Rochford District Council Local Air Quality Management – Updating and Screening Assessment Ref: CS/AQ/022720103/2087 October 2003 DOCUMENT INFORMATION AND CONTROL SHEET Client Rochford District Council Project Manager Joanne Ellis Council Offices Tel: 01702 318045 South Street Fax: 01702 545737 Rochford SS4 1BW Environmental Consultant Casella Stanger Project Manager Richard Maggs Great Guildford House Tel: 0207 902 6149 30 Great Guildford Street Fax: 0207 902 6158 London SE1 0ES Project Team Giuliano Gianforte Principal Author Giuliano Gianforte Lucy Parkin Sharon Atkins Richard Maggs Document Status and Approval Schedule IStatus Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: s Sharon Atkins Richard Maggs s Senior Consultant Principal Consultant u e Signed/Dated Signed/Dated Draft Issued to client Report Final Issued to client Report Ref: CS/AQ/022720103/2087 Rochford District Council LAQM USA October 2003 CONTENTS Page 1 Executive Summary 1 2 Introduction 3 2.1 Project Background 3 2.2 Legislative Background 3 2.3 Scope of USA 3 2.4 Assessment Criteria 5 2.5 Reporting of USA 6 3 Local background concentrations 7 4 Monitoring Data 10 4.1 Benzene 10 4.2 1, 3-Butadiene 10 4.3 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 11 4.4 Lead 11 4.5 Nitrogen Dioxide 12 4.7 PM10 14 4.6 Sulphur Dioxide 15 5 Industrial Sources 16 5.1 Part A Processes 16 5.2 Part B Processes 19 5.3 Petrol Stations 22 5.4 Major Fuel Storage Depots 24 5.5 Areas of Domestic Coal Burning 24 5.6 Shipping 24 5.7 Railways 24 5.8 Airports 24 5.9 Other Sources 24 6 Road Traffic Sources 26 6.1 Introduction 27 6.2 Methodology 30 6.3 Main Roads (excluding junctions) 31 6.4 Significant Junctions 34 6.5 Other Road Traffic Sources 39 7 Areas with Combined Impacts 39 8 Conclusions and Recommendations 40 Ref: CS/AQ/022720103/2087 Page i Rochford District Council LAQM USA October 2003 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 places a statutory duty on local authorities to review and assess the air quality within their area and take account of Government Guidance when undertaking such work. Between 1998 and 2001, following the introduction of the National Air Quality Strategy and Air Quality Regulations, Rochford District Council (RDC) undertook its First Round of review and assessments of air quality. The First Round assessments (Stages 1, 2 and 3) concluded that it is road traffic emissions from vehicles on the A127 Southend Arterial Road and A130 Chelmsford Road that are the main issues with respect to local air quality but that it was not necessary to declare any Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) for any pollutant. The updating and screening assessment (USA) provides an update with respect to air quality issues within RDC. Specifically, there have been a number of changes since the last round of review and assessments, which have been taken into account in this assessment. These include: a revised National Air Quality Strategy (2000) and Addendum (2003); new Air Quality Regulations (2000 and 2002); new guidance documents LAQM.PG (03) and LAQM.TG (03); and, revised vehicle emissions factors (2002). The USA has included consideration of new emissions sources, in addition to all existing emission sources previously identified in the First Round and any possible changes to them thereof. The USA considers the seven priority health based air quality objectives as laid down in Regulations and assesses the likelihood that the air quality objectives will be met by their target dates. If the air quality objectives are unlikely to be met, a detailed assessment will be required. It also considers the provisional PM10 objectives for 2010, although no detailed assessment of the 2010 PM10 objectives is required at this stage, as the objectives have not been laid down in Regulations. Having considered each pollutant and presented evidence to support the assessment of each, it is concluded that the air quality objectives for benzene, 1, 3-butadiene, carbon monoxide, lead, PM10 (2004 annual mean) and sulphur dioxide will be met. There will be no requirement to undertake a detailed assessment for these pollutants. The results of the screening assessment have shown that a detailed assessment is required to assess the PM10 24 hour objective at residential properties in close proximity to the Rawreth Industrial Estate where there are a number of fugitive PM10 emission sources. The provisional annual PM10 objective for 2010 is predicted to be exceeded at all busy roads and junctions assessed due to the high modelled background PM10 for 2010. This will require further assessment in future air quality assessments once included in Regulations. It is recommended that RDC undertake a monitoring programme for NO2 and PM10 to confirm the findings of this report. With respect to NO2, it is recommended that RDC Ref: CS/AQ/022720103/2087 Page 1 Rochford District Council LAQM USA October 