SEVENTHEDITIONMay2011 Circulatedfreeto4,000homesinEynesbury Eynesbury Village Association $12132/,7,&$/&20081,7<92,&( (9$RUJDQLVH(YHQWVDQGSURYLGHHQWHUWDLQPHQW:HSXEOLVKWKLV TXDUWHUO\1HZVOHWWHUGHOLYHUHGIUHHWRKRPHVLQ(\QHVEXU\DQGZH ZDQWWRKHDUIURP\RXKHDU\RXUFRPPHQWVDQGLGHDVIRUSURMHFWV DQG<RXULGHDVWRLPSURYLQJ(\QHVEXU\ಧIDFLOLWLHVWUDIILFUHFUHDWLRQV DQ\VXEMHFWV\RXIHHORWKHUVZRXOGEHLQWHUHVWHGWRKHDUDERXWRULI \RXQHHGDQH[WUDYRLFHWRKHOS" CONTACT US: [email protected] MEETING DATES COME AND JOIN US 4th June-Social Evening 4th July-General Meeting +DYH\RXUVD\+HDUZKDWRWKHUVVD\ 1st August-EVA AGM (9$0(0%(56+,3e Meetings are now held at 7.30 $ZDUPZHOFRPH UHIUHVKPHQWV at TESCO all residents welcome. Community Safety Meeting 6((285:(% SITE: Will be on 20th June 2011 www.eynesburyvillageassociation.org.uk At the Church Walk Day Centre CAN YOU HELP US BY DELIVERING OUR IS LP NEWSLETTER TO YOUR STREET HE ED EED Wearehopingtobuildavoluntarydeliveryserviceto N enabletheNewslettertocontinue.Emailus ADVERTISING WITH US: The Publication of the EVA Newsletter relies entirely on selling advertising space. This is open to everyone to take advantage, however EVA takes no responsibility for the services provided as they are not necessarily supported, tried or tested by EVA . Newsletter advertising costs per quarterly edition Black & White Colour Back Cover Colour Full Page £45 £90 £100 Half Page £23 £45 Fully booked Quarter Page £12 £25 for 2011 Reduction for Annual bookings. WEB SITE: £20 A standard Advert for one Calendar Month Contact: Secretary/Editor: [email protected] Page 2 EDITORS NOTE: EVAhasrecentlyreceivedaseriesofgoodnews. Saturday 23rd April—St Georges Day was hot and sunny andwasenjoyedbymanyresidents.Therewasdancingby Heartsease, & for the children awalkabout Magician/ Ventriloquist, we had a roundabout, games and competitionsandtheEynesburyGiant(AdrianaStiltWalker) whowasalsoagreatattraction.Theeveningwasfilledwith musicbyJacenBruceandMemphisalongwithhisdaughter Lanasinging.Howeveritwasadisappointingattendancethis yearprobablyduetocollidingwithEaster. 1st Neots Scouts havesavedEvaagreatdealoftroubleby volunteeringtoerectanddismantleourMarquee.Thiswas done in record time onSt Georges Day—our membersare extremelygratefulforthegroupscontributions. We wish to thank TESCO fortheirdonationof£50for ourPrizeDraw.Wealsowishtothankthemfortheirofferof a meeting room on their premises for EVA’s monthly meetings starting in June. This too will save EVA money helpingustoorganisefutureevents.Thefirstmeetingat TESCOwillbeon:4thJune2011 THE COMMUNITY SAFETY MEETING will however still be heldatChurchWalkDayCentreonJune20thasarranged. Our next project is to hold an intergeneration meeting to help break down the barriers between young and old. Discussiononthiswillstartatourmeetingon16thMayat theChurchWalkdayCentre.I’mpleasedtosaythatwenow have40 members.OurAGMwillbeonMonday1stAugust 2011atTESCOssohopetoseesomeofyouthere. Page 3 Page 4 BLUEBELLS BluebellsflowerfromApriltillJune.Ifyouarelookingataseaof bluebells you are most likely to be in an ancient woodland. Ancientwoodsareirreplaceablewoodlandsiteswhichhavebeen continuouslywoodedsinceatleast 1600AD. Bluebells are rare in the restofEuropeandabsentfromthe restoftheworld.Thepopulations represented in the UKare about 70% of the global population. The species has greatly declined over the past 50 years and is globally threatened and they need protecting: some of the biggest threats to them being climate change and the destructionof woodlandhabitats. BLUEBELLWOODLANDSTOVISITINCAMBRIDGESHIRE Brampton Wood Gamlingay Wood Hayley Wood Lady's Wood, ShortWood Raveley Wood Waresley and Gransden Wood AlsotheroadfromEvertontoSandyhasadisplayofbluebells onbothsides,addedtothecoloursofthetreesitiswellwortha detourtoseeit.VisittheWild Life Trust websiteto findfulldetailsanddescriptionsofthesewoodlandsandmany otherplacesofinterestplusdirectionsofhowtogetthere: www.wildlifetrusts.org(andremembertoprotectthemdonot treadonthemorpickthem) Page 5 we supply a wide range of blinds, curtains, curtain poles, matching bedding and accessories ..#4'#5%18'4'& 124'5574'5#.'5 '.'