U.S. Department of Energy Journal of Undergraduate Research 1 http://www.scied.science.doe.gov JOURNAL EDITORS CO-EDITOR AND PROGRAM MANAGER SHANNON DUNPHY LAZO CO-EDITOR AND ALBERT EINSTEIN FELLOW LORNA T. V ÁZQUEZ PRODUCTION EDITOR DEBBIE MAYER CONSULTING EDITOR JEFFERY DILKS TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD DIEDRE ADAMS BRENDA HAENDLER, PH.D. EINSTEIN FELLOW AAAS S&T POLICY FELLOW NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON AMORET L. BUNN MARK S. HANNUM, NBCT, EINSTEIN FELLOW PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION DIVISION OF GRADUATE EDUCATION JAMES CHERRY EASTERN CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY JEFFREY A. HOLMES OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY ALICE CIALELLA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT KERA JOHNSON BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY EINSTEIN FELLOW NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RAM DEVANATHAN PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY KIRK E. LAGORY, PH.D. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE DIVISION JEFFERY DILKS ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DON LINCOLN SHANNON DUNPHY LAZO FERMI NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY PROGRAM MANAGER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DEBBIE MAYER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PAUL F. FISCHER ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY JULIE MITCHELL UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN BRADLEY G. FRITZ PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY ANTHONETTE W. PEÑA, NBCT EINSTEIN FELLOW DOUGLAS FULLER NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY KITCHKA PETROVA, PH.D., NBCT DAVID B. GEOHEGAN EINSTEIN FELLOW OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION KOHL S. GILL TORKA S. POET AAAS S&T POLICY FELLOW PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE 2 U.S. Department of Energy Journal of Undergraduate Research http://www.scied.science.doe.gov TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD TED M. POSTON KAREN SUE STINER ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT DIRECTORATE EINSTEIN FELLOW PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY U.S. HOUSE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDWARD POTOSNAK, III EINSTEIN FELLOW S. K. SUNDARAM, PH. D. OFFICE OF CONGRESSMAN MICHAEL M. HONDA CHIEF MATERIALS SCIENTIST PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY ERIC E. RICHMAN PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY BRUCE A. TOMKINS, PH.D. OBMG, CHEMICAL SCIENCES DIVISION EZEQUIEL RIVERA OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS-LOWELL LORNA T. V ÁZQUEZ, NBCT JOSEMARI SANSIÑENA EINSTEIN FELLOW LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY STEPHEN SCANNELL STEPHEN J. WALSH EINSTEIN FELLOW PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION SARAH YUE MUBINA SCHROEDER-KHAN EINSTEIN FELLOW EINSTEIN FELLOW NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY JOSÉ L. ZAMBRANA, JR. VAITHIYALINGAM SHUTTHANANDAN AAAS S&T POLICY FELLOW PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY MICHAEL SIVERTZ ANDREW P. ZWICKER BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY PRINCETON PLASMA PHYSICS LABORATORY DISCLAIMER The views and opinions of authors expressed in this Journal do not necessarily state or refl ect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Reference herein to any specifi c commercial product, process, or service by its trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government and, while it is believed to contain correct information, neither the United States Government nor any of its agencies or employees makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. U.S. Department of Energy Journal of Undergraduate Research 3 http://www.scied.science.doe.gov A TIPPING POINT FOR SCIENCE Undergraduates engaged in research at the National Laboratories often feel that their eff orts to advance scientifi c knowledge are insignifi cant, or, at best, incremental contributions. Nothing could be further from the truth. Society (and perhaps even the planet) is at a crisis point and needs new perspectives and passions to create critically needed change. In Th e Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell contends that even seemingly small things can make a big diff erence. It is Gladwell’s thesis that technological ideas and societal behaviors, including themes and even products, behave like outbreaks of infectious disease; they are in fact “social epidemics.” Th e tipping points that he refers to are the levels at which the momentum for change becomes unstoppable. Such a tipping point may be triggered by increased societal or technological changes, even seemingly insignifi cant changes such as those initiated by undergraduate interns. One example of such an innovation is the Lithium (Li) battery. Small portable electronic devices like iPods and digital cameras, ubiquitous in today’s world, would not have been possible without the advent of Li batteries. In this case, the Li battery triggered a tipping point, after a great deal of what must have seemed like insignifi cant, incremental research. Currently, we may be at a nexus of tipping points, which creates an extraordinary opportunity for coupled societal and technological change that is unprecedented in modern times. Th e recent economic downturn, political unrest around the world, worries about global warming and an increasing belief that “business as usual” may not work has created a set of concurrent tipping points that could lead to the early adoption of new technologies and to sweeping changes in how we live. Although many of these ideas supporting sustainability have been advocated for by a small percentage of the population for a long time, and some have even been generally acknowledged as good ideas, they have never reached the critical mass that leads to widespread adoption. Historically, the ability of technology to drive societal change has been limited, and often ideas that seem to make “common sense” meet barriers that prevent their adoption. A unique opportunity exists today when those barriers have been lowered and profound change can occur. In fact, the current generation of students in our educational system will be the ultimate engine of this change and the ones that will actually implement it. Th e Materials Research Society (MRS) recently published a special expanded bulletin, “Harnessing Materials for Energy,” Volume 33, No. 4, on the materials challenges associated with addressing the global problems of the environment and with providing energy for society in a sustainable way. Th e articles in this publication indicate that rapid technological progress in the areas of energy generation, distribution and storage may change how we live today and lead to a sustainable way of life for future generations. Achieving this at the scale needed to make a real diff erence will require societal action at a level never before seen. New scientifi c Cover Image, “Harnessing Materials innovation must be adopted, creating new and improved technologies that are more for Energy.” MRS Bulletin Vol. 33, No. 4 (2008). Reproduced by effi cient, greener, cost competitive and socially responsible. Th is is true for both permission of the MRS Bulletin. 4 U.S. Department of Energy Journal of Undergraduate Research http://www.scied.science.doe.gov established energy technologies, such as fossil fuels, as well as renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. Th e pie chart shows the contribution of renewable technologies to the United States’ electricity generation capacity. Only 9.9% of this country’s electricity was generated from renewable sources. Th e bulk of that, 7.1% of total electrical production, was generated by established hydroelectric power. Clearly there is room for increasing energy production from renewable sources. If we take global warming into consideration, however, it is an immense challenge Source: EIA Annual Energy Review 2007, AEO 2008 to adopt renewable energy quickly enough to make a diff erence. For renewable energies to become a signifi cant part of our energy mix, considerable scientifi c and technological breakthroughs across a broad range of technologies (including energy generation, storage, transmission, and use) must be made and implemented. Th e entire spectrum of energy alternatives includes more effi cient vehicles, lighting, electronics, and agricultural practices, as well as improved heating and cooling systems. Much the same set of arguments can be used to defend the idea that not only energy and the environment, but also our health care system, has reached a tipping point. Just as our energy system requires transformation, our current health care system is also unsustainable. Fortunately, as in the case of energy production, new science and technologies for improving health care are emerging. From eff orts ranging from the mapping of the human genome, to stem cell research, to gene therapy that will redefi ne the nature and expectations of health care worldwide, researchers are making steps, big and small, which will ultimately transform the life sciences. Th e concurrence of several tipping points may permit changes in energy and health care to spread worldwide in an unprecedented way and allow an accelerated introduction of new technologies. Investments in the development of new science and technology can spur progress
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