The Journal of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association FlightJANUARY 2019 Best Photos Of 2018 MEMBERS CHOOSE THE WINNERS 5400 NM TREK IN A SEABEE ONTARIO PILOT EXPLORES THE NORTH ADS-B IN Canada P OSSIBLE REPLACEMENT FOR ELTS? WINTER FLYING COLD STARTS A HOT TopIC More than 60 Classified Ads (P.38) PM#42583014 freedom to EXPLORE Since 1960, Wipaire® has been bringing the freedom of water flying to pilots of aircraft large and small. Wipline® floats deliver the innovation, quality, and reliability you and your aircraft deserve. Where will Wipline floats take you? South St. Paul, MN (KSGS) +1 (651) 451-1205 Leesburg, FL (KLEE) +1 (352) 323-4809 wipaire.com contEnts DEPARTMENTS 4 PRESIDENT’s CORNER LooKING AHEAD To 2019 6 MAILBOX 26 POOR ELT PERfoRMANCE 8 NEWSLINE FEATURES ADS-B FOR CANADA 16 ON THE HORIZON 26 EXPLORING THE NORTH MARK YOUR CALENDARS AMPHIBIOUS AIRCRAFT ALLowS FoR ENDLESS LANDING SITES 20 REGIONS STORY BY LAUREN NAGEL LoCAL NEWS AND MEMBER There are many ways to see and enjoy our vast country. However, not many ACTIVITIES of us venture north of the Arctic Circle. Those of us who do, and do so for 34 AVIATION CAREERS recreational purposes, typically travel by car, either tenting or hauling an NEW PILOT FATIGUE RULES RV along. But that only allows views of the scenery that is visible from the roadside. An aircraft, on the other hand, allows a fortunate few to see as much as we want, and up close. 30 PHoto CONTEST WINNERS ON THE coVER: THIS Year’s Winners ANNOUNCED Capturing the Northern Lights challenges many photographers, and Rick Phillips This year’s photo contest has again showcased some of Canada’s most rose to the occasion, including a floatplane spectacular settings. The fact that much of the scenery is revealed as we to produce a quintessentially Canadian exercise our freedom to fly in this magnificent country only adds to our scene and earning first runner-up in this enjoyment of the photographs. year’s photo contest. Doug Ronan Flight Southern Ontario (705) 327-4730, [email protected] COPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Clark Morawetz BC & Yukon Southern Ontario EDItoR Dave McElroy, Chairperson (905) 809-4835, [email protected] (778) 215-4114, [email protected] Steve Drinkwater Québec [email protected] Jonathan Beauchesne, Trésorier / Treasurer David Black 604.229.1629 (514) 585-3959, [email protected] (604) 351-6851, [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDItoR Mathieu Delorme Russ Niles Alberta & NWT (514) 248-5379, [email protected] Bram Tilroe (780) 986-2601, [email protected] Atlantic GRAPHIC DESIGNER Bill Mahoney, Eastern Vice-Chair Shannon Swanson Larry Biever (709) 685-6885, [email protected] (403) 651-3048, [email protected] Maritimes DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES Brian Pound Katherine Kjaer Saskatchewan (902) 652-2822, [email protected] 250.592.5331 Shane Armstrong, Western Vice-Chair [email protected] (306) 370-1440, [email protected] ~ Vacant Position ~ Ex-Officio Manitoba CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Bernard Gervais, CEO and President SALES & PRODUCTION cooRDINAtoR Jim Bell, Secretary (204) 293-5402, [email protected] Roberta Drinkwater Canadian Owners and Pilots Association 1.800.656.7598 Ontario 75 Albert Street, Suite 903, [email protected] Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7 Lloyd Richards 613-236-4901 | www.copanational.org Northern Ontario Find us on Facebook CIRCULATION 613-236-4901 (705) 267-7111, [email protected] AccoUNTING Anthea Williams Kevin Elwood COPA Members $15 per year Non-Members $30 per year Southern Ontario Single Copy Price $4.95 ASSISTANT ADMIN Rajei Gill (705) 444-9461, [email protected] (includes mailing in Canada) copA FLIGHT | JANUARY 2019 3 FROM THE TOP PRESIDENT’s CORNER WITH BERNARD GERVAIS WE DESIGN AND& BUILD HANGARS LooKING Individual • Corporate • FBO’s • T-Hangars AHEAD TO 2019 SEVERAL NEW INITIATIVES ARE ON THE WAY Here’s wHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU: Architectural & Engineered Drawings Municipal Applications & Permits Airport Applications & Approvals What’s in store for us this year? As we will be holding a more grassroots Transport Canada & NavCan Applications you may have noticed, COPA has type of convention in Cornwall, Ont. Complete Construction been moving forward with many Above all, there are other initiatives new and exciting initiatives aimed at on the way to bolster COPA’s Flight Questions? Phone 519.857.7639 focusing our organization on deliver- Safety Foundation (FSF) and enable or visit www.secandco.com ing better services and value to our it to provide better programming and If you already have a design or membership. As an example, we are services to further safety in GA. In drawings, send it along for a free estimate. continuing to meet with our COPA the works