DOCUMENT RESUME ED 142 516 SP 011 267 AUTHOR Harris, Marjorie, Ed. TITLE NAGWS Aquatics Guide: Tips and Techniques for Teachers and Coaches. August 1977-August 1979. INSTITUTION American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, D.C. National Association for Girls and Women in Sport. PUB DATE 77 NOTE 102p. AVAILABLE FROM American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. ($2.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Athletes; *Athletic Coaches; Athletics; Exercise (Physiology); *Instructional Improvement; Lifetime Sports; Terformance Factors; Physical Activities; *Physical Education; Physical Fitness; Safety Education; Skill Development; *Swimming; *Teaching Methods; *Womens Athletics IDENTIFIERS *Aquatics; Sailing; Scuba Divers ABSTRACT This manual is designed to serve as a teaching aid to coaches and physical educators in the field of women's aquatics. 111.- articles cover the following subjects in the area of water sports: (1) standards in sports for girls and women;(2) women in Olympic swimming competition;(3) conditioning programs designed to attain physical fitness through water activities; (4) the teaching of basic sailing; (5) kayaking; (6) teaching swimming to retarded individuals; (7) analysis of hydrodynamics of swimming;(8) development of swimming routines;(9) scuba diving instruction; (10) water, rescue techniques;(11) teaching beginners; and (12) competitive swimming. A bibliography and a list of organizations and agencies relating to aquatics are included. (JD) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) .EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** National Association for Girls &Women in Sport r C) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION DR IGIN- ATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR PDLICY Aquatics AUGUST 1977 AUGUST 1979 TIPS and TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHERS AND COACHES -PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTE0 MATERIAL BY MICRO. FICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO E 0 ORGANIZATIONS CPERAT ING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE NA TIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMIS. SION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER " Sports Library for Girls and Women 2 THE FOLLOWING GUIDES ARE AVAILABLE: Competitive Swimming & Diving Archery-Golf Basketball Bowling-Fencing Field Hockey-Lacrosse Gymnastics Soccer-Speedball-Flag Football Softball Tennis-Badminton-Squash Track and Field Team Handball-Racquetball-Orienteering Volleyball TIPS AND TECHNIQUES Aquatics Basketball- Volleyball RULES Basketball Field Hockey-Lacrosse (pocket size) Skiing Softball Volleyball PUBLISHED ANNUALLY Competitive Swimming & Diving Guide, Basketball Guide & Rules, Track and Field Guide, and Volleyball Guide and Rules. THE REST WILL BE PUBLISHED BIENNIALLY For a catalog of current editions, prices and order information, please write: AAHPER Promotion Unit 1201 16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 See inside back cover for a listing of additional NAGWS/AAHP ER publications. 3 Aquatics wIrMI AUGUST 1977 AUGUST 1979 Tips and Techniques for Teachers and Coaches Guide Coordinator, RUTHGUNDEN, Goshen College, Goshon, Ind. Guide Chairperson, MARJORIEM. HARRIS, University of Illinois, Urbana NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FORGIRLS & WOMEN IN SPORT American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, andRecreation 4 publications Copyright1977 by the National Association tor Girls andWomen in Sport American Alliance for Health,Physical Education, and Recreation Published bY the AMERICAN ALLIANCE FORHEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, ANDRECREATION Washington, D.C. 20036 1201 Sixteenth St. N.W. 5 CONTENTS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT 5 Standards in Sports for Girls and Women 6 COMMITTEES AND ARTICLES Preface NAGWS. Aquatics Guide Committees 7 Olympic Naiads 9 Swimnastics Paula Welch 10 MG Sholtis Teaching Basic Sailing 14 A Case for Kayaking Bonnie Wiencke 18 Barbara Fecht Teaching Swimming to Severelyor ProfoundlyRetarded !ndividuals James J. Agli 24 A Hydrodynamic Approachto Swimming Analysis Katharine M. Barthels Routine Development 27 Jackie Douglass 36 Achieving Excellence la RoutineContent Margaret M. Swan Underwater SpeaRers oi 40 :cuba instruction David G. Thomas 43 Hazards of Scuba Diving ii SwimmingPools Lee H. Somers Deep Water Rescue Breathing 46 The Eggbeater