University of Nigeria Research Publications OBIUKWU, Christopher Ikechukwu Author PG/M.SC/92/14114 Nigeria and Her Neighbours: An Analysis of the Title Socio-Economic Factors in Conflict Relations Social Sciences Faculty Political Science Department September, 1996 Date Signature TITLE PAGE NIGERIA AND HER NEIGHBOURS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS IN CONFLICT RELATIONS A PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL PULFILMENT OF THE REQU1RE:MENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE MASTER OF SCIENCE (MoSc.) IN POLITICAL SCIENCE (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS) SCHOOL OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA NSUKKA OBIUKWU , CHRISTOPHER 1 KECHUKWU ~~/~oSc0/92/14114 FEBRUARY, 1996 OBXUK\W, Christopher Ikerhukwu, a post graduate student in the DepaJ-tmerit of political Science and wf th the Registra- tion No, P~/M,Sc/92~14114has satisfactory completed the requirerents for Course and Research-work for the degree of Master of Science f n ~olitic'al Science (International Relations), he work err.b~diedin this project report is original and laas not heen submitted in part or full for any other d!.plama or. ctcqree OF this or any other University, ---------,-- Prof, Aforkn Mvcke OF DEPARTNENT iii DEDICATION T 0 ALL THE VICTIMS OF RORDER OWPLICTS IN AFRICA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT his work would not have been possible but for ~0d.sinfinite mercy and protection. I express my gratitude to the Almighty Father and to the entire members of obiukwu*~family. I will ever remain grateful to my Supervisor, Dr. H.A. Asobie, who thoroughly and painstakingly inspired and guided me to the accomplishment of this scholarly task. Dr. ~sobie'sscholarly qualities inspire students everywhere. I thank God for the opportunity to share in his rare qualities and inspiration. These fired more, my curiousity for knowledge; and contributed immensely to the ouccessful completion of this work. ~y appreciation and gratitude also go to my mentor, Dr, A.E.C. Ogunna for his encouragement and support to me throughout the period of this programme, uzoechi and Mr. Batcheson, G. ~gbachiare worth mentioning here for their invaluable advice and , encouragement to me. Many thanks to my very good friends Raphel ~joku, Rsph N jemanze, ~esmondosueke, Chikodi Okoro, Patterson ~keocha,Sunday (CUTO) and Patrick Aneke. I owe great affection and love to all these yowngmen who are striving towards their self-awareness and towards human development. v PREFACE his study is an attempt to examine and analyse the cause(s) of conflicts which have characterised relations between ~igeriaand her immediate naiqhbours. ~tscentral focus is on the analysis of the socio- economic factors and the political/legal jurisdictions of the bordering states as accountable for the central issue of border conflicts in the sub-region. ~t is calculated that understanding the roles of .these factor is very important in serving as a guide to the interacting states in their policies and actians. Especially, policies and actions that are related to the promotion and harmonleation of conf lfct-f ree relations and f nduced co-operrtion. The study is structured in a manner that allows for easy.and proper understanding of its historical, empirical and analytical thrust. The entire work is divided into six chapters, all logically linked to the other. Chapter one deals with the general introduction, Review of existing literature and theomtical framework. Chapter two deals with the Background inf errnation. It emphasized the need for proper understanding of the evolution and character of ~igeria'sborders with her immediate ncighbours in the analysis of border conflicts between them. The deteriorating socio-economic conditions of the sub-region and their consequent result to mass human and material movements across the borders, as major factors in the conflict relations among the bordering states are empirically analysed in chapter three. Chapter four examined and analysed critically, common resources available in the shared borders of ~igeriaand her immediate neighbours and how their use .and exploitation have provoked irkdssant conflicts and clasheses between them - especially, between ~iyeriaand catneroun. Zmpedaments to solutions f~r the border problem were discussed in chapter Five. ina ally, Chapter Six deals with the Conclusion and Summary of the entire work, ~t underlines, in general terms, the empirical and theoretical issues in the work. vii -. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Title page .. .. .. i Certification .. .. .. ii Dedication .. o .. iii ~cknowledgement. .. iv Preface .t .. ..I v Table of Contents .. .. vii CHAPTER ONE: Introduction .. .. Statement of problem .. Objective of study .. significance of study .. Scope of study .. .a geview of Existing Literature Theoretical Framework .o Research Hypo theses .. ~ethodology .. .. ~otesand ~eferences .. CHPTER TWO: 2.0 Nigeria and Her ~eighbours; Background ~nformation .. 