Environment JR EAST GROUP CSR REPORT 2017 Measures to Prevent Global Warming ■EnergyconservationandCO₂reduction Railways are an environmentally friendly mode [ CO₂ emissions per transportation amount (passengers)] of transportation that accounts for a low share of the total CO₂ emissions produced by the Personal automobiles 145145 transportation sector relative to their share of transportation volume. In FY2016, CO₂ emissions Airplanes 9696 per transportation amount were 20 g-CO₂/ person-km for railways compared to 145 g-CO₂/ Buses 6666 person-km for private automobiles. However, JR East consumes around 5 billion Railways 2020 kWh of power each year, which is a massive amount corresponding to approximately 1.4 0 50 100 150 200 million households. (g-CO₂/person-km) We will therefore strive to save energy for train Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website (FY2016) operation, which accounts for about 80% of our [ JR East Energy flow map ☆] total energy consumption, and furthermore, it Sources of Inputs Energy consumption will be necessary to conduct a variety of energy electricity saving activities even in offices and others. JR East Head Office, Branch Office buildings, etc. the Energy City gas, thermal plant Saving Act The energy flow map shows the flow of energy 0.08 billion kWh (0.03 million t-CO₂) natural 2.03 billion Electricity (factories, etc.) from input through consumption. Power supplied gas kWh 35% Conventional line operation* by our own power plants and power companies JR East 2.6 billion kWh (1.03 million t-CO₂) is used for train operation and for station and hydroelectric plant 5.84 Shinkansen line operation the Energy 1.25 billion billion kWh Saving Act office lighting and air-conditioning. Diesel fuel 1.33 billion kWh (0.53 million t-CO₂) (transportation) kWh 21% 5.04 billion kWh and kerosene are also used to operate diesel 54.9 billion MJ Stations, Rolling Stock Centers trains and stations and office air-conditioning. Fossil 1.03 billion kWh (0.41 million t-CO₂) fuels, Purchased etc. 2.55 billion Supply to other companies, including stores in kWh 44% station compounds (other company train operation & station buildings) 0.8 billion kWh Head Office, Branch Office buildings, etc. the Energy Crude oil Saving Act 9 thousand kL (0.02 million t-CO₂) Diesel fuel, equivalent (factories, etc.) kerosene,軽 油・灯 油・ ClassA重油・ A 73 Conventional line operation* thousand 27 thousand kL (0.07 million t-CO₂) heavy都市ガス oil, kL the Energy cityなど gas, Saving Act (transportation) etc. 2.8 Stations, Rolling Stock Centers billion MJ 37 thousand kL (0.09 million t-CO₂) 2.18 million t-CO2 (CO₂ emissions are the amount calculated with‘ adjusted’ emission coefficients.) * Including BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) ●Boundary Though, in principle, the boundary for energy consumption [ Composition of energy consumption by JR East ]☆ is only JR East, it nonetheless includes energy consumption (Billion MJ) for the applicable operations of the companies with whom 60 we entrust station operations. On the other hand, the energy 51.7 52.3 51.7 51.1 50.8 50.2 consumption of shops on station premise which are operated 50 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 (3%) 10.8 (3%) (3%) by group companies is not included in the boundary. Thus, we 10.7 11.4 11.4(2%) 11.1(2%) 11.1(2%) (21%) (21%) match the boundary for the energy consumption for the entire 40 (22%) (23%) (22%) (22%) JR East business with that of transportation, plants and others 11.1 11.8 11.5 11.9 12.6 12.5 defined by the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use (the Energy 30 (21%) (22%) (22%) (23%) (25%) (25%) Saving Act) ●Calculation method 20 Energy consumption was calculated by the method defined by 28.4 28.3 27.5 26.6 25.9 (55%) (54%) (53%) (52%) (51%) 25.5 the Energy Saving Act. 10 (51%) ●Hydraulic power generated by JR East The foregoing energy consumption is calculated by the idea 0 of the Energy Saving Act, but hydraulic power generated by '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 (fiscal) (baseline year) JR East is calculated by multiplying by 9.76MJ/kWh. As for Head Office, Stations, Shinkansen line Conventional line hydraulic power generated by JR East, reports required by the Branch Office, Rolling Stock operation operation Energy Saving Act are reported as 0 MJ. Buildings, etc. Centers 106 Environment JR EAST GROUP CSR REPORT 2017 ■TrendsinCO₂EmissionsofJREast☆ Our CO₂ emissions in the fiscal year ending March 2017 totaled 2.18 million tons, an increase of 30 thousand tons compared to FY2014 (the reference year). This is due to a decline in the CO₂ emission coefficients of electric power companies and other factors. As we did in last fiscal year, we are also reporting CO₂ emissions in Scopes 1 and 2 in accordance with the definition of the GHG Protocol*. We are moving forward with activities to reduce all CO₂ emissions resulting