ART, SPACE AND THE CITY Pclblic art and arban fcltclres MALCOLM MILES CONTENTS List ofjgures vi Acknowledgements ix Introdaction 1 1 THE CITY 19 2 SPACE, REPRESENTATION AND GENDER 39 3 THE MONUMENT 58 4 THE CONTRADICTIONS OF PUBLIC ART 84 5 ART IN URBAN DEVELOPMENT 104 6 ART AND METROPOLITAN PUBLIC TRANSPORT 132 7 ART IN HEALTH SERVICES 150 o ART AS A SOCIAL PROCESS 164 9 CONVIVIAL CITIES 188 Notes 209 Further reading 239 Bibliography 245 Index 259 FIGURES a 1 Jonathon Borofsky, Hammering Man, Seattle 2 Antony Gormley, one of three cast-iron, double-sided figures on the walls of Derry 3 Rachel Whiteread, House, East London (detail) 4 Richard Haas, mural at the Architecture Centre, Boston 5 Tess Jaray, paving and street furniture, Centenary Square, Birmingham 6 Constantin Brancusi, Gate of the Kiss, Tirgu Jiu, Romania 7 Joyce Scott, You Don't Even Know Me, computer animation, Times Square, New 'York 8 Schoolchildren and students from the Kent Institute of Art and Design painting a playground mural 9 Trafalgar Square 10 Villiers Street, London 11 Manhattan seen from Battery Park City 12 The utopia of new Bucharest 13 The Winter Gardens at Battery Park City 14 A notice at Battery Park City 15 A corporate atrium in Manhattan I6 Jim Dine's bronzes referencing Venus 17 The Guerrilla Girls, poster commissioned by Public Art Fund, New York 18 Tourists looking at a bronze Roman Emperor, London 19 US Custom House, New York - Africa 20 US Custom House, New York - America 21 The feet of the colossus of Rameses I1 on which Shelley's poem Ozymandias is based ?2 Charles Sargeant Jagger's Artillery Memorial in Hyde Park, London (detail) FIGURES 23 The face of a policeman covered by his helmet, Cable Street Mural 24 Raymond Mason's Forward in Centenary Square, Birmingham r25 Kevin Atherton, Platfarms Piece, Brixton Station, London 26 Kevin Atherton, Pla~omzsPiece (detail) 27 Maya Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC 28 The East Coast Memorial, Battery Park City E ; 29 Isamu Noguchi, Red Cube, New York i I 30 Richard Serra, Fulcrum, Broadgate, London (detail) 31 Richard Serra, Tilted Arc, New York 32 Antony Gorrnley, Virion, Victoria Square, Birmingham i 33 John Clinch, The Great Blondinis, Swindon 1 34 Battery Park City - a waterside landscape and a viewing platform designed by Mary Miss ' 35 Children at The Red House, Sunderland 36 The Red House, Sunderland ' 37 A relief depicting Edward II by children in Swansea 38 Valerie Jaudon, Long Division; railings designed for the New York Subway 39 Eduardo Paolozzi, mosaics for Tottenham Court Road Underground station 40 Art from the National Gallery in the London Underground 41 Art from the National Gallery in the London Underground (detail) 42 Tom Otterness, figures sawing a column, for 14th Street Station, New York 148 43 A poster against the MI1 on House 149 44 The interior of the new Outpatient Dept at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead, with Sea Piece by Mike Davis and Kate Watkinson 156 45 An uplighter, with Sea Piece, beyond 157 46 Christine Constant, tile mural of Carlisle at the Cumberland Infirmary 158 47 'We Got It' - a candy bar designed by production workers, Sculpture in Action, Chicago 168 48 