Index of Names

Index of Names

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03174-6 - The Analysis of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Spectroscopy: Second Edition John B. Hearnshaw Index More information Index of names Note: Dates are given on pages with numbers in italics. Abbot, C.G., 134, 257, 260, 262 Avrett, E.H., 265, 266 Beers, T.C., 226, 293, 294 Abbott, D.C., 196 Beileke, F.,255 Abell, G.O., 311 Baade, W., 8, 106, 157, 172, 239, 284, Belczynski,´ K., 237 Abia, C., 178 286 Bell, K.R., 204, 230 Abney, W. de W., 69, 116–118 Babaev, M.B., 198 Bell, R.A., 295 Abt, H.A., 110, 116, 119, 213, 216, 217 Babcock, H.D., 8, 269, 288 Belopolsky, A.A., 4, 44, 91, 92, 104, Acker, A., 312 Babcock, H.W., 114, 157, 207, 208, 216 174, 205, 206, 305 Adams, F.C., 230 Backhouse, T.W., 238 Benetti, S., 313 Adams,W.S.,4,8,81,100, 101–105, Baker, J., 149 Berger, J., 167, 210 118, 132, 133, 137, 138, 140, 141, Balachandran, S., 290 Berman, L., 146, 225, 226, 235, 268, 146, 152–154, 158, 160–162, 164, Baldwin, R.B., 198 275, 284 165, 170, 197, 198, 201, 219, 220, Balmer, J.J., 70, 133 Bernacca, P.L., 210 225, 228, 268, 274, 284, 288, 305, Balona, L.A., 204 Bernard, F., 2 314, 318 Baly, E.C.C., 178 Bertaud, C., 209 Adelman, S.J., 213 Bappu, M.K.V., 314 Bessel, F.W., 218 Agassiz, G.R., 79 Baracchi, P., 57 Bessell, M.S., 294 Aikman, G.C.L., 213 Baranne, A., 115 Bethe, H., 220, 259 Airy, G.B., 26, 34, 35, 44, 47, 88 Barber, D.R., 112 Bidelman, W.P., 171, 207, 210, 215, Ake, T.B., 182 Barbier, D., 166, 167, 217, 255, 256, 262 216, 225, 226, 231, 233, 237, 309, Albitzky, V.A., 108 Barbier-Brossat, M., 116 314, 325 Albrecht, S., 6, 104, 271 Barbon, R., 241 Biermann, L., 257, 257, 258 Alksinis, A., 179 Bard, A., 273 Biggs, E.S., 110, 116 Allen, C.W., 148, 149, 271, 276, 280 Barger, A.J., 198 Biot, J.-B., 16,25 Allen, D.A., 237 Barlow, M.J., 195 Birge, R.T., 178 Aller, L.H., 158, 210, 226, 236, 262, Barnbaum, C., 179 Blackwell, D.E., 213, 273, 274 264, 272, 276–279, 281–285, 308 Barrett, S.B., 104 Blaeu, W.J., 304 Alschuler, W.R., 155 Baschek, B., 212, 275, 285 Blanchet, G.H., 317 Ambartsumian, V., 228 Bashkin, S., 273 Blanco, V.M., 179, 242 Andersen, J., 115 Basri, G., 185, 186, 187, 230 Bloch, M., 235 Anderson, J.A., 6 Bastian, U., 204, 230 Blöcker, T., 312 Anderson, K.S., 312 Bates, B., 12 Bobrovnikoff, N.T., 79, 180, 182 Andrillat, Y., 166, 198 Bates, D.R., 272 Boesgaard, A.M., 182, 289, 290 Ångström, A.J., 2, 28, 31 Bates, E.R., 259, 260, 262 Boeshaar, P.C., 182, 242 Ann, H.B., 295 Batten, A.H., 116 Boffin, H.M.J., 233 Anupama, G.C., 198, 242 Baum, W.A., 157 Boggess, A., 320 Appenzeller, I., 230 Baxandall, F.E., 70, 82, 174, 179, 205, Bohlender, D.A., 213 Asaad, A.S., 271 209, 233, 306 Böhm, K.