West Bengal Forest Department Government of West Bengal India INDIA THE PREPARATORY SURVEY ON WEST BENGAL INTEGRATED FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION PROJECT FINAL REPORT ANNEXURE SEPTEMBER JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY ORIENTAL CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. SAD CR(3) 11-008 West Bengal Forest Department Government of West Bengal India INDIA THE PREPARATORY SURVEY ON WEST BENGAL INTEGRATED FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION PROJECT FINAL REPORT ANNEXURE SEPTEMBER JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY ORIENTAL CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. 11-008 Annexure Annexure 1 Detailed Cost Table Annexure 2 List of Threatened Animals Annexure 3 Constructions Drawings Annexure 4 Calculation of Carbon Sequestration Annexure 5 Maps Annexure 6 List of NGOs Annexure 7 Environmental Check List Annexure 8 JFM / EDC Resolutions Annexure 9 Forest Organizational in West Bengal Annexure 10 List of Required Number of GIS/RS Related Hardware and Software Annexure 11 Summary Table of Afforestation Model Annexure 12 Proposed Components and Activities of the Project Annexure 13 Implementation Schedule Annexure 14 Man-Animal Conflicts Data Annexure 15 Monitoring Form Annexure 1 Detailed Cost Table Precondition of Cost Estimate Common terms for Appraisal Name of Local Currency Rs (1) Yen/$ US$ 1 = 83.40 Yen (2) LC/$ US$ 1 = 45.0 Rs (3) Yen/Rs Rs 1 = 1.85 Yen Price Escalation (1) FC 1.60% LC 6.60% Physical Contingency (2) Construction 10.00% Consultant 10.00% Base Year for Cost Estimation: Schedule 2011-May Start 2012-Apr End 2019-Apr Billing Rate of Consultant FC Yen LC Rs Pro-(A) 2,591,000 0 Pro-(B) 0 280,000 Supporting Staff 00 Others Rate of Tax Service Tax 3.35% Import Tax 0.0% Rate of Administration Cost 10.55% Rate of Interest During Construction Construction 0.65% Consultant 0.01% Rate of Commitment Charges 0.1% Payment Method for Interest during construction and Commitment charge not loan_covered Fiscal Year Apr - Mar A1-1 Annual Fund Requirement Base Year for Cost Estimation: May, 2011 FC & Total: million JPY Exchange Rates Rs = Yen 1.85 LC : million Rs Price Escalation: FC: 1.6% LC: 6.6% Physical Contingency 10% Physical Contingency Consulting Services) 10% Item Total 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 FC LC Total FC LC Total FC LC Total FC LC Total FC LC Total FC LC Total FC LC Total FC LC Total FC LC Total A. ELIGIBLE PORTION Rs Yen Ⅰ) Procurement / Construction 03,213 3,213 5,943 0 15 28 0 433 802 0 570 1,054 0 688 1,272 0 774 1,431 0 350 647 0 251 464 0 132 245 Works Afforestation and Allied Works 0 1,363 1,363 2,521 0 0 0 0 96 177 0 255 472 0 328 607 0 364 674 0 161 298 0 102 189 0 56 104 Afforestation of Degraded Forest Land in Recorded 1.A 0 779 779 1,440 0 0 0000013324701843400229423011621507413704379 Forest Area 1.B Tree Planting Outside Forest Area (Social Forestry) 025825847800000003871058107075139045830285201426 Soil & Moisture Conservation in Forestry Treatment 1.C 012412422900000003870041760458400000 0000 Areas 1.D Production of Quality Planting material 020220237300009617704684046840152800000 0000 2. Biodiversity Conservation 0 161 161 299 0 0 0 0 19 34 0 24 44 0 30 55 0 32 59 0 32 58 0 24 44 0 3 5 2.A Habitat Management 0 343463000000025081401018091703 6023 2.B Man-Animal conflict mitigation 0 109 109 201 0 0 0 0 17 32 0 17 31 0 17 32 0 18 34 0 19 35 0 19 36 0 1 2 2.C Research 0 19193400001305905904704701 1000 3. Community Development 028228252200004709417409417409016700000 0000 3.A Meeting 0 6 61100002402402400000000 0000 3.B Microplan 0 6 61100002402402400000000 0000 3.C Income Generation Activities 0 606011100000002037020370203700000 0000 Community Development Infructracture Development of 3.D 021021038900000007013007013007013000000 0000 for JFMC* 4. Institutional Capacity Development 0 411 411 760 0 13 24 0 229 423 0 55 101 0 32 60 0 25 46 0 24 45 0 20 37 0 13 24 Base line survey of the state's forest resources at the 4.A 0 10101800005800000000000000 0059 start of project Training & Capacity Building of Project Implementing 4.B 0 616111300002648026480101800000000 0000 Officials, Field &Office Staffs and Other Stakeholders Infrastructure development for TPOF (Social forestry), 4.C training, research, GIS, forest protection etc including 0 306 306 565 0 11 20 0 194 358 0 24 45 0 19 35 0 19 35 0 18 33 0 18 33 0 3 6 Building, Equipment &Vehicle 4.D Forestry Research Activities 0 23234202405805802403603502 3012 Mid-term Monitoring & Evaluation including periodic 4.E 0 8 81500000000002303504700 0000 biodiversity & community develpment studies 4.F End-term Monitoring and Evaluation 0 4 4 700000000000000000000 0047 Base cost 0 2,217 2,217 4,101 0 13 24 0 347 641 0 428 791 0 484 896 0 511 945 0 217 401 0 146 270 0 72 133 Price escalation 0 704 704 1,302 0 1 2 0 47 87 0 90 167 0 141 261 0 192 356 0 101 187 0 82 152 0 48 89 Physical contingency 0 292 292 540 0 1 3 0 39 73 0 52 96 0 63 116 0 70 130 0 32 59 0 23 42 0 12 22 Ⅱ) Consulting services 12811118033328216634207210123319164920175203503 6171850 Base cost 11080139257251858301660992616113816113802002 3141032 Price escalation 6 