Abingdon, Virginia, 67, 216 Aetna Iron Works, 184 Albemarle Point

Abingdon, Virginia, 67, 216 Aetna Iron Works, 184 Albemarle Point

RW01eIndex.qxp 11/5/2007 11:55 AM Page 357 Index Abingdon, Virginia, 67, 216 Armstrong, Martin, 158, 293 Aetna Iron Works, 184 Arnold, Benedict, 14, 116, Albemarle Point, 57 148, 250, 322-23 Allaire, Anthony, 221, 230, Arundel (American 237 artillery captain), 49 Alleghenies, 194 Ashley River, 111, 122-24, American Rangers, 220 126, 157 American Volunteers, 132, Atlantic Ocean, 14 152 Attakullakulla (Cherokee Amherst, Jeffrey, 61 chief), 61-62, 66, 77 amusettes, 119 Augusta County Regiment, Appalachian Mountains, 29-31, 268 14, 17, 53, 56, 197, 204, Augusta County, Virginia, 212, 330-31 25, 251 Arbuckle, Matthew, 30, 39, Augusta, Georgia, 79, 88, 42, 50 100, 155, 282 Arbuthnot, Marriott, 113, Augusta Road, 85, 99, 102-3 124-25, 131, 139 Archdale Street (in Charles Bacon’s Bridge, 122, 125 Town), 140 Bahamas, 328 Armagac Battalion, 91 Bailey, William, 37 Armand, Charles, 146, 157, Baird, James, 87 159 Balfour, Nisbet, 156-57, 284 357 RW01eIndex.qxp 11/5/2007 11:55 AM Page 358 358 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR IN THE SOUTHERN BACK COUNTRY Bancroft, George, 176 46, 116, 149, 250, 284, Barbados, 57 288 Barfield, Jesse, 200 Botetourt County, Virginia, Barton, Samuel, 29 25, 29, 31 Battletown (Berryville), Bouquet, Henri, 27, 171 Virginia, 248 Boyd’s Creek, 79, 279 Bearrs, Edwin, 257 Braddock, Edward, 59 Beatties Ford, 10, 277 Braddock, George, 11, 240 Beaufort, South Carolina, Braddock’s Road, 248 89, 91, 93-94, 118 Brandon, Thomas, 180, Beaulieu Plantation, 91 258 Berkeley County, Virginia, Brandywine, Battle of, 207, 26 281 Berkeley, Norborne, 23 Bratton, William, 186 Bermuda, 328 Breach Inlet, 64-65, 198 Bethiny, Baron, 103 Breed’s Hill, 14 Bibby, John, 238 Bretigny (aide to Bickerstaff, Martha, 238 d’Estaing), 90 Bickerstaff’s Plantation, 237 Brigade of Guards, 9, 274, Biggin Bridge, 133 277 Big Lick (Roanoke), Bristol, Tennessee, 213 Virginia, 25 Bristol, Virginia, 76 Bissenegrat (Hessian cap- British Admiralty, 19 tain), 140 British Indian Department, Black Hoof (Shawnee 25, 63 chief), 39 British Legion, 13, 132, Black River, 197 152, 154, 174, 184-85, Blackstocks Plantation, 190, 201, 243, 254, 256, 254, 256 266, 286, 295 Blue Jacket (Shawnee British Legion Dragoons, chief), 39 257, 260, 264 Bono Ferry, 134 Broad River, 194, 219, 237, Boston, Massachusetts, 14, 245-46, 268, 273 RW01eIndex.qxp 11/5/2007 11:55 AM Page 359 Index 359 Broad Street (in Cambray-Digny, Jean, 126 Charleston), 136 Cambridge, Massachusetts, Broughton Street (in 250 Savannah), 88 Camden, South Carolina, Browne, Thomas, 101, 155 143-44, 147-48, 150, Bryan, Morgan, 152, 161, 153, 155-57, 159, 165- 190 68, 172, 180, 182, 189, Bryson, Daniel, 72 191, 193-94, 197-200, Buchanan, John, 48 210-11, 213, 217, 244, Buck Island, 94 266, 282, 285, 290, 294, Buckingham Island Ford, 300 75 Cameron, Alexander, 69, Buffalo Ford, 146 75-77 Buford, Abraham, 174 Cameron, Andrew, 64 Bull, John, 200 Cameron, Colin, 88 Bull Run, Virginia, 215 Campbell, Archibald, 86, Bull Street (in Savannah), 88 92, 112 Bull, William Jr., 61 Campbell, Arthur, 79 Bunker Hill, 99 Campbell, Charles, 188, Burgoyne, John, 15, 29, 193, 216 115, 138, 248, 171, 