ISSN 0272-7250 ALBANIAN CATHOLIC BULLETIN PUBLISHED PERIODICALLY BY THE ALBANIAN CATHOLIC INFORMATION CENTER Vol. IV, No. 1&2 P.O. BOX 1217, SANTA CLARA, CA 95053, U.S.A. 1983 Albania is nestled on the eastern shores of the Adriatic and Ionian seas between Yugoslavia and Greece. Her size is about 11,100 square miles. The climate and land are like that of central California. The esti­ mated number of Albanians is nearly six million, but only half live within the physical boundaries. They call themselves Shqiptare, "sons of the eagle," and their land Shqiperi, BULETINI "eagle's country." In terms of religious dis­ tribution, Albania is 68% Muslim, 19% Al­ banian Orthodox and 13% Roman Catholic. However the present government strictly KATHOLIK prohibits its citizens from exercising their religion in public or private. SHQIPTAR ' ALBANIAN CATHOLIC Albanian Catholic Information Center Board: BULLETIN Leo Gabriel Neal, Ofm. Conv. Pjeter Pal Vani Jak Gardin, S.J. Volume IV No. 1 & 2 1983 Zef V. Nekaj Barbara Kay Palok Plaku Ndoc Kelmendi, S.J. Gjon Sinishta We trust that you will like the new layout of our Bulletin. The typesetting was Julio Fernandez done by Mollerus Business Services of San Francisco. We are greatly indebted to Raymond Frost Sharon and Michael for their Christian attitude in assisting us. Among the news and information items about Albania, Albanians, and human Editor: rights issues in general that appear in these pages, this edition emphasizes two Gjon Sinishta main concerns: lack of religious (and other) freedom in Albania, and the tragic Contributing Editors: plight of Albanians in Yugoslavia. As always we would like to have your Barbara Kay comments. We invite you, as well, to voice your own personal concern on these Zef V. Nekaj issues in writing to the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, the Raymond Frost Yugoslav Government in Belgrade, and the Albanian Government in Tirana, protesting the grave violation of human rights towards Albanian citizens. Art: Barbara Kay Michael Mollerus For those of you who are not acquainted with our Front Cover, the combination of the red cross with the black eagle symbolizes the crucifixion in the past and Typesetting: particularly today, of the Albanian nation irrespective of our religious affiliation. Mollerus Business Services The inscribed words, "PER FE, ATDHE, PERPARIM" (For Faith, Fatherland, P.O. Box 22421, S.F., CA 94122 Progress), had been for centuries, the motto of Albanian Catholics. As our Printing: forefathers were inspired to resist particular evils of the time, so do we feel today H & F Composing Service — Printing propelled to follow their ideals. 1440 Franklin Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 The most critical national issue for Albanians today is Kosova. For this reason we are devoting much of this issue (as we have done in the past) to this national and News articles and photos of general interest, indeed international concern. For those who are not familiar with the geographical 100-1200 words in length, on religious, cultural, location of Kosova, our back cover carries a map of ethnic Albania prepared by the historical and political topics about Albania and organization, Union of Kosovars, Chicago, Illinois. We have added 1 9 8 1 in red its people, may be submitted for consideration. No payments are made for the published mate­ to symbolize visually the fateful event in the struggle of Albanians in Yugoslavia rial. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope for for their God-given rights. return. Letters and inquiries should be directed to: ALBANIAN CATHOLIC INFORMATION CENTER P.O. BOX 1217 SANTA CLARA, CA 95053 (U.S.A.) BULETINI KATHOLIK SHQIPTAR Vjeti IV Nr. 1-2 1983 TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorials 2 Letters From Our Readers 2 Albanian News And Events 4 International Support For The Plight Of Believers In Albania 13 Thirty-fifth Anniversary of Their Martyrdom 16 The Revolutionary Movement Against Religion In The Sixties 20 Stalinist Legacy of Enver Hoxha 35 He Wanted To Pray And Believe, By Angel Loti 37 From The Albanian Press 39 Dream Traps And Other Tricks In The System Of Education In Albania 42 Passive Reaction To Atheism May Bring People To Religion 44 Amnesty International/Annual Report 1982 — Albania 46 Who Is Enver Hoxha Afraid Of 47 Albanians Who Honor Their Origins 48 Some Reflections On Contemporary Albania, By Dr. Rexhep Krasniqi 49 In Stalin's Refuge, By Sandro Ottolenghi 51 Memorandum To U.N. General Secretary On Persecutions In Kosova 54 A Chilling Document Of Torture Of Albanians In Yugoslav Prisons 59 International Conference On Kosovë Held In New York 62 Kosova Issue Presented In U.S. Senate 66 Kosova Events In The World Press And Academic Forums 68 Albanians In Kosova Are Waiting: Yugoslavia Misses Its Chance, By