MARCH 29, 1965 50 CENTS II 34TH YEAR o xr -- COcrD D Broadcasting xzv THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO zD n <r_ D = cc r- Convention produces hint of moderation in D.C. p35 LBJ's diplomatic choice for FCC: James Wadsworth. p36 AMST finds members making waves in CATV waters. p82 Heavy traffic, interest in color sparks TFE '65. p52 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 /'yHOW DO YOU COUNT ??????7? l¡r 1 IT'S JUST GOOD BUSINESS TO COUNT ON THE STATION THAT IS INVOLVED WITH, /INES OFAltißERICA. AND IN, THE COMMUNITY IT SERVES. WCCO TELEVISION is that station in the Twin .*,` `" 09775390A City market. It is the only Twin City station, ONE ]rOIíY.Agb for example, to AWARD AN ANNUAL FOUR - YEAR SCHOLARSHIP; conduct the WCCO- VIKING FAN CLUB; the WCCO - GUTHRIE MATINEE PARTY; sponsor the annual MIN- NESOTA SYMPOSIUM at the University of pr.ronrKm Minnesota; and program a regularly -scheduled PUBLIC AFFAIRS TV SHOW. In addition the station is deeply involved with the ST. PAUL .,,.:.ai WINTER CARNIVAL, the MINNEAPOLIS .r dlrá A R rri7 . AQUATENNIAL and the MINNESOTA STATE FAIR -just to name a few. COUNT ON WCCO TELEVISION to put your story across ... the station which is already vitally involved in, and accepted by, the Twin City Area of Minneapolis -St. Paul Rev, h,d . , .al, by. -tzrs. Q rd ',t:rdart1, i i_. ¿VFMY- ry W/NS SC//OOL ßELL AWARD FOR UNPRECEDENTED ThI/RD ThiIE The North Carolina Education Association age of issues and activities in the field of has again presented its annual School Bell education and, in particular, for the sta- Award to WFMY -TV, the only three -time tion's exceptional efforts in combating the television station winner. The 1965 Award, school "drop -out" problem. for "distinguished service in the interpre- WFMY -TV ... first choice for serving tation of education," was made in recogni- the public and selling your product in 51 tion of WFMY -TV's comprehensive cover- counties in North Carolina and Virginia. WFMY -TV GREENSBORO / HIGH POINT / WINSTON- SALEM, N. C. Represented nationally by Harrington, Righter and Parsons, Inc. W H A T 's T H E L A T E S T SCORE in our brand -new ball game in St. Louis? r.11 IpQ3..9 1.J¡ i' !..) f 'I%1 -0-0'J l4Y. l'_+ e .,.. 111T ! ii) í: .i -1 .: `,7 i 7.. l+. >; i'.j J '1;rJ..,. }'! J ) "J y P.>0(1400 : y 3 :. v CJ (yy''Ì ) 5.,¡t !r , ` : " 1!3 c';jiiri - í - 1 Jo °r ` '^i '!,.i _.F THE TOP 10 SCORE KTVI leads with 5 shows Station B follows with 3 Station C next with 2 THE TOP 20 SCORE KTVI leads again with 10 shows Stations B & C play to a tie with 5 each How about you? Been putting your money on the winner in St. Louis? THE EXCITING NEW 'Source: ARB, Jan. /Feb. 1965 based on total homes ST. LOUIS¡-,VIi' BROADCASTING, March 29, 1965 WHEN YOU CONSIDER PRIME TIME SPOTS... your first requirement is top homes delivered at the most efficient cost. IN THE DALLAS -FORT WORTH MARKET... 18 of the top 30 prime time shows are on Channel 4."` CONSIDER KRLD -TV with a new, cost efficiency rate card which makes every spot on Channel 4 a top -rated buy Ask your ADVERTISING TIME SALES representative for complete details. ARB Jan /Feb '65 represented nationally by Advertising Time Sales, Inc. C'l uzeL 4, ¿7a4 -FGt ilk Clyde W. Rembert, President MAXIMUM POWER TV -TWIN to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts 4 BROADCASTING, March 29, 1965 Welcome surprise CLOSED CIRCUIT® Among broadcasters who know him, there was much relief when James J. of their resignation. Group owners panel of department heads involved in Wadsworth was nominated last Thurs- at odds with AMST policy (see page broadcasting who would not be in- day to be FCC commissioner. They'd 82) have stated they regard AMST hibited in answers because they are feared President Johnson might pick as performing excellent service in all not responsible for FCC policy. an educator with utopian views. But other areas. Only resignation reported Mr. Wadsworth is regarded by friends is that of General Electric Co.'s WRGB Search for an angel as realist. As one network executive (Tv) Schenectady, and half -dozen new who's known him for 20 years put it: members were said to have been lined National Association of FM Broad- If new appointee had been on com- up during NAB convention last week. mission when it voted March 19 on casters, which is planning to put paid proposal to reduce network program staff back in New York office and control, he would have voted against Philadelphia sale seek new president for association, is it. looking to build up working fund of Agreement was reached last week $500,000. Source would probably be Senior U. S. Senator from Mr. for sale of WJMJ and WJMJ -FM (con- sponsor who would buy time on all Wadsworth's native New York state, struction permit) Philadelphia to Rust