Personal Let's Time to A bus best at GOJO stub out with SWT for it! smoking X-factor The newspaper of Stagecoach Group Issue 67 Summer 07 Franchise win promises punctuality and service r4UBHFDPBDITFDVSFT&BTU.JEMBOETDPOUSBDU r#FUUFS GBTUFSBOETBGFSUSBWFMGPSQBTTFOHFST New mag’s r4FWFOZFBSEFBMCSJOHTTDPQFGPSHSPXUI a shore tagecoach Group is celebrating the success of its pioneering bid for the thing! Snew East Midlands rail franchise. %XV SDVVHQJHUV HQMR\LQJ The Department for Transport (DfT) has “Our innovative and value-for-money the beauty of England’s awarded the Group the new seven-year and plans are designed to meet the challenges south coast can now take four-month franchise, which is worth £235 of growing demand, improving passenger in some interesting infor- million in annual total revenues and will run perceptions of service and security, and mation along the way. from November 11 this year. making it easier for people to travel by A free magazine Stagecoach engaged with more than train. is on offer to users of 80 local, regional and national stakeholder “We look forward to delivering a com- Stagecoach’s popular organisations in developing its proposals for prehensive package of train, station and CoastLiner 700 route East Midlands, which combines the current security investment, improved operational between Southsea, Midland Mainline franchise and regional performance, increased capacity, state-of- Portsmouth, Chichester, services transferred from Central Trains. the-art ticketing options and a range of %RJQRU 5HJLV :RUWKLQJ And this latest success marks the Group’s other customer benefits. DQG%ULJKWRQ third rail contract win in 10 months, ´7KLVLVDQH[FHOOHQWUHVXOWIRUSDVVHQJHUV Helen Martin, following the retention of the South West WD[SD\HUVDQGRXUVKDUHKROGHUVDQGZHZLOO Stagecoach’s Regional Trains franchise in 2006, and the recent be working closely with local stakeholders Marketing Manager, said securing of a tram contract in Manchester. to help meet their aspiration for the area the 19-page CoastLiners Passengers can now look forward to: to become one of the top 20 regions in magazine contained )DVWHU MRXUQH\V DQG EHWWHU Europe.” details of special offers, punctuality The new franchise incorporates a multi- events and attractions to ,PSURYHPHQWV WR WUDLQ IOHHW DQG million-pound investment programme and be found along the 60- capacity will generate £133 million (Net Present mile route. ,QFUHDVHGVHFXULW\ Value) in premium payments to the DfT The magazine has a )OH[LEOHWLFNHWLQJRSWLRQV over the period of the franchise. regular letters page and $VWDWLRQHQKDQFHPHQWSURJUDPPH Under the franchise, regulated fares will staff member’s profile. %HWWHU FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH DQG OLDLVRQ ULVH DQQXDOO\ E\ 53, LQ OLQH ZLWK +HOHQ H[SODLQHG with local stakeholder groups. Government policy, while unregulated fares “There a kids’ page which DUH H[SHFWHG WR LQFUHDVH E\ DQ DYHUDJH RI introduces a cartoon %ULDQ 6RXWHU &KLHI ([HFXWLYH RI 53,SHUDQQXP seagull family The Stagecoach Group, said: “We are delighted The East Midlands rail franchise will Gullivers and a spot the to be entrusted by the Government with operate trains from the new St Pancras difference competition. the contract to run a key rail franchise in a ,QWHUQDWLRQDO VWDWLRQ SURYLGLQJ GLUHFW “Our first print run for region that is the heart of the UK transport connections with Eurostar services to Paris CoastLiners was 20,000 and logistics economy, with significant DQG %UXVVHOV IROORZLQJ WKH RSHQLQJ RI WKH and drivers on the route growth potential. Channel Tunnel Rail Link. tell us that the magazine “We plan to win back customers from The last 16 months of the contract are is being well received by the car and grow the market by delivering dependent on meeting performance targets. customers for both the a high-quality service that meets the diverse Gullivers’ travels: Rude members of The Gullivers read the CoastLiners magazine over information and entertain- needs of short and long-distance commuters, Chris Pearce’s shoulder! ment value it contains.” business and leisure travellers. (SFBUOFXTGPSQBTTFOHFSTwQ Marvellous memories from veteran passenger :KHQ%LOO0LOOVIURP1XQHDWRQEHJDQULGLQJ Nuneaton route 3 service. Mark and his assistant Jayson Smith the buses, they had four legs and a tail! /RFDOGULYHUVZKRDOONQRZ%LOOE\QDPH SUHVHQWHG%LOOZLWKDYHU\UDUHOLPLWHGHGLWLRQ %LOO ZDV ERUQ LQ DQG KDV QHYHU suggested that Stagecoach in Warwickshire replica Routemaster double-decker bus and a owned a car. At 101 years old, he can reward his dedication. bottle of his favourite brandy. remember when the first motorised bus Mark Crannis, Operations Manager for %LOO WKDQNHG HYHU\RQH DQG WUHDWHG came into service, following the horse-drawn 1XQHDWRQVDLG´:KHQZHKHDUGDERXW%LOO Stagecoach employees to memories of his carts which