Wood-carving in The Art Studio, Sunderland 170 49 Detail of exhibition space, with work by artists of The Art Studio, Sunderland, 1996 171 50 Gran Fury, bus shelter installations, New York 175 51 Edgar Heap of Birds, installation in Pioneer Square, Seattle 181 52 Peter Randall-Page, shell form on a footpath in Dorset for Common Ground 183 53 Somewhere between graffiti and art, on a boarded-up doorway in Seattle 195 ' 54 Paley Park, New York 196 viii FIGURES 55 Greenacre Park, New York 56 Zoning regulations ensure trees but not sociation - spaces remain too regulated and sterile 57 Siah Armajani, text in railings at Battery Park City 58 Gordon Young, Fish Pavement, Hull 59 Gordon Young, Fish Pavement, Hull 60 House, shortly before demolition INDEX Note: page numbers in italics refer to illustrations where these are separated from their textual reference. abjection 50, 132, 161, 164, 173, 189, Atherton, Kevin 8, 79, 77, 145, 219-20 223 (n6) (n22) Adorno, Theodore 80 Australia, indigenous culture 181 advertising 12, 54, 222 (n3) Avalos, David 176 advocacy 3, 95-7, 1044, 108-12, 191 AIDS, art 16, 168-9, 172-6, 205 Baghdad, Victory Arch 7 1, 73 al-Khalil, Samir 67, 71 Balch, Clifton 25 Albert Memorial 76 Baratloo, Mojideh 25 Alberti, Leon Battista 23, 33, 47 Barcelona 205 Alexander, Christopher 191 Barthes, Roland 39, 42-3 alienation 27, 62 Bartholdi, Frkderic-Auguste 71, 73 allegory 69-7 3 Battery Park City 119-24; conflict 225 Allen, Jerry 97 (1130); critics 94, 1224; East Coast Ambrose, Peter 107, 124 Memorial 82, 83; feeding prohibitions Anaximander fragment 30, 213 (n22) 34, 3j; homeless 106; playground use Anderson, N. 25 236 (n9); railings 202; Winter Andors, Rhoda 135 Gardens 26 Andrews, Richard 94 Batty, Dora 142 anti-monuments 8, 80-3 Baudelaire, Charles 17, 25, 34 Apgar, Garry 205 Baudrillard, J. 186 Appleyard, Donald 190, 192 Beardsley, John 75, 82, 97, 122 architecture 43, 87-90, 112, 153 Becker, Carol 101 Arcosanti, Arizona 192 Beleschenko, Alexander 145 Armajani, Siah 202, 203 Benjamin, Andrew 47-8, 48 art: see public art Benjamin, Walter 34, 63 Art for Architecture (DOE) 95-6 Bentley, Ian 205 The Art of Change 178-9 Berman, Marshall 13, 25, 32, 43 Art in a City (Willett) 91-3 Beuys, Joseph 8, 183, 205 art history 53-4, 55 Bigelow, Kathryn 27 Art Studios 169-72 Bird, Jon 43, 67, 68, 106, 124 Art Within Rearh (Townsend) 934 Birmingham, public art 115-17 artists: and architects 153; in commu- Blackthorn Medical Centre, Kent 163 nity 207; complicity/criticism 147-8, Blais, Jean-Charles 148 151; gender 53-4; in residency 127; Bloch, Ernst 190 socialist countries 86, 209 (nl) body, representations 30, 56, 61 Artists Agency 126-7, 169, 172 Bookchin, Murray 194, 201, 237 (nl91 Arts Council 5, 88, 95, 96, 108-9, 111, Border Art Workshop 176 210 (n18) Borenius, Tancred 76 asylum 32 Borofsk~,Jonathan 5, G Athens 30-1, 212 (n19) Boston 184-5, 191 INDEX Botero, Fernand 53, 119 city types: archaic 29-3 1, 2 12 (n 13, Bottle of Notes (Oldenburg and van n19), 213 (1121, n23); ideal 23; Bruggen) 98-9, 104 medieval 28-9, 46; modern 25, boundaries 29, 31 29-30, 189 bourgeois society 62, 145 civil society 29, 67, 68 Bradley, Laura 135, 203 civitas 28, 87 Brancusi, Constantin 8, 12 Clinch, John 