the Volume XII Number 2 October 23, 1981 Enterprise Captain Shreve High School, Shreveport, Louisiana Homecoming dispute settle'd by Tracy Barnes to decorate, stay at the doors , same night. He also showed the Although there has been much run concession stands, and petitions to the representatives controversy surrounding the clean-up afterwards, he added. and presented to them the gen­ 1981 homecoming dance, Stu­ Because of this conflict, the eral feelings of the Council mem­ dent Council President Kenneth dance was slated for Friday 1 night bers toward changing the dance Holmes says that the decision to instead . date as requested in the peti­ have this years' dance after the When many students became tion. Holmes said the members game on Friday night, was made aware of the situation concerning felt that the whole meaning of in the, "best interest of the the dance date, several students homecoming would be lost if it students. n began petitions asking that were held a week later, since it Flicker, a Baton Rouge based the dance be held the following could not be rescheduled for band, will- kick off the evening weekend . 117 people signed the following Saturday. at 9:30 in the Shreve gym. This petitions. Holmes said after Even though some represen­ "Fantistic Voyage," (the theme they received · ·itle · petitions, tatives were still opposed to the of the dance), will last until attempts were made to have the date, Holmes and the Student 1 a.m. band on Saturday, but because Council said it would not be Spirit Week activities such as of their prior engagements, the changed . "We're going to try to most spirited class, and daily new date could not be arranged. make it one of the best home­ pep rallies lead up to Friday · When the date couldn't be coming's you ever had," prom­ Senior Mary Stamper was elect­ night's district game against changed, times were changed to ised Holmes. God save ed Homecoming Queen and will Airline. allow the dance to last until be crowned during the Home­ The homecoming dispute be­ 1 a.m. rather than 11:30. To Townson's studio will be coming game at halftime festivi­ gan when students realized the help further, Holmes said the taking pictures, which will cost ties. (Photo by Marty Milner) dance and game were to be the aueen held Council is now trying to have five dollars for a packet of two on the same night. According to the game time pushed back to 5 by ?'s, 8 wallets, and a folder. Holmes, Student Council's 7 p.m. Shreve has approved To avoid long lines, the number original plans were to have the this and is waiting for a re­ system will be used, Holmes dance as last S.A. T. scores years ' , on the sponse from Airline. said . The planned backdrop will above mean following night. However, on Because of spreading rumors be a steam boat, seen going off Louisiana public education of the U.S., the mean score of the same day they received concerning the the matter, Holmes into the distance with "Fantas­ may be ranked somewhere near Shreve students was band contract, they 162 points aiso got held a Student Council meeting tic Voyage" written in puffs of the bottom of the list of some higher. notice of a Student Council on Sept. 29. He began the smoke coming from the boat. statistics charts, but Captain A surprise to a few adminis­ convention to be held Oct. 31 meeting by asking all newspaper About midni9.b_t, a drawing Shreve, if SAT scores are any trators and teachers was the fact through Nov. 2. Out of approxi­ st(!ff ~ho were not room repre­ will be held for prizes: first indication, does not. that the female students scored mately 24 Council members, sentatives to leave. (Only two prize, a $15 cerfificate for Los A group of 65 juniors and higher than the male students in 1 10 will be attending this state­ staff members were present and Amigos; second prize, a $10 seniors who took the Scholas­ every area. The CS girls' mean wide convention in Alexandria, they were elected representa­ certificate for Stan's; and third tic Aptitude Test (SAT) last score was 7 points higher in where Shreve will be running tives.) for He then showed examples prize, a $5 McDonald's certifi­ spring and summer scored above verbal skills and 14 points higher Parliamentarian. Holmes says, of other schools, which in prev­ cate. the state and national averages in math. "It takes more than 14 people to ious years have held their home­ Tickets for the dance will be in every area. Principal Sandra McCalla said , run a dance." People are needed coming dances and games on the $5 for couple and $3 for singles. The test, which measures the students in each