Arun District Council Civic Centre Maltravers Road Littlehampton abcd West Sussex BN17 5LF Tel: (01903) 737500 Fax: (01903) 730442 DX: 57406 Littlehampton Minicom: 01903 732765 e-mail: [email protected] Committee Manager : Carrie O’Connor (Ext 37614) 19 th May 2011 CABINET MEETING A meeting of the Cabinet will be held in Committee Room 1 at the Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, on Tuesday 31 st May 2011 at 5.00 p.m. and you are requested to attend. Members : Councillors Mrs Brown (Chairman), Elkins (Vice-Chairman), Bower, R. Brown, Dendle, Dingemans and Wotherspoon (subject to confirmation at Annual Council on 25 th May 2011). A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members and Officers are reminded to make any declarations of personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this Agenda. You should declare your interest by stating : a) the item you have the interest in b) whether it is a personal interest and the nature of the interest c) whether it is also a prejudicial interest d) if it is a prejudicial interest, whether you will be exercising your right to speak under Question Time You then need to re-declare your interest and the nature of the interest at the commencement of the item or when the interest becomes apparent. 3. QUESTION TIME a) Questions from the public (for a period of up to 15 minutes). b) Questions from Members with prejudicial interests (for a period of up to 15 minutes). 4. MINUTES To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 th March 2011 (previously circulated). Page 1 of 124 Arun District Council CABINET-31/05/2011 ITEMS FOR DECISION 5 START TIMES The Cabinet is requested to confirm the start times for meetings for the remainder of 2011/12. 6 THINK FAMILY: EARLY INTERVENTION AND SUPPORT This report explains proposals to develop a programme of early intervention and family support across West Sussex, including the development of Family Intervention Projects in the Arun, Worthing, Adur and Crawley areas of the County. There is £2M available over three years to develop Family Nursing Partnerships, Family Intervention Projects and a Shared Framework of Services. 7 ARUN WELLBEING PROGRAMME 2011/12 West Sussex Public Health will be funding Arun District Council to deliver a Prevention and Wellbeing Programme in Arun, via the establishment of a Wellbeing Hub. This is an enhancement to the Arun Wellbeing Programme first funded by NHS West Sussex in 2009. Funding is to be provided through a Section 75 agreement, from 2011/12. This report details the revised arrangements for the Arun Wellbeing Programme and requests Cabinet to approve the drawing-down of the allocated funding. 8 NEW HOMES BONUS - PROPOSALS FOR EXPENDITURE IN 2011-2012 The Council has received notification from the Department of Communities and Local Government that it will receive £508,908 under the New Homes Bonus Scheme for 2011-12. This report recommends that a number of proposals should be supported through monies from the New Homes Bonus Scheme. 9 ARUN DEVELOPER AND PARTNER CHARTER PLUS This report seeks Cabinet support for the adoption of the Arun Developer and Partner Charter Plus. This new initiative builds on the original objectives of the Bognor Regis Developer and Partner Charter, but will now be augmented with the dual ambitions of creating new training and apprenticeship opportunities, primarily for young people, and improving the environmental sustainability of housing and regeneration projects on Council owned land.. 10 PLANNING CONSULTANCY FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT Arun District Council and a number of other local authorities in East and West Sussex, the identity of which has yet to be confirmed, and potentially the South Downs National Park Authority have a need from time to time to use external planning consultancy services to conduct studies, appraisals and other methods of assessment on areas such as, but not limited to, housing land supply, landscape and urban design appraisals and retail studies within the locality. Arun District Council and the other interested authorities, as outlined above, therefore wish to set Page 2 of 124 Arun District Council CABINET-31/05/2011 up a procurement framework that they can all use which will test the market for these services with the aim of improving the efficiency and reducing the cost of acquiring those services. It is proposed that Arun District Council be the lead authority for this procurement framework agreement. 11 SOCIAL HOUSING REFORM This Report identifies key areas of Social Housing Reform being taken forward by the coalition Government and the implications for Arun District Council. 12 REVIEW OF HOUSING ALLOCATIONS SCHEME This report summarises the responses to the consultation on the draft review of the housing allocations policy and recommends preparation for the implementation of the new policy to start in July 2011 with a launch date of January 2012. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 13 BETTER TOGETHER - SHARED SERVICES UPDATE This report updates Cabinet on progress with the Better Together Programme. 