Kick Albert L. Pierce 53 You Gotta Believe Ruth Johnson 60 Kathleen S. Johnson Teach the Reverse to Beginners Simply and Safely Gloria Petersen 64 Establishing a Yearly CompetitiveSwimming Program Double-Dual and Triple-Dual Millie Roberts 66 Swimming Meets Lee Belrose 70 NAGWS Officiating: SuggestedChangcs for More Functional Operation Constance Birkie and Bonnie Edwards 75 Swimming A Movement Approach forElementary Children Donna Thompson 79 RESEARCH AND ORGANIZATIONS Aquatics Bibliography Jean Lundholm 84 Organizations and Agencies Relatingto Aquatics Aquatic Research Constance Birkie Carol Cooper 90 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN INSPORT National Coaches Council NAGWS Sports Guides Committees 97 Interest indicator 101 3 6 rift I as II HAPPINE Get Join the National Association Involved! for Girls & Women in Sport For membership information write: The only national association NAGWS devoted exclusively to creating 1201 - 16th St., N.W. sport opportunities forall fe- Washington, D.C. 20036 males all ages. alllevels 7 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT The National Association for Girls and Women in Sport isa nonprofit, educational organization designed to serve the needs of participants, teachers, coaches, leaders and administrators in sports programs for girls andwomen. Itis one of seven associations of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recrea- tion. PURPOSE The purpose of the-National Association for Girls and Women in Spott is to foster the development of sports programs for the enrichment of the life of theparticipant. BELIEFS The National Association for Girls am Women in Sport believes that: Sports are an integral part of the culture in whichwe. live. Sports programs are a part of the total educational experience of the participant when conducted in educational institutions. Opportunities for instruction and participation in sports appropriateto her skill level should be included in the experience ofevery girl. Sports skills and sports participation are valuable social and recreationaltools which may be used to enrich the lives ofwomen in our society. Competition and cooperation may be demonstrated in all sportsprograms, al- though the type and intensity of the compeiition and cooperation willvary with the degree or level of skill of the participants. An understanding of the relationship between competition and cooperationand the utilization of both within the aux.pied framework ofour society is one of the desirable outcomes of sports participation. rhysical activity is important in the maintenance of the general health of the participant. Participation in soorts contributes to the development of self-confideneeand to the establishment of desirable interpersonal relationships. FUNCTIONS The National Association for Girls and Women in Sportpromotes desirable sports programs through: I. Formulating and publicizing guiding principles and standards for the adminis- trator, leader, official, and player. /. Publishing and ,nterpreting rules governing sports for girls andwomen. 3. Providinp, the means for training, evaluating, and ratiag officials, 4. Disseminating information on the conduct of uirls and women'ssports. 5. Stimulating, evaluating, and disseminating research in the field of girlsand women's sports. 6. CoOperating with allied groups interested in girls and women'ssports in order to formulate policies and rules that affect the conduct of women's sports. 7. Providing opportunities for the development of leadershipamong girls and wlmen for the conduct of their sports programs. 5 8 STANDARDS IN SPORTS FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN Standards in sports activities for girls and women should be based upon the following: I. Sports activities fm girls and women should be taught, coached, and officiated by qualified women whenever and wherever possible. 2. Programs should provide every girl with a wide variety of activities. 3. he results of competition should be judged in terms of bemlib to the particip- ants rather than by the winning of championships or the athletic or commerical advantage to schools or organizations. Health and Safety Standards for Players Carjul supervision of the health of all Wayers must he provided by . An examination by a qualified physician 2. Written permission by a qualified physician after serious illness or injury 3. Removal of players when they are injffed or overfatigued
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