2. 1 Evolution of ~iqerian~oundaries With Her ~eighbours .. .. 2.2 The communities In The ~orderr Areas (Ethnic Groups And Sub-Groups) .. 2.3 Economic Resource potentials of Nigeria's Border Areas with Her Neiqhbours 2.4 ~llegalcross- order Trade .. ,2.5 ~otes~nd ~ef erences ., .. CHAPTER THREE: 3.0 Socio-Economic Dimension .of the conflicts .. .. .. .. viii CONTENTS CONT'D. PAGE 3.1 Inter-Play of Forces in the Conf lictual Relations between Nigeria and Her ~eighbours 3.2 Refugees Migration .. 3.3 Economic Migratory Activities Across Nigeria's borders with her xmmediate Neighbours . 3-44 Notes and References .. CHAPTER FOUR: 4.0 Use and Exploitation of Common Resources and Conflict between Nigeria and her ~eighbours 4-1 water and water Resources .. 4.2 Fishing As a Source of Conflict in ~igeria's elations with her Noighbours .. .. 4-3 oil ~xploitationAs a Source of Conflict in ~igoria'sRelations with her Neighbours .. 4-4 Notes and References .. 5.0 Impedernents To Solution for Border problems .. .. 5.1 Convergence of aiverse State Control AgencLes at the i3order Area . .. .. ' 5.2 Lack of Permanent Settlement (~ediation)Machinary .. 5-3 Conflicting National Laws in Nigeria Border Area with her neighbours .. .. 5.4 ~otesand ~eferences .. CONTENTS CONT'D. P AGE I__ 6.0 Conclusion ,. 6.3 FOCUS of the study 6.2 Summary .. I . 6.3 Conclusion .I BIBLIOGRAPHY CfIAPTER CNE INTRCDUCTICN World politics its played &laon&atates. Although they differ in mize, at~ength,culture and political forms, theae states are ~egardeda8 the 8Bief act~ra in world politicn. Their interests and aapimtions, the eonflictm amon& them and other liakr of selatiop- mhipe among them and tkeils people oomprime the primary eubJeclm of intesnational politiae. Ia the eondust of Nigeria'm international ~elationa, her mub-regional proximate neighboum are important in Nigeria's geo-political ealoulations. For reasonm of geographical proximity, eommon hiatoriaal experiences, between Nigeria and her neighboura, Nigeria cannot afford to ignore thea. Nor oan ~igeria'sneighbourr ignore her. W~itinyon Nigeria - neighboura mlationa therefore, provide8 an opportunity to look at an aepect of Nigeria'. external relations. This aspect aoncerna the iaaue of the international boundary p~oblera, the haraoni~ation of eonflist-free and iaduced eo-operation with her neighbou~s. Higeria's proximate aeiqBbours are: the Republie of Benin in the Wert, Niger Republic in the North, and Chad whieh st~etrhelrfma Lake Chad in the Northeaat. 2 Alro there am the Republias of Camesoun in the Eaet and Xquatorial Guinea in the South. ligeria ha8 had ronflictr of different dimenaiona with theae neiyhbourm ranginy froi i~auerof ter~itorialclaim, the use and exploitation of ahared bo~derresourea and illegal eroaa-border movement of people and goods. However, the neighboura with which Nigeria had had the most frequent aonflicta over boundary groblena are Cameroun and Chad, and to a lesser extent with Benin and Niger. Hence, it beeornea apparent, that a aentral issue in the study of Nigeria's external lrelationa with her neighboura is ronflict. Nigeria'a relations with her immediate neighbour have been generally ohsracteriaed by ronflict. A -A STATEMEETT CF PRCBLEM: The following question8 are posed for investigation: Why is Nigeria'a relationship with her neighb~urs generally characteriaed by confLict? Is that a common experience among atatea aa neighboura? Is it the result of the nature of the colonial border imposed on them? Cotild it be associated with the presence of colonial power8 (eagecially ~rance)in the neighbouring territories? Again, why is thia conflict more pronounced and conatant in her reJ.ationahip with Bane neighboura (especially Chad and Cameroun), than with others (eq. Benin and Niger)? Why have efforta toward8 solving these problem8 failed? These queations constitute the reseamh probzem of thia study. 1 2 OBJECTIVE CF STUDY: The primary objective of this atudy i8 to examine cloaeZy and analyae the factors which account for the conflicting interactions characte~isticsof Nigeria's relations with her immediate neighbours. It also intends to aactertain the cauae(8) for the va~iations in the degree of conflict between Nigeria and her individual atate neighbour. Finally, it ia the air of' the atudy to analyae the role of ~ocio-economic ' forcea as factor6 in the conflict between Nigeria and her neighboura; and to find out why efforta aimed at aolviny Nigeria ' a internat ional boundary yroblems have 60 far failed. 1 03 SIGNIFICANCE CF STUDY: "The national security of Nigerians, when properly conceived ia naturally inte*wined with the prevailing condition8 in the contiguoua countries
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