-H., 264 Ashoka, B.N., 242 Beals, C.S., 193, 194–196, 229, 305, 317 Böhm, T., 204 Asplund, M., 274, 313 Becker, F., 132, 164 Böhm-Vitense, E., 216, 233, 262–264 Atkinson, R. d’E., 160, 221 Becker, W., 135 Bohr, N., 60, 70, 133, 135 Audouze, J., 295 Becklin, E.E., 185 Bok, B.J., 112, 113, 306 Auer, L.H., 267 Becquerel, E., 23,24 Boltzmann, L., 137, 149, 253 Augusto, A., 198 Bedogni, R., 311 Bond, H.E., 234, 293, 294 341 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03174-6 - The Analysis of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Spectroscopy: Second Edition John B. Hearnshaw Index More information 342 Index of names Bonsack, W.K., 229, 288, 289 Cannon, R.D., 242 Crew, H., 89 Bord, D.J., 214 Cardelli, J.A., 324 Crookes, W., 25 Borra, E.F., 213 Carlberg, R.G., 295 Curtis, H.D., 83, 97, 120 Boss, B., 100 Carney, B.W., 294 Curtiss, R.H., 70, 72, 79, 81, 153, 168, Bottlinger, K.F., 169 Carpenter, 35, 44 199, 202, 203 Botto, P., 155 Carpenter, K., 324 Bouigue, R., 178 Carrier, F., 213 Dachs, J., 204, 242 Bowen,I.S.,8,9,43,156, 157, 158, 307 Carroll, J.A., 118 Daguerre, L., 22,23 Boyarchuk, A.A., 119, 236, 237, 312 Carruthers, G.R., 319 Damgaard, A., 272 Boyden, U.A., 66 Castelli, F., 267 Danziger, I.J., 242, 285 Boyle, W.S., 11 Catchpole, R.M., 242 d’Arrest, H.L., 47, 56, 57 Bozman, W.R., 272 Cayrel (de Strobel), G., 217, 232, 283, Davidson, C., 255 Branch, D., 240, 241 284, 292 Davis, D.N., 180, 181, 271 Brandt, J.C., 323 Cayrel, R., 217, 218, 265, 266, 281, 283, de Groot, M., 306 Brashear, J., 89, 94 284, 290, 292, 293 de Jager, C., 263, 281, 282, 283, 322 Breen, F.H., 259, 262 Chaffee, F.H., 217 de Marco, O., 313 Breger, M., 217 Chalonge, D., 166, 167, 168, 217, 255, DeCampli, W.M., 231 Brewer, L., 177 256, 260, 262, 269 Della Valle, M., 198 Brewster, D., 3, 21, 22, 26, 27, 31, 43, 55 Chamberlain, J., 284 Descartes, R., 15 Brill, A., 135, 254 Chandrasekhar, S., 220, 259, 260, Deslandres, H.A., 5, 92, 104, 112, 113, Browning, J.A., 3, 4 262–264, 278 168, 313, 314 Bruce, C.W., 63, 75, 93, 103 Charland, Y., 212 Deutsch, A.J., 157, 208, 209, 216 Brück, H.A., 164, 270 Chen, Y.Q., 293, 295 DeVorkin, D.H., 74, 140 Brunt, D., 104 Cherry, B., 112 Dewar, J., 44 Bülow, F.von, 47 Chevalier, R., 242 Diaz, M.P., 198 Bunsen, R., 3, 21, 27, 28, 29, 31 Chochol, D., 198 Ditscheiner, L., 2 Burbidge, E.M., 209, 212, 232, 282, Christie, W.H.M., 88, 221 Divan, L., 167, 217 284–286, 288 Christlieb, N., 294 Dollond, J., 15 Burbidge, G.R., 209, 212, 232, 282, Clark, A.G., 41, 218, 219 Dominy, J.F., 178, 182 284–286, 288 Clark, D.H., 310 Donati, G.B., 3, 33–35, 44, 47 Burgasser, A.J., 187 Clayton, G.C., 313 Dopita, M.A., 242 Burkhart, C., 218 Clegg, R.E.S., 295 Doppler, C., 86, 87, 89 Burson, V., 314 Clerke, A., 104 Doroschenko, W.T., 198 Burwell, C., 202, 203, 231, 317 Clève, P.T., 51 Douglas, A.E., 174 Buscombe, W., 110 Climenhaga, J.L., 233 Draper, A.P., 63, 64, 66 Butcher, H.R., 293 Clusius, K., 174 Draper, H., 2, 4, 5, 24, 45, 47, 63, 66, Butler, C.P., 174, 233 Cochran, W.D., 122 67, 83, 168 