N ASMYT H B UST PO RTR A IT O F B U R NS rai a r Edin b ur h I n the Scottish N ation al Po rt t G lle y, g ’ The World s Memorials Rob e rt Burn s “ A Poet peasant-born ’ Who more of Fame s immortal dower t b i Un o his country r ngs, Than all her kings . Collected an d described EDWARD GOODWI LLIE . m : WAVERLEY Punu sn m O T o C M PANY, Dw orr, MI CHIGAN . ’ The World s Memorials Rob ert Burn s A Poet peasant-born ’ Who more of Fame s immortal dower t c u tr Un o his o n y brings, Than all her kings . Collected and described EDWARD GOODWILLIE . THE A R PU BLI SHI N G COM PAN Y W VE LEY , To The Immortal Memory Of ROBERT BURNS , The National Bard Of Scotland, An Apostle Of Freedom And Of The Universal Brotherhood Of Man, This Volume Is Dedicated. “ ’ Who made the heart tis He al n e , o Decidedly can try as He kn oweach chord—its various t n e — o , Each sprin g i ts various bias ’ Then at the balance let s be mute, We never can adjust it; PREFACE . During the world-wide sesqui - centennial cele bra ion s I t of the birth of Robert Burns, read with much interest of the beautiful statues of the poet which adorn many of the leading cities of the m world, and it occurred to me that the ti e was ripe for a statue of the Scottish poet to be erected in Detroit the Beautiful . The municipal statuary of the City of the Straits has lagged far behind the ’ city s growth , and many fine sites are available for ’ an inspiring representation of the People s Bard . With the idea of ultimately raising enthusiasm for such a project, I began to seek for informa tion throughout the world regarding existing statues and memorials of Burns . In places where one woul d expect to learn everything to be learned regarding Burns memorials , I found the well of information rather dry . On the other hand, from obscure corners of the globe, I learned of statues and busts of the poet concernin g which ’ not on e in one hundred of Burns admirers had the faintest knowledge . Therefore the publication of a volume such as this seemed to me to be some VI P REFACE a a wh t of a necessity, and at the solicit tion of many leaders of the Burns cult throughout the world, I undertook the task of publishing this complete, ’ illustrated account of the World s Memorials of the oet . T e various statues and memorials have been described in the chronological order of their n u or veiling inauguration, and at the end have been given descriptions of the memorials to some of ’ Burns more famous heroines . In addition there have been added many appreciations of Burns by noted men and women of all countries , from the ’ poet s time to the present . For nearly three years I have been in communi cation with lovers of Burns in every quarter of the a re globe, and have made many unseen but pp s ci ted friends . I desire to thank all who have contributed in any way to the success of this m volu e, especially the following enthusiastic lovers of the poet in all climes , who have aided me, not only with necessary information but with hearty J . B . Morison, Esq ., Greenock, Scotland ; . d . W. James Muir, Esq , Sy ney, N . S ; James Dewar, Esq . , Belfast, Ireland ; Major R . S . r . A cher, V. D Liverpool , England ; Hon Peter Y. Es . Al . Kinnear, bany, N ; R E May, q , Bos . D . ton , Mass ; W . A Barclay, M . , Chicago , Ill Y . C . Lawson , Esq ., Berkeley, California ; Walter Scott , Esq . , New York City ; Hon . Oswald S . t Crockett, M . P Frederic on , New Brunswick ; Thos . C . Miller, Esq ., Ballarat, Australia ; John PREFACE VII M . Graham, Esq ., Atlanta , Georgia ; W. A. Din widdie, Esq. , Dumfries , Scotland ; J . R . Fair . ! e . bairn , Esq Dunedin, New ealand ; Georg H Es . t ete Cockburn , q M A Paisley, Sco land ; P r . r Menzies, Esq Denver, Colorado J B Ande son, Esq . Adelaide, South Australia . I desire also to thank the proprietors of several copyright photographs used in illustrating the l memoria s , who have, in every case, through their hard love for the , granted permission for the repro duction of the pictures . For several of the Trib utes to Burns I am indebted to the articles in the “ ” . Es . Burns Chronicle by A C White , q , of the Glasgow Herald Library, and to the booklet by Wm . R . Smith, Esq ., of the Botanic Gardens , Washington , D . C . This gathering of pictures and information has been a labor of love and a pleasant recreation . If the volume gives its readers one tithe of the pleasure which it has given its author, I will feel f that my e fort has not been in vain . D D ne E WAR Goo Lm. 1 Detroit, Michigan, September, 911. CO NTENTS M n su e b the s ul s SO E BURNS PORTRAITURE , co lt d y c ptor lu ra wi h ha - n s ri i Il s t ted t lf to e of the o g na l N as my th B us t an d Full- len gth; the Skimin g B us t; The Meetin g of B urn s an d Scott; and The I na ugu ra tion of B urns as P oet Laure ate L Canon ate Ki wi nni n N o 2 of odge g l g . THE COTT AGE WHE RE BURNS WAS BORN : Illus tra i ns h a As W T e C as a A s . 26 t o of ott ge It nd s It I . THE ALLOWAY MONUMENT : I llus trated with half-ton es “ ’ The Mon um n The B us Tam o Shanter an d Sou of e t, t, ter ” ’ J hn ni an d The Auld B i Deon 30 o e, r g o EDINBURGH : The Flaxman Statue an d T- ple on Calton Hill : B oth illus trated ’ “ ” GLASGOW S NATIONAL TRIBUTE : I llus trat ed KILMARNOCK : The Burn s Mon umen t : I llus trated with half ton es of the Mon umen t and 44 ’ NEW YORK : America s First Tribute To The Bard Of Scotia: Illus trated n lus a d DUNDEE : The B ur s Statue : Il tr te . ‘ D The u u : us a d UMFRIES : B rns Stat e Ill tr te . D D : The hames Emban kmen a ue: LON ON, ENGLAN T t St t Illus trated “ ’ D D . Th e ust o f Bums n Po ts om r LON ON , ENGLAN B fi e C e , Wes tmin ster Abbey : I llus trated 62 ’ STIRLING : B urn s Bust in the Wallace Mon umen t : Illus t ratad R : The u n s a u : lus ra d . BALLARAT, VICTO IA B r St t e Il t te D D ! D : The u n s a u : I us a d UNE IN , NEW EALAN B r St t e ll tr te Y. : The u n s atu : I lus ra wi h ha ALBANY, N . B r St e l t ted t lf ton es of S tatue an d Panels AYR : The B urn s Statue : Illus trated wi th half- ton es of the ’ S a ue an s an d Th e Au B i A r t t , P el , ld r g o y The u ns a u : llus a . ABERDEEN . B r St t e I tr ted D : The u n s a u in the ubli Li BELFAST, IRELAN B r St t e P c hrary : Illus trated D H! : The u n s a u ADELAI E , SOUT AUSTRALIA B r St t e : Illus trated IRVINE : The B urn s Statue : PAISLEY : The Burn s Statue : Illus trated MAUCHLINE : National Burns Memorial an d Cottage Homes : ! ’ ND : u n s us in the P b b CARLISLE, ENGLA B r B t u lic Li rary Illus t rated LEITH 3 Thfi Bums Statue : R M : The u n s ta u : llus BA RE, VER ONT B r S t e I trated . ’ R . : u ns us in bli b FALL RIVE , MASS B r B t the P u c Li rary : Illus trated 110 : The u n s a u TORONTO, ONTARIO B r St t e : 112 : The u ns ta u : lus ra . MELBOURNE , VICTORIA B r S t e Il t ted 115 D D : The u ns ta u : lus a d 118 ENVER, COLORA O B r S t e I l tr te . D Th u a u us SY NEY, NEW SOUTH WALES : e B rns St t e : Ill trated : The u n s a u lus a wi h CHICAGO, ILLINOIS B r St t e : Il tr ted t ha lf- ton es of the S tatue an d D : The Bu ns a u : FRE ERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK r St t e Illus trated OR : The u n s ta u : us SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF NIA B r S t e Ill trated 131 : The u n s a u : us a d 134 MILWAUKEE , WISCONSIN B r St t e Ill tr te ’ : i a of u n s a : us ATLANTA, GEORGIA Repl c B r Cott ge Ill trated M .
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