Minutes of the proceedings of the REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING held on Wednesday, MARCH 16, 2016, in the 3rd Floor Cheryl Miller-Porter Student Center, at Teaneck High School, 100 Elizabeth Avenue, Teaneck, New Jersey, at 8:00pm. Dr. Ardie Walser, Board President, presided. I. Salute to the Flag II. Presiding Officer’s Meeting Notice Statement “I hereby call to order the Workshop Meeting of the Teaneck Board of Education, held on Wednesday, March 16, 2016, in the 3rd Floor Cheryl Miller-Porter Student Center, at Teaneck High School. Adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to the Record, the Suburbanite, filed with the Municipal Clerk of the Township of Teaneck, and posted inside the Teaneck Board of Education, One Merrison Street, on Friday March 11, 2016. III. Roll Call Board Member Present Absent Ms. Fisher (Victoria) X Dr. Gruber (David) X Mrs. Rappoport (Sarah) X Mr. Rodriguez (Sebastian) X Mr. Rose (Howard) X Mrs. Williams (Clara) X Ms. Worrell (Shelley) X Dr. Diuguid (David) X Dr. Walser (Ardie) X Student Board Liaison Present Absent Christopher Lee (Senior) X Noah Preschel (Senior) X Amanda Vidal (Junior) X Adriana Vidal (Junior) X Attendance: Barbara Pinsak, Superintendent of Schools Vincent McHale, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Dennis R. Frohnapfel, Interim SBA/Board Secretary IV. Reaffirmation of District Goals GOAL 1: Students attending the Teaneck Public Schools will acquire the skills, knowledge and understanding to be successful in the twenty first century. GOAL 2: Teachers and administrators in the Teaneck Public Schools will acquire the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to support student achievement. GOAL 3: The environment in the Teaneck Public Schools will be safe and respectful, with students and adults appreciative of the unique contributions of members of the community. REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING MARCH 16, 2016 GOAL 4: The Teaneck Public Schools will communicate effectively with parents and with the community. GOAL 5: The Teaneck Public Schools will provide funding for Goals 1-4 and sustain school facilities while respecting community resources. V. Student Board Liaison Report VI. Superintendent’s Report Summer Opportunity: New Jersey Institute of Technology has announced the Early College Preparatory Programs for summer 2016. Their educational summer programs offer opportunities for post-fourth to post-eleventh grade students with high academic achievement to explore careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Through non-traditional hands-on methodologies, students learn the relationship between STEM subjects and their applications to everyday life. The deadline for all applications is Monday, March 28, 2016 and the school will not consider late applications. For information about the programs, check out their website: http://www5.njit.edu/precollege/studentprograms/summer_programs.php. THS Basketball: Congratulations to the Teaneck High School Boys’ Basketball Team and Coach Jerome Smart on their title as Group 3 NJ State Champions. Coach Smart and Athletic Director, Todd Sinclair attributes their winning season to great camaraderie and teamwork. Grease: The Musical - Dust off your leather jacket and bop back to Teaneck High School this weekend for the Teaneck High School Theater Department’s presentation of Grease: The Musical. Grace Hill Memorial Auditorium at Teaneck High School General admission: $15.00. Schedule of Shows: March 18 and 19, at 8:00pm and March 20, at 3:00pm. Read Across America: Thank you to all of the volunteers who read to our students during Read Across America. We appreciate that you took time from your busy lives to give to our students. They really enjoyed it and we hope that you did too. Art Event for Students at Teaneck Creek Conservancy, March 19, 2016: The Teaneck Creek Conservancy will host the Water Rocks art event for students on Saturday, March 19, 2016, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. All elementary and middle school students are invited to participate in painting rocks that will then be placed in the Rock River at the Conservancy. The Water Rocks will be part of an eco-art exhibit. For more information, check the Teaneck Public School website: http://www.teaneckschools.org. VII. Public Comment (agenda ONLY) VIII. Presentation Preliminary 2016/17 School Year Budget by Dr. Dennis R. Frohnapfel IX. Public Comment (Budget and non-Agenda) 2 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING MARCH 16, 2016 X. Board Discussion and Formal Business Agenda A. Policy B. Board Operations C. School Operations and Curriculum D. Finance and Budget E. Personnel F. Addendums XI. Executive Session Be It Resolved, that the Teaneck Board of Education determines it is necessary to meet in Executive Session on Wednesday, March 16, 2016, at 10:45pm, to discuss matters of personnel, involving specific individuals, negotiations, anticipated litigation and/or alleged incidents of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB); and Be It Further Resolved, that these matters will be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. Mr. Rodriguez motioned to convene into Executive Session at 10:45pm. Said motion was seconded by Mrs. Rappoport, and carried by unanimous vote. Dr. Diuguid motioned to adjourn Executive Session and reconvene the public meeting at 11:30pm. