BROOKLYN PARK | CRYSTAL | ROBBINSDALE | GOLDEN VALLEY | MINNEAPOLIS Tracking the Blue Line Extension Issue 2 | May 2015 www.BlueLineExt.org A new, narrower plan proposed for West Broadway’s reconstruction with LRT Changes made in the last year to the design of the West Broadway Avenue reconstruction project including LRT in Brooklyn Park narrow the overall width significantly, lessening the impact on adjacent properties. The Metropolitan Council and Hen- nepin County are working together to reconstruct the road itself and install a center-running light rail line that would be an extension of the METRO Blue Line in Minneapolis. “The plan has changed dramatically,” Brooklyn Park Mayor Jeff Lunde told residents at a City Council meeting on April 28, referring to the engineer- ing work that’s been done to minimize impacts. In 2014, Hennepin County presented a redesign of West Broadway in Brooklyn Park that would have required taking many residences along the road. The city asked engineers to modify the de- sign to minimize impacts to residences and businesses. Earlier this year, Metropolitan Council and Hennepin County engineers began working together on a design for West Broadway that includes both a rede- signed roadway and the proposed Blue Top: A METRO Blue Line light rail train passes through a residential area near the Line Extension LRT Project. The Blue Veterans Administration Medical Center in south Minneapolis. Line Extension would run from Target Above: An artist’s rendering shows what light rail service would look like at the Field Station in downtown Minneapolis proposed 85th Avenue station along West Broadway Avenue. NEW PLAN continued on next page for news updates, project Visit us online at 2 www.BlueLineExt.org information and events NEW PLAN continued from first page to a station near the Target North cam- pus in Brooklyn Park. Above left: Blue Line Extension project director Dan Soler speaks Public feedback led to changes at a meeting in Brooklyn Park. In response to concerns voiced by resi- Above right: Project staff were on dents and the city, the maximum width hand to discuss design options. of the right-of-way for the West Broad- way Project was reduced from 176 feet Right: Meeting attendees gave to 142 feet. The reduction became feedback on design drawings. possible with the elimination of right- turn lanes, reduced lane, gutter and boulevard widths, trails located closer sent of the West Broadway and light to property lines and a reduced width rail projects a year from now, he said. needed for the LRT. The public meetings at North Henne- In March and April, staff from the Met- pin Community College featured both ropolitan Council’s Blue Line Extension roundtable discussions of the project, Project Office, Hennepin County and one to one conversations with the engi- the city of Brooklyn Park sponsored neering staff over maps, and opportu- public meetings at North Hennepin nity to ask questions in a public forum. Engineers from Hennepin County and Community College. The meetings Concerns were expressed about: the Metropolitan Council, as well as drew large crowds and provided the environmental staff, will consider those public a chance to learn about and give • Current road conditions and needed comments and other issues raised by feedback on both the West Broadway repairs the public as they continue work on the project and the light rail project. • A preference for a four-lane roadway project. design compared to a two-lane At the April 28 Brooklyn Park City design Council meeting, Mayor Lunde said • Better access and traffic signals at that the project’s redesign and nar- Maplebrook Parkway rower profile reflects the changes the city wanted made to the 2014 plan. • Noise and vibration from the LRT The Brooklyn Park City Council would line anticipate a vote on municipal con- • Property impacts, including valuation and acquisition TRACKING THE BLUE LINE EXTENSION Issue 2 May 2015 for news updates, project Visit us online at www.BlueLineExt.org information and events 3 Work underway to minimize number, size of property acquisitions along West Broadway Along West Broadway Avenue in Brooklyn Park, The acquisitions can include either permanent easements partners in the Blue Line Extension Project are on a property, such as an easement for drainage, a trail or a storm water pond. Or, work may require a temporary ease- working to minimize the number and size of ment, such as allowing workers to use property during a needed property acquisitions. construction period. Full ownership then reverts back to the owner after the project is complete. At public meetings in March and April, area property own- ers received first-hand information about the scope of the project, how it’s changed since 2014 and what’s ahead. The Metropolitan Council, Hennepin County and the city of Brooklyn Park are the three government units involved in the West Broadway project. When Hennepin County un- veiled the stand-alone road reconstruction project for West Broadway last