are several big fundraising BAS Inc. FE 2011 Email (CAD or PDF) to [email protected] BASBAS Inc. Inc. FE FE 2011 2011 or fax 519.679.2200 Flights for information gathering and initiatives, never before seen in COPA’s BAS Inc. FE 2011 sharing while pursuing our much- history. Being under the umbrella of BASBAS Inc.Inc. FEFE 20112011 needed advocacy work. the Flight Safety Foundation, COPA’s U S C O M B E • • L C E S S Soon we also will initiate Transport F T N charitable arm, all donations over $25 A A R • C H P I C P Canada (TC)-approved safety semi- are eligible for charitable tax receipts. E E E N2849A R B nars through our COPA Flights, with Keep an eye out over the next few A I R C S R E TC-approved individuals coming from A I months to see what’s in store. R F INC O T BAS S S S AF CE ETY AC within our membership. This is great Speaking of media, a few words on HARNESSES AND collaborative work that sees the light the web, your newsletter and your BEECHCRAFT • LUSCOMBE • CESSNA • PIPER because of the General Aviation Safety [email protected] magazine. First, we will be continuing Campaign we are conducting with TC. to improve our website in the early [email protected] N2849A This means that the safety seminars part of 2019. Last year we transitioned N2849A [email protected]@[email protected]@basinc-aeromod.com will have the possibility of being given to a much more modern, user-friendly by our 207 COPA Flights and not just platform and we will be making some BAS INC AIRCRAFT SAFETY HARNESSES AND ACCESSORIES from an inspector at a regional TC office. more substantial changes to enhance These seminars will also obviously count its look, feel and functionality. toward the 24-month recurrent training Second, I am extremely proud of our program requirement. This is something I weekly newsletter. It is prepared and am personally very excited to introduce. mostly written by COPA Flight’s pub- In addition to our Montebello Winter lisher with input from our staff, and has Fly-in on ice later this month (Jan. 25- a readership like none other, averaging 27), we will meet in Innisfail, Alta. for our between 45-65 percent. big convention, trade show and AGM. In Third, a reminder that the COPA July we will once more be at the EAA’s Flight magazine is yours; yours to read, AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wis. We will be but mostly yours to submit articles that present in the Federal Pavilion with TC you want to share with all other COPA and Nav Canada, and will of course hold members. what’s becoming our traditional Great Happy New Year, everyone! Canadian Cookout in a more relaxed Send your comments to bgervais@ setting this year. Later in the summer copanational.org. www.basinc-aeromod.com 4 copA FLIGHT | JANUARY 2019 LE mot DU PRÉSIDENT BERNARD GERVAIS LE CHANTIER DE 2019 PLUSIEURS NOUVELLES INITIATIVES SONT EN coURS Que nous réserve cette nouvelle année détendu pour cette année. ? COPA est loin d’avoir stagné au cours Plus tard au cours de l’été, nous des dernières années et encore une organiserons un deuxième congrès à fois, de nombreuses initiatives sont en Cornwall (Ontario) d’une moins grande préparation. Pour n’en nommer que envergure que le premier à Innisfail. quelques-unes, nous poursuivrons les Mais surtout, d’autres initiatives sont consultations avec les Clubs COPA en cours pour renflouer les coffres de afin de recueillir et de partager des la Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) de informations tout en poursuivant notre COPA. Une grande partie du travail important travail de défense d’intérêts. que nous accomplissons est sous la Une avancée importante sur laquelle tutelle de la FSF et devrait être recon- nous travaillons depuis longtemps et nue comme telle. Plusieurs initiatives dont je suis très fier est de commencer importantes de collecte de fonds sont à donner des séminaires de sécurité en cours, inédites dans l’histoire de la approuvés par Transports Canada (TC) COPA. Et étant sous la tutelle de la FSF, par le biais de nos Clubs COPA, avec nous pourrons émettre aux donateurs des personnes approuvées par TC de plus de 25 $ des reçus d’impôts, issues de ces Clubs. C’est un excel- notre fondation étant un organisme de lent travail collaboratif qui voit le jour bienfaisance. Surveillez nos différents grâce à la Campagne de sécurité pour médias au cours des prochains mois l’aviation générale que nous menons pour découvrir ce qui s’en vient. de concert avec TC. Cela signifie que En parlant de média, quelques mots les séminaires sur la sécurité auront sur le site web, notre infolettre et notre la possibilité d’être donnés par nos magazine. Premièrement, nous don- 207 Clubs COPA et pas seulement par nerons au site web une apparence un inspecteur d’un bureau régional légèrement plus moderne au début de TC.
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