~ of 1978 Annual CDunci1 SDA Profi ional ® _® ons A Quarterly Journal of the Association of Adventist Forums Volume 9, Number 4 A tury of A jJ • r' •onism 1978 GeOscience Field CDnference --- - -~---.--- __ __ E-__ o---,t4---- ~ ~ -- ----~~:~#']Dld------+~e ---~u:jJ "--F~~~rl---1~ Genesis 1 as Theo1CW SPECTRUM EDITOR Gary Land Eric Anderson Margaret McFarland History History Urban Planner Roy Branson Andrews University Pacific Union College Toledo, Ohio Ro berta J. Moore Raymond Cottrell LaVonne Neff EXECUTIVE EDITOR Journalism Theology Author Richard Emmerson Loma Linda University Loma Linda, California College Place, Washington Charles Scriven' Helen Evans Ronald Numbers EDITORIAL BOARD Theology Academic Dean History of Medicine Graduate Theological Union Southwestern Adventist College University of Wisconsin Roy Branson Ethics, Kennedy Institute Ottilie Stafford Judith Folkenberg MelvinK. H. Peters Georgetown University English Researcher Old Testament Atlantic Union College Washington, D.C. Cleveland State University Molleurus Couperus Physician Lawrence Geraty Edward E. Robinson Angwin, California EDITORIAL Old Testament Attorney SDA Theological Seminary Chicago, Illinois Tom Dybdahl ASSISTANT Fritz Guy Gerhard Svrcek-Seiler Journalism Nola-Jean Bamberry United States Congress Theology Psychiatrist SDA Theological Seminary Vienna, Austria Richard Emmerson English CONSULTING Jorgen Henrikson Betty Stirling Walla Walla College Artist Board of Higher Education EDITORS Boston, Massachusetts General Conference ofSDA Alvin L. K wiram Kjeld Andersen Eric A. Magnusson Chemistry Physician L. E. Trader University of Washington Lystrup, Denmark President Education Avondale College, Australia Marienhoehe Gymnasium, W.Germany Association ofAdventist Fonuns EXECUTIVE Of International Relations Corresponding Secretary Lake Molleurus Coupeurus Sean McCarthy Walter Douglas COMMITTEE Physician Undergraduate Church History President Angwin, California Columbia Union College SDA Theological Seminary Glenn E. Coe Takoma Park, Maryland Berrien Springs, Michigan State's Attorney Of Membership West Hartford, Connecticut Ronald Cople Treasurer Northern Pacific Business Richard C. Osborn Lanny Fisk Vice President Silver Spring, Maryland History Biology Lyndrey A. Niles . Takoma Academy Walla Walla College Communications Of NatIOnal Programs Takoma Park, Maryland Walla Walla, Washington Howard University, Washington, D.C. Danielle Wuchenich Attorney Southern· Executive Secretary Loma Linda, California REGIONAL Claire Hosten Attorney REPRESENTATIVES Washington, D.C. STAFF Atlantic Legal Consultant Richard B. Lewis, J r. Bradley Litchfield Advertising Southern Pacific DIRECTORS Attorney Boston, Massachusetts Stan Aufdemberg Of Academic Affairs Washington, D.C. Graduate Student Leslie Pitton Central Pacific Systems Consultant Medicine Youth Director Paul Dassenko Loma Linda, California Central Union Conference William Carey Financial Analyst Lincoln, Nebraska Silver Spring, Maryland San Francisco, California Of Communications Systems Manager Colnmbia Cecil Coffey Don McNeill Charles Bensonhaver Publishing Computer Programmer Physician Walla Walla, Washington Spencerville, Mary land Kettering, Ohio SPECTRUM is a journal established to lishing of SPECTRUM depends on subscri­ encourage Seventh-day Adventist participa­ tions, gifts from individuals and the volun­ tion in the discussion of contemporary issues tary efforts of the contributors and the staff. from a Christian viewpoint, to look without prejudice at all sides of a subject, to evaluate SPECTRUM is published quarterly by the Association of Adventist Forums. Direct· editorial correspondence to the merits of diverse views, and to foster SPECTRUM, Box 431, College Place, WA 99324. In mat­ Christian intellectual and cultural growth. ters of style and documentation, SPECTRUM follows The Although effort is made to ensure accurate MLA Style Sheet (rev., 1970). Manuscripts should be type­ written, double spaced. Submit the original and two copies, scholarship and discriminating judgment, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Due to limi­ the statements of fact are the responsibility of tations of space, responses from readers may be shortened contributors, and the views individual au­ before publication. thors express are not necessarily those of the In order to receive SPECTRUM, send a membership fee ($12 per year, except $14 in Canada and in other foreign editorial staff as a whole or as individuals. countries) to Association of Adventist Forums, Box 4330, The Association of Adventist Forums is a Takoma Park, Maryland 20012. Single copies may be pur­ nonsubsidized, nonprofit organization for chased for $3.50. Send correspondence concerning address changes to the same address, enclosing address labels. Pay which gifts are deductible in the report of by check made out to the Association of Adventist Forums. income for purposes oLtaxation .Thep.llb- «)1979. All rights reserved. 