summer, numerous homes were identified as potential acquisitions. In recent months, that plan has changed. The Blue Line Extension is now incorporated into West Broadway’s re- construction, and the redesign of the construction plan is intended to impact fewer properties. Engineers narrowed the LRT and road reconstruction proj- ects to avoid impacting more structures. The maximum width Property owners learn about the acquisitions process at an of the project was reduced from 176 feet to 142 feet. Engi- informational meeting in Brooklyn Park. neers accomplished that in several ways, including eliminat- ing right-turn lanes; reducing lane, gutter and boulevard widths; and reducing the width of the land needed for the After a preliminary design is completed, the Metropolitan Blue Line Extension. Council will seek municipal consent to the project from the cities and county. Once the environmental review is com- Final decisions on which properties will be acquired will be plete, with the issuance of the Record of Decision, property determined as engineering plans become more detailed in offers can begin. Offers and negotiations for needed land 2016. begin before construction starts but construction may pro- ceed before the negotiations are complete. Here’s what happens when property acquisitions Property owners can expect compensation for their property are needed that’s defined as fair market value. A settlement amount is negotiated. If relocation is necessary, reimbursement of eli- If property acquisitions are needed, the Metropolitan Coun- gible costs would be available based on federal or state law. cil would acquire property south of Candlewood and north of 93rd Avenue. Hennepin County would acquire property Owners may acquire their own appraisal, but state laws set between Candlewood and 93rd Avenue. maximums. For most cases, $1,500 is the maximum reim- bursement amount for an appraisal. At the community meetings along West Broadway, property owners asked questions about how project staff determines For details, see the Council’s information for property owners if their property could be a complete or partial acquisition. and renters about real estate acquisition and relocation as- sistance: http://bit.ly/1AAu3OW If a partial land acquisition is required, the owner typically retains the rest of the property. TRACKING THE BLUE LINE EXTENSION Issue 2 May 2015 for news updates, project Visit us online at 4 www.BlueLineExt.org information and events Keep Plymouth Avenue, Golden¤£169 ValleyOak Grove Road Parkway LRT stations in the mix for now, panel says ÉÉ610 93rd Avenue As the Metropolitan Council considers including feedback on the station locations and potential impacts to one or two LRT stations in Golden ValleyOSSEO in the the surrounding areas. METRO Blue Line Extension plans, project staff are Engineers85th Avenueare working on a technical analysis of both sta- weighing engineering issues, cost and community tions. The analysis will look at ridership, access for under- benefits. served populations, accessibility, connections to key destina- tions and access to regional parks. Brooklyn Boulevard While the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the The work also includes identifying the cost of construction Blue Line Extension analyzed stations at both Golden Valley andBROOKLYN evaluating floodplain and wetland impacts near the sta- Road and Plymouth Avenue, only one station is in the current tion sites.PAR K project budget. §¨¦94 At a Corridor Management Committee meetingEagle Lake in April, members asked project staff to continue the design and envi- 63rd Avenue ronmental review and development for both stations. The scope and budget for the entire Blue Line Extension Proj- ect is being reviewed, and the full Metropolitan Council is expected to make a decision this fall on whether to¤£169 build one Bass Lake Road or two LRT stations in Golden Valley. NEW Twin Lake HOPE What’s similar, different about the two station CRYSTAL ÉÉ100 locations Each station would be located in an area below the Plymouth Robbinsdale Avenue and Golden Valley Road bridges. §¨¦94 Both station sites are on right-of-way currently owned by BNSF Railway, which is located immediately east of the east- ROBBINS- ern edge of Theodore Wirth Park. DALE The stations are seven-tenths of a mile apart but would serve different neighborhoods. The Plymouth Avenue station site ÉÉ100 is technically in Golden Valley, but is adjacent to north Min- Golden Valley Road neapolis and the Willard-Hay neighborhood. The Golden Valley Road station site is close to Courage Kenny Rehabilita- Plymouth Avenue tion Institute and Golden Valley neighborhoods to the north Penn and west. É Van White É55 %% Community members have had several chances to weigh in GOLDEN Theodore Wirth on the locations of both stations. Those included community VA LL EY Park meetings held earlier this year in Golden Valley at Courage MINNEAP OLIS Kenny and at the Church of St.
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