BIS-CD-9f5 STEREO lp p pl Total playingtime: 76'01 SIBELIUS, Johan (Jean)Julius Christian(r865-1e57) Karelia (1893)r,yr,r @ 50'00 KuvaelmamusiikkiaViipurilaisen Osakunnan Juhla Arpajaisiin Kansanvalistuksenhyviiksi Viipurin liiilnissii ScenicMusic for a Festivaland Lottery in Aid of Educationin the Provinceof Viipuri * Itemsnurkecl completedand reconstructedb.t, Kalet'i Aho (1997) E Overture [Altegro ntotlerato] - Pii lento - [Jn poco ntotlerato - 8'12 Moderato assai - Vit,ace E Tableau I Karjalainenkoti. Sanomasodasta (Vuosi 1293)/ 3'43 A Karelian home.News ol War ( 1293) 'Oi IAlla vito] - Piirlentct: Ukko ylijumala...' Heikki Laitinen. vocalpart I; Taito Hoffren. vocalparr II E Tableau 2 Viipurin linnan perustaminen(Vuosi 1293)/ 3'38 The tbunding of Viipuri Castle(1293) * Moder(ttoossai -Vivace Tableau 3 Liettuanherttua Narimont veronkannossaKiikisalmen liiiinissii 5'13 (Vuosi 1333)/ Narimont,the Duke of Lithuania,levvins taxes in the provinceof Kiikisalmi ( I 333) lll x Alle.qro urur,o l'26 tr Intemezzo [Il. Morierato 3'1j E Tableau ,l Kaarle KnuutinpoikaMipurin linnassa.Balladi (Vuosi lz146)/ 9'09 Karl Knutssonin Mipuri Castle.Ballade (1446) 'Hiill Tenpo di ntenuettonon troppo lento.Dansen i rosenlund: om en afion...' Raimo Laukka, baritone(soto hoilr Pertti Kuusrl Tableau 5 PontusDe la GardieKlikisalmen edustalla 1580 / 7,2q PontusDe la Gardieat rhe saresof Kiikisalmi in 1580 tr * Motlerato,mu n,,n lettto 3'14 tr Intermezzo[II]. Marsch nacheinem altenMotiv ('Tableau5rl:') 4'08 Alla marcia SIBELIUS!S TAR'LIA MUSIC the Russian standpoint'Old Finland') was adminisrratively - (jn Fahidn Dahlsil united with the rest ofFinland ( Neu Finland') in 1811.The Karelia. in the broadest senseot' the tenn the area inhabited country now became an aulonomous grand duchy ol the - by Karelian tribes can be divided into Easten Karelia (be- Russian empire, alrhough its ia!\-making powers and cultural tween Lake Ladoga and Ihe White Sea. tenitory which never lite remained anchored in the west European tradition. Vii' belonged fo Finland). and Westem Karelia around the towns puri stood out as the country's most mufti cultural city. The of Viipuri (in Swedish Viborg). Kekisalmi (in Swedish Kex- majority of rhe population was Finnish. bur three linguistic holm) and Sortavala (in Swedish Sordavala). shich for a minorities werc of great impondrce: Swedish-. Geman- and long time formed Finland's historical landscapeof Karelia. Russian-speakers.After Finland's declararion of indepen- During the lasr lhousand years Westem Karelia has been the dence in 1917, the city was the second largest in the country. scene of numerous conflicts belween east and west, between Under the tems of the peace rrearies of Moscow (1940) and (he influences of Rome and Byzantium Paris (19,17),most of Finnish Kdelia - including rhe cjriesof (he At Ihe beginning of millennium, Swedish power Viipuri. Kaikisalmi and Sonavala was given ro the then So- spread eastwards. Finland s medieval castles rellect lhese viel Union. In the yeds l9:11-:f.1the area was also occupied events: the Swedes firsr of all founded Turku (Abo) castle in by Finnish troops. south-west Finland, then Hiimeenlinna (Tavastehus)some Ancienr Finnish runic singing rook refuge in rhe deep drstance north-easr ol Turku. The castle ol Viipuri in Karelia forests of Westem and Easlem Karelia, and also in Inkerin- was founded in 1293. and the rown itseli was established maa, when a newer type of fblk-music impinged upon its soon afterwards.The border between Ihe Swedish easten original tenitory in soulh-westFinland. Ancient music was tedfory Finland and the ),lovgorod empire was to some still well-preseNed rhere when a dofior named Elias Ldnnrot extent stabilized by rhe Peace of P:ihkinalinna (Nittebory) in undefrook his pioneering expeditions to gather the materials 1323, at which time the frontier lay east of Viipuri. But there from which he assembled the Finnish national epic, the Kale was constanf unrest. and ravaging expeditions took place in !a/d, the first edtrion of which was published in 1835. The both directions. The siege of Viipuri in 1495 became es- landscape was sunounded by an aura of mysticism. Through- pecially famous: the attacking Russian army is said to have out Finland, Karelian folk culture was held in high esteem; put 'Viipuri 'Karelianism' been to flight by the so called explosion - atr was dominanr in afristic circles in the late 19th eplsode sunounded by considerable mystique in the history cenIuly. books. At the end of rhe lgth century, Finlmd began ro be sub- Viipuri was successfully defended in subsequent sieges, Jected to an increasingiy severe process of Russification - a fo. example in 1555 and 1-556.At rhis rime the area nonh- processkick-srarted by rhe so,called'posr manifesto,in west of Lake Ladoga, with Kiikisalmi as its principal town, 1890, which decreed lhar intemational mail sent ftom Finland stiil belonged peace to rhe easlern sphere, but by the of should bear Russian posrage stamps. A budding spirir of (1617) Stolbova the border was redrawn so far to the