2003 undertake a monitoring programme at the nearest receptor to the busy A130 and at the High Street/Eastwood Road Junction in Rayleigh, where the annual mean NO2 objective were predicted as marginally being met. With respect to PM10, it is recommended that monitoring of fugitive dust emissions from the Rawreth Industrial Estate be undertaken. Summary Table Detailed assessment Objectives required? Sources/Location Benzene No - 1, 3 - butadiene No - Carbon monoxide No - Lead No - Nitrogen dioxide No - Yes, 24 hour Rawreth Industrial PM 10 mean objective Estate Sulphur dioxide No - Ref: CS/AQ/022720103/2087 Page 2 Rochford District Council LAQM USA October 2003 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Project Background Casella Stanger was commissioned by Rochford District Council (RDC), one of thirteen local authorities in the Essex Air Quality Consortium, to carry out an Updating and Screening Assessment (USA) of air pollution sources that may affect local air quality within the area. The USA is required to be undertaken as part of the local authority‟s statutory duties as defined within Part IV of the Environment Act 1995. RDC undertook their First Round of review and assessment, including Stage 1, 2 and 3 reports, during 1998 – 2001. The First Round predicted that the air quality objectives should be met by their target dates. The main issues with respect to local air quality were found to be road traffic emissions (NO2 and PM10) emanating from vehicles on the A127 Southend Arterial Road and A130 Chelmsford Road, but it was not necessary to declare any Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) for any pollutant. 2.2 Legislative Background Part IV of the Environment Act, 1995, places a statutory duty on local authorities to periodically review and assess the air quality within their area. This involves consideration of present and likely future air quality against air quality standards and objectives. Guidelines for the „Review and Assessment‟ of local air quality were published in the 1997 National Air Quality Strategy (NAQS) 1 and associated guidance and technical guidance. In 2000, Government reviewed the NAQS and set down a revised Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland2 (AQS). This set down a revised framework for air quality standards and objectives for seven pollutants, which were subsequently set in Regulation in 2000 through the Air Quality Regulations 20003. These were subsequently amended in 20024. More recently, (February 2003), Government published its Addendum to the AQS which proposed new objectives for PM10 in 2010 whilst also setting down new objectives for benzene and carbon monoxide. New Technical Guidance (LAQM.TG(03))5 and Policy Guidance (LAQM.PG(03))6 were issued on behalf of DEFRA in January 2003. This guidance sets the framework for the requirements of review and assessment for future years, taking account of experiences from the previous rounds of review and assessment. 2.3 Scope of USA The USA should be used to identify those matters that have changed since the First Round of review and assessment and to identify those sources that may lead to an air quality objective being exceeded. A series of checklist for pollutants, and different screening tools for industrial and road traffic sources may be used in order determine 1 DoE (1997) The United Kingdom Nation Air Quality Strategy The Stationery Office 2 DETR (2000) The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – Working together for Clean Air, The Stationery Office 3 DETR (2000) The Air Quality Regulations 2000, The Stationery Office 4 Defra (2002) The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: Addendum, The Stationery Office 5 Defra (2003) Technical Guidance LAQM.TG(03), Part IV of the Environment Act 1995, Local Air Quality Management, The Stationery Office 6 Defra (2003) Policy Guidance LAQM.PG(03), Part IV of the Environment Act 1995, Local Air Quality Management, The Stationery Office Ref: CS/AQ/022720103/2087 Page 3 Rochford District Council LAQM USA October 2003 those remaining sources that may have significant contributions to potential exceedences of the air quality objectives. The USA should if possible determine what has changed since that last round of review and assessment, but where the information from the last round is not clear, or new information has become available, an additional screening of sources for significance can be carried out. In many cases it may also have been 3 years since information on sources was last collated and this could therefore be out of date. It is important to recognise that during previous assessments, information such as road traffic data may only have been collated for those roads considered to be important at the time of the previous assessments, and in relation to the risk of exceedence of objectives set at the time.
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