from our business activities by calculating CO₂ emissions* in Scope 3 and identifying supply chain emissions. *GHG protocol The standard for calculation and reporting of greenhouse gas emission which was formulated by the organization which was established mainly by the WRI (World Resources Institute) and WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) *Supply chain CO₂ emission Sum of Scope 1, 2 and 3 which is the CO₂ emissions resulting from the whole organization activities of business operations such as raw material procurement, production, capital investment goods, business trips, commuting and others. [ Trends in JR East’s total CO₂ emissions ] (Million t-CO₂) ●Boundary 3 The boundary of CO₂ emissions is the same as that for the energy consumption described in p. 106. ●Calculation Method CO₂ emissions have been calculated based on the method specified in 2 the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. However, the CO₂ emissions attributable to the purchased electricity are calculated, including those from the electricity used for rail transport, by using adjusted emission coefficients for each electric power 1.88 2.33 2.15 2.23 2.16 2.18 company. The CO₂ emissions in the fiscal year ending March 2017 1 calculated by using actual emission coefficient is 2.20 million tons CO₂, up 0.04 million tons CO₂ compared to the previous fiscal year. 0 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17(fiscal) (baseline year) Item Scope 1 Scope 2 FY2017 Emission Volume 1.38 million tons CO₂ 1.36 million tons CO₂ Scope 1… CO₂ emissions directly attributable to fuel consumed in the operation of diesel railcars and the operation of JR East’s thermal electric power plant. Scope 2… CO₂ emissions indirectly emitted from the use of electricity purchased from electric power companies. Scope 3… CO₂ discharged by the other companies which are related to our business activities. *The sum of the Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and the total CO₂ emissions do not match, since the former includes emissions associated with the production of electricity supplied to other companies. ■ThermalPowerPlantofJREast JR East operates a thermal power plant in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, with a total capacity of 741 MW. The plant uses combined-cycle power generation units* with improved efficiency and switched fuel from oil to natural gas when the plant was renovated to reduce CO₂ emissions. In addition to the start of operation of No. 4 plant in April 2014, we are proceeding with renovation of No. 1 plant for commencement of operations in 2021. *A combined-cycle power generation unit is a power generation unit that combines gas turbines propelled by combustion of gas with steam turbines driven by steam from the exhaust heat. [ CO₂ emission factor and power generation efficiency at thermal power plant of JR East ]☆ (%) (kg-CO₂/kWh) 60 0.750 JR East thermal power plant efficiency (%) CO₂ emissions per unit of electricity generated (kg-CO₂/kWh) 0.490 0.488 50 0.454 0.500 0.425 0.425 0.413 ●Calculation method CO₂ emissions from the thermal power plant of JR East are calculated 43.2 based on the method stipulated in Act on Promotion of Global Warming 40 42.0 42.0 0.250 40.6 40.5 41.2 Countermeasures, and power generation efficiency is based on the method stipulated in the Energy Saving Act. ● CO₂ emission factor of all power generated by JR East (thermal power 30 0 and hydraulic power) '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 (fiscal) Emission factor adjusted in FY2017 was 0.298 (kg-CO₂/kWh) 107 Environment JR EAST GROUP CSR REPORT 2017 ■Reducingenergyconsumedfortrainoperations☆ We are putting into service more new-generation energy efficient railcars, with features such as regenerative brakes, which can convert kinetic energy during deceleration into electric energy, and Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) inverters, which control motors without wasting electricity. In the fiscal year ending March 2017, JR East had 11,934 energy-efficient railcars in operation. This accounts for 96.2% of our railcar fleet. E235 series: E7 series: E233 series: New rolling stock models The Hokuriku Shinkansen that VVVF inverter cars for commuter equipped with state-of-the-art train incorporates the highest level of and suburban transportation information management system cutting-edge technology were introduced on the Yamanote Line ■Diesel-powered,electric-motor-drivenhybridrailcarsandtheaccumulatorrailcartrain The Kiha E200 type cars, which entered service on the Koumi Line in July 2007, are the world’s first diesel-powered, electric-motor-driven hybrid railcars. Compared with the previous trains, fuel consumption rate has been reduced by about 10% and the noise level of the trains idling at stations and accelerating on departure has been lowered by 20–30 dB.
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