had previously been used as we knew we had to do something. life during the Second World War – including public transport. ´,W·VQRWYHU\RIWHQ\RXJHWWRPHHWD how passengers on the bus to Coventry He has been a public transport passenger year-old, and the drivers thought it would be would take it in turns to walk in front of the 101 not out! Veteran passenger Bill Mills receives ever since, and is still a regular on the nice to give him a gift for his loyalty.” bus to watch out for bombs! the thanks of Mark Crannis and Jayson Smith. GNER on board for East New director for Group Coast rail franchise bid Stagecoach Group has announced the appointment of Garry Watts nter city - railways limited, DQG H[WHQVLYH FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK ORFDO SODQV,QWHU&LW\(DVW&RDVWLVDFRPSOH[ agreement between the parties. DV D QRQH[HFXWLYH GLUHFWRU RI WKH a 50/50 joint venture stakeholders. and challenging franchise. We believe ,QWHU&LW\ (DVW &RDVW LV RQH RI Company. I 3DVVHQJHUVDQGWD[SD\HUVZLOOEHQHILW our unique partnership of the most %ULWDLQ V EXVLHVW ORQJ GLVWDQFH UDLO Garry (50), who took up the role between the Virgin Group of from an innovative package of improve- H[SHULHQFHG DQG LQQRYDWLYH RSHUDWRUV routes, which links London with several RQ-XO\KDVEHHQ&KLHI ([HFXWLYH Companies and Stagecoach ments that build on the strengths of the on the UK rail network will deliver cities in both England and Scotland, RI 66/,QWHUQDWLRQDOSOFVLQFH$SULO Group plc, has submitted current operation, including: a new benchmark for the franchise's including Edinburgh. its bid for the InterCity East D PXOWLPLOOLRQSRXQG LQYHVWPHQW customers and communities.” Short-listed bidders were asked to $FKDUWHUHGDFFRXQWDQWKHMRLQHG Coast rail franchise with a in trains, stations and systems ic-r announced in April 2007 that bid against a specification based on a 66/ DV *URXS )LQDQFH 'LUHFWRU LQ LPSURYHG SXQFWXDOLW\ DQG GNER Holdings Limited will acquire a consultation process undertaken by the )HEUXDU\ DQG ZDV SUHYLRXVO\ commitment to set a new reliability VWDNHLQWKHQHZIUDQFKLVHKROGLQJ DfT, which is proposing that current DQ ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU RI &HOOWHFK benchmark for service to EHWWHUHQYLURQPHQWDOSHUIRUPDQFH company at the time of signing a new services are maintained and that the SOFDQG)LQDQFH'LUHFWRURI 0HGHYD passengers. franchise agreement, if the ic-r bid Leeds half hourly service will continue. plc. Prior to that, he was a partner The bid has been developed through A spokesman for inter city – railways is successful. Virgin and Stagecoach 7KH *RYHUQPHQW LV H[SHFWHG WR at KPMG. a partnership with incumbent operator said: “New thinking and putting ZLOO MRLQWO\ UHWDLQ WKH UHPDLQLQJ DZDUG WKH ,&(& IUDQFKLVH LQ WKH ODWH *DUU\ LV D 1RQ([HFXWLYH Great North Eastern Railway (GNER) passengers first are at the heart of our shareholding as part of the commercial summer of 2007. Director of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and also Protherics plc. Stagecoach Group Chairman New service completes The Link Robert Speirs said: “Garry Watts KDV H[WHQVLYH LQWHUQDWLRQDO DQG from Folkestone to Canterbury ILQDQFLDO H[SHULHQFH DFURVV D UDQJH of businesses and will be a strong Stagecoach have launched a re-branded and alternative to using the car. DGGLWLRQWRWKH6WDJHFRDFK%RDUGµ LPSURYHG VHUYLFH EHWZHHQ )RONHVWRQH DQG Paul Southgate says that the £900,000 Canterbury. investment by his company will improve bus &OOU*HRUJH%XQWLQJ&KDLUPDQ6KHSZD\ services for residents in the villages of the District Council, and Cllr Mike Patterson, Elham Valley and Sandgate, Seabrook, Hythe Canterbury City Council’s Cabinet Member and Saltwood, as well as catering for tourists. Kristina moves for Transport, helped Paul Southgate, “We are delighted to offer The Link with Managing Director for Stagecoach East Kent buses departing every 30 minutes,” said Paul. and Hastings, launch eight new double-decker, “We believe that there is strong demand from make-up wheel chair and baby buggy-friendly Enviro and that we will be able to change the 'hop EXVHV in the car' habit for many along the route by to marketing The new vehicles were launched on routes offering easy access buses and sensibly priced Filling the missing link. Cllr George Bunting (left), Paul Southgate and Cllr Mike Patterson (right) launch 16 and 17 to make bus travel between the two fares that compete against the cost of parking Kristina Harrison the improved service. key destinations an attractive and convenient DQGSHWUROXVHGRQDFDUMRXUQH\µ from Whitstable is Stagecoach in East Kent’s Contacts new Marketing Assistant. Editor: Steven Stewart, On Stage, Stagecoach Group, Stagecoach South Helen Martin 01243 536161 6KH MRLQV 10 Dunkeld Road, Perth PH1 5TW. Stagecoach South West
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