14 ARUN WELLBEING AND HEALTH PARTNERSHIP - 8TH FEBRUARY 2011 To receive and note the Minutes of the meeting of the Arun Wellbeing and Health Partnershp held on 8th February 2011. 15 SAFER ARUN PARTNERSHIP - 28TH FEBRUARY 2011 To receive and note the Minutes of the meeting of the Safer Arun Partnership held on 28th February 2011. 16 EXEMPT INFORMATION That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and accredited representatives of newspapers be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act by virtue of the paragraph specified against the items. 17 PARTNERSHIP ARRANGEMENT WITH HYDE HOUSING ASSOCIATION TO DELIVER PRIVATE SECTOR LEASING (EXEMPT - PARAGRAPH 3 - INFORMATION RELATING TO BUSINESS AFFAIRS) This report provides details of a proposal to provide private sector leased properties to assist in the prevention of homelessness through a partnership arrangement with Hyde Housing Association. It seeks authority to enter into an agreement with Hyde to develop the scheme in Arun. Establishing the scheme will require contingency budget provision of £5000 to be made as a from the Homeless Prevention Fund to underwrite rent losses on the basis contained within this report. Page 3 of 124 Arun District Council CABINET-31/05/2011 18 AWARD OF CONTACT FOR REACTIVE REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE OF COUNCIL HOUSING PROPERTIES AND CORPORATE BUILDINGS (EXEMPT - PARAGRAPH 3 - INFORMATION RELATING TO BUSINESS AFFAIRS) To consider the attached report. 19 REVIEW OF THE COMMUNITY ALRAM SERVICE (ARUN LIFELINE) (EXEMPT - PARAGRAPH 3 - INFORMATION RELATING TO BUSINESS AFFAIRS) To consider the attached report. 20 EXTENSION OF CORPORATE CLEANING CONTRACT To consider the attached report. 21 LEISURE CONTRACT - REQUEST TO EXTEND (RENEW) EXISTING LEASE (EXEMPT - PARAGRAPH 3 - INFORMATION RELATING TO BUSINESS AFFAIRS) To consider the attached report. That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and accredited representatives of newspapers be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act by virtue of the paragraph specified against the item. Note : *Indicates report is attached for all Members of the Council only and the press (excluding exempt items). Copies of reports can be obtained on request from the Committee Manager). Note : Members are reminded that if they have any detailed questions would they please inform the Chairman and/or relevant Director in advance of the meeting. Cabinet Cabinet 31st May 2011 Page 4 of 124 Arun District Council CABINET-31/05/2011 ITEM 6 AGENDA ITEM NO. ARUN DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORT TO AND DECISION OF CABINET ON 31st May 2011 PART A : REPORT SUBJECT: Think Family: Early Intervention and Support REPORT AUTHOR: Ian Sumnall, Chief Executive DATE: May 2011 EXTN: 37609 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report explains proposals to develop a programme of early intervention and family support across West Sussex, including the development of Family Intervention Projects in the Arun, Worthing, Adur and Crawley areas of the County. There is £2M available over three years to develop Family Nursing Partnerships, Family Intervention Projects and a Shared Framework of Services. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that Cabinet welcomes the development of the Think Family programme in West Sussex and agrees to our participation because of the benefits to vulnerable residents of the Arun District. 1. BACKGROUND: Think Family: Early Intervention and Support is a programme of preventative support, focused and targeted intervention to families most at risk, and a system wide shared framework of services. It is a three-year programme with around £2M available to develop Family Intervention Projects, Family Nursing Partnerships and a Shared Framework of Services. Family Intervention Projects (FIP) The Family Intervention Project (FIP) will provide intensive parenting and family support for families with multiple problems, for example potential family breakup, long term parental illness, financial crisis, housing problems, child protection concerns or antisocial behaviour. The intention is to target 144 families in the Adur, Worthing, Arun and Crawley areas of the County, and within Arun the programme should target at least 50 families over a three year period. The targeted families will be chosen through local knowledge and will have agreed to cooperate with this programme. They will be allocated a key worker (one of three employed within Arun) who will act as an intermediary with the various agencies and give one to one intensive support to the family. District councils will be invited to top-up to provide additional resources and/or workers if required, and will be expected to realign their delivery to support discretionary housing Page 5 of 124 Arun District Council CABINET-31/05/2011 ITEM 6 payments, benefits, leisure etc.
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