26737 In This Issue ARTICLES Volume Nine, Number Four, Published January 1979 The 1978 Annual Council: A Report and Analysis Donald R. McAdams 2 Seventh-day Adventist Professional Organizations Jocelyn Fay 10 SPECIAL SECTION Genesis 'Sciences of Satanic Origin': Adventist Attitudes Toward Evolutionary Biology and Geology Ronald L. Numbers 17 The Geoscience Field Study Conference of 1978 Lawrence Geraty 31 The Yellowstone Petrified Forests Harold G. Coffin 42 Genesis, Chapter One: A Theological Statement Herold Weiss 54 RESPONSES FROM READERS T. Crosby, R. Lewis, 63 G. Colvin, E. Webster About This Issue uring the first six One of the scientists at the Institute, Harold D years of this journal's Coffin, has kindly allowed us to publish a publication, the years of Molleurus version of the lecture he delivered on the field Couperus' editorship, articles concerning the trip. A longer form of his article describing relationship of science and religion appeared important research on the fossil forests at frequently. We are happy to return to this Yellowstone Park (also discussed by Richard enduringly important topic. Not only is sci­ Ritland in SPECTRUM, Vol. 6, No. 1-2) is ence the focus of this number of SPEC­ available by writing Dr. Coffin at the Geosci­ TRUM, but also additional articles on the ence Research Institute, Andrews Universi­ subject will be published in the next and sub­ ty. Finally, after readers have taken a histori­ sequent issues. "Genesis," the heading for cal and scientific look at the topic, they can the current cluster, refers both to the act of read Herold Weiss' theological analysis of the original formation and also to the first book creation account in the book of Genesis. of the Bible. Also in this issue are two articles on the All the articles in this issue's cluster coin­ shape of the Adventist community. Donald cide in referring to the Biblical account of the McAdams, a delegate to the 1978 Annual original formation of the world, but they do Council, analyzes the forces at work in that so from a variety of perspectives. Ronald session and the degree to which its actions Numbers, as an Adventist historian of sci­ will have enduring significance for the ence, provides an overview of debates within Church. Jocey Fay's useful listing of profes­ Adventism concerning science and religion sional associations within the Adventist .de­ from even before the organization of the de­ nomination reveals their remarkable growth nomination to the formation of the Geosci­ and strength. Organizational theorists have ence Research Institute. Lawrence Geraty long considered that one way to measure the advances the account to the present by recall­ health of a society is to examine how vigor­ ing what he learned and heard this past sum­ ously voluntary associations flourish within mer while being introduced to the topic of it. If they are right, Adventists should be geology on the most recent field trip con­ reassured by Jocey Fay's article. ductedbythe~Geosdehce·ReseafChlhstitllte . ·::::---'1'ne=Ed-itefs· The 1978 Annual Council: A Report and Analysis by Donald R. McAdams one of the delegates 3,265,000. The goal, he stated, referring to N could anticipate the the theme of the Annual Council, "Har­ most momentous action taken by the 1978 vesttime," was 1,000 baptisms a day. The Annual Council - the election of a new Gen­ report reviewed the evangelistic activities of eral Conference president, ushering in a new the church, department by department. era in the denomination's history. But before Clearly, in Elder Pierson's view, each agency the delegates assembled for the opening and institution of the church is evaluated by meeting, Oct. 10, they had received from measuring its contribution to winning con­ Clyde Franz, secretary of the General Con­ verts. "Evangelism," he said, "is still the ference, a letter, enclosing a preliminary watchword of the hour." "This is the time agenda and calling particular attention to for worldwide advance." "Victory may yet three items: a request from the regional con­ be ours in our day." ference presidents to establish two black The following morning, Wednesday, Oct. unions in the North American Division, a 11, the secretary and treasurer gave their offi­ request from health care administrators to cial reports to the delegates. K. H. Emmer­ take hospital supervisory personnel and son noted that as of Oct. 1, 1978, exchange union health care corporation officers off the rate adjustments had cost the church nearly General Conference wage scale and pay them $5.5 million. That
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