Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine Pennsylvania Folklife Society Collection Summer 1984 Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 33, No. 4 Mark R. Eaby Jr. Barbara Strawser Eleanor Dudrear Albert Dudrear Jr. Edward Eirikis See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag Part of the American Art and Architecture Commons, American Material Culture Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Cultural History Commons, Ethnic Studies Commons, Fiber, Textile, and Weaving Arts Commons, Folklore Commons, Genealogy Commons, German Language and Literature Commons, Historic Preservation and Conservation Commons, History of Religion Commons, Linguistics Commons, and the Social and Cultural Anthropology Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Eaby, Mark R. Jr.; Strawser, Barbara; Dudrear, Eleanor; Dudrear, Albert Jr.; Eirikis, Edward; Sproesser, Gerri; Nagel, Carol; Aron, Vivian; George, Marie; Burrows, Ann S.; Kurr, Richard F.; Beard, James K.; Reifel, Jeanne; Kloss, Tom; Fiant, Jeffrey M.; and Hoyt, Ivan E., "Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 33, No. 4" (1984). Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine. 105. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/105 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Pennsylvania Folklife Society Collection at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Mark R. Eaby Jr., Barbara Strawser, Eleanor Dudrear, Albert Dudrear Jr., Edward Eirikis, Gerri Sproesser, Carol Nagel, Vivian Aron, Marie George, Ann S. Burrows, Richard F. Kurr, James K. Beard, Jeanne Reifel, Tom Kloss, Jeffrey M. Fiant, and Ivan E. Hoyt This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/105 35th Anniutnaru Ptnnsuluania Contributors bDWARD - IRIKI and his wife li ve in M orton, Penn ­ sylvania whcre thcy design and fabrica te th ei r brass etchings. d wa s born in I hiladelphia, Penn sylva ni a and rai ed at irard ollege. He studied design and engin ce ring at Penn sy lva nia Sta te University and Drexel ni versity. After working at Wes tinghouse lec tric for IWCIll Y years, he Icft to d free-lan ce design. In 1974 , aftcr their three chi ldrcn had fini hed college, he and his wife Ro emarie, decided they were free to direct their fu ll cfforts 10 what had been a hobby. In the past tcn years, th ey have ex hi bited th eir metal etchi ngs thr ughout Ihe -ast oa l. T hei r unique three dimen­ VIVIAN AR N, Ihe willow baskct maker al thc Folk si n brass ornaments, ba sed on the Penn ylva nia Dutch AROL NAG L wa s born in Germantown and rai sed Fcslival, wa born on a farm in New Jersey. Howcvcr, hex symb Is, were purcha ed for re-sale by th e I hila­ in Montgomery ounty, Pennsylvania. She was gradu­ hcr family moved 10 thc Icy Va llcy, Bcrks unty, delphia Mu cum of Art and th e Library of ongrcss. ated from the Tyler chool of Art with a major in Pennsylvania, wh en shc wa IW . hc ha li ved in that Thcy have been part I' the Fo lk estival for the pas t painting. Before becomi ng involved in stenciling, she area cvcr sin cc. he wa s grad ual ed from Reading three yea rs. painted watercolors and pursued an interest in German High h 0 1. hc holds a B.A. in sociology from AI- decorati ve painting. She has been a resident of Doyles­ brighl liege. he started making baskct s in 1979 ; JEFFR Y M . FIANT wa s born and rai ed in Ber ks town, Bucks ounty, Pennsylva nia, for the past fifteen thi year will be hcr fourth as part of the Kutzt wn ount y, Pennsylva ni a. He was graduated from onrad years. he and Gerri Sproesser have been part of the Fo lk -e tival. Weiser High chool, Robesonia Pennsy lvan ia. He is a Kutztown Folk Festival for the past four years. elf-taught chair maker and makes chairs on a full-time basis. He has been with the Kutztown Folk Festiva l J -ANNE REIFEL wa s born and rai sed in Vicksburg, J ME K. BARD wa born and rai ed a Penn sy l­ for th e past three years. Miss iss ippi. She was graduated from Northwest High va nia Dutchman in th e village of Reinhold in Lanca ter School, in Senatobia, M ississi ppi . She started working OUIllY, I ennsylvania. He was graduated from Denver MARl