%6+0;174*1/' ENNN51( (#$4+%5 #56X(4+'0&.;X.1%#.5'48+%' FREE +66+0)#0&'#574+0) For local service call us on 01480 394518 www.highlineblinds.co.uk Page 6 WHO ARE STREET REPRESENTIVES We have oŌen told you where and when Street representaƟvesare meeƟng but we haven’tfullyexplainedwhotheyareandwhattheydo. You could be one! justforonemeeƟngorallthe meeƟngs,wheneveryouhavesomethingtoreport.The representativesaretheretohearyourconcerns:theyarefrom HDC,andLuminus.IfavailableTown,DistrictorCountyCouncils willattend.YourConcerns,ifnecessary,arepassedontoother agenciesforasolution.IfpreͲnotifiedofaproblemtherelevant agentwillattend.Whateveryouseeinyourtravelsaroundthe area that needs attention then come along and report it to theseagencies,forexampleapothole,streetlightout,dumpedrubbish,obstructions, graffitiandanyothertypesofvandalism,tonameafew.Togiveyouanideaofhowit workswereported,Ňoodingontheroadduetothecrumblingroadandbaddrainageon Wednesday.HighwaysrepliedonThursdaytotakefurtherdetails.Repairandremedy putinhand. CaféZest(atStNeotsONELEISURE)biͲweeklyonWedsat2.30pm(nextison25thMay) TheSt.NeotsLocalHistorySociety, Wasfoundedin1981,existstopromoteinterestintherichandvariedhistory ofthetownofSt.Neotsandthesurroundingareathroughmonthlymeetings, researchandsummeroutings.Membershipisopentoanyonewithaninterest inthehistoryofthistown,orinlocalhistorygenerally.MeetingsareheldusuͲ allyonthefirstFridayofeachmonth,towhichvisitorsarewelcome(forasmall fee).Duringthesummerweorganizeexcursionstoplacesofhistoricalinterest withinthelocalityandsometimesfurtherafield,ledbymembersoftheSociety orbylocalexperts.Historicalinformationiscollectedandourarchivesareheld intheStNeotsLibrary.Severalplaquestolocalcelebritiesarebeingerected throughoutthetown.TheSocietypublishesaregularnewsletterwhichcontains interestingarticlesonlocalhistory. Ourannualmembershipsubscriptionisjust£12.Membershipisalways availableatourmeetings,alternativelysendachequefor£12madepayableto 'StNeotsLocalHistorySociety'ͲseeContactUsonourwebsite stneotslhs.org.ukforfurtherdetails. Ourmeetingdatesareonthe‘DatesforyourDiary‘Page. Page 7 Develop your child’s Kumon helped independence with Kumon me with my schoolwork and my independence. Ifrah, 11 Wigan, Winstanley Study Centr e Our maths and English study programmes are tailored specifically to maximise your child’s individual abilities and development, building an active enthusiasm for learning. Contact your local Instructor today St Neots and the Eatons Study Centre Margaret Haywood 01234 376880 [email protected] kumon.co.uk Fees vary. Please refer to your local study centre. Page 8 The Child Bereavement Charity is the UK’s leading charity that educates professionals to support familiesbothwhenachilddiesand whenachildisbereaved. WerelyheavilyonindividualssuchasJacenBruceandhisfamily,toraise vitalfundsforthecharity,andraiseawareness.IanDavis,HeadofFundͲ raisingandMarketingsays“Jacen,Alison(wholosttheirdaughterLily) andLanahavebeenbrilliant.Jacencontinuallygoesoutofhiswayto raiseourprofileinCambridgeshire,makingsurethatpeopleknowwhere toturniftheyneedoursupport,andraisingfundsforusatthesametime. Overthelastfewmonthsheandhisfamilyhaveperformedatseveral shoppingcentres,whichhasbeenagreatsuccess.Ifonlywehadmore supporterslikeJacen. Assu JacenisleadsingerofMemphisRockGroupandhewrotethesong ngby Jacen “SittingRightBesideMeinTheDark(Lily)”inmemoryofLily—all atour StGe proceedsfromthesalegototheChildBereavementCharity.Listen orges Ev toorDownloadat:Ͳttp://www.jacenbruce.com/lily.cfm ent Page 9 Willow Bridge, St Neots - Portrait Bench competition Enter to win a bike worth £200 A new foot and cycle bridge is being built over the River Great Ouse connecting the communities of Eynesbury and Eaton Socon. The bridge was recently named `Willow Bridge` following a competition with local community groups. As part of the Willow Bridge scheme, an artwork project will be included, in the form of a portrait bench. What is a portrait bench? The portrait bench is a collection of three local, life-size figures, cut from sheet steel and installed next to a simple wooden bench. The steel used will weather naturally over time and requires minimum maintenance. The bench is part of a national art initiative from Portrait bench in Afan Valley, Wales (Photo by Chandra Prasad/Sustrans) the charity Sustrans – similar benches are being built across the UK to form a common link for all Connect2 projects. It is being paid for by the Big Lottery Fund. Let us know who you would like to see on your portrait bench and you could win a brand new bike worth £200! We would like to hear your suggestions for people to feature on the portrait bench. You can either: x Post us your suggestions and contact details free of charge to: Willow Bridge Team, Cambridgeshire County Council, CCC1211 Castle Court, Castle Hill, Cambridge FREEPOST CB176, CB3 0AP x Email us at [email protected] x Log on to www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/transport/stneotsbridge You can suggest a maximum of three characters or themes. All entries must be received by Monday 30 May. Example characters/themes x The Eynesbury Giant: born in 1795, James Toller grew to 8’6” feet tall. He was buried in St Mary’s church for fear of 'body snatchers'. x St Neot - The Patron Saint of Fish: St Neots got its name from the saint, who was known for his good work caring for the poor. A large mosaic of him is in the market
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