Butler, R.P., 121, 122 Code, A.D., 172, 321 Draper, J.W., 23, 24, 26, 27, 67 Buys-Ballot, C.H., 86 Cohen, J.G., 312 Drilling, J.S., 226, 227 Cohen, M., 230 Duerbeck, H.W., 313 Cambresier, Y., 165, 178 Colacevich, A., 176 Duflot, M., 113, 114, 116 Cameron, A.G.W., 179, 295 Comstock, G.C., 112 Dugan, R.S., 258 Cameron, D.M., 183 Comte, A., 1 Dumont, S., 267 Campbell, B., 121 Conti, P.S., 155, 196, 216, 217, 284, 289 Duncan, D.K., 290 Campbell, W.W., 4–6, 44, 76, 93, 94, Cooke, T., 93 Duncan, J.C., 104, 238 95–100, 102–104, 106, 107, 111, Copeland, R., 56, 57, 238 Dunér, N.C., 56, 57, 58, 69, 74, 76, 89 120, 155, 168, 173, 193, 194, 197, Corbally, C.J., 184 Dunham, T., 8, 9, 198, 226, 271, 305, 198, 201, 224, 238 Corliss, C.H., 272 308, 318 Canavaggia, R., 167 Cornu, M.A., 2, 89, 196, 198 Dworetsky, M.M., 218 Cannon, A.J., 70, 71, 72–76, 78, 79, Corral, L.J., 184 81–83, 127, 128, 152, 153, 156, Coupry, M.F., 218 Eberhard, G., 313, 314 162, 169, 170, 184, 193, 197, 205, Cowley, A.P., 226 Eddington, A.S., 105, 106, 128, 135, 215, 224, 228, 234, 284, 306–308 Cowley, C.R., 214 139, 219, 220, 222, 253, 260, 316, Cannon, C.J., 267 Crampton, D., 311 317 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03174-6 - The Analysis of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Spectroscopy: Second Edition John B. Hearnshaw Index More information Index of names 343 Edlén, B., 194 Fukuda, I., 120 Hatzes, A., 122 Edvardsson, B., 292, 295 Furenlid, I., 12 Hazlehurst, J., 288 Edwards, D.L., 112, 161 Heap, S.R., 323 Eggen, O.J., 179, 215, 216, 223, 286, Gamow, G., 195 Heard, J.F., 110 295 Gaposchkin, S., 195 Hearnshaw, J.B., 3, 242, 243, 295, Eggert, J., 136 Garrison, R.F., 210 296 Einstein, A., 60, 111, 133 Garstang, R.H., 231 Heger, M.L., 315 Elias, J.H., 240 Gautier, P., 7 Heiser, A.M., 285 Ellerman, F., 173–175 Gautschy, A., 312 Helfer, H.L., 286 Ellery, R.L.J., 56 Gauzit, J., 236 Henize, K.G., 179, 203, 312 Elste, G., 281 Gaviola, R.E., 306, 308 Henroteau, F.C.P., 107 Elvey, C.T., 69, 118, 144, 147, 148, 160, Gerasimovic, B.P., 305, 316 Henyey, L.G., 229 226, 234, 268, 305, 316 Gerbaldi, M., 213 Herbig, G.H., 119, 204, 228–230, 289, Elvius, T., 165 Gill, D., 60, 99, 104, 307, 308 312, 318 Englefield, H., 23 Gilmore, A.C., 242 Herschel, J., 21, 22, 23, 26 Esenoglu, H.H., 198 Gladstone, J.H., 27 Herschel, Lt J., 50,56 Espin, T.E., 56, 58, 76–78, 82 Goldberg, L., 146, 148, 149, 159, 268, Herschel, W., 16,22 Esselbach, E., 25 272, 275, 277, 279 Hertzsprung, E., 69, 73, 75, 127–132, Evans, D.S., 110, 116 Gollnow, H., 110, 208 138, 152, 158, 219, 221 Evershed, J., 105 Gonzalez, G., 312 Hetherington, N.S., 220 Goodricke, J., 53 Hilger, A., 3, 4 Fabian, A.C., 311 Gordon, C.P., 178 Hill, P.W., 226, 227 Faraggiana, R., 214 Goriely, S., 293 Hiltner, W.A., 9, 195, 210, 268, Feast, M.W., 289, 291 Gothard, E.

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