EO R has been involved with the Folk with scratch board seventeen years ago. Although she (Pa .) High chool and attended Franklin and M ar hall Festival for over twenl y-five yea rs. The first few years, is elf-taught, she has received severa l national awards ollcge, Lanca tcr, Pcnnsylvania. Jim has becn in ­ shc played th e orga n in the Old Oley Uni on hurch. for her work. She has lived in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, volvcd with mu ic for morc than 35 yea r and has becn ince then, shc ha bec n helping to make the apple for the pa t ni netee n years. She has been part of the playing with Ihe Hcide lbcrt Po lka Band ince it organi­ bu tter. he li ves on a farm with her husband , Angu , Kutztown Fo lk Festival for the past fifteen years. lation in 1954. In 1979, he played with the Leroy nea r Kempt on, Pennsylvania. he is the organist for Hcffentrager Band on it twO wcek concert tour of the aint Paul Uni n hurch, Serberling vi lle, Pennsy l­ ANN SHOEMAKER BURROWS was born and rai sed -urope. va ni a, which is a very small co untry church. he in -aglevi lle, Pennsylva ni a. She was graduated from enjoy traveling. Her hobby is making somet hing orristown High chool and received her health and from nothing: pa tchwork brai ded rug, and homemade physical ed ucat ion degree wi th honors from ast Strouds­ ALBERT DUDR AR, JR . wa born in lIen lown, soup. burg University. Later, she also received a certificate Penn ylvan ia, and wa s rai ed in York , Pcnnsylva nia . in elementa ry education. While at college, she met He was gradualed from Iowa tate University in Ame , I VAN . HOYT, his wife Dorothy, and so n than , and married her hu sband, Bruce, who also works in Iowa. Hc has been a co n ulting elcctrica l engineer for are re ident of rural Wapwallopen, Penn ylvania . the Quilt Building. For ten years , she has been working Ihe pasl 33 years. He is a genealogi t and hi tori an Ivan attend ed the rest wood chool District schools at the Folk Festival as a volunteer in the Hospitality with a pecial intere t in ear ly ath olic hurch reco rd . and wa s graduated from Wilkes ollege , Wilkes -Barre, Tent for the Women's lub of Kutztown. She has been He ha as i tcd in thc translation of the sacrament al Penn ylva nia, with a B.A. degree in fi ne arts. He de igning and marking quilts for seve n years and has reco rd of foul' churche . In the prepa rat ion of a teache art at Fairview lemen tary chool, M ountai n­ won va ri ous ribbons at th e Folk Festival. This is her fa mily hi tory, he re-di covered clear toy ca nd y. He, top, Pennsy lvania . Iva n has been painting hex igns in second year as quilt supervisor. Ann, Bruce, and their hi wife lea nor, and their childrcn, David, Mary, and the Pennsylvani a Dutch tradition for twelve yea rs and son, Brad, li ve in Bowers, Pennsylvan ia. Michael , will bc returning 10 the Folk e tival for th e has exh ibited at the Kutztown Fo lk Fe tival since 19 2. Ihird ycar. Iva n i a membcr of the I enn ylvan ia Guild of rafts­ GERR I PROES ER was born and ra ised in Lancaster men. He ha also taught a Penn ylva ni a Department OU I1l Y, Penn ylva nia. She now lives in hurchville, of Educa tion approved co ur e in Hexology, the folk Bu cks ounty, Pennsy lvania. She was graduated from MARK R. ABY, JR . was born and rai sed in Lan­ art of the Pen nsylvania DutCh, to teachers of Luze rne Kutztown Univeri ity with a B.S. in library science. ca ter ounty, Penn sy lvania . He wa grad uated from Intermediate Unit I , in addition to pea king to civic he taught for eleve n years, as a librarian in public J.P. M c a key High chool, Lancas ter, Penn sy lva ni a. groups on this topic. chools, before retiring to raise her fami ly. She and He received his B.A . from Fra nklin & M arshall ollege, arol Nagel have been part of th e Kut ztown Folk Lancaster, Penn sy lva ni a. He wa graduated from the TOM K LO was rai ed in Lanca ter , Penn sylva nia. Fes ti va l for the pas t four years. Univer ity of Penn sy lvania Law chool, Philadelphia, He is a full-time folk arti t and produce works in wood Penn ylvania. with an L .L .D.
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