www.ukrweekly.com U,S. CONGRESS OBSERYES1NDEPENDENCE ANN1YERSARY Compton Says Material BAPTISTS IN SOVIET REVEAL RED PERSECUTION On Ukraine to be Checked PARENTS OF PR1SONERS MEET LN ЮЕУ CHICAGO, ПІ. - An ex^ totted views on Ukraine made ELMHURST, ЦІ—A clan– cil of prisoners' parents has ; of our kin are suffering be– cutive officer of F.E. Comp– public in his reply to Dr. destinely held congress of apprised you of these atro– 1 hind the walle of prisons. All ton, the Chicago based puo– Podluk-Klufas of December Evangelical Baptists in Kiev, cities in 38 separate commu– this at a time when you are lisher of an encyclopedia, 29th. in documents made public nications to which you never proclaiming to the world that said that the book's material Copies of Mr. Balzano'e let– here by the Ukrainian Evan– replied. This confirms once there is freedom of religiffi, on Russia and Ukraine will ter, representing a policy gelical Baptist Convention, again the deliberate course freedom of assembly, etc., MI statement, are now being en– be checked out in the light made startling revelations jf of your policy towards the th^,лe TUSSR. ' of comments and supplement closed in Mr– Miller's replies political and religious peree– faithful in our country." to individual persons. Below, tary material sent by cora– cution in the Soviet Union The letter cited names if Six Demands we are reprinting Mr. Balza– ю plaining readers. and accused the Moscow re– persons constantly persecu' ям no's letter to Dr. Podiuk Klu T gime of "inhuman and cruel ed for the profession of faith.' The document makes шх Frank Balzano, the соті fas: treatment" of all Christians and said that "some cannot specific demands. inciudifQ: pany's executive director, in. the USSR; v 'C: even live at home." freedom of worship, freedom made the statement in a let– І have your January 19th j "As we are convening from ne raecu tlon because., оГ t-r (Feb. ЗУ to Dr. Halyna І letter concerning editorial і Pttblle Appeals here." said the letter, "168 (Continued on p. 2) . Podiuk-kliifaB of Syracuse. contents in COMPTON'S EN– NY., who had written earlier CYCLOPEDXA on Russia and! Tlie cong^ ^^t i6. to the company pointing out Ukraine. gether parents Of Baptise Mary Wmvrykow Xamed some of the distortions anl it^always has been the poli– j faeW ш sivlitv jwtadMe and !mis-statements on Ukraine су of F E Compton Company. concentration camps. The Family Court Judqe contained in the encyclopedia; to pubhsh the very best en– two.day conotev^ meeting in W1NN1PEG. Man - At– Winnipeg Housing Authority The firm's assistant sales a'd– cyclopedia written m an in– ц^^ ^^ December torney-General Al Macklin–? which manages the low-rental mmistrs:tor, Jerry Miller, had teresting style accurate and 12.13t Ш0, According to the has announced the appolnt– Burrows Keewatln develdjlt replied to Dr. Podiuk-Klu– up-to-date at all tunes This is тесШче Board of the U!c– ment of Mrs. Mary A. Waw– ment. fas^ correspondence in a ta^– why we are happy to have 1 „щ^ Е^^Ц^І ^^^ H'kow, Q.C.. to the Winnipeg Judge Wawrykow is also a ter which was published both your letter and the material convention heie?made public Family Court, according LO j representative of the Ukrain– Bbihop Mark J Hundiak, of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (third left), opened in Svoboda (Jan. 26) and The contained therein. 13 documents including let– the Progress Ukrainian week– j ian Catholic Women's league the January 29 session of t lie U.S. House of Representatives with a special prayer in con– Ukrainian Weekly (Jan. 30) Please be assured that our iy. of Canada serving on tho junction with the nation-wide observance of the Ukrainian independence Anniversary. ters of appeaj to "All Chria– along with editorial coM– editorial board will take this tians of the World." to "Sec– dominion executive of the Scores of U.S. Congressmen and Senators took the floor to make special statements on the meote. material and your comments First Елег retary-GeneraJ U Thant." to Ukrainian Canadian Women's occasion. Photo above shows Bishop Mark being greeted in the House, Left to right are: into consideration. We are al– Scores of readers from ic– the president of' the World Council and was a member Ьі Representative Edward J. Derwinski of Ulinois; Prof. Lev E. Dobriansky, UCCA Presl– ready in contact with our ad– Judge Wawrykow, who was ross the U.S. and Canada Baptist Alliance, and to the a planning committee whrch dent; B'whop Nark; Speaker of the House Carl Albert; Majority Leader Hale Boggs of wrote letters to the company vls?rs on this subject. a part-time magistrate and assisted in the establishment Louisiana; Representative Edward Patten of New Jersey; Representative Louise Hicks of