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Rodriguez, and carried by unanimous vote. XII. Resolution to Adopt the Preliminary 2016/17 School Year Budget XIII. Addendum Resolutions XIV. Reports Victoria Fisher commented on the Youth Advisory Board meeting with the Township Mayor last week, great young people at meeting. Sarah Rappoport reported re PTO Council Meeting, a number of fundraisers are coming up. When she gets the Minutes from the PTO Council she will forward to Board so they can see when and where these fundraisers will be. Thoroughly enjoyed going to the meeting. Dr. David Diuguid reported re Policy Committee Meeting, reviewed a whole host of revised policies and one new policy, The Administration of Medical Marijuana for those students who need it. Sebastian Rodriguez reported re Finance Committee Meeting, had several committee meetings, the results were highlighted tonight. We have one more Finance Committee Meeting and maybe adding another meeting before adopting the Final Budget. 3 REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING MARCH 16, 2016 Sebastian Rodriguez reported re Negotiations, had the opportunity to exchange proposals and schedule additional meetings. Clara Williams reported re that she and Sarah attended Benjamin Franklin Middle School for a Women’s Day Program in the morning. It was excellent and very enlightening for our young Middle School students, wonderfully coordinated. Dr. Ardie Walser discussed emails and best practices for the Board. Attended a wonderful workshop at the high school on the new College Board SATs. John Dean is giving a workshop at the high school for parents on how to use Google doc. Dennis Heck and two detectives from the Teaneck Police Department gave a presentation on swatting. He also attended Lowell School for ‘Read Across America.’ XV. Adjournment Dr. Diuguid motioned to adjourn at 11:45pm. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Rodriguez, and carried by unanimous vote. Respectfully submitted, Dennis R. Frohnapfel, Ed.D. Interim SBA/Board Secretary 4 BOARD OPERATIONS MARCH 16, 2016 Be It Resolved, that the Teaneck Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following Board Operations resolution #17 thru #20: 17. the Board approved the Minutes for the February 3, 2016 Workshop Meeting, and the February 10, 2016 Regular Public Meeting. 18. the Board approved attendance for Dr. Dennis R. Frohnapfel, R.S.B.A., Interim SBA/Board Secretary and Karla Starks, Asst to the SBA/Asst Board Secretary, at the 54th Annual New Jersey Association of School Business Officials (NJASBO) Conference, June 8, 9, 10, 2016, Borgata Hotel, Atlantic City, New Jersey, in accordance with Policy #6471, N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12 and N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7.12; registration prepaid; lodging at the single convention sponsored rate of $285.00 for three nights including applicable taxes; reimbursements at per diem method for Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&I) at $64.00 per full conference day and $48.00 re first and last day of conference; travel reimbursement at $0.31 per mile plus tolls. 19. the Board approved the Stipulation of Settlement between the parents of Student ID#94474 and the Teaneck Board of Education, dated March 1, 2016. 20. the Board approved the Stipulation of Settlement between the parents of Student ID#93811 and the Teaneck Board of Education, dated March 11, 2016. Board Operations resolutions #17 thru #20 Motion: Dr. Diuguid Second: Mr. Rodriguez Board Member Yes No Abstain Absent Ms. Fisher (Victoria) X Dr. Gruber (David) X Mrs. Rappoport (Sarah) X Mr. Rodriguez (Sebastian) X Mr. Rose (Howard) X Mrs. Williams (Clara) X Ms. Worrell (Shelley) X Dr. Diuguid (David) X Dr. Walser (Ardie) X 5 SCHOOL OPERATIONS and CURRICULUM MARCH 16, 2016 Be It Resolved, that the Teaneck Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following School Operations and Curriculum resolutions #52 thru #61: 52. the Board affirmed the decisions of the Superintendent of Schools regarding Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) incidents reported to the Board in Executive Session at the February 3, 2016 Workshop meeting, February 10, 2016 Regular Meeting, and March 2, 2016 Workshop Meeting. 53. the Board approved Staff Development Workshops, Inc., to conduct professional development workshops in District as follows; Title IIA funds these professional development workshops, acct #20-270-200-320-19-50-I-0: 1. Workshop for Grade 6 district teachers on the topics of the Next Generation Science Standards and the 5E Model, on March 21, 2016, fee $1,500; Dr. Meghan Merraro, training specialist would provide professional development training that supports teachers in delivering effective science instruction with a focus on the science and engineering practices, targeted content intervention and how to scaffold learning to meet the needs of academically at risk students, as well as focusing on key elements of the 5E instructional model.
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