soulh rcsistance could be perceived after some decades of political easr that ir became vinually idenfjcal wilh Finland's border calm, and various palriotic soirdes and tableaux became po- between the two world sars. During the seventeenthcentury, pular - m elegant way of avoiding the censorship rules then Swedish power reached its peal. Even Inkerinmaa (in Swedish in tbrce. lngemanland), the areas around and to the south-west of the In the spring of 1893, rhe Viipuri Studenr Corporarion at Neva estuary, were conquered and colonised, principally by the lmperial Alexander Universiry in Helsinki arranged a immigrants from rhe Finnish provinces of Savo and Kdelia. lottery soirde in aid ofpopular education in the province of Vii- After that, peter rhe ride rumed. In rhe early lSth century Tsar puri. By establishing a college of educarion and fostering the Great conquered Inkednmaa and Karelia; Viipuri was Finnish culture among rhe population, the students aimed to besieged and captured in 1?10. The cit\ rhus became Russia's contribute to the crealion of a counterweight to the process of westem outpost. After Russia conquered the rest of Finland Russification in this border zone, which was closer to St. in 1808-09, the dea immediately surounding Viipuri (from Petersburg than to Helsjnki. presence on stage of a runic The soirde - the highlight of the season in Helsinki acquired a special lustre by the Paraske - the foremost up- society life - was held on l3th November 1893 at the Seura- singer from lngemanland. Larin in her genera- huone (Societetshuset),now the Town Hall The hall was holder of the runic singing and dirge traditions - famhouse; she had packed, and many u'ere tumed away at lhe door' The public tion playing the pa( of the mistress of a (Borga), then lived. The felt rhat it had a patriotic obligation to suppon cultural en- rravelled in from Ponoo where she demanded several deavours neat the eastern border. The number of lotrery tableau was so effecti\e rhat the audience 's prizes collected with the aid of the cil\ most distinguished repeals. ladies testilled to the patriotic fervour. Among the prizes rhe foundation of Viipuri castle in 1293' were whole suites of furniture, Painlings by leading artists 2bl,1/k ,' depicls on stage were lhe Swedish such as Alben Edelfelt, and much morc' Among lhe figures represented leader of the so-called The programme was introduced by a piece of orchestral Imperial Marshal TorBils Knutsson' lhe Bishop of VasterAs Kare- music and a piologue, in Swedish, by Gabriel Lagus. a peda- Third Eastward Crusade. and of stone in place' the founda- gogue from Viipuri who subsequently became knosn as lhe lian peasants lay a ldge block Monks say a prayer' and altar-boys foremost expeft on the history of his home town The evening rion-stone of the castle. was centred upon a series of tableaux illustrating events from s\\ing censers. Karelian history. Three well-known afiists were responsible (1333J - of which consists of the for the stage decor: the architect and author Jac Ahrenber-s Tubteau 3 the main section so well-known - depicts the (who grcw up in Viipuri md was an eminent expert on Kare- Internezzo whichwas to become taxes in a wintry land- tian maners), the sculptor Emil wikstrtim (later famous for Lirhuanian Duke Narimont collecting (the dea netr the norti-wesF instance, for his statuesof Ldnnrot and Snellman in Helsinkr ) scape in the Kiikisalmi district Ladoga). The tax tributes brought lorward and Akseli Gallen-Kallela (without question the fbremost re em pan of Lake broughl beforc the Duke as hc presentativeof'Keelianistic' pictorial a(). The choice ofcom include animal skins which are to the east of the bordet poser naturally fell on Sibelius, who had recently achiered sits on a horse. Here we are such success \|ith Kullerro (1892) He started work on the us to a room in Viipuri castle at ils tableau music in Ruovesi in the summer of 1893' complellng Tdbteau I 0446) takes Bonde, later several times King of the score in Helsinki. The music consists of an ovenure and a he)day. Karl Knutsson magnificent coun as ruler of the series of pieces played as vignettes during. and in some cases Sweden, maintained a Pro- In the Gbleau he and his retaine$ arc enter- between, the historical lableaux vince of Viipuri. rained by a singer. Sibelius found the text for the ballade (which later became so well-known) in an edition of Sibelius s biographer Erik Tawaststjema wrote of lhe Orer melody Erik Furuhjelm 'suggested to mosi of Sibelius s JJeilsid fornsdnger (Ancient Stedish Songs) ael? ihat its principal theme 'Gemanic whilst the second called the ballade a counterpafr' to the first tableau' compatriols a picture of Viipuri castle', 'the 'ihe critic wrote: girls sit and dream; even theme depicted heavy fate of the Karelian people : ihe A conremporary laughter of the court jester have ceased; only a third theme includes the fanfares that appear again in lhe rhe banter and the woild at large and Sweden reaches this rhird rableau.
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