government of the USSR, it voicing objections to both, the Was the second such congress part-time Winnipeg Family of a senior citizens' day cen– , - Massachusetts. content of the encyclopedia Yours sincerely, Court judge immediately ter in North Winnipeg. ^„^„^ ^ 1 — of the' prisoners' parents, the and Mr. Miller's equally dis– Frank Balzano first one having been held in nrior to her appointment, h 1969. ; " the first woman of Ukrainian U of M Graduate ;' Chicago Howlers Set UCCA Pleads origin to practice law in Ca– The documents state there nada and Це third woman 'P–. Plans For National Tourney Case of Moroz Report Deleetion of are 524 persons, including 44 She was born in Wakaw. ever to be appointed a Q.C. Saskatchewan, graduated ія CAGO, ill. — A bu.s- record turjiout of in Memo to UN women, who are still incar– entries. Soviet Siudeiii in England in Manitoba. law from the University nt юа,та bowlers will leave the LONDON, England. - lfct Miss Wowchok's request for cerated in Soviet prisons "for m More than S1000 in cash A member of the board oj Manitoba in 1934. was ad; Windy City, Thursday even– NEW YORK. N.Y. - The ria Wowchok, a 22-yettr-old political asylum. ho other reason but their be- t prizes will go the winners and directors of the Age and Op– mitted as a solicitor in 19ІЗ ihg,'WEay 6, for the Ukrainian Ukrainian Congress Commlt– student from Leningrad, who Both of the girl's parent? lief in God." Eight persons the runners-.up– oortunity Bureau of Greater and called ав a barrister uj National Association's Sixth tee of America, in a memor– was a translator of a visiting are said to be teachers in Were tortured jo cleaUi either Winnipeg, and the Profession– 1958. She was appointed a annual Bowling Tournament Committee andum tb Secretary-General student group here, is said to Leningrad. She knows several in prisons or during interro– 5 al and Business Women's Q.C. in 1984. slated for Soyuzivka May have defected in Manchester, languages and for this rea– gatmns by the KGB. U Than? of the Upitcd Na– Club of Winnipeg, she has She is the wido^ 6f Dani.l 8th.... Tournament chairpian this England, and asked for pffjp son she was selected as -i Thage увте^вйу.дауеиі.. tioua,– .^protected, toe ' arrest also served as a member of G.– Wa4vrykowr?^t4ibe nio– Ptfe"WBeWral contingents year is William B. rTuasar tical asylum. translator for 'the Soriet ment" lnstrftHtWT"Wie Wmduct– the Manitoba Centennial Cor– ther of three University of Of ХЛРЇЛ- bowlers set to take from Rochester, N.Y., accord– and imprisonment of Soviet The news was published in touring group. ed attacks on the Baptist poration and of the City of Manitoba students. part in the national event, ing to an announcement made Ukrainian historian vaientyn the "Ukrainian voice,',! a Uk– Miss Wowchok is reported praver meetings since 1961. the Chicago group, which earlier this year by the JJNA Moroz as ЦуеІІ as other Uk– rainlan weekly published in to have told the police that said the letter to the Moscow Winnipeg, Canada. regime, which resulted in hosted" last year's tourney, sports committee chafrman rainian ljitellectuals being she spent several evenings, at Harvard Summer School Offers Andre Jula, Supreme Advisor She is said to have report– beatings, arrests and lengthy is planning to arrive at So– persecuted by the Russo– the homes of English unlver– уЧгаМса Friday night and from Ambrfdge, Pa; Other ed to the Manchester city po– interrpgafckine^ as well as History, Lanquage Literature sity professors and intellec– rest up for Saturday's dou– members of the sports com– Communist regime. lice "with tears in her eyes," burnings of, Bibles. Prayer- CAMBR1DGE, Mass.– Four і f rom Portland Stat,e Un і vat- tuals, "engaging in long con– books and other ,ttellgious ar– courses in Ukrainian history.! sity; Beginning Ukrainian Dies 4nd singles events, ao– mittee are: Mrs. Mary Dush– The memorandum,' signed saying she would prefer to cordihg to Mrs. Helen B. nyck. Supreme vice-Prest– stay anywhere in England versations." tides; language and literature will and intermidiate Ukrainian, dent, Supreme Advisors Eu– by Dr. Lev E Dobriansky, rather than return to the So– be offered by Harvard Uni-lboth to be taught by RrOf. Olek, former UNA supreme Miss Wowchok's current gene Repeta. Dmytro Popa– UCCA President, was sent to vlet Union. versity within the program of і Maria Cn-charenkofromEiasv advisor and herself a bowling whereabouts are not known, Deliberate Pol ley enthusiast. dynec. Walter Zaparaniuk. the Secretary-General on The police contacted the Ukrainian Studies during the ern Ulinois University';'a,nd according to the newspaper and honorary member of January 27th.
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