21254601312502413714901201 22714 Physical contingency 1210163032632711321422500000 1225 Total (Ⅰ+Ⅱ) 128 3,324 3,393 6,277 28 36 94 34 454 873 10 582 1,087 19 704 1,322 20 791 1,483 0 353 653 0 254 470 17 150 295 B. NON ELIGIBLE PORTION 0 a Procurement / Construction 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 Contingency & Administrative Expenditure 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 Base cost for JICA financing 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 Price escalation 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 Physical contingency 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 b Land Acquisition 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 Base cost 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 Price escalation 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 Physical contingency 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 c Administration cost 0 358 358 662 0 5 10 0 50 92 0 62 115 0 75 139 0 85 156 0 37 69 0 27 50 0 17 31 d VAT 0 126 126 232 0 2 3 0 17 32 0 22 40 0 26 49 0 30 55 0 13 24 0 9 17 0 6 11 e Import Tax 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 Total (a+b+c+d+e) 0 484 484 895 0 7 13 0 67 124 0 84 155 0 102 188 0 114 211 0 50 93 0 36 67 0 23 42 TOTAL (A+B) 128 3,807 3,876 7,171 28 43 108 34 521 998 10 666 1,242 19 806 1,510 20 905 1,694 0 403 746 0 290 537 17 173 337 C. Interest during Construction 1780 96178000505120122102130030340343703739039 Interest during Construction(Const.) 1780 96178000505120122102130030340343703739039 Interest during Construction (Consul.) 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 0000 D. Commitment Charge 500 275060660660660660660660 6606 GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C+D) 356 3,807 4,000 7,400 34 43 114 45 521 1,010 28 666 1,261 46 806 1,537 56 905 1,730 40 403 786 43 290 580 62 173 382 E. JICA finance portion (A) 128 3,324 3,393 6,277 28 36 94 34 454 873 10 582 1,087 19 704 1,322 20 791 1,483 0 353 653 0 254 470 17 150 295 Administration Cost = 10.55% Service Tax= 3.35% of the expenditure of the eligible portion (Total service tax is estimated 129 million Rs) Import Tax= 0.0% A1-2 Annual Financial Outlay of Eligible Portion with Price Escalation and Physical Contingency FC & Total : JPY LC : Rs Outlay of the Componen 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 % of the total Component s FC LC Total (Rs) Total (Yen) FC LC Total (Yen) FC LC Total (Yen) FC LC Total (Yen) FC LC Total (Yen) FC LC Total (Yen) FC LC Total (Yen) FC LC Total (Yen) FC LC Total (Yen) outlay I. Procurement / Construction 1. Afforestation and Allied Works Aff Afforestation of Degraded Forest Land in 1.A Recorded Forest Area Plantation of High Yielding Eucalyptus 1.A1 0 20,625,000 20,625,000 38,156,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,795,000 7,020,750 0 5,205,000 9,629,250 0 6,435,000 11,904,750 0 2,775,000 5,133,750 0 1,635,000 3,024,750 0 780,000 1,443,000 hybrid clones in South West Bengal Price escalation 0 7,481,440 7,481,440 13,840,664 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 802,094 1,483,874 0 1,516,242 2,805,048 0 2,422,978 4,482,508 0 1,296,985 2,399,423 0 922,515 1,706,653 0 520,625 963,157 Physical contingency 0 2,810,644 2,810,644 5,199,691 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 459,709 850,462 0 672,124 1,243,430 0 885,798 1,638,726 0 407,199 753,317 0 255,752 473,140 0 130,063 240,616 Total 0 30,917,084 30,917,084 57,196,605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,056,804 9,355,087 0 7,393,367 13,677,728 0 9,743,775 18,025,984 0 4,479,184 8,286,490 0 2,813,267 5,204,543 0 1,430,688 2,646,773 Plantation of Sal and Associate in 1.A2 0 324,749,000 324,749,000 600,785,650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48,990,000 90,631,500 0 71,994,000 133,188,900 0 93,505,000 172,984,250 0 56,338,000 104,225,300 0 35,568,000 65,800,800 0 18,354,000 33,954,900 South Bengal Price escalation 0 125,184,656 125,184,656 231,591,613 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,354,306 19,155,466 0 20,972,209 38,798,587 0 35,207,539 65,133,948 0 26,331,375 48,713,044 0 20,068,510 37,126,743 0 12,250,717 22,663,826 Physical contingency 0 44,993,366 44,993,366 83,237,726 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,934,431 10,978,697 0 9,296,621 17,198,749 0 12,871,254 23,811,820 0 8,266,937 15,293,834 0 5,563,651 10,292,754 0 3,060,472 5,661,873 Total 0 494,927,021 494,927,021 915,614,989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,278,736 120,765,662 0 102,262,830 189,186,236 0 141,583,793 261,930,017 0 90,936,312 168,232,178 0 61,200,161 113,220,298 0 33,665,188 62,280,599 Plantation of Quick Growing Small 1.A3 0 278,600,000 278,600,000 515,410,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 51,800,000 95,830,000 0 70,600,000 130,610,000 0 87,000,000 160,950,000 0 37,000,000 68,450,000 0 21,800,000 40,330,000 0 10,400,000 19,240,000 timber, Fuel & Fodder Species Price escalation 0 100,807,561 100,807,561 186,493,987 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,948,215 20,254,197 0 20,566,130 38,047,341 0 32,758,204
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