250, Campbell, William, 29, 318 79, 83, 212, 215, 218, Burnett (American major), 222, 224, 227, 230, 275 233, 237, 293, 296-99, Burr’s Mill, 245 307-8, 317 Butler, John, 292, 299, 302, Campbell, William Jr., 216 304-7 Camp Charlotte, 42, 45, 49 Byrd, William, 61 Camp Union, 30-31, 42 Byron (British admiral), 90 Canada, 14-15 Cape Fear River, 177, 319, Calabria, 63 322 Callasatchee. See Cape Hatterras, 117 Sugartown village Carden, John, 190 RW01eIndex.qxp 11/5/2007 11:55 AM Page 360 360 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR IN THE SOUTHERN BACK COUNTRY Carey’s Fort, 191 131-33, 135, 138-39, Caribbean, 63 141, 144, 146, 150-51, Caribs, 205 153, 155, 157, 168, 173, Carolina Redoubt Hill, 100- 188, 198, 200, 209-10, 2, 104 255, 258, 274, 281, 284- Carrington, Edward, 279 85, 322, 325, 330 Carroll, Thomas, 187 Charles Town, Virginia, Carteret Street (in 248 Beaufort), 89 Charlotte, North Carolina, Carter’s Valley, 66 9, 151, 167, 179-80, 182, Caswell, Richard, 146, 151, 193, 244, 252, 290 159 Charlottesville, Virginia, Catawba River, 9, 191-92, 323 239, 268, 274-75, 277-78 Chatoga village, 73 Catawba Valley, 184-85 Chattanooga, Tennessee, Causton’s Bluff, 108 80 Cedar Shoal Creek, 196, Chasseurs Volontaires de 213 St. Dominique, 91 Cedar Springs, 195 Cheraw, South Carolina, Chad’s Ford, 207 146, 156-57, 199-200, Chambers, Samuel, 219 275, 282 Charles River, 281 Cherokee Ford, 194, 273 Charleston, West Virginia, Cherokee Indians, 25, 53, 31 55-57, 59-63, 65-68, 72- Charles Town Exchange 76, 78-80, 88, 92, 98 Building, 118 Cherokee land, 59 Charles Town Harbor, 123- Cherokee River, 75 24 Cherokee War, 61, 84 Charles Town, South Chesapeake Bay, 47, 116, Carolina, 16, 57, 59, 61, 146 63-65, 68, 70, 81, 85, Chesney, Alexander, 224, 87-88, 108-9, 111-12, 230, 237, 240, 266 115-16, 118, 124-26, Chickamauga Creek, 78 RW01eIndex.qxp 11/5/2007 11:55 AM Page 361 Index 361 Chickamauga villages, 78-79 College of William and Chiksikah (Shawnee chief), Mary, 23, 46 39 Colleton, John, 134 Chilhowee village, 79 Collins, James, 192-93, Chitwood, James, 238 231, 234, 262 Chote village, 61, 75, 79 Combs, John, 251 Christian (British naval Comte de Grasse, Francois captain), 94 Joseph Paul, 323-24 Christian, William, 31, 40, Concord, Massachusetts, 74-77, 214, 216 284 Christophe, Henry, 91 Connolly, John, 24, 44 Chronicle, William, 222, 227 Continental Congress, 14- Citadel hornwork. See Old 15, 116, 147, 149, 167, Royal Work 250-51, 290, 330 Citadel (Quebec prison), Cooper River, 111, 124, 126, 250 126, 130-35 Clarey, Daniel, 195 Cork, Ireland, 170 Clark, George Rogers, 25, Cornstalk (Shawnee chief), 78, 331 22, 32, 34-35, 38-41, 44- Clarke, Elijah, 194-97 45, 49-51 Cleveland, Benjamin, 212, Cornwallis, Charles, 9, 19, 215-16, 226-27, 232, 239 109, 113, 119, 126, Clinch River, 77 134-35, 139-40, 143, Clinton, George, 112 151-57, 159, 161-65, Clinton, Henry, 15-16, 64- 168-72, 175, 179, 182- 65, 109, 112-13, 115, 83, 187, 191, 193-94, 117-18, 122-26, 128, 200-1, 209-11, 217, 130-31, 135, 137-40, 221-23, 234, 239-40, 151, 153-54, 168, 174, 244-45, 256, 268-69, 177, 207, 209, 241, 255, 274-75, 277-79, 281-84, 281, 283, 322-23 286, 291, 295-98, 302- Cochrane, Charles, 133, 210 4, 308-9, 314, 316-19, Coldstream Guards, 285 321-25 RW01eIndex.qxp 11/5/2007 11:55 AM