119, 120 Brenson, Michael 167 Coles, Peter 153 de Brerteville, Sheila 178 commodification 62, 75, 164 Brighton, Andrew 85, 88-9, 94 communications theory 37 British Rail 77 community 178-9, 201; alternative 192, Broadgate development, London 53, 89, 212 (n10); artists 207; as context 93; 104, 110, 119 general public 99-100; involvement Brozgold, Lee 135, 146 199; local perceptions 214 (n39); Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 147 ownership of art 135; transport Bryson, Norman 42 systems 137; urban planning 191, Bucharest 23, 24 20 1 Buck-Morss, Susan 63 confinement, exclusion 32-4, 2 13 Burgess, E. W. 35-6, 106, 118, 199 (n27) Burnham, Linda F. 169 Constant, Christine 155, 158 Burton, Richard 110 Contini, Anita 94 Burton, Scott 8, 123, 203 Coombes, Annie 63 Byatt, Lucy 160 Cooper, Robert 138 Coppinger, Siobhan 1 15 Cable Street Mural 8, 71, 72, 219 (1114) Cork, Richard 98-9, 153, 203 Calder, Alexander 5 corporate fortress 119, 193 Calvino, Italo 42 corporate greed, and social good 111 capitalism 62, 200 Covent Garden, London 107 Carde, Margaret 183 craftwork 202-5 Cardiff Bay 1 12-14 Creative Time 167-8 Carr, Stephen 196 Cressey, P. G. 25 Cartesian dualism 45, 48, 56, 100-1 Cruikshank 95-6, 97 166-7, 207 cultural industries 108 Castells, Manuel 123, 177, 200 culture: affirmative 62-3; diversity Ceaucescu, Nicolae 23, 24 176-9; domination 85-6; exclusion de Certeau, Michel 19, 22, 27, 36, 41-2 zone 51-4; heritage 74, 75, 88, 106, Cheere, John 60 143; identity 58, 73-4; indigenous Chicago School of Sociology 25, 34-6, 181; popular 14, 25-8, 143, 202 236 (n8) Czech Republic, public space 199 Chin, Me1 176, 182, 185 Cincinnatz Gateway 74-5, 106 Dallas 114 citizenship 201 Darke, Jo 60-1, 77 city: alienation 27; as artefact 31; blood Davidoff, Paul 190-1, 200-1 circulation metaphor 32; boundaries Davidson, Gordon 188, 192, 208 29; concept and form 19, 23; Davis, Mike 17, 25, 1-55, 156, I57 constructionldestruction 43; exclu- death 151, 160-1, 220 (n23), 232 (1144, sionlconfinement 32-4, 213 (1-127); 1145) future/past 28-9; gendered deconstrucrion 165-6 conceptslspaces 43; identity through Delacroix, F. V. E. 70 art 117, images 25-9; legibility 193; Denny, Robyn 138 liveableness 17, 202-3; popular Denver, Catherine 143 culture 25-8; resistance 123; signifiers Derkert, Siri 147 41; social reality 193, 194-9; social Descartes, Rene 45, 48, 56, 100-1, value 25-9; sustainability 192; views 207 20-4; weaving metaphor 30-1, 213 destruction 25, 43 (n24); see also urban development; Deutsche, Rosalyn 29, 90, 94, 97, 100, urban planning 106, 122-4 INDEX DHSS 153 Gablik, Suzi: connectedness 56, 188; difference 57, 63, 176-9 ecological art 182; new genre public Diggs, Peggy 15, 100, 102, 167-8. art 172; The Reenchantment of Art 169, 184, 207 100-1, 102, 164-5, 183, 207-8; on digital imaging 179 Serra 53, 89-90; simulation/reality Dine, Jim 49 186-7 disorder 57, 127, 190, 213 (n29) Gare, Aaren 201-2 Domartic Violence Milk Carton gaze: masculine 44, 50, 54-5; medical 167-8 37-8, 161, 163, 232 (n43); planning domination, cultural 85-6 37-8; su~eillance21, 197; tourist 74 Dormer, Peter 15, 138 gendering: artists 53-4; body heat
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