Viktor Meier 74 Albanian-Yugoslav Relations And The Question Of Kosovë, By Elez Biberaj 76 Lutja E Ashikut — An Albanian Prayer 87 Mother Teresa To Albanians 88 Albanians Throughout The World Celebrate Seventieth Anniversary of Their Independence 91 Ukranian Speaks Out For Albanians Solidarity 92 The Truth About The Greek Minority In Albania 94 Alexander Moissi: Great Albanian Actor Of World Theatre 95 Two Symposia On Religious Freedom Held 96 "A Voice Crying In The Wilderness" 97 Armando Valladares' Ordeal 98 Book Reviews 101 In Memoriam 103 IN MEMORIAM Terrence Cardinal Cooke (1921-1983) Members of our Center grieve over the pas­ his dedication sermon he said: ".. .It is a great sing of Cardinal Terrence J. Cooke, who died on joy for me to return and be with you on this Thursday, October 6, 1983. With Christian res­ Sunday and I recall too well the musical Mass ignation and stoicism, he endured terminal that we had out in the parking lot some years ago. leukemia. The Cardinal's last days were spent in "At that time Msgr. Oroshi told me about the prayer and work at his official residence. dream that you all had, and I began to dream with Born in New York in 1921, Cooke pursued his you, but I wasn't quite sure whether the dream secondary education in the Bronx. In 1940 he would become a reality. But now, I see that the entered St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, N. Y. dream has come true and I wish to congratulate Cardinal Spellman ordained him to the priest­ each and every one of you and all the others who hood December 1, 1945. Father Cooke studied were part of this effort to build this beautiful at the University of Chicago and Catholic Uni­ church." versity of America, where he received a Mas­ Cardinal Cooke was also a loving father to ter's degree in social work. For several years he Albanians of Muslim and Orthodox faith. At the served as an instructor at the Fordham University 1969 celebration of the Pan-Albanian Federation School of Social Sciences. of America, VATRA, honoring the fifth cente­ In 1957 Father Cooke was appointed personal nary of the death of Skanderberg (Albania's secretary to Cardinal Spellman and eight years national hero), Cardinal Cooke presided at an later he was consecrated an auxilliary bishop. In the needs of minorities and new immigrants, ecumenical prayer service in St. Patrick's 1968 he succeeded his mentor Francis Cardinal among whom were Albanian Catholics. With Cathedral — first of this kind ever held there. On Spellman as the seventh archbishop of New fatherly love and care he encouraged and helped this occasion he extended an invitation to Alba­ York. A year later Pope Paul VI elevated him to them to organize and build their own parish and nians to come always and worship in St. Pat­ the cardinalate at the age of 48, thus making him church. rick's. the youngest cardinal in the world. In 1975, the Cardinal visited the Albanian Cardinal Cooke encouraged and supported the Cardinal Cooke served the Church and the Catholic Community in Bronx, N.Y. and work of our Center for the persecuted Church Faithful well. He became a leader in the celebrated an open door Mass at the construction and believers in Albania. We will miss his Church's moral and legislative efforts against site for their new church building. On January fatherly concern and shepherding. Albanian abortion. 14, 1979, Cardinal Cooke returned to the same people have lost in him a good and sincere Although immersed in many responsibilities spot and dedicated the new church, named Our friend. He will remain always in our thoughts and projects, the Cardinal found time to address Lady of Good Counsel, patroness of Albania. In and prayers. DR. PIERIN SHKRELI dant of a prominent Shkodra family, Mr. Pistulli view of a small group, because they probably (1919-1983) studied at Jesuit schools in that city, pursuing his also "know not what they do." professional studies in Italy where he remained I want to ask you to remember my brothers, We sadly learned of the untimely death of for the rest of his life. my fellow prisoners in your prayers, especially another friend and supporter, Dr. Pierin Shkreli, Mr. Pistulli carved his name in Milan's busi­ the Protestant pastor, Humberto Noble Alexan­ in Cleveland, Ohio. As Mr. Pistulli, Dr. Shkreli ness circles as a dependable and trustworthy der. They suffer because of their ideas and never returned to his dear homeland after figure. Respected for his generosity and hospi­ beliefs, and the only way to help them is to graduating from Law School in Rome. He im­ tality, especially to his Albanian countrymen, he announce to the world that they exist and are migrated to the United States, settling in Cleve­ leaves a large void in the hearts of his family, being humiliated, punished and tortured.
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