Page 362 362 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR IN THE SOUTHERN BACK COUNTRY Cornwallis, Mary, 281 Dan River, 279, 292, 294, Cowan’s Ford, 9 296 Cow Ford, 192 Dartmouth, Lord, 44 Cowee Mountains, 71 Daufuskie Island, 95 Cowee village, 55, 71-72 Davidson, William Lee, 10, Cowpens, 11, 82-84, 149, 275, 277 155, 222, 241, 246, 251, Davie, William, 182, 189- 254, 257, 259, 268-69, 91, 193 271, 273-75, 282, 285, Davis brothers, 248 291, 293, 299, 306 Davis, Jefferson, 92 Crawford, James, 219, 238 Davis, Sam, 92 Crawley, Elizabeth, 43 de Ayllon, Lucas, 56 Crawley, Samuel, 43 de Crevecoeur, J. Hector Creek Indians, 74, 88 St. John, 330 Cresap, Michael, 149 Deep River, 146-47 Crewe, Richard, 255 Deep River Meeting House, Crooked Creek, 40 297 Cross Creek, 177, 317, De Kalb, Johann, 145-48, 319, 322 159, 164-65, 167, 171 Crows Creek, 60 de la Chaumette, Isaac, Cullasaja village, 72 206 Culloden, Battle of, 177 Delancey’s New York Culpeper County, Virginia, Volunteers, 93, 195 29 Delaware, 152, 251, 311, Cumberland Street (in 324 Charles Town), 140 Delaware Indians, 22 Cunningham, Bill, 83, 259 de Leon, Ponce, 56 Cunningham, Charles, 258 Demere, Raymond, 59 Cunningham, Samuel, 258 Denard’s Ford, 219, 222 Curry, Abigail, 248 de Noailles, Louis Marie, 106 d’Angelelli Hessian regi- De Peyster, Abraham, 221- ment, 141 22, 224, 229-30 RW01eIndex.qxp 11/5/2007 11:55 AM Page 363 Index 363 de Rions, d’Albert, 94 Dunmore County, 26 de Rouvary, Laurent, 91 Dunmore, John Murray, de Sablieses, M., 102 Lord, 21, 23-26, 33-35, de Saint-Simon, Marquis, 41-49 324 Dunmore, Lady, 46 de Soto, Hernando, 56 Dunmore’s War, 21, 45-46, d’Estaing, Charles-Henri, 74, 84, 216 Comte, 85, 90, 92, 96, du Puy, Johannes 98-100, 102-3, 107-9, Christian, 284, 303 112 Deveroux Bank, 118 Eastwood Shoals, 245 de Vimeur, Jean Baptiste Eaton, Thomas, 293, 299, Donatien, Comte de 303-5 Rochambeau, 324-25 Ebenezer Battery, 100-1, Dewitt’s Corner, South 107 Carolina, 77 Ebenezer Road, 101 Dickert rifles, 211, 219 Echoe village, 62 Dillon, Arthur, 91, 103 Edinburgh Castle, 205 Dixon, Henry, 164 Edinburgh, Scotland, 204 Dixon, Jeremiah, 295 Edisto Bay, 255 Doak, Samuel, 218 Edisto Island, 89 Dolly, Quamino, 87 Edmondson, Andrew, 231 Donovan, Edward, 143 Edmondson, Robert, 231 Dorchester, South Edmondson, William, 83, Carolina, 122, 125, 132 226, 231 Dragging Canoe (Cherokee Eighty-first Regiment of chief), 66, 74-80 Foot, 93 Drayton Hall, 126, 157 Elinipsico (son of Drayton Street (in Cornstalk), 39, 50 Savannah), 88 Elizabeth River, 47 Dublin, Ireland, 173 Elizabethtown, North Du-Buyson, Johanne, 165 Carolina, 153, 318 Dunlap (British major), 195 Elk Creek, 30-31, 33 RW01eIndex.qxp 11/5/2007 11:55 AM Page 364 364 THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR IN THE SOUTHERN BACK COUNTRY Elphinstone, George, 113, Fifth Virginia, 292, 312 118, 123, 139 Fincastle County, Virginia, Enoree River, 195, 245 25 Estatoe village, 60, 69 Fincastle Regiment, 31 Etchoe village, 60, 72 Finley, Samuel, 294, 302, Eton College, 281 312 Eutaw Springs, Battle of, First Battalion of Charles 149, 291 Town, 104 Ewald, Johann, 121-22, 126, First Battalion of Guards, 135, 137-39, 140, 153 285, 303, 307-8, 315 First Battalion of the Fallen

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