND IN WHOSE MAKING HE HAS TO WORK". "MAHATAMA GANDHI" INTRODUCTION 1 MEANING AND IMPORTANCE OF LOCAL_SELF GOVERNMENT In essence democracy means all citizens take part in decision that affects them Gandhiji^i once said "T\7enty men sitting and ruling at Delhi or Madras is no democracy" In the words of Jawahar Lai Nehru "Democracy is not merely parliament at the top on in the states but some thing that trains every person to take his proper place and indeed any place"- This message infact includes the concept of "Trust the people" and "to make people trust in the system of democracy"- Modernisation and development of a Society in a democratic frame work of a government set up is essentially a community venture rather than a class or group or an individual venture It is only when a sense of responsibility and participation in the modernisation and development process is widely spread from the cabijiet ministers to a private businessman and from the civil servants to the farmer in the distant village. The process moves forward with full potential force and balance Modernisation of a society though requires Strong leadership and even a measure of planning at the center it will not succeed unless it engages the energies and commitments of the ^citizens themselves This is how one can stengthen the democracy through broadening its base or decentralising it. 'Annie Besant once stated "the Swaraj must be laid on solid foundation. They must have in villages real panchayats and not sham once and lay their foundation on self governing areas covering the whole of India namely village Taluk, District province and the central government. However, despite,^ all there landable observations by the top leaders of the country in practice the participation of the citizens in such decision is indirect and restricted. Such a democracy is only representative and has every chance of degenerating into dictatorship. It is more pronounced in a country with a large ilditarate population Decentralisation is not dilution or desolution. It is strengthing through process of broad basing the decision making body politics which enables the most active and knowledge participation of all people .
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