division verbal and mathematical rea­ represented on the chart are soning abilities is given to col­ some of the strongest students Johnson elected senior class president lege bound students who pay a in the U.S. She attributes some fee for the test. Many out-of­ Steve Johnson, of the success of those students Sean Galen, Amanda Mann, secretary; and For the Sophomore Class, state colleges and some private Duke Ehrhardt, and Terri who scored so well to the tea­ Bush Anna Jacobs, treasurer. Bobby Nolte was elected boy's colleges within the state require were elected presidents chers at Shreve. of their Craig Falbaum was chosen to vice-president; Cathy Googe, the test before a student can classes when class officers were be the Junior Class boy's vice­ girl's vice-president; Liz Harri­ register to attend the college. elected on Oct. 2. The SAT test is also broken· president. Other officers include son, secretary; and J uI ie Jorstad, In the two major areas of the down into Sub-scores: reading The Senior officers that were Monique Adams, secretary; treasurer. test - verbal skills and mathe­ comprehension, vocabulary, and elected include Patrick Baylor, Amy Newman, treasurer; and The treasurer for the Fresh­ matics reasoning - Shreve stu­ written English. In all three of boy's vice-president; Laura Jennifer Holland, girl's vice­ man Class is Cindy Careene; dents had a mean score of these areas, Shreve scored high­ Greer, girl's vice-president; president. secretary, Lisa Woodruff; boy's 1016 (498 in verbal and 518 in er than the Southern region and vice-president, Jay Curtis, and math), while the mean score the U.S. girl 's vice-president, Kayla nationwide was only 890. (The McCalla has received tele­ Ivy. highest possible score in the two phone calls from the Central Each class has special duties. areas combined is 1600 while the Office congratulating the stu­ The senior class is mainly re­ lowest possible score is 400 .) dents and the faculty for the sponsible for emptying the funds Compared to the Southern region scores . in which the class has accumu­ lated over the last three years . If this money is not used up , the Teachers against scale senior class usually buys some­ thing for the school . Graduation Nine out of ten Shreve tea­ 93-100 A is another project the senior ctlers on a comm ittee to study a 85-92 B takes on . The senior class presi­ parish-wide grading scale voted 74-84 c dent usually makes a speech at against any kind of mandatory 66-73 ·D the commencement exercises. grading system , which was a 65- F matter recently Senior class president Steve proposed to all Shreve committee members Caddo Parish schools Johnson said , "I ' II · also be . were not all opposed to the scale working with and helping the During last school year, a itself, but felt it was "necessary junior class president, Sean parish-wide committee was for teachers to have the privilege Galen , with prom. It 's a job formed to study the Caddo Par­ of designing their own grade within itself. " He' ll be advising ish grading system and estab­ requirements," said one com­ him throughout the whole pro­ lish a uniform system of mittee member. ject. The junior No, these are the new class presi­ class ' respon­ assigning letter grades. Ttl§ te~(:hers also @[1 the_y _ dents. (from L to R) Junior, Sean sibility this year is Junior­ should have the prerogative of Galen; freshman Terri Bush; Senior Prom. Junior class The following grading scale deciding if a student should Death row? president Sean Galen already was recommended by the com­ senior, Steve Johnson; and Soph­ receive a " +" or a"-" on any omore Duke Ehrhardt. has some details worked ou t mittee for grades k-12 parish­ grade - not just on C grades as about it . wide. stated in the parish policy. ,opinion THE ENTERPRISE/October 23, 1981 the - Enterp_rise Student Council works for whomt Student Council's decision to put on the Homecoming Dance after the Homecoming game definitely shows an inability to make quick, effective decisions on the student body's behalf. We are a peaceful nation. Too bad Sadat threw us out of Egypt. The conflict is between Homecoming weekend (October 30-31) and the convention (or whatever) for our Student Council officers Question: "Do you believe the school administration should take an not for the students, which begins October 31. The decision to hir~ active or restrictive role In the activities of school clubs or the band, Flicker, was made a few days before the announced date out-of-school sponsored se~~ clubs? Why?" . of the convention.
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