member stations with monies being Republican Jacob Javits, was support- Craft for in neighborhood of $650,- returned to NAFMB to pay for staff. ing another candidate for FCC va- 000 (subject to customary FCC ap- Magnavox bankrolled similar cam- cancy, Dean Kenneth Bartlett of Syra- proval). Sellers are Patrick J. Stanton, paign two years ago and reportedly is cuse University, but Senator Javits president and general manager, and interested in doing so again. Results knows and likes Mr. Wadsworth and associates. WJMJ, which began oper- of previous effort were said to have will make no objection to his appoint- ation in 1948, is on 1540 kc with 50 been highly successful for Magnavox. ment. Early last week Senator Javits kw daytime. WJMJ -FM is assigned to was told by White House that finalists 104.5 me with 20,000 w. Broker is Date for CATV in FCC race were Dean Bartlett, Rich- Richard Crisler Co., Cincinnati. Rust ard B. Hull of Ohio State University Craft, multiple owner, has headquar- April 14 was set by FCC last Fri- and Mr. Wadsworth, whose name was ters in Steubenville, Ohio. day as date on which it will take ac- put into FCC consideration only re- tion on overall community antenna cently. Waiting for the call policy. Expectation is that it will as- sert general regulatory authority and New guessing game Walter Rogers (D -Tex.) thinks probably not limit itself to jurisdic- FCC "is going too far" with proposals tion over microwaves. By same tok- With speculation ended as to whom to limit network program ownership en, it isn't expected commission would President Johnson would name to FCC (see page 60). Commission, he feels, go for regulation of CATV services vacancy, new guessing game has "is getting into an area better left to as common carriers, thus preempting emerged in regard to chairmanship the Justice Department." At most, field to exclusion of state regulatory bodies. now held by E. William Henry. In "the commission should present rec- some quarters it was thought that ommendations to Congress" if it sees President, who has prerogative of nam- need to regulate "monopoly" situation. CATV in New York ing chairman from among qualified Mr. Rogers, chairman of Commu- members, might move after James J. nications Subcommittee of House New York City's position on appli- Wadsworth's nomination is confirmed Commerce Committee, says hearings cation of eight companies to operate by Senate (Commerce Committee has on proposed rules are not planned CATV systems there should come into scheduled hearing for April 13). Al- now, but will be held "if a demand clearer focus within next two weeks. though Ambassador Wadsworth is Re- develops." Congressmen can become Within that time, it's reported, city's publican, this wouldn't necessarily pre- very demanding when regulatory agen- franchise bureau will have presented clude his designation as chairman. cies get frisky. Senator Vance Hartke board of estimate with report and rec- (D -lnd.) has already recorded his op- ommendations on franchise petitions. There had been speculation earlier According to one city representative, that President position to commission proposal (see Johnson might designate first franchise grant decision might Commissioner Lee page 62). be Loevinger, former made in late April or early May. assistant Last attorney general for antitrust public hearing on CATV applications and close friend of Vice President Quiz era ends was held by board of estimate Jan. 14 Hubert H. Humphrey, to chairman- (BROADCASTING, Jan. 18). ship. It's expected President shortly Abandonment of FCC panel quiz as will renominate Commissioner Robert feature of NAB conventions won't T. Bartley for third seven -year term mean that regulatory agency people Pocket demography on FCC. His present term expires will not participate in future conven- June 30. tion programs. Panels have been tra- Peters, Griffin, Woodward is plan- dition for past 10 years, but concern ning to announce on April 5 copy- expressed over members of quasi - righted Radio Programing Efficiency Friendly fight judicial body subjecting themselves to Index pocketpiece intended as aid to pot -shooting from floor resulted in con- radio advertisers and agency buyers. Despite disagreement among some clusion that this year's panel (see page Slide -rule device was developed by members of Association of Maximum 58) would be last. Thought is being PGW with Data Inc. Nearly year Service Telecasters on position it has given to appearances of new commis- elapsed before final pocketpiece taken on full regulation of commu- sioners at future conventions or pos- evolved from concept phase through nity antenna services, there's no